Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pain After The Removal Of The Gallbladder

At present, approximately 750,000 people will get their gallbladder removed this year in America alone. Thanks to popularity of laparoscopic surgeries, many people think that removing their gallbladder is a simple procedure. Though the procedure itself is not very risky, complications after gallbladder removal surgery affect about 10-15% of patients and it is known as postcholecystectomy syndrome.

Even after perfectly performed surgeries, some people develop post-op symptoms. These symptoms may last for many months, or even years. Such symptoms may include abdominal bloating and discomfort after eating, pain, usually in the right upper part of the abdomen.

There are many potential reasons for pain after gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy). For example, a wide range of nerves branches surrounds the gallbladder. They regulate not only the gallbladder, but also the duodenum, pancreas, stomach. The accidental cutting of these nerves can cause pain, and disrupt the normal work of these organs.

Common problem after surgery is that it disrupts the function of the sphincter of Oddi, the muscle valve between the bile duct, pancreatic duct, and duodenum. If the valve becomes spasmodic, the bile and pancreatic juice cannot be properly eliminated. It is called Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction. The back-up of bile raises the pressure inside the ducts, leading to pain, and can cause severe inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) or bile ducts. Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction can be aggravated by using painkillers, which can lead to spasm of the sphincter.

The Sphincter of Oddi is the muscle valve which regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). The nervous system and special messengers- digestive hormones regulate the proper work of the Sphincter of Oddi.

The Sphincter of Oddi is closed if there is no food in the intestine. At this time, bile is remained in the gallbladder and pancreatic juice is retained in the pancreas. Spasms and blockage of valve may cause back up of the bile and pancreatic juice. If a small amount of bile reaches the pancreatic duct, severe trouble can ensue. Bile activates the digestive enzymes inside the pancreas so these enzymes start to digest their own pancreatic tissue, causing pain, congestion, inflammation (pancreatitis).

Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction can affect people after abdominal surgeries. For example, statistics show that almost 20% of individuals after gallbladder removal have the Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction.

Here are some examples of what can make the Sphincter of Oddi spasmodic:

• Conditions such as mental stress, depression and anxiety
• Irregular eating, fasting, eating on the go or while watching television, dieting, and bad combinations of foods such as eating starches with fatty foods and sugars
• Using alcohol and nicotine, taking some drugs, medication,
• Lower thyroid function or menopause
• Acidic, aggressive, corrosive bile with sand, sludge in it, and more

Usually there are combinations of these factors in predisposed people with sedentary lifestyles overweight, chronic stress. The Standard American Diet, which is consist of processed and acid-forming foods such as sweets, red meat, alcohol, bad fats, white flour increases acidity in the whole body.

The Standard American Diet leads to acidic changes in the bile and pancreatic juice too. The bile is getting acidic and the quantity of bile acids in the bile rises as well. Aggressive bile acids irritate the wall of the Sphincter of Oddi leading to muscle spasms.

3-4 quarts of blend of the pancreatic juice and bile travel throughout the Sphincter of Oddi daily. When they become acidic, these fluids are very "aggressive," corrode and irritate surrounding tissues, mainly the Sphincter of Oddi.

Bile is a vehicle for eliminating of the toxins such as bile pigments, heavy metals, drugs, medications from the body. Bile ducts is often harbor for parasites too. Therefore, is no question that the Sphincter of Oddi is an easy target for irritation and damage.

Gallbladder removal makes people think that "now everything is OK". Unfortunately, surgery does not eliminate the provocative factors but can create Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction.

The most common and prominent symptom of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction is upper abdominal pain. This is often experienced like a sharp pain in the middle of the abdomen or below the right rib cage. Pain can be severe, may bring people to the hospital and require taking the pain medication. However, in large number of cases, pain may be mild and usually does not need painkillers. Pain is accompanied often by bloating, nausea and vomiting and can be worse after consumption of the fatty food or alcohol.

If pain and other symptoms after gallbladder surgery continue non-drug, alternative treatment may be helpful. Alternative medicine for healing of the Sphincter Oddi Dysfunction is widely used in other countries all over the globe.

The healing program of the Sphincter Oddi Dysfunction may include:

• Herbs
• Nutritional Supplementation
• Customized Healing Diet
• Taking healing mineral water prepared from genuine Karlovy Vary spring salt at home
• European Whole Body Cleansing with Colon Hydrotherapy
• Restoration of Friendly Intestinal Flora
• Various style of the Acupuncture
• Chiropractor's adjustment
• Abdominal Massage
• Relaxation, Meditation, Hypnosis, Custom Hypnosis CDs

Alternative and holistic medicine can be used independently or as complementary medicine.

The information contained here is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not to be used to replace the services or instructions of a physician or qualified health care practitioner.

Obsessive-Compulsive Blog - Does Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Cause Migraines?

Believe it or not, OCD and migraines can have a connection!

Here's how it would work. You get anxiety about something which triggers your OCD. When we are anxious, our blood pressure goes up even while at rest. If we are susceptible to migraines which I am, the anxiety from OCD can trigger a migraine.

I have been down this road and I'll be the first to tell you that it's not fun at all, but there are some remedies that I used and they worked very well for me and I imagine that they'll be beneficial to help with your obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms.

When I was diagnosed with migraines, my doctor gave me a prescription for a vasoconstrictor. Basically it causes the veins in the body to constrict which helps to reduce the spams that take place during a migraine.

I went to a chiropractor and I only let them use the machine on my neck, I don't let them crack my neck or back since my neurologist told me a 19 year old girl had a stroke because her chiropractor may have damaged a vein in her neck, so do your own research. However the machine that looks like a tuning fork that they use was beneficial in helping to get the bones aligned. The biggest cure for my migraines was the contour pillow you can buy in most stores. Over the course of a few weeks you can see almost miraculous results and you'll probably never need your dangerous migraine medicine again.

When I was diagnosed with Obsessive compulsive disorder, I was prescribed anti-depressant drugs and all this did was mask the symptoms of my anxiety, which was OCD symptoms. They, of course, didn't work. What worked was using the principles and order that I had discovered through my research.

So there is an indirect connection between migraines and OCD and if you treat both problems correctly, using simple answers that have nothing to do with drugs, you will be free of both!

Take action: Go to a chiropractor that uses a machine to adjust your bones, not the traditional way and see if they can correct any bones that arn't aligned.

Then go to your doctor and find out if there is any physical condition that is making you more susceptible to OCD. If not, use a really good OCD program that can walk you through the steps that it takes to become OCD free. Make sure to find one that you like, otherwise you won't do it and if you don't do it, you won't get better.

Whiplash Symptoms From Sneezing?

Most people have heard of whiplash and think of it as something that is caused in a car accident. And while that is true, there are also other causes of whiplash including a previous neck injury, sport related falls, being pushed or a bad fall.
Even an intense sneeze can result in whiplash!
That's why it's important to know the signs of whiplash which may include:

  • A sudden feeling of stiffness or soreness in the neck

  • Pain between shoulders

  • Difficulty in turning the head from side to side

Because of the pain associated with whiplash, along with the potential for further complication, it's important to consult with a chiropractor following any injury. Any sudden stop of an individual's body that forcefully snaps their head and neck forward, backwards, or sideways can severely injure their neck's soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves, as well as the vertebrae.

In a whiplash injury, supportive soft tissues in the neck are often over-stretched or torn and spinal joints can become misaligned. Misaligned vertebrae, or subluxations, can cause the nerve roots and blood vessels in an individual's neck to become compressed, stretched or irritated. This can interfere with nerve transmission and blood supply to vital body functions.

In addition, the normal curve of the cervical spine is altered and joint motion becomes restricted. As a result, weakened tissues are no longer able to support the vertebrae in its proper position.
Over time, if these subluxations are left untreated, they can cause many health problems such as headaches, backaches, neckpain, arthritis, heart problems, and many others. There is simply no end to the health conditions that can result from a pinched or blocked nerve. Consider this, if the nerve from your brain to your heart was cut the result would be fatal. What if the nerve was pinched or squeezed? What would the result be?
This is why consulting with a chiropractor is so important. Individualized chiropractic adjustments not only can relieve initial pain from an injury, they can also help in the restoration of healthy spinal joint function to prevent future problems.
Because chiropractors are extensively trained, they can help with:

  1. Removal of nerve interference

  2. Breaking down scar tissue from previous injuries

  3. Increasing circulation to enhance healing

  4. Reducing inflammation

Studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments can eliminate or reduce joint pain and restore normal range of motion to specific areas of injury. An Australian study points to the pain associated with whiplash and shows how a chiropractor can help with such situations. The 10-year study found that:

  • Facet joint pain is the definitive cause of chronic head and neck pain in 60 percent of whiplash cases studied

  • 87 percent of patients exhibited a limited range of cervical motion. The two findings suggest that many whiplash injuries respond well to chiropractic care because adjustments are specifically directed at facet joints

  • Case studies have also shown that chiropractic adjustments can eliminate or reduce joint pain and restore range of motion

Chiropractor Care Can Help You Eliminate Aches and Pains

Many people have back pain that they cannot get rid of. Even visits to doctors can sometimes leave such people in pain, as the problem might not be immediately obvious to anyone who is not a specialist. If this describes your situation, it might be time for a visit a Boston North, chiropractor specialist. Chiropractors specialize in taking care of issues related to the musculoskeletal system, which mainly includes the spine. Neck and soft tissue around the spine can also be looked at during an office visit. Since your spine is a major part of your body, you might find that after treatment, you will feel better overall rather than just in the spot where it normally hurts.

Some doctors can recommend a good chiropractor, but the majority of mainstream physicians see chiropractic care as alternative medicine. Many Boston North, chiropractors prefer to look at it as complementary to regular medical care. In general, it is controversial, but that does not stop many people from seeking out this kind of help when nothing else works. If you have been in a car accident recently, you might have anything from throbbing back pain to a dull ache that only occurs occasionally. This is the time to seek out chiropractic care, if you have been to your regular doctor and have not solved the issue. Even if you just suffer from stress, it can wreak havoc on your back, and this kind of medical attention can help.

One of the main techniques that Boston North, chiropractor practice is known for is called spinal manipulation or adjustment. This is an attempt to increase the range of motion in your joints while getting rid of the pain. It often involves pushing your back slightly past the normal range of movement, making sure not to dislocate anything at the same time. Some massaging might help the area, and when the problem is considered fixed, you might hear an audible crack or pop that signifies some release of the muscle's tension. If you have ever seen Boston North, chiropractic care being administered, it looks similar to a massage, but the difference is that there is some science behind it that can heal.

Perhaps you have tried everything to eliminate back pain, to no avail. On the other hand, maybe a chiropractor is the first person you thought of who could reduce the ache. Either way, if you are ready to get rid of major aches and pains brought on by injury or stress; consider visiting a chiropractic office.

Local Chiropractic Marketing Tips That Get New Patients

If you're looking to engage in effective advertising and are a chiropractor, it is imperative that you avail yourself of the power of the internet. Local chiropractic marketing via the world wide web may seem like a contradiction. But, the fact is that far-reaching cyberspace has a huge local impact for small businesses. Today more people in the U.S. get information regarding goods and services from the Internet than from any other source and that includes finding local businesses through search engines such as Google.

Common Methods for Finding New Patients

If you're trying to find new patients, you've probably used various common methods of local chiropractic marketing. For chiropractors traditional approaches include mailers, running ads in newspapers and local magazines and Yellow Page listings. You may have even paid for radio spots or run some commercials on television. Some of these approaches are more effective than others, and they carry various price tags.

With something like mailers, the return is less than 1% and there's a lag time of a good two to four weeks from the time they're mailed to when someone may react to the advertisement. Advertisements in phone books sit all year amongst similar ads. Today many people don't even use their local phone book as the computer or mobile phone has become the chosen method for finding a phone number or business.

The Power of Using the Internet for Local Chiropractic Marketing

Using the internet's power in local marketing for chiropractors is effective for numerous reasons. Along with search engines that can be used to connect you with new patients, various forms of social media, blogs and a company website filled with useful information are a few of the ways to get people interested in your business.

People use the internet primarily to find information and to connect with other people, including businesses. In other words, similar to the phone book, if someone is looking for a chiropractor and they find you through their computer half the battle is won. They are already interested in connecting with a chiropractor. This is not the case with flyers, radio ads, television and most other forms of traditional advertising, which are similar to cold calling techniques.

Other aspects of the Internet that work in favor of local chiropractic marketing include its speed, the amount of information someone can access regarding your business, including phone, website, address and directions and the variety of ways in which you can act as a resource for those potential clients. And many of the methods you may employ in your marketing efforts are inexpensive or free.

Your Patient Base is Internet Based

Those who are in their teens have grown up using the Internet; using it is second nature to them. For those who are between 20 and 50, the net has become an essential tool connecting them to every source of information imaginable, including local businesses. The most powerful tool for local marketing for chiropractors is just a few keystrokes away. Utilizing it is one way to ensure that your practice continues to grow.

When You Become Middle-Aged, You've Got To Take Care of Your Body

Many of us are fortunate enough to have had decent health through the first half of life but eventually we pay for the misuse and inattention to our bodies. What we put in and on our bodies are extraordinarily important. Did you know that hot flashes and hormone fluctuations can often be reduced just by eating a healthy diet? And, that you can sleep better by eating earlier and not eating sweets including ice cream in the evening? How about that old fashioned glass of milk? Calcium is mandatory for muscle relaxation. Relaxation is a necessity for sleep. Did you have charlie-horses with pregnancy? Do you now? That glass of milk will help. It also has protein to help you sleep through the night. If you awaken, eat a few nuts. The blood sugar will level out making it easier to drift back to dreamland.

Youth keeps you feeling good and thinking you have great health but most of us don't think seriously about maintaining it until it ever so slowly begins to slip away. With age taking care of yourself becomes mandatory for most to feel good and live longer.

What is health? My dictionary defines it as physical and mental well-being; freedom from disease. That makes sense but what does it really mean? We have all heard of people who are healthy one day, then dead the next and not because they got run over by a truck. What's the deal with cancer? A seemingly robust person all of a sudden is diagnosed with it. Why does that happen? While physical and mental well-being can be indicators of good health, they clearly are not the whole picture.

Think about two people who eat spoiled food. One gets violently ill with vomiting and diarrhea unable to manage both at the toilet. The other may have a bit of a stomachache that antacids and a few hours on the couch seem to manage. Which one is the healthy individual? Who is retaining toxins in their body and who is dumping it out? Most people don't like being sick but sometimes nature is attempting to bring the body back into homeostasis or balance. Being sick can be healthy.

Holistic and natural healthcare practitioners tend to use herbs, vitamin and mineral supplements and other remedies closely derived from natural sources. They look at the entire person to find out what is not in balance and may incorporate natural medicines as part of the treatment. They also may incorporate chiropractic, energy medicine, acupuncture, massage, nutrition, and other therapeutic methods for the body, mind and spirit. The root cause is addressed rather than the disease process. Why did the disease begin in the first place? What's out of whack?

No matter what the discipline, good medicine should address nutrition. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Everything. Natural and holistic medicine suggests you only eat real, unadulterated food. That pretty much means the organic, fresh, cooked at home variety. As you probably know, processed and most restaurant food is high in salt, sugar, saturated fat, and has been chemicalized for preservation and to make it a prettier color. This is a nightmare for your body to deal with.

With aging some effects of wrong eating such as a sensitive stomach, heartburn, gall bladder removal, diabetes, feeling sluggish, increased allergies, bowel difficulties or stiff joints and arthritis begin. Just remember that whatever you consume has to be digested properly. For that to happen, all the necessary digestive enzymes must either be included in the food itself, which get destroyed by over-processing, or be produced by the various body organs. The stomach has to be acidic enough to digest protein and minerals without which meat will rot causing that feeling of too much acid. The intestines must have good motility and the kidneys must be healthy enough to get rid of the toxic waste quickly. To be healthy the digestive system has to be functioning to absorb the nutrients and to expel the unwanted waste. Even if you don't have any digestive disturbances a broad range of digestive enzymes from the health food store is recommended because after the age of thirty, stomach acid diminishes and few enzymes are left in food after cooking.

The upside of natural and holistic medicine is that there is little toxicity involved whereas, allopathic medicine (western medicine that routinely uses drugs or surgery) does have adverse effects. Drugs, whether over-the-counter or prescribed, have their repercussions. All are toxic. Look in the PDR or watch television advertisements to see for yourself. Anything toxic that goes into the body, which is everything artificial or chemically made, has to be filtered by the liver or kidneys and excreted as waste somehow. That may be fine for awhile if everything in the body is functioning to a high degree, but these days our world is deluged with chemicals. We are subjected to an overwhelming amount of toxins everyday and the less we breathe, absorb or consume the better. But, what happens when someone has genetically weak organs or over the years has bombarded their body with chemical after chemical? The struggle becomes nearly impossible. Illness, cancer or degenerative disease is the result.

For optimal health eat real food and lots of fruits and vegetables. All processed foods including white flour, sugar and the obvious packaged foods should be kept to a minimum. Care for your body more than you do anything else because it houses your mind, keeps you mobile and provides quality of life. The filters can't be changed like in your car or vacuum cleaner. And, you can't go out and buy a new one. Minimize chemicals in and on your body. Change your eating habits and you'll feel better. Acquiring new tastes may take time but for your health, it's worth it. Remember that food is your medicine and that there are better ways to do entertain or comfort yourself than with junk-food. Besides, this is the time of life when joy and fun ought to be filling you. Maximize your pleasure by feeling good and staying healthy. Enjoy yourself. ©2006

Friday, June 14, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Knots In Your Shoulder Or Upper Back Muscle Spasms

Knots in your upper back or shoulder can be really miserable.? They distract from your work and play.? They can be really painful as well as really annoying!

How can you get rid of your knots?? Here's the simple solution.? Just figure out why you have them (the cause) and then get rid of the cause.? (smile)

I'm really not trying to be funny.? Honest!? That actually IS how you can get rid of them.

Here's some background:

Knots are tight areas of muscle.? They are spasms or contractions.? A contraction is a tightening of muscle that doesn't allow normal blood flow.? A muscle contraction or spasm squeezes blood vessels and nerves and causes pain.

There are generally two likely causes of knots in shoulder blades.

1.? You use the muscle that has the knot in it a lot.? It has become used to being contracted (used in a short position) and "forgets" to relax and be long.

2.? You stretch the knotted shoulder muscles a lot.? And the muscle is complaining because it doesn't like being stretched all the time.? It gets a protective muscle contraction to try to keep from being ripped by the stretch.? This usually happens on the side of the hand that you have in front of you most often.

If the knot comes from being contracted the simple fix is to get the circulation--the blood flowing--back into the area.? This can be done with pressure or massage.

If the knot comes from being over-stretched, the fix is a little less simple.? You must figure out what you are doing or why the shoulder muscle is being over-stretched.? Secondly, you must fix it.

It could be tight muscles in the front of your body pulling on your shoulder.? It could be muscles below your shoulder blade that cause knots around your shoulder blade.? It could be the way you sleep or sit or work or drive.

Sometimes a "shot-gun approach" works best in this situation.? When you treat all around the painful knot you just may hit the target muscle(s) that are causing the muscle to contract.

But just blasting away on the knot caused by over-stretching will rarely work.? It's like trying to teach a pig to sing:? It annoys the pig and won't work, anyway.? You might end up quite sore and still have the knot!

Chiropractic Approach for Weight Loss

Excess weight is associated with many health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer, and gallbladder disease. Being overweight can bring you feeling of embarrassment, make you feel uncomfortable, and lower your self-esteem.

Having excess weight is usually caused by excessive food intake and physical strain. While obesity can be developed for other, internal reasons such as a result of the violation as hypothalamic-small but highly important department brain decreased pancreatic secretions and the thyroid glands, adrenal.

Overeating has various causes which include stress, boredom, food or comfort issues and malnutrition. Malnutrition is the most common physical reason for overeating. Your body is getting plenty of calories, but can still be deficient in one or more nutrients. Your body has the tendency to continue the feeling of hunger which makes you keep on eating; trying to obtain the nutrient you are deficient with. Because of it, you get to eat more than you should and put on weight. Most of the people try to lose weight by eating less, but doing so may even bring nutrient deficiency, which only increases their hunger sensation.

The increased deficiency in nutrients causing increased hunger makes it extremely hard for people to simply cut down on the amount of the food they eat which makes the reason why most diets fail. Many studies suggest a multifaceted approach to weight loss which would include behavior modification, nutritional guidance, and physical activity. A chiropractor is very helpful for people who are considering weight loss. Chiropractors offer nutritional guidance which can help patients evaluate their nutritional needs with their current lifestyle.

To achieve weight loss success, evaluating your individual needs should be the first step. In addition, your chiropractor also gives encouragement and advice. Chiropractic strategies for weight loss include spinal manipulation, massage, and nutritional advice.

Studies have shown that spinal manipulation has been effective in weight loss management. Spinal manipulation improves flexibility and takes the pressure off the spinal cord. Aligning the spine helps in the absorption of essential nutrients and distribution of oxygen. If done properly and regularly, you can lose weight gradually with manipulation and chiropractic weight loss exercise combined.

Research shows that massage can have a beneficial effect on the body's muscle-building capabilities and fitness levels, which in turn increases your capacity to control or lose weight. Chiropractic massages can help tone and strengthen your muscles. When your muscles become firm and well-toned, the excess fats in the adipose tissues in your body will be reduced.

The chiropractor will advise you to observe a healthy lifestyle as there would be no drugs, no alcohols and no vices. You'll be advised to get enough sleep, no drinking of coffee and no smoking; but rather, drinking plenty of water and natural fruit juices. Having this lifestyle will help in your weight loss program due to reduction of calorie intake and substitution of nutritious foods.

A body that is flexible, relaxed, and is making better use of its oxygen and nutrients, is far more likely to be successful in a diet and exercise routine. Anything that benefits the overall wellness of your body or mind, will simultaneously prepare you for success in losing weight. While undergoing chiropractic care, you can achieve not only ideal weight, but also healthy mind and body.

Nerve Conduction Therapy and Chiropractic Care

With the rapid changes and new technologies being made every day in the medical community, new therapies are being utilized along with traditional chiropractic care to relieve pain and improve overall wellness. Traditional chiropractic care utilizes manual compression to realign the spine, digital x-rays to locate the sources of irritation and various stretching and massage techniques. Nerve conduction therapy, consisting of the nerve conduction tests designed to measure nerve conduction velocity and the therapies designed to relieve nerve irritation. Used in conjunction with the traditional chiropractic techniques and other therapies non-invasive and long-lasting relief is now a reality.

As previously stated, nerve conduction therapy measures nerve conduction velocity and measures how electrical signals are transmitted in the nerves. Nerves, along with the electrical impulses, control the muscles in the body. This is why nerve irritation in the neck can cause muscles in the neck and back to seize and also pull the spine out of line. Nerve conduction tests can identify actual nerve disorders or locate the place and size of nerve damage. These tests enable the chiropractor to apply techniques to the exact sites of nerve irritation and also to choose the appropriate therapy. Some nerve irritation responds well to massage, as irritation can be caused by the nerve sticking to surrounding tissue. Other times, when the spine becomes misaligned, nerves can become trapped and manual compression is needed to fix the misalignment and free the nerve.

Another type of therapy shown to improve nerve conduction is acupuncture. Acupuncture treats patients by the insertion and manipulations of thin needles in specific parts of the body, depending on the patient's ailment. Long time patients of acupuncture claim that it gets rid of chronic pain, can increase fertility, prevent disease and promote overall health. During the diagnoses process, the acupuncturist will inspect different parts of the body before deciding on a course of treatment. There will be a thorough inspection of the face, particularly the tongue which is believed to contain a map of the entire body and will let the acupuncturist know where to find specific points to manipulate. Questions about bodily functions will be asked and the acupuncturist will listen to you breathe, focusing on any wheezing or abnormalities. An inspection will also be taken of all the pulse points of the body including the three radial artery points of the arm that are thought to correspond to the internal organs.

When nerve conduction tests are used and combined with catered therapies, long-term pain relief and wellness can become a reality.

Why Should Your Children See a Chiropractor?

According to recent studies performed by medical researchers and pediatricians, children today may be the first generation to not outlive their parents. With diseases that were normally reserved for adults, we now have children with Type II Diabetes, Heart Disease and skyrocketing cancer rates.

Among the causes for such conditions includes the litter seen in almost every American household: candy wrappers, empty fast food bags, plastic juice bottles and aluminum soda cans, hours of TV and a silence in the streets where kids used to play. Yes, we currently may be living with the first generation of American kids who will be less healthy than their parents and potentially not outlive them.

In just 20 short years, children have become twice as large as their parents at the same age. More than a third of American children are overweight. Asthma is skyrocketing and suicide is one the leading causes of death in the United States. Although our kids are popping ADD/ADHD medications left and right- they still seem to be suffering from attention issues, depression and malnutrition.

But there is a small percentage of children who seem to be immune from this westernized, industrialized lack of health phenomena. Interestingly enough this small percentage of children who are maintaining their health consist of a group of kids who do something in common: receive chiropractic care.

According to recent studies, chiropractic care improved the overall health status and quality of life in children who received treatment when compared to children who were not under care. Kids getting chiropractic adjustments reported less instances of flu like symptoms, ear infections, asthma, complications of obesity as well as an overall higher sense of well being.

The current theory behind this phenomena consists of protecting one of the most vital organ systems in your body: the human nervous system. The nervous system is protected by the skull and spinal column. This is why preventing spine decay or taking care of your spine is one of the most important concepts for you to understand. If your spinal column is healthy, then your spinal cord must be healthy. However, if your spinal column is mis-aligned or worse, degenerated, then your spinal cord will become diseased and degenerated.

Today we have the means to detect, prevent and even restore normal spinal function of the column and vertebrae. However, just like any form of care, early detection equals maximum medical improvement.

Tips for Selecting a Chiropractor

Chiropractic manipulation has become extremely popular in the recent years especially for pain relief as it does not depend on any medications or surgical methods. The task of selecting a good chiropractor can be a little difficult because this medical specialty is based on specific practice philosophies and treatment techniques. These are a few points to be kept in mind while looking for the best chiropractic physician to ensure that right diagnosis and treatment is prescribed for you.

One of the best places to seek advice and recommendations about chiropractors is at your physician's clinic. He will be able to suggest some names of competent and experienced chiropractic doctors who can treat your condition effectively. You could also ask for recommendations to friends, family, colleagues and neighbors especially those who have visited a chiropractic physician lately. An important thing to keep in mind is that one person's opinion about a particular doctor may not be the same as another's. So the best thing would be to get multiple references for the same doctor which will give you an idea of the competency of the chiropractic.

Another important point to be kept in mind is the problem for which you are seeking consultation. You can visit any general chiropractor if you are suffering from a common condition but if your problem is rare or requires a particular type of technique, then make sure that you find out if the chiropractic physician has considerable experience in this field. Find out more about the skills, qualifications and the style of treatment before you make a consultation. The best way to do this would be to make a telephonic appointment and get all the details from the receptionist or the doctor himself and then seek treatment.

There are different types of treatment involved in chiropractic; some doctors use their hands and body while others may use specialized equipment for the same. Some may have a stronger and deeper style of adjustments while others may prefer to use a lighter touch. Some patients may prefer a 'joint popping' adjustment method while others prefer lighter touch methods. So it is important that you seek out a physician who can cater to your specific needs. Before starting treatment, you can consult the chiropractor and get more details regarding his style of treatment. A one to one consultation about your condition with the doctor will also help you understand if you are comfortable with the chiropractic and his techniques.

Be wary of chiropractors who promise certain 'special' techniques that only he or she can provide and cannot be obtained from any other physician. It is always better to take the tried and tested route of treatment rather than opt for something new unless you are ready to take the risk. If the chiropractic physician starts to make tall claims that he can cure chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes etc. it may be wise to think twice before approaching the same person for treatment. It is also best to avoid chiropractic doctors who advise long periods of treatment like two to three years.

A Licensed Chiropractor Career - How to Become a Licensed Chiropractor

Today the alternative health care services have been on high demand and many people are looking for such services as the solution to their medical problems. This has greatly increased competition in the field which has in turn led to the emergence of many schools offering Chiropractic courses.

Several colleges today offer chiropractic therapy as a degree distinction though the entry requirements are different for different schools. A chiropractor must be a highly trained individual who understands his field very well therefore he must go through an intense and a specific training to be able to handle his duties as a licensed chiropractic doctor.

A qualified chiropractic doctor has the initials D.C to their name. These initials mean Doctor of chiropractic. But before you are considered as a professional and begin to offer treatments in this field, you must first of all put in the years of study and attain a license. Here are the 4 steps to become a licensed chiropractor:

1) A chiropractic student must first of all attain a bachelor's degree. It is always advised that you select the undergraduate course work, as it will help you in your mission of becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic. In order to meet you objectives in this field, you can select from biology, social science, anatomy, chemistry and physiology.

2) Apart from the bachelor's degree, a student can also apply for a college since there are several colleges that offer chiropractic courses today. The college must first of all go through your GPA and your coursework as well in order to see whether you are qualified enough for the course. Since the schools for chiropractor are many today, it is advised that you select the best school which has a conducive environment for study.

3) For you to become successful in chiropractic field, you must attend four years of thorough schooling that will prepare you for your future career. These four years are meant to lay a foundation and must be a combination of extensive academic work in related areas such as in chemistry, laboratory work, anatomy, biology, physiology and in microbiology. It must also include experience in that; you must spend some of your time with the patients as you practice.

4) After the four years of study, you must be tested before license is issued. The test must be administered by the national board of Chiropractic examiners. This test always has four sections and for you to get a license, you must pass them all.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Diagnostic Testing for Neuropathy

Numerous diagnostic tests are available for evaluation of neuropathies. The main aim of these diagnostic tests is to assess the degree of nerve damage and ascertain its cause. Various types of diagnostic tests are used in evaluation of neuropathies and the most notable being the electrodiagnostic studies, nerve biopsies and various lab tests.

Nerve Conduction Studies and Needle Electromyography together comprise the electrodiagnostic studies. These studies often provide important diagnostic clues to the specific cause of neuropathy. Nerve conduction studies can differentiate between neuropathy due to degeneration of nerve axons and the neuropathy due to segmental demyelination. Nerve conduction studies also elucidate exact extent and degree of involvement of various nerves and whether any specific subsets of nerves are involved or not. In Needle Electromyography, the electrical activities of voluntary muscles are recorded and studied for any abnormality. Unlike nerve conduction studies, the electromyography studies may be also abnormal in diseases of muscles.

Numerous methods are used to assess the involvement of the autonomic nervous system. Such studies include recording of changes in heart rate with deep breathing, changes in heart rate and blood pressure when performing Valsalva maneuver (attempting to exhale air out of the lungs while keeping the airways closed), changes in blood pressure when standing up from a lying down position and many others. Sometimes, the NCS may be normal while subtle hints to the diagnosis might be provided by these studies.

Various laboratory tests can also provide important clues to the cause of neuropathy. Patients with neuropathy are always evaluated for diabetes mellitus. The lab tests done for diabetes are Fasting Blood Glucose and Glycated Hemoglobin levels in the blood, and an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test if these two are normal. A 'heavy-metal screen' is also available and is done when there are clinical findings or history suggestive of possible exposure to heavy metals like lead, arsenic, thallium etc. In certain diseases, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, for example, lumbar puncture is done and the cerebrospinal fluid so obtained is analyzed for abnormalities. Other than these, routine evaluation with complete blood count, basic chemistries (including serum electrolytes), urinalysis, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Rheumatoid Factor, Antinuclear Antibodies and tests to assess the function of kidney, thyroid and liver are also done. Levels of Vitamin B12 and Folate are measured to check if neuropathy is due to deficiency of these.

Various auto-antibody panels are available for quick screening in neuropathy patients, but they have no proven additional advantage over complete clinical examination and electrodiagnostic studies.

Nerve Biopsies are rarely needed and are only used when nerve conduction studies are abnormal. Nowadays, the nerve biopsies are done when there is suspicion of certain specific disease like amyloid neuropathy or vasculitis. The nerve most commonly used is sural nerve (present in lower limb). Very rarely, sometimes skin biopsy is also done if small-fiber neuropathy is suspected.

The Causes of and Cures For Cartilage Damage in Joints

When there is no balance between destruction and construction, the cartilage lining the joints becomes eroded and the cartilage can become thin, the lubricating fluid around the joint can be lost, which will cause the cartilage to become dry and eventually wear away.

Cartilage is the connective tissue that exists in many of the joints in the body including the shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles and more. Cartilage is much more rigid than muscles or ligaments but is more flexible than bone. Cartilage does not cover the entire end of the bones in the joint, but exists only at the points of contact. This is why when there is damage to the cartilage, joints don't move as smoothly. The grinding feeling that this creates can be very painful and is actually the joint wearing down. Over time this can lead to a whole host of problems, including arthritis or facilitating the need for joint replacement surgery.

It is possible to reverse damage to cartilage in joints, but unlike muscle, cartilage contains no blood vessels, which means that it takes a much longer period of time for damage to repair itself.

There are a number of reasons that cartilage erodes. One of the most common reasons is aging. Over time, cartilage simply wears out. This is one of the primary reasons that the elderly often require joint replacement surgery.

Cartilage damage can occur in the spine as well, as a result of an injury such as a car accident or from misalignment of other joints. For instance, if hip joints are out of alignment, it can cause pressure on spinal discs. This can, over time, cause cartilage to deteriorate.

People involved in sports like running, tennis, or martial arts are particularly susceptible to cartilage damage due to the increased impact on the joints. Over time this will cause the joints to wear down even more quickly than most. This is a large part of the reason that many professional athlete's careers end before they reach the age of 40.

Often the most common form of treatment is anti-inflammatory medications. However this doesn't really treat the problem, it just masks the symptoms. This is a very common problem with what most people call "conventional" medicine.

One of the best ways to maintain balance is to visit a chiropractor regularly. A chiropractor can manipulate the joints in the body to relieve undue pressure that can cause cartilage damage.

Drugs and nutrition do not treat the cartilage damage; they only treat pain and inflammation. This can cause acidity to the stomach. This acidity finds it's way into the body and the joint and can actually make the inflammation and pain worse, not better.

Some exercise is actually helpful to treating cartilage damage. Things like yoga, tai chi, or swimming are a great way to strengthen muscles and ligaments and maintain good overall health, but without the stress on joints, which will allow the cartilage to heal without further damage. To help rebuild the cartilage in the joints it is recommended to take daily1 teaspoon of Gelatin and melt it in a 1 / 2 cup water or juice and drink. This will help lubricate the damaged joint and prevent further damage, thus allowing the cartilage to heal naturally. Even if you are recovering from joint surgery, this drink will help your rehabilitation. Gelatin is a substance that naturally occurs in the joints in the body and it aids in joint lubrication and cartilage formation.

There are also essential oils that can be used to treat pain and inflammation. Although the treatment can take between 3 months to 6 months, the results are much more effective.

The above is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition, and is not a recommendation for any treatment.

What Should One Look For When You Try to Find a Chiropractor?

When you try to find a chiropractor, there are various things you should look into before selecting any one. In this article I shall discuss the criteria for selection of chiropractors.


When you try to find a chiropractor, always look out for those who will try to advocate various kinds of neck manipulations to realign or balance the spine. But the problem in actuality, in most cases, lies elsewhere and far away from the neck. Avoid these types of chiropractors at all costs. Do you have any idea what will happen if you land up with a fatal injury in your neck region, thanks to an inexperienced and unskilled chiropractor who is at best a quack?

# 2

Don't choose those chiropractors who prefer spinal manipulations to the more conservative types of treatments. Always remember, there is greater risk of injuries, sometimes of the fatal types, with radical manipulations involving sudden movements and an inexperienced chiropractor possessing no skill as such can maim you for life.

# 3

If you have a health problem, contact a competent medical practitioner and get yourself checked by him. If he recommends a particular chiropractor for your case, only then should you show yourself to that chiropractor and it is possible to trust a chiropractor recommended by your doctor. You should never visit a chiropractor instead of a doctor the first time you develop a complication.

# 4

For diagnosis of a health complication, you should never rely on a chiropractor, of all people. To safeguard your health, always get yourself treated by a chiropractor in conjunction with a certified doctor, even if the chiropractor knows enough to bypass difficulties of diagnosis. An ordinary consumer will find it very difficult to determine on his own which chiropractor is competent and who isn't.

# 5

Apart from chiropractors, there are other professionals who can offer you relief from different kinds of musculoskeletal conditions and back pain through manipulative therapy. They are osteopathic physicians and physical therapists or physiotherapists who can offer you this same relief.

# 6

Just now I told you that you should use your doctor's recommendations to choose a good chiropractor. I think you should take a second and a third opinion as well and go for a chiropractor who has been recommended by multiple doctors.

# 7

You also need to find out the method in which the chiropractor practices. For that, it is best to request an office consultation or conduct a telephone interview before you start off the treatment. This will help you to find a chiropractor and assess his skills, styles and qualifications.

Horse Training - 5 Reasons Your New Horse Is Behaving Badly and What You Can Do To Improve It Now

Q. I bought a 9 year old mare about two weeks ago. She was backed at the age of 4 and didn't do much until recently when she was ridden bareback across the fields to help gather a herd of horses. When she first came to the farm she was great. She seemed to be very confident and forward going. She only spooked a bit when a car suddenly appeared from around a corner - but nothing bad. I ride her out 1 or 2 times a week with another horse and then 1 or 2 days in the arena. But in the last two days she hasn't been herself. She is in good health so I don't think it is a physical problem. I have never been able to get on from the ground so need a leg up. But she just won't stand still. She walks off and even swings her bum out away from me so I have a fight to try and get up. When I am eventually up I can feel that she's on edge and ready to go. So I have to hold her back a little. She won't halt when I ask for it either. If I lightly pull on the reins she will get annoyed and walk backwards or in circles. I don't know whats happened. I would really appreciate any advice.

A. It is not uncommon for behavioural and training issues to appear shortly after purchasing a new horse and bringing her to a new home. Here are five tips to help you and your horse start building a positive relationship from the start.

1) Behaviour is Communication - The only way your horse can communicate is through her behaviour. If she is demonstrating behaviours that you don't like, don't assume she is just being "naughty". Pay attention to her behaviour to understand how she is feeling. A horse who does not want to be caught in the paddock needs to develop more trust before coming willingly to greet you at the gate. A horse who does not want to stand to be mounted may be feeling pain from ill-fitting tack or is uncomfortable with how she is being ridden. A horse who doesn't want to stand still is stressed and, as a flight animal, needs to move. Take the time to figure out the reason (the cause) for your horse's behaviour rather than simply trying to "fix" the symptom. When you address the cause, the symptom will go away as a result.

2) Adjustment Time - Your new horse has been taken away from everything that was familiar to her and now has to adjust to a new environment, a new routine, a new herd and new people. Imagine how you would feel in a similar situation. It's important to give her some time to settle in and become comfortable with all the changes in her life. You can help her by just spending time with her so that you can get to know each other as you start to build a relationship and develop mutual trust. Get to know your new horse from the ground up by grooming her, hand grazing her, lunging her and just hanging out with her for a few days.

3) Tack Check - Getting to know your horse from the ground up for the first few days is the perfect time to check that your tack fits properly and is good condition. Saddles and bits are not "one size fits all". Physical pain or discomfort from ill-fitting tack, dental problems, muscle or joint soreness, or a chiropractic issue cause behavioural and training problems. Some of these physical problems may not be apparent in a routine vet exam. An equine sports therapist, massage therapist or chiropractor can identify problem areas, if there are any. A professional saddle fitter can give you an assessment of your saddle fit, make adjustments to your saddle or help you find a saddle that fits properly. The cost of hiring any one of these professionals (usually less than $100) is a small investment to ensure your horse is comfortable and will not have a behavioural problems due to pain down the road.

Make sure your bridle and bit also fit correctly. A brow band that is too small will pinch and put pressure on the sensitive area at the base of the ears. The bit must be the correct width and shape so that it does not pinch the sides of her mouth or her tongue. If she shows signs that she is uncomfortable with the bit or with contact (ie. she has a busy or "hard" mouth), have your vet give her a thorough dental exam to ensure her teeth are in good condition.

4) Training Review - A horse that has been ridden for years can still be "green" depending on the level of training she received. If she has not been given a good foundation, there will be gaps in her training that may not have been apparent when you did your test ride before buying her. If your horse has only ever been ridden by one or two people or only by experienced riders, she may have difficulty understanding your cues and become confused. The more sensitive the horse is, the more she will be affected by even a small amount of tension, stiffness, imbalance or crookedness in the rider. Have your first few rides in an arena or pen and take your riding slowly and calmly. Make sure she understands your cues and pay attention to any subtle signs that she is feeling stressed or uncomfortable. Only when you are sure that your communication is working - both ways - should you increase what you are asking of her.

5) Professional Help - Even Olympic level riders receive some coaching occasionally. Take lessons with an experienced coach/trainer as often as you can. If there are no coaches available in your area, check online for coaches who travel or offer video lessons; travel to a coach who offers private training at their own facility; or, participate in clinics that focus on horsemanship skills or your specific discipline. Having "eyes on the ground" - even occasionally - gives you feedback on how you and your horse are progressing together. If you are dealing with a training problem you don't know how to resolve, getting help from an experienced trainer who can help determine the root cause of your mare's behaviour and then work with both of you to resolve it and prevent it from getting worse. It always takes longer to "unlearn" a behaviour or habit than it does to teach a new behaviour.

By taking as much time as is necessary to develop mutual trust, respect and confidence with your new horse, and ensuring she feels safe, secure and comfortable in all aspects of her new life, you will be rewarded with a willing, trusting, and confident partner.

Beating Back Pain Without Painkillers

Back pain sufferers have been conditioned to believe that having back pain is a part of the aging process and all you can do is take painkillers and "deal with it". The good news is there is a way for a person to beat their back pain without using painkillers, all they need to do is find a local chiropractor who can treat their condition.

There are many clinics that are offering these chiropractic services but most of us have never visited a chiropractor because they do not advertise aggressively like other medical professionals do. What makes the chiropractor distinct is unlike other medical professionals these doctors rely on their techniques to treat back pain and never use drugs.

When you book an appointment with a local chiropractor the first thing you must do is complete a series of medical forms. The chiropractor is going to look over all of the details to better understand your overall health. After the doctor has reviewed the medical forms they will order X-rays just to make sure your back does not have any more damage than what has already been diagnosed.

Once the chiropractor has determined what is the cause of your back pain they will then discuss with you the treatment process. The doctor will be using chiropractic techniques which will alleviate some of the pain being felt. These techniques will increase the circulation to your spine which promotes healing. You are going to feel much better after the first treatment but it will take many additional treatments before your condition is completely addressed.

The great benefit is never having to use any painkillers, to fully appreciate the benefits of going to a chiropractor you need to look at the risks associated with painkillers. Pain helps warn us there is something wrong with the body so using painkillers that suppress the immune system increases the risk of you injuring your back even more.

There will be side effects to using these painkillers, some people become addicted to them which poses it own series of challenges. The last drawback to using painkillers is the financial cost which can be considerable if a person uses these drugs over a long period of time.

When you go to a local chiropractor you do not have to worry about any side effects and with multiple treatments you can say goodbye to your back pain once and for all.

The Importance of Having a Good Chiropractic Business Plan to Aspiring Chiropractors

Starting a chiropractic business these days requires a significant amount of introspection and due diligence research. There are factors unique to chiropractic business that need to be addressed in order to have a successful, profitable chiropractic practice.

What the general public doesn't realize is that practically all chiropractic clinics are small, private businesses. The business is financed entirely by the owner, and its success hinges on the abilities of that single owner. You must be clear on this fact and be ready and willing to do the things that are necessary to start a business, and the most fundamental thing is willing to take the financial risk.

The first thing an aspiring chiropractor should do is take a survey of established chiropractors in his community. Ask politely if you can meet with the owner for about 15 minutes and talk about chiropractic. Say that you are contemplating applying for chiropractic school but need to do some research into the field before making a decision. Alternatively, you can request a phone meeting if the chiropractor is too busy. But, it is best to do these things in the chiropractor's office so you can get a better sense of the business. You should do at least five of these meetings because there are so many approaches to chiropractic, and it's best to get exposure to several chiropractic business models in order to form an accurate assessment of the field.

Chiropractic is an attractive career because it involves helping people. Many people find this appealing because it increases job satisfaction. On top of that, chiropractors treat without medicine prescriptions and surgery, another positive aspect.

Chiropractic schools will impress upon their students that there is a strong need for health care providers to educate the public on an alternative model of health, and that is, to improve the condition of the spine and nervous system in order to allow the body's natural ability to heal itself. The message is eloquent and passionate and motivates chiropractic students to assume a sort of personal mission to help the public. However, it is important for this enthusiasm to be tempered by the realities of being a soon-to-be small business owner.

A chiropractic school graduate who attempts to start a large overhead office from the start will have to be able to make her business loan payments, as well as her chiropractic student loan payments. This can amount to $2,000 or more a month. And this doesn't include the operating expenses of the chiropractic business, which can exceed $10,000 per month quite easily. The smart way to get started is to start a low overhead practice (less than $1,500 per month rent and operating expenses) and expand only when you have the necessary cash flow and a patient volume that justifies a bigger office. There are strategies to doing this that involve patient education, technology tools, and systems.

There is a new guide called Chiropractic Business Plan: How to start a low overhead, high profit margin chiropractic business. It details all the insider techniques that can be used to generate the same income level as a much larger office, using only 1/7th the expenses. It advocates a lower stress, scalable practice model that centers on personalized service. For more information, visit

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

IBS and Back Pain: Possibly Steps Toward Relief

It has been quite some time since I last addressed the issue of IBS and back or lower back pain. But due to the overwhelming readership the articles I have published have gotten and the amount of reader emails I have received I feel it is time once again to address the issue and hopefully bring some notoriety to the subject. My findings over the last few years have been most enlightening.

I have long been a proponent that in some cases IBS is, or at least seems to be directly linked to spinal injury or damage. In my case it seems that way, as it does for hundreds of others who have written me, telling their stories in emails.

I want to personally thank all those that took the time to dig and find my email address. I have to admit that I usually have not made it easy. So those that did actually get an email through, and there have been many, I know had to expend some effort to actually find the email address.

Recently I got an email from a Retired Navy Master Chief who recently read my article on "Lower Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome" It is because of him, I guess that I have since been prompted to get off my keester and publish something. His story is much like my own, in fact the only difference I see in his story and my own are possibly the manner in which his back injury was delivered and our occupations.

The more email that I receive from people telling me very similar stories about their experiences with Irritable Bowel Syndrome; the more I am convinced that there is a definite link between back/neck or spinal injury and the onset of IBS.

It goes without saying that nerves that control gut operations get to and from the brain via the spinal column. So it only stands to reason that any amount of damage to those nerve corridors, conductors and conduits could and most probably do have an effect on the overall digestive system operation. It also stands to reason the worse the injury or disruption of nerve impulses to the gut, the worse IBS symptoms could or will possibly be.

I am not a doctor or spinal specialist, nor do I profess to have any knowledge but that which I personally have acquired during my own long battle with IBS, and from the accumulated knowledge of being able to compare stories sent to me by hundreds of other IBS sufferers.

There is something that I feel I must mention that I find quite profound. I have been writing and publishing in one manner or another about IBS for about 10 years now, maybe more. It was not until I published about my own observations regarding my conclusion that there was a correlation between my own spinal injury and IBS that things seemed heat up.

Once I published the first article where I suggested the connection between back pain or spinal injury and IBS, I started to get emails from many other Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferers. Like I said, they had to dig to find my email address and be able to send me their stories, yet they did. This tells me that there has to be more than my own observation and speculation involved here.

Since the time of the first article where I asserted that there was a connection between back pain and IBS, I have received hundreds of emails from readers that were moved enough to actually take the time to tell their stories. After reading their stories, I was saddened as there was nothing I could tell them at the time that would help them. For most to whom I replied, my main suggestion was to demand that their primary caregiver at least consider the plausibility of the connection between spinal injury and IBS.

I know from my own personal experience with over 7 doctors that for them to consider something that isn't currently in their neatly categorized and cataloged list of symptoms and solutions, it is almost impossible to get them to consider anything else as a possible cause. Heaven forbid that a layperson should be able to tell a "doctor" anything. I have to admit that I only broached the subject with three physicians, and the result was less than hopeful.

Each one took a note, or supposedly took a note of what I had to say, and promptly moved on to the IBS play book. I call it that because all doctors seem to have the same mentality when it comes to IBS The only way to diagnose it is to go from test A to test B and then C and so on and on regardless of the results, regardless of how much of your money they spend on tests, tests that had they actually read your history they would have known had been done over and over already.

Until I got my last email from a reader I had almost given up hope that the medical profession would even consider the theory of spinal injury in relation to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. And I quote from the Master Chief's email, "Like you I've experienced the same symptoms for almost 15 years now. One of my PAs over the past two years introduced the thought that my problem was the result of some physical trauma." Personally I find this to be astounding, the first time I have ever encountered a person in the medical profession that would even consider such a thing. Granted the person was only a PA (physician's assistant) but it's a start. The Master Chief had previously outlined to me an accident he had been involved in many years earlier which involved a head injury, but from his description could have easily involved a spinal injury as well that may have gone undetected. Who can say for sure?

He goes on to give a brief history of his condition and then at the end of his email he says something I feel is indicative of not only my own experience, but also those of almost everyone who took the time to email me their stories. And again I quote" I've had three Colonoscopies in the past ten years with nothing found. I've done my best investigation to identify my "trigger" by taking certain foods (dairy, caffeine, breads, sugars, etc.) out of my diet to no avail. Right now I'm taking Align, which seems to help, but in no way makes life normal. I'm only 48 and I keep telling myself that I'm not supposed to feel this way at my age. I keep looking for the "silver bullet", something that will make everything all right- don't we all though."

His story could just as easily be my story, and the sad fact is I don't have any hard evidence which I can point to as progress in the right direction for IBS suffers. What I do have is a few more years of experience battling the beast. And during that time I have discovered some things for myself that have actually seemed to help me, and I stress" me". What I am about to impart is what I have done that has helped me battle IBS and made my life somewhat better over the last few years since I started publishing about back pain and IBS.

My "brand" of IBS and its cycle in my life has the typical symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Things such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating abdominal pain and most of the other classic symptoms, but there never seemed to be a set pattern, and there was no way to tell which symptoms would occur. For me IBS seems to be a type of cyclic happening. Actually coming to that conclusion took me almost 20 years to figure out. Not because I am stupid, but because my back injury transformed over those number of years.

To make a long story short, I had a very bad back injury when I was a young man. At the time I was told that my only options were one, spinal fusion of L1, L2 and L3. After finding out what that would actually mean as far as mobility was concerned, I decided to go with option 2 which was to let nature take its course and see if things would heal on their own to a manageable condition.

After about a year of recuperation, I did get better. I went back to work and only had occasional problems with my back for about 15 years. Then things seemed to get worse with my back. During the 15 year period I had continued problems with Irritable Bowel Syndrome that was contributed to a gallbladder issue but never acute enough to be operable until way late in the game. That's for another article and not actually relative to the findings and conclusions I intend to draw attention to here.

As my back seemed to worsen, I began to take Ibuprofen to control the pain because it worked. I finally went to a spinal specialist who diagnosed me with Spinal Stenosis, as well as having severe degradation of the lower lumbar vertebra. Nothing I had not expected, but also not much they could do.

I was able to manage my back pain so well with continued Ibuprofen use that I didn't think about it much for quite some time. What did bother me was the increase in the symptoms of IBS. They got worse and worse and seemed to be more frequent. Instead of having symptoms that came on and lasted a few days maybe once or twice a month I now had symptoms that lasted weeks, sometimes a month or more with no relief. It really wasn't easy to identify the cycle. Because the way it happened for me, it was hard to associate the two.

I would start to notice a change in my bowel movements over a period of several days which was something I had long experienced. It might be constipation or it might be diarrhea, there was never really any pattern there. But there came a point a few years ago, that my back would cause me problems enough that I would take as many as 4 200mg tabs of Ibuprofen as often as every 4 or 6 hours because the pain was getting that bad. So now I am dealing with back pain and IBS in a much more noticeable fashion.

It took me a long time to notice that when the IBS started to rear its head, that shortly after, meaning 2 to 4 days after the IBS started up, I would have a bad episode of back pain. I would take more pain medication. My back pain would get better, my IBS would get worse. After maybe a of week of taking things easy, my back pain would settle down and later on my IBS would begin to mellow out. That is if I didn't go and do something to irritate my back again, then the IBS wouldn't let up until the back pain eased up again. And thus I associated finally a causation with my symptoms.

When the though actually occurred to me that the two things, back pain and IBS were related, I set out to prove it if to no one other than myself. I quite taking the ibuprofen altogether, instead when the pain would start I would mark that indeed the IBS symptoms had preceded the back pain. I noted that as the back pain got worst so did the IBS. Now the issue was how to treat the back pain without making the IBS symptoms even harsher.

My provisional solution was to try chiropractic's. So for a time, when I would feel the Irritable Bowel symptoms coming on, I would go see my chiropractor. By doing a lower back manipulation or sciatic relief procedure, the inflammation in my lower back would be relieved, thus the pain would go away for however long, and the IBS symptoms got better.

So for me this is what I believe has been occurring on a semi regular basis. Through normal everyday work and movement the joints in my back would become inflamed, including the many years before the pain got to the point of needing regular management. Even though there was surely inflammation in the early years, the pain was negligible or possibly even imperceptible. Let's face it; we all deal with a certain amount of pain to some degree or another in our lives. My pain was such that I could do little or nothing about it, and had the ability to ignore or accept it.

My GI tract on the other hand, I believe was more perceptive of the inflammation. So my theory is such that when the inflammation starts, nerves that control the entire GI tract are affected in so much as the signals to and from the brain via the spinal cord are either suppressed or strangled off at times. As the inflammation subsides, the nerve signals once again are able to connect properly and the Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms begin to diminish.

As for the fact that the IBS became worse with prolonged use of ibuprofen is an easy concept to understand. Look at all the reports of stomach ulcers and bleeding caused by ibuprofen. Continued use served to exacerbate an already inflammatory condition in the gut.

So for now this is my solution. No NSAID products of any kind if it can be helped. Narcotics and I don't mix well so even though I don't like the risks of acetaminophen products, they unfortunately have to play a small role. My back pain is managed almost entirely by chiropractic and muscle manipulation now and my IBS is markedly better.

Is it a total cure? Absolutely not, but if I had to put a percentage on how much better it is I would have to say 65 to 70% better. And yes the IBS symptoms still occur prior to my back pain onset. And because I am a rather stubborn person, I always wait to see that my back does or will actually require manipulation before I go have it done. And on occasion, about 1 out of every 4 episodes of IBS, there will be no back pain and the symptoms will subside in a day or two.

Is this to say that there is a deeper rooted causation for my particular Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptomology? I cannot say with any certainty. But I do believe that the majority of the time it is directly related to my ongoing problems with my spine. And it may be that even though there is no perceptible back pain for the small amount of times that the symptoms occur without the back pain, that the inflammation is indeed still the root cause. Even having said that, I never go in for manipulation right away when the IBS symptoms begin, I always wait for the back pain begins or get to a moderate level.

Stubborn also translate into cheap. I don't like paying for those $80 to $120 visits to the chiropractor. So how long I suffer with the recurring symptoms each time is relative to the amount of money I have, or am willing to part with and how quickly I am willing to do it. Insurance only goes so far.

The conclusion I have come to for myself. And I cannot stress enough that every case is going to be different. But for myself, I am certain that my back injury plays a major role in my Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I am further convinced that the taking of NSAID pain relievers made my condition even worse.

I further conclude that by finding alternative methods to control pain such as chiropractic manipulation and muscle massage, I have been able to significantly decrease the severity and also the frequency of my IBS symptoms.

So, it might be worth your while to investigate for yourself these things I have talked about in connection with your own IBS symptoms. I have no affiliation with any chiropractic association or massage therapy entity that would compel me or compensate me for stating the things I have. Even if you don't feel you have a spinal injury or condition where by inflammation of the spine might be occurring, it might not hurt to seek out a local chiropractor and have an exam or just go in for a through manipulation and judge for yourself the results.

Keep in mind that for many years I had pain that I was able to almost totally ignore. We train ourselves to live with pain, not that it's what we should be doing, but it happens. So it might be possible that others who have IBS also have ignored back, spine or neck pain that could be a contributing factor in the Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms that are exhibited in their particular "brand" of IBS.

I do not contend that the information that I have given about what has been helpful for me will be the solution for everyone or for anyone for that matter. But I do think it's important to keep up a dialog of sorts to keep hope alive. If you have suffered long with the symptoms, you know own too well how hard it is to find any kind of practical medical support and how little hope that the medical profession has given us as far as any type of cognitive answers regarding causation or subsistence of symptoms.

My hope is that the information will lead other IBS surfers to reexamine their own "brand" of IBS and possibly follow a loosely carved path to find at least some relief. Further I would not try to assert that my symptoms are completely gone, nor do I conclude that all of my IBS symptoms are related to my spinal condition. But to me, the evidence is too compelling for me not to concede that my IBS is at least moderately connected to spinal injury.

Chiropractic - How Do I Choose A Chiropractor?

The question many people ask is: "How do I choose a chiropractor?" Visits to chiropractors may be for various reasons including neck pain, low back pain, headaches, sciatica, hip pain, shoulder pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. However, you may not know what to look for when deciding which chiropractor to see. This article reviews some important considerations when trying to find a chiropractor.

What is chiropractic and will it help me?
First, chiropractic is a health profession that understands that pain and poor health are the result of some underlying cause within the body which must first be found and corrected before pain can be relieved and health restored. Chiropractors especially look to possible misalignments and improper movements of the spine causing pinched or irritated nerves as the source of many complaints. Chiropractic has special techniques and treatment for locating and correcting abnormal nerve irritation safely and naturally without the use of drugs, medication or surgery.

Be specific about your condition.
Next, be specific as to why you want to go to the chiropractor. Are you suffering from neck pain, lower back pain, headaches, sciatica, hip pain, shoulder pain or carpal tunnel syndrome? If so, see if the chiropractor has written any articles on these topics that may be found on Internet article sites such as Also many chiropractors produce videos discussing prevention and relief of many health-related conditions. These might be found on the chiropractor's Web site or channels.

Referrals and recommendations.
The highest compliment a chiropractor can have is the referral of a family member or friend. In an ideal world a recommendation from a family member or friend is a great starting place to find a good chiropractor. If this is not possible, search the doctor's Web site or other Internet sites like Google or Yahoo! for reviews and testimonials from his existing patients. If the reviews are positive and the patients have had good results it's likely you will also.

Respect for your time.
Have you ever had to wait days or weeks to schedule a visit to a doctor? Or if you are having treatment or therapy, do the sessions last forever? Let's face it, everyone's time is extremely valuable. The health care industry is notorious for not respecting people's time. The good news here is that chiropractors have high marks from their patients regarding convenience of scheduling appointments. Most chiropractors can see you the same day whether it's your first visit or a follow-up visit. Once at the chiropractor's office most visits are professional and thorough but don't take a long time. Many of us chiropractors pride ourselves on having "convenience" practices.

The chiropractor's qualifications.
Chiropractors have undergraduate and chiropractic college educations. For instance, the National College of Chiropractic, near Chicago, Illinois, has a five-year program leading to a degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic. These doctoral classes essentially are divided into two halves. The first half includes basic courses all doctors study such as anatomy, chemistry, pathology and physiology. The second half deals with clinical courses like diagnosis, x-ray, physical therapy and spinal correction called "manipulation." In addition, a one-year internship at various clinics and an in-patient hospital-like facility in the Chicago area is required. Many chiropractors choose to go further in their education and become board certified in areas such as neurology, orthopedics, nutrition and other specialties. Check your doctor's background to see if he has this helpful additional training.

Anyone having a health problem may be helped by visiting a chiropractor.

When Do People Need a Posture Support Brace?

Posture can be a real health issue and posture often deteriorates with age. As people get older, they tend to slouch more and have that unattractive aging posture, much like the hunchback of Dame. Furthermore, this can be a real issue with the baby boomer generation, as they are becoming older in age. The fact is this, as baby boomers are entering in their golden years, doctors and chiropractors are seeing more patients who have back and neck issues resulting from poor posture. When you discover that you are having serious posture problems, a posture support brace may just be the right thing for you.

So what exactly is a posture support brace?

Basically, a posture support brace is a brace that holds your back in the right posture. It is a stiff plate that is placed on your back by being strapped to your torso. The brace does not allow you to slouch or sit in any way that would not provide good posture. The fact is that posture can also cause a misalignment in the spine, causing back problems, or even worse, in younger people scoliosis. Furthermore, as people get older, back problems can become more severe. The basic stage of a misaligned spine is when vertebra get misaligned and need to be realigned in a chiropractic procedure. If the misalignment persists, you get a condition called fusion. This is when the cartilage disks get completely dissolved and spinal arthritis then develops. This can cause years of pain.

Sometimes, when the back pain is severe enough, surgery may be the only method to relieve the patient. Furthermore, surgeries and seeing a medical spine doctor can also be very expensive. Having good posture can prevent all these problems. Furthermore, poor posture can also cause other health problems as well. The reason why many people with poor posture have more serious health problems, such as hypertension, heart problems, or acid reflux is that 1. Poor posture can constrict the blood vessels that o to your head. This can also cause severe headaches that can only be comparable to migraines in pain, and 2. The majority of your nerves go down the spinal cord and are also affected when the spine is out of alignment. For this reason, many people need braces when they do certain activities and some need a brace if they have issues with their spine.

You also want to take note that if your posture is only mildly poor, a posture brace might not necessarily be for you. In this case, you might want to try some kind of posture correcting exercise. Exercises are great for those of you who have mild posture issues, but if you have a serious posture issue, you might want to wear the brace every once in a while.

You might want to look into finding a good posture brace to improve your posture, especially if you are getting older. There are many posture brace reviews that have written about this subject and have found that a posture support brace might just be the right thing for you if you have severe posture issues. We currently have posture support braces for {insert price here} and we do recommend that you follow the directions or see your chiropractor for details on how to use a posture support brace.

Can Chiropractic Successfully Treat Scoliosis?

The definition of chiropractic is necessary in order to answer this question. Chiropractic is defined as a profession that primarily deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and conditions of the neuro-musculoskeletal system. The standard procedures performed in a chiropractic office involve spinal manipulation (mobilization of spinal synovial joints), massage, and exercise therapies which tend to be similar to physical therapy and involve active strengthening and stretching. Chiropractors have no formal training in the diagnosis or treatment of scoliosis, other than the mention of it in text books and general screening procedures their scope is fairly limited which is no different from general medical practitioners. There is no current literature that supports the use of spinal manipulation in the treatment of scoliosis. Massage and back exercises seem to be extremely limited and the effectiveness is controversial.

There has been only one study that demonstrated the effectiveness of spinal manipulation and the treatment of scoliosis published in 2004 by Mark Morningstar DC titled "Scoliosis Treatment Using a Combination of Manipulative and Rehabilitative Therapy: a Retrospective Case Series". This study is really the beginning of chiropractic's involvement in the treatment of scoliosis, in terms of actual certified chiropractic scoliosis specialists. The reason this study is important is because the rehabilitative therapy actual refers to spinal weighting protocols and not physical therapy type exercises that one would be prescribed and perform from a sheet of paper or DVD. Spinal weighting is a form of neuromuscular retraining that involves the placement of weight on the patient's hips, shoulders, or head in order to cause a shift in the center mass by the righting reflexes which in turn alters the spine's alignment. As this theory was probed and clinicians began applying it to scoliosis patients it was soon discovered that much more research was needed based on sporadic and inconsistent long-term results.

It wasn't until recently that major advancements are being made in the application of new spinal weighting procedures that are now starting to produce significant sustained reductions in both moderate and severe spinal curvature groups as well as nearly eliminating smaller curves before they become progressive. There are only a limited number of chiropractors that have been trained to properly perform these protocols and who understand them well enough to produce long-term reductions in moderate and severe cases of idiopathic scoliosis. The combination of spinal manipulation, softening the tissues surrounding the spine with the use of specialized continuous passive motion equipment, and this new innovative spinal weighting system featuring the scoliosis cantilever, vibration platforms, and balance discs has allowed the chiropractic profession to get in the ring and be a legitimate scoliosis treatment option for patients.

Standard chiropractors should not be treating scoliosis in order to attempt to stop progression or stabilize idiopathic scoliosis in children. Chiropractic scoliosis specialists who have the proper training and knowledge base using the above mentioned approach or carry advanced training in similar rehabilitation are certainly qualified to co-manage and treat children with idiopathic scoliosis. Be sure to do a thorough investigation when choosing a chiropractic scoliosis specialist.

Back Pain After Childbirth

Many new mothers experience back pain related to pregnancy for weeks, months and, in some cases, even years after giving birth. There are many causes of postnatal back pain; getting acquainted with them can help you relieve and prevent chronic pain.

One main cause of back pain both during and after pregnancy is the hormone relaxin. This aptly-named hormone relaxes ligaments, muscles and joints so that the womb can grow and the baby can be delivered. This loosening causes instability throughout the pelvis and back. The sacroiliac (SI) joints, which form where the pelvic bones meet the base of the spine, can become irritated and inflamed due to increased movement. This pain can radiate to the lower back and down the legs. The abdominal muscles also stretch and grow weak as the womb expands. Without the support of the abdominal muscles, the lower back muscles are strained as they try to support the upper body. Posture suffers as weight is gained and the center of gravity shifts.

According to, relaxin levels don't subside in the body until about 5 months after childbirth. This means that your abdominal muscles and pelvic joints will still be lax for months after you have your baby, and the postural and biomechanical problems this causes can be expected to continue throughout that period.

Another way in which relaxin levels can lead to prolonged pain after birth is by facilitating a ripe situation for strains and sprains. Strains occur when muscles and tendons are stretched beyond their means, and sprains occur when ligaments supporting joints are overstretched. Severe strains and sprains involve the tearing of muscles, ligaments or tendons. The increased elasticity relaxin causes in your body makes it easier for these tissues to be overstretched since they don't contract as quickly to protect themselves from being torn. If you're eager to get back in shape after pregnancy and begin stretching and exercising without caution, you could strain muscles in the back and pelvis, or cause a sprain around the spine or SI joints.

You must also take into account the changes in activity you're experiencing with a newborn in conjunction with the above physical situation. Picking up the baby, carrying him or her around and losing sleep can all help cause back pain. When you're in a hurry to pick your child up, you may forget to use proper body mechanics. Bend at the hips, not the waist. Don't lift your child while twisting if you can help it.

If your back pain lasts more than six month after childbirth, you likely have postural distortion caused by the changes your body went through. It is important to gently restore strength to your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles to help support proper spinal alignment. Guided exercise like postnatal Pilates can help you do this safely. Persistent pain may also indicate that the SI joints or spinal joints have become misaligned during pregnancy or childbirth. A chiropractor or osteopath can perform manipulations that restore proper range of motion to joints and free up any nerves that may be compressed.

If your pain is debilitating or accompanied by any other symptoms, let your doctor know immediately. Back and pelvic pain are normal after giving birth, but the pain shouldn't last more than 4 or 5 months. To help the pain on its way out, practice good body mechanics and remember to take it slow, since relaxin is still keeping your tissues lax. Taking the time to find helpful resources for yourself will ensure that the time you spend with your baby is uninterrupted by back pain.

The Chiropractic Solution to Neck Pain

Neck pain is among the most common complaints that incite patients to seek chiropractic care. And for good reason, doctors of chiropractic, like Dr. Edelson, are experts at eliminating the spinal problems associated with neck ache.

If you're suffering with neck pain, you know how disabling this condition can be. By interfering with work, exercise and family activities, neck ache produces more than mere physical anguish. But, you don't have to rely on painkillers with potentially hazardous side effects to quell neck ache. Read on to learn how chiropractic care could end your pain for good - the all-natural way.

Curvaceous Concerns
Dr. Edelson finds that patients with neck (cervical) pain often suffer from a straightening or reversal of the neck's natural curve. When viewed from the side, the cervical spine should form an arch that's most convex at mid-neck. However, many people, especially those who work at desks or computers, have cervical spines that jet forward (military neck), or even form reversed curves.

Studies show that a straightened or reversed curve weakens the deep muscles of the neck, since these muscles are forced to hold the spine in an anatomically ill-suited posture (Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 1998;44:210). And, weakened muscles bolster the risk of injury and pain. In addition, a flawed cervical curve disrupts the neck's biomechanics (the way joints, muscles, and bones move together). Altered spinal biomechanics are associated with an increased likelihood of osteoarthritis another painful malady.

Are Adjustments the Answer to Neck Pain?
How does chiropractic care alleviate neck pain? Dr. Edelson corrects areas in the spine where movement is restricted or bones (vertebrae) are misaligned. Not surprisingly, these dysfunctional segments, called vertebral subluxations, are often detected in the spines of patients with straightened or reversed cervical curves. Dr. Edelson corrects vertebral subluxations with gentle maneuvers called chiropractic adjustments. Research shows that these specialized maneuvers restore motion and alignment to the spine, in turn, warding off the disorders associated with vertebral subluxations, including neck pain.

One study enrolled 119 patients with neck or back pain. Standard measurement tools were used to evaluate the subjects for pain and disability. The patients underwent chiropractic care, including receiving chiropractic adjustments. Subjects visited their chiropractors an average of 12 times over a 4-week period. Findings revealed an average of a 54% drop in pain and a 49% drop in disability among subjects with neck pain. "Patients attending a private chiropractic clinic for treatment of mechanical neck pain or low-back discomfort had statistically significant reductions in their pain-related disability after treatment," concluded the study's authors. "These results indicate that chiropractic manipulation [adjustment] is beneficial for the treatment of mechanical neck pain and LBP (Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 2000; 23:307-11).

Besides restoring the neck's natural curve, research suggests that adjustments to the spine also quell another neck ache instigator: muscle tension (Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 1999; 22:14953).

Beyond Pain Killers
The chiropractic approach to ending neck pain is a revolutionary one because it seeks to correct the underlying cause of the disorder, rather than masking symptoms with drugs. That's why chiropractic may be more effective than painkillers for long-term neck pain prevention.

One scientific study compared chiropractic adjustments to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil, Motrin, and Orudis. The report concluded that, "The best evidence indicates that cervical manipulation [chiropractic adjustment] for neck pain is much safer than the use of NSAIDs, by as much as a factor of several hundred times. There is no evidence that indicates NSAID use is any more effective than cervical manipulation for neck pain" (Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 1996; 18:530-6).

Another study compared the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments, NSAIDs, and acupuncture. As part of the analysis, 77 patients with neck or back pain underwent one of the three treatments. After one month, only chiropractic recipients experienced significant improvement. Specifically, neck pain patients reported a 25% reduction in disability and a 33% reduction in pain (Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 1999; 22:376-81).

A Comprehensive Approach
In addition to chiropractic adjustments, doctors of chiropractic often use other all-natural approaches to keep neck pain at bay. These adjunctive therapies include ergonomic suggestions, postural training, physiotherapy, heat and/or cold, specific exercise programs, nutritional supplements, and dietary modifications.

Psychological factors may also influence an individual's risk of neck discomfort. For instance, studies show that a patient's attitude about their work predicts their odds of developing neck pain. Specifically, individuals who feel that they lack control in their work environment have a significantly elevated risk of neck ache (The Back Letter 2000; 15:25). Additional research indicates that stress, depression and anxiety also up the risk of neck disability. That's why chiropractors stress the importance of mental wellbeing, and may recommend psychological counseling or stress-reduction programs such as biofeedback, yoga, Tai Chi and meditation.

Make the Connection
Why is it essential to seek chiropractic care at the first sign of pain or stiffness? Because neck problems are often the initial manifestation of a chronic spinal disorder.

The spine works as a unit - not as a system of isolated segments. That's why misalignments in the neck may eventually spawn biomechanical dysfunction in the mid-back, low-back and hips. In addition, stressed muscles in the neck region may trigger upper-back and shoulder disorders. And, nerves from the spinal cord that exit between cervical vertebrae can become compressed by neck dysfunction, resulting in shoulder, arm, and hand conditions.

Be proactive; get to the root of your spinal problem before it has a chance to spread. Schedule an appointment for a chiropractic evaluation today!

Chiropractic For Shoulder And Neck Pain

Neck pain is common today and affects most people at some time in their lives. In fact, two thirds of the population will experience neck pain during their lives. Healthcare professionals often refer to neck pain as cervicalgia. It is common for those with neck pain to have accompanied pain in one or both shoulders.

This is because the nerves that exit the spine in the neck also go to the shoulders and down into the arms and hands. Because of this, neck problems can refer pain into the shoulders, arms and hands. Neck pain may be the result of poor posture, muscles strain, whiplash or spinal disease to name a few. Even mental or emotional stress will lead to neck pain.

Two of the main functions of the neck are to provide stability and support for the head and to allow the head to turn and bend. The upper part of the cervical spine or neck provides most of the range of motion in the neck. The lower part of the neck and upper back are built more to provide support and strength. When spinal bones become misaligned in the neck, it will result in a loss of normal range of motion and can also damage surrounding soft tissue. The muscles of the neck can become strained. If misaligned spinal bones are not corrected, degenerative changes may occur in the neck.

Some neck problems may be more serious than others, especially if the nerves or discs in the neck have become injured. Warning signals of a more serious problem may include referred pain or numbness in the shoulders, arms or hands. It is also possible to have a loss of grip strength. At times, neck problems may be overlooked as the symptoms are presented in the arms and hands but not the neck. It is important to examine the neck when there is shooting pain, numbness or loss of grip strength.

Slouching and other poor posture habits are a major cause of neck pain. People often practice poor postural habits when working at the computer, reading or watching TV. It is easy to slouch with these activities. When slouching is done for long periods of time, the spine will become misaligned. The natural curves in the spine will be affected.

Chiropractic is a great option for neck and shoulder pain. Chiropractors are well trained to work with the musculoskeletal system and can identify and treat neck and shoulder problems. Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation to correct misaligned spinal bones and remove nerve interference. People often report better movement in their neck following chiropractic treatment. Pain and numbness felt in the arms or hands often goes away because chiropractic adjustments remove the nerve interference.