Saturday, June 8, 2013

Whiplash and Back Pain - Why Your Back and Neck Hurt After a Car Accident

When I broadsided a car going 50 miles per hour, I was elated that there was no blood, and we all walked away. A teenager pulled out in front of me, and I was so glad he was OK. But the next day, and the following two years, I was not OK. I suffered severe whiplash, and fell into years of chronic back pain.

The impact of the crash was taken by my arms, which whipped my neck forward and back, the event known as whiplash. Following whiplash, here is what happens.

First, the muscles and ligaments of the neck are torn and traumatized. They become inflamed, and the neck stiffens.

The normal curve in the neck disappears, and the neck bones stack up in a straight line. If the whiplash is severe enough it damages the discs in the neck and the nerves from the spinal cord. Even blood vessels and the bones themselves can be injured. Injury happens to both the back or the front of the neck, depending on whether the neck is thrown forward or back with the most force.

You might walk away from a car accident like I did, but neck pain and neck stiffness increases over the next 24 hours, until it may be impossible to move the neck. Ancillary shoulder pain and mid and lower back pain are common. The arms and hands may tingle and become weak and even numb. After a whiplash injury you may also get headaches, dizziness, facial tingling, hearing problems and throat pain.

After whiplash, my neck was so stiff I could not even look from side to side. And worse, my lower back went into complete spasm, resulting in severe, long-term lower back pain that interfered with living a normal life. Every day was measured by how bad the pain was. I was told I should take pain killers and was a candidate for surgery. Back surgery carries a lot of risk, and pain killers are addictive and a terrible way to live. So instead, I dedicated many years to learning what can be done to recover after an injury. There are, in fact, many ways to reduce or eliminate back pain.

The good news is that much back and neck pain is caused by the soft tissues around the spine, the muscles and ligaments, and those are very treatable. I am able now to manage my spinal pain by attending to 5 things that improve my overall health too: Inflammation, Posture, Muscles, Stress, and Sleep. You can learn what you can do, and what back pain specialists can do to help you. Pain is just a signal that something needs attention.

So, if you could make some adjustments that would reduce or eliminate your back pain, would you do it? Really, think about it. It is possible. There are specific ways to:

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Improve posture

  • Stretch, strengthen and move the muscles

  • Reduce stress

  • Improve sleep

Small things that you do on a daily basis make a big difference. That is my fundamental statement. In addition, I appreciate and use back pain specialists when I need help. I say specialists, because there are many different areas of expertise. Your part is to be committed to healing and taking care of your back. Then you can discover the way to approach your recovery from your car accident or injury.

How to Be Free From Back Pain

There is nothing quit so debilitating as low back pain. I don't mean the kind of pain that aches and leaves you a bit sore. I'm talking about the kind of pain that takes you out of action. The kind that makes even walking hard to do.

Some people learn to live with the pain. In the morning they get up and move slowly until the stiffness is worked out. They learn to be careful picking up even the smallest things. Everyday activities become a test to see if there is some way to do even the simplest activities or not.

One reason muscles in the low back tighten up and sometimes spasm is a misalignment in the joints. Misalignments press on sensitive tissues causing pain. Muscles tense, nerves get compressed and the surrounding area becomes inflamed. With inflammation comes pain.

The most common low back issue comes from a combination of three issues. First, the fifth lumbar which is in the very lower back, goes out of alignment. Then, the illio-sacral joint which is the junction between the upper hip in the back, and the sacrum goes out of alignment. The weakness allows the spine in the low back to get compressed, even locking the vertebrae together.

The illio-sacral joint is the load-bearing connection between the upper and lower body. Most of the weight of the entire upper body rests on this joint. When there is a problem here, especially when coupled with the other two misalignments, there is no strength in the back. Usually it is quite painful.

What is the root cause of most lower back problems? That is the real question. Back problems often return, so knowing the root cause is essential in treatment and prevention.

In most cases the root issue is stress. Time off is one of the best known treatments for low back pain. However, it often returns when people return to their usual lives.

Stress injures the body by putting excess strain on the adrenal glands which produce stress hormones. As the adrenals work harder and harder, they start drawing nutrients from other areas of the body to keep up with demand. Some of the nutrients they really need are the same ones that ligaments and tendons need to keep their tone. And, the low back often is the first place go.

Dealing with the stressors is first. One of the worst ones that really harms the adrenals is sugar including honey, fruit juice, dried fruit and more. Processed carbohydrates release their sugar stores quickly, so they cause the same problems. Things like noodles, bread, chips both corn and potato and other 'health chips,' white rice, bread of any kind and just about anything that comes in a package.

Another stress factor is emotional stress. This could be caused by any intense emotional experience from work related expectations to a great loss. These issues need to be dealt with on different levels. Obviously, a release of some type is needed for the immediate issue. And, the root, often from childhood, must be dealt with.

On a physical level, emotional components can become lodged in the body. They usually cause some sort of problem like a tight muscle pulling a rib out of alignment resulting in chronic back pain. These issues can be cleared using a very gentle Applied Kinesiology technique.

Realignment is next. After the underlying issues have been cleared, it is time for realignment. Realignment is facilitated by physical manipulations that put bones in proper alignment so that the joint is fully functional.

There are different ways to realign a back and other areas of the body. One is to go to a chiropractor or an Osteopath, a medical doctor who specializes in joint manipulation. They often use forceful techniques that can cause other problems and sometimes even more pain. Not to mention the scary noises as joints are forced back into alignment. There are some though who learn and develop more gentle techniques.

Alternatively, you can learn how to adjust yourself with Self Adjusting Technique. This is a simple method of doing gentle adjustments on yourself without the forcing that is common to so many chiropractic adjustments.

Stretching can relieve back pain as well as help prevent problems. Taking a yoga class is a good way to learn stretches that will help your back. It is best to tell the instructor before the class if you have any limitations. Often they can give you an alternative pose or a variation. With time you can develop a daily practice which many people use to eliminate back problems.

Exercise is essential to good back health. Walking is one of the best exercises in the world. As well as working most every muscle in the body, walking strengthens the core muscles that support the low back.

These are just a few things that can be done for any kind of back pain. There are many other treatments available. Now more than ever, we can be proactive with our health and with our treatment possibilities. Find what works for you, and above all else, listen to your body.

What's the Problem With Childhood Inoculations?

Taking Responsibility

Parents today are more savvy than in the past, and many are more than ready to take responsibility for their own education with regard to health matters and that includes childhood vaccines (and all vaccines).

The truth is, this is not a new concern. For decades there have been voices in the wilderness decrying the practice of vaccinations. The Poisoned Needle, by Eleanor McBean was written more than 50 years ago. However, such news rarely makes it to the front page. Nor do the many medical reports that have been issued through the years warning against the dangers of inoculations.

Do the Research

Today, thankfully, the "front page" has been replaced by Google, and concerned parents can find a rash of validated information online regarding the dangers of vaccines.

When one thinks of the number of vaccines that are now purported to be necessary for both children and adults, the figures become mind-boggling. Add to that the fact that:

1) these procedures are intricately tied to a billion-dollar industry,
2) statistics that show the effectiveness of vaccines are often deceiving and twisted and
3) each dose is loaded with a "witches brew" of harmful additives.

The facts reveal that vaccines across the board cause more harm than good. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), established in 1986, has paid out over $1 billion in injury awards to date. Thousands of cases are pending, stuck in the federal bureaucracy. [NVICP, Health Resources and Services Administration. (Federal Government)] This is only the tip of the iceberg since the majority of cases never see the light of day.

After years of controversy the Centers for Disease Control finally admitted in 1996 that the polio vaccine used on millions in the 1950s may have contained the SV-40 monkey retrovirus (which causes cancer in laboratory animals). Whether or not this could ever be linked to our present onslaught of cancer will never be known. If the evidence ever did become conclusive, neither the vaccine industry, nor the cancer industry could stand to take the hit.


Another little known fact regarding childhood vaccines is the toxic additives that each dose contains. The medical community claims these additives are "relatively small" and are deemed "harmless." These include:

* Thimerosal (a mercury derivative)
* Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
* Phenol (a disinfectant dye)
* Aluminum
* Benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant)
* Formaldehyde (a preservative and disinfectant)

I don't know about you, but I would pass if offered a "relatively small" dose of antifreeze.

If these facts are true, and they most certainly are, why does the practice of inoculating babies and school children continue? One reason that has already been cited is money. The vaccine industry brings in billions of dollars each year.

Fear Tactics

Another reason is due to fear tactics and pressure. Parents are made to feel "less-than" if they refuse to allow their children to be vaccinated. Because the procedures are touted as being highly effective in the prevention of disease then only a "bad and uncaring" parent would ever refuse.

Additionally, pediatricians often pressure parents into allowing childhood shots even after those parents voice their doubts. School administrators lead parents to believe that without shot records, the child will not be admitted into school.

This means that concerned parents must be well educated in this subject and able to hold their own if they choose to refuse vaccinations. In that same vein, parents will need to take a close look at the health and nutrition for their families to keep the family's health at optimum levels. I help my patients understand that a healthy body (which equals a high immune system) will on its own, ward off most diseases.

The Quick Fix

Americans are notorious for seeking the quick fix. This is acutely apparent in the skyrocketing popularity of over-the-counter drugs to treat a wide range of maladies. This quick-fix mentality bleeds over into the area of childhood vaccines. The promise of immediate and permanent protection is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It also explains, in part, our willingness to subject our children and ourselves so willingly to vaccinations.

I often tell my clients, either you will be in charge of the health and well-being of yourself and your family, or you will abdicate that responsibility to another. Hopefully you will choose the former and avoid the latter.

Chiropractic Care and Social Security Benefits

People visit chiropractors for a wide range of medical conditions, from skeletal disorders to asthma to high blood pressure. Although many physicians question the effectiveness of chiropractic for treating these conditions, chiropractic care is covered by many insurance companies. For people who have become seriously disabled and lack insurance, benefits from Social Security can help. However, they will only pay for chiropractic care for a limited range of conditions.

Chiropractic is built around a set of spinal manipulation techniques. Chiropractors believe that medical conditions are caused by misalignments in the spine that prevent the proper flow of energy through the body. By adjusting the spine into its proper alignment using a variety of techniques, they believe they can treat a wide range of conditions. The scientific basis of this belief system has been called into question numerous times, but many chiropractic patients believe treatment has helped them.

Since chiropractic techniques only directly affect the spine and related systems, the Social Security Administration is reluctant to pay for treatment for most conditions. As it stands, the SSA will only cover chiropractic for treating a limited set of conditions affecting the muscular and skeletal systems. Even if chiropractors claim to treat conditions unrelated to the skeleton, the SSA requires better proof.

If you do suffer from a disorder affecting the musculoskeletal system, you may be able to qualify for benefits from Social Security to help pay for your medical expenses. Otherwise it may be necessary to either seek other options or to pay for your chiropractic care out-of-pocket. For more information on Social Security benefits, visit the website of the Indianapolis Social Security lawyers of the Hankey Law Office.

Chiropractic For the Body, Not Just the Back

When most people think of chiropractic they think strictly of back and spine problems, but the truth is most problems with pain are associated with the alignment of your entire skeletal system. A pain in your foot can be caused by misalignment in the spine, and a pain in your neck can be caused by a problem in your lower back. An injury involving a muscle anywhere in your body will display itself with pain in the entire surrounding region. A bone injury will have similar consequences, but you may feel the pain in a completely different area of the body. Injury can also happen slowly over the course of time, instead of all at once like most people are used to.

Chiropractic has been around for a very long time in one form or another, but the chiropractic profession as we know it hasn't been around for very long. We have always known that the back and spine is the core of our ability to move and bend, but we are only now learning that pain all over the body can be affected by every other muscle and bone in the body. Chiropractic is not a quick fix though, it can take several sessions and many weeks to fix a problem that's been brewing for a long time. Hunching over a computer all day for years or driving a truck while spending the majority of your time in the cab will slowly change your body to fit that form. You may not even realize it's happening until one day you notice that your range of motion has become limited.

Depending on the doctor you see, a different treatment will be recommended. A physician will prescribe drugs, a surgeon will cut you open and a therapist will want you talk about your mother, all for the same problem. If you know that your injury is a muscle or bone problem, then a chiropractor is just what you need. For a problem you can't identify see your doctor first, and then go to a chiropractor if the problem is related. Your chiropractic professional will want to see you more than once, depending on your problem it may be many visits. You may find that a chiropractor can fix problems you didn't know you had and will make you feel better than you have in years.

Alternative medicine is treatment that isn't completely accepted by the medical community and chiropractic falls under that heading. It has become much more main-stream over the last decade, but if you ask ten doctors their opinion of chiropractic you will get ten different answers. Everyone agrees that there are benefits to using a chiropractor, but the extent of the benefit is what is debatable. Because this type of treatment is still in limbo, regular health insurance is reluctant to allow people to use it at their discretion. Ameriplan chiropractic or a payment arrangement with your chiropractor will allow you to get your treatment after health insurance has stopped paying for it.

As time moves on, chiropractic will become more part of everyone's life and less a part of alternative medicine. If you have never seen a chiropractor before, you may find that seeing one is far less intimidating than going to a doctor or hospital. Chiropractors are friendly individuals that can help fix you up and you will enjoy your appointments with them. A very good friend of mine is a Denver chiropractor and I have always appreciated his views on healthcare. Now that I am familiar with chiropractic care, I can't see a healthcare system without it!

What You Can Do to Treat Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition that affects hundreds of thousands of people around the country. It usually begins in the early teen years and, statistically speaking, affects boys more than girls. There are grades of scoliosis, from slight to severe, and these come with their own set of symptoms and difficulties for the patient.

The normal spine, as seen from the side, has three curves. The cervical (neck) curve, thoracic (back) curve and the lumbar (low back) curve all serve a very important purpose and are highly important to optimal health. These curves enable the incredible movements that humans can achieve, and the better the curves the healthier the patient.

Seen from the front, however, the spine should be completely vertical. Scoliosis is when the spine, from the front, is curved. This abnormal curving, or misalignment, of the spine can cause a myriad of health problems, from simple mid-back pain to heart, lung, and other internal organ problems if it is severe enough.

The reason is that, when the spine is misaligned, the discs between the vertebrae begin to break down and the delicate nerves that pass through the spine become compressed. A chiropractor can diagnose the severity of the problem with diagnostic x-rays.

A slight scoliosis will cause occasional pain and discomfort, but moderate and severe scoliosis can cause life threatening problems for the patient over time. Scoliosis is also a progressive problem, meaning that without treatment it will get worse slowly but surely over time. A slight scoliosis will, with time, become severe and so must be treated as soon as possible.

The good news is that, if the patient is young enough and the scoliosis is detected in time, it can usually be cured. A cure, to be sure, is something that takes time, patience and diligence on the part of both chiropractor and patient. The younger the patient the better, but scoliosis can also be treated in adults of all ages and, while not completely curable, can be kept under control and the progression stopped or at least slowed.

A chiropractor uses a number of treatment protocols to treat scoliosis, and these can include chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression therapy and cold laser therapy. Spinal decompression can actually help to straighten the spine and help the discs to heal, while cold laser therapy is excellent for the surrounding tissues like muscles and tendons.

A combination of all three of these treatments, plus possibly massage and others, can reduce the tension and stress of the spine due to the abnormal curve and help to greatly alleviate pain and other symptoms.

Scoliosis is not a disease and, interestingly, scientists still have not determined its cause. Whatever the cause may be, proper and ongoing treatment to reduce the curve and maintain the spine is necessary, sometimes for life.

Across the country, chiropractic care is available that can help the patient suffering from scoliosis and ensure that they have a healthier, longer life. If you believe that you might have scoliosis, why not schedule an appointment with a chiropractor today? Beginning treatment early in life is the best way to battle this painful but treatable condition.

Can Stress Cause Low Back, Mid Back and Neck Pain?

This question is asked of me at least once a day. The answer is yes, but indirectly. Let me explain. There have been multiple papers written on the effect of stress on the musculoskeletal system. What they have found is that stress slows down, or inhibits, a particular set of nerves called slow motor units. These nerves are responsible for "turning on" or firing the stabilizing muscles of the spine.

Many people have heard the term "core" training. Core can be broken down into different sub sets but one of them is inner and outer core. Now the muscles responsible for preparing our joints to move before we move them are the inner core muscles. These muscles are muscles of intention meaning that before you do any movement or think about doing a movement they tighten down the joint and put it in the correct position so you can do what ever it is you want to do.

Researchers have been able to show that when we are under stress the nerve units that supply these inner core muscles (the slow motor units) don't work as efficiently and often times are inhibited. So the inner core muscles are not activated. Instead the outer core muscles take over instead. These muscles are designed to move the joints, not stabilize the joints. Under normal circumstances this is not a problem but if you stay in this state for long periods of time the compensations occur. The joints will start to move abnormally and can be predisposed to injury.

Symptoms and Cures

What you would feel is muscle and joint stiffness. Or you might feel like if you could just get a good massage you would be great. So you stretch or get a massage and you feel wonderful but it doesn't last. A few days later the stiffness returns. What you are feeling is the outer core muscles tightening trying to do the work of the inner core as well as their own job. The longer that the inner core muscles are inhibited or turned off the more vulnerable the joints they protect. If the joints begin to become restricted or irritated due to this abnormal control the nerves are further inhibited. The cycle continues until people have pain.

The research has also shown that if you restore normal motion back to the joint this stimulates those same slow motor unit to activate the inner core muscles. Now the joints are being protected again. So with normal movement and innervation you ready for the next stressful event. Chiropractic adjustments are one of the most effective ways to return motion back to a joint.

If you are experiencing this condition around any of your joints, schedule an appointment with a qualified Chiropractor. They will be able to address your condition, help correct the issue and give you exercises to help rehab the area to help avoid the injury reoccurring.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Chiropractic Fraud - Could Perception Be Reality?

Perception: Large numbers of consumers and investigators alike believe that fraudulent activity in the Chiropractic profession is pervasive, and, unfortunately, may use a broad-brush to paint all chiropractors as deviant actors.

Why is the foregoing impression so prevalent today?

Is this perception the result of historical context, viz., that the foundational premise of Chiropractic was the Chiropractic-subluxation, a condition neither objectively identifiable nor proven to exist?

The subluxation may have something to do with the prevailing perception of Chiropractic. However, based on more than twenty years of experience investigating chiropractic fraud and assisting chiropractors with compliance, I suspect the following activity by some chiropractors may form the actual basis of such a perception:

-Do you want what I have?: Employ practice activity advocated by practice building consultants who boast of having large bank-accounts, expensive cars, pricey clothing, luxurious vacations... and the keys to practice success. Large numbers of chiropractors are recruited directly from chiropractic colleges.

-Recipe for Wealth: Employ practice activity, often at the instruction of practice building consultants, to increase practice revenues without establishing the compliance of said activity with applicable laws & rules, including, but not limited to: marketing campaigns to recruit new patients; generation of referrals from attorneys and MDs; convert/retain patients; treatment protocols for all; administer new or re-packaged health care services; provider services rendered by unlicensed staff; use computer-generated noting systems; billing codes to enhance reimbursement; and collection mechanisms to maximize income.

-Explode your practice: Create multidiscipline and/or specialty practices, operating in conjunction with existing chiropractic practices, to avoid limited chiropractic coverage and access more health care dollars - including those payable by federal health care programs.

-We are conveniently located: Operate multiple clinics where scripts and protocols are the norm - instruct clinic doctor and staff on what to do, how to do it, what to bill...

-We provide a good service: Provide the same services at similar intervals for all patients regardless of individual needs. Services involve little actual hands-on treatment by a chiropractor who uses new "state-of-the-art" treatment equipment or has unlicensed staff administer the bulk of patient care.

-We treat the cause not the symptom: Report the treatment of the cause of health care ailments and abnormalities with adjustment of the spine to allow the body's innate intelligence to heal, not masking the symptoms with medication or surgery.

-Benefit design: Provide services not based on established, individual patient needs but on philosophical beliefs - everyone needs chiropractic care, no actual health care complaint required (found if needed for insurance purposes), chiropractic adjustments result in optimal health, same adjustment on all patients (upper cervical, full-spine) and modalities help the adjustment last.

-Wallet Biopsy: Identify available insurance or a willingness to commit to payments on potential patients, even those who are asymptomatic - if an existing revenue stream is found potential patients are told they have medical conditions requiring chiropractic treatment.

-Do you believe: Saying and doing almost anything to generate income from those who indicate they "believe" in chiropractic - purporting to treat acne, allergies, anxiety, bed wetting, cancer, colic, depression...

-You could be hurt and not know it: Provide checkups, under the guise of public service, to identify health conditions that need treatment. Often such checkups, administered on asymptomatic individuals, include use of testing devices not clinically or scientifically recognized for purposes of generating reports that purportedly show medical conditions and a need for treatment outlined in scripted presentations.

-Winner, winner, free chicken dinner: Free or donated services promised in aggressive marketing campaigns - mailers, telemarketing, screenings, dinner talks, etc. - designed to get as many people in the clinic as possible for patient conversion regardless of actual medical need.

-Let's make a deal: Charge insured patients more for services than cash patients receiving similar services. Agreements with insured patients to accept what insurance pays and forego collection of deductibles, co-pays and non-covered services. Varying deals with cash patients regarding what they will pay.

-See you in Court: Use the court system to file lawsuits to challenge payor reimbursement decisions and practices for purposes of eroding resistance to questionable activity - making it the norm and acceptable.

-You are picking on us: Profess to be a victim when held to account for improper practice activity - even when such activity is known by reasonable thinking persons to be inconsistent with the laws & rules governing health care.

Reality: The Chiropractic profession, for the most part, has grown far beyond the limitations espoused by its founder, and is seen today as a bona-fide health care discipline that offers valuable health care services to patients.

Reality: Not all chiropractors engage in fraud. Not all attorneys are shysters. Not all insurers refuse to pay legitimate claims. Not all investigators are out to get chiropractors!

Reality: There is a Chiropractic fraud problem present in every geographic area of the United States, with deviant chiropractors propagating their schemes with impunity and contempt.

Reality: The crime-scene for investigations of health care provider fraud, regardless of the providers' discipline, is the provider's clinical and billing records. And, if you know what you are looking for when evaluating chiropractic records, you can identify the fraud. Investigators view the following as 'red-flags':

- Promised free/discounted services to induce patients to clinic
- Extensive exams, tests and treatment on subjective complaints of injury or on asymptomatic patients
- Use testing devices that are not recognized clinically or scientifically to convince patients they have a condition and need treatment
- Scripts & protocols - same services on similar schedule, even when better
- Services for conditions not found in presenting complaints
- Services based on available insurance or for legal reasons - not actual need
- Provider services administered to patients by non-providers
- Patients direct treatment or treat themselves
- Excessive amounts billed for services
- Goal is to bill certain amounts per visit
- Billing codes reported based on what results in the best reimbursement, not on actual conditions or what was done
- 'Quick-codes' automatically bill for all services insurance covers, regardless of need or if actually provided
- Conditions reported only when required to get paid (Subluxations - Medicare)
- Clinical notes appear same on all patients, prepared to support payment - not health care rendered,
- Clinical notes prepared only when requested by payers - more extensive for liability carriers

Reality: Large numbers of chiropractors see what others see and try to fight for change and accountability, often fighting from an island and dodging bullets of attack from their peers and payors.

Reality: Many otherwise honest and ethical chiropractors succumb to the temptation of fraudulent activity as they see deviant chiropractors getting rich off insurance payments without ill-effects (e.g., consumers turning away, claims denied, government audits, and fraud investigations).

Reality: The Chiropractic fraud problem must be addressed by Chiropractic educators, Chiropractic leaders, consumers, legislators, insurers, regulators and law enforcers if effective measures are to be taken - especially those problems that are already well-known and visible.

Reality: Observe this inexorable recipe that could result in an unimaginable disaster for the Chiropractic profession:

- More access to health care dollars by chiropractors
- Neither substantial- nor quantitative-steps to address widely-known fraud problems
- Failure to take steps to prevent bad-actors from ruining reimbursement advancements for those health care professionals who follow the laws & rules while delivering quality care to patients, is a recipe for disaster that could result in the fraud reaching unimaginable levels.

According to James Edwards, D.C., past Chairman of the American Chiropractic Association, ("News Flash: Obama Victory Could Result in Full-Scope Chiropractic," Dynamic Chiropractic, 1/15/09), the election of President Obama, as well as the fact that Democrats control both houses of Congress, most of whom are pushing for "universal health care," the Chiropractic profession has its best chance to achieve the long-desired goal of a full-scope of practice on a national level (with full-reimbursement access).

Further, Dr. Edwards reports that should a full-scope of practice become a reality, the Chiropractic profession should thank ACA leadership for their courage to file a lawsuit against a national health insurer, an insurer that administered federal health care programs, as well as the countless contributors to the ACA's Legal Action fund who made the lawsuit possible.

Could greater governmental-control over our individual-choices and freedoms, combined with Universal health care, provide any long-lasting positive results? The last time the Democrats had such leverage we got the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Could giving chiropractors full-physician status, as well as full-access to reimbursement for services they perform, be an answer to the chiropractic fraud problem?

Could treating chiropractors as other physicians are treated result in a significant drop in the nonsense in which some chiropractors engage? Would treating chiropractors as other physicians preclude having those chiropractors engage in practice-activity that is either objectionable or fraudulent? What impact, if any, did such treatment have on the Osteopathic profession?

Gear Up to the Next Level in Your Chiropractic Practice by Setting Goals

"The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and actualizer... He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen."

This quote from Mr. Robert Schwartz just outlines the necessity of setting goals if you want your career as a chiropractor to reach new heights of success. Remember, you are not just a practitioner, you are an entrepreneur. Setting goals help you visualize how you want your chiropractic business to be and in visualizing, you can make great things happen. Being able to set goals (and working to achieve them) is an important aspect in chiropractic management and will help make inroads in your business.

When you sit down to write your personal and business goals, you begin with the end in mind. What do you want to happen to your chiropractic business? How do you want to get from here (where you are) to there (where you want to be)?

When setting goals remember to think SMARTER. Your goals for the year should be:
- Specific. They should be clearly defined. Use numbers to define the goals.
- Measurable. Your progress across time should be easily tracked and documented. That way, you know if you are on target or if you need additional effort in order to reach these goals.
- Attainable. Setting very high goals will just lead to frustration and burn out. The goals must stretch you and your team's abilities, but they should be possible.
- Reasonable. Are the goals possible based on current demographics and on time-tested strategies? Do you need to try new strategies? How feasible are these new strategies in helping you achieve your goals?
- Timely. The goals must have a deadline on which they must be accomplished. Leaving the goals open-ended would mean that you will just procrastinate about completing them.
- Evaluation. The goals should be periodically evaluated to see whether they truly fit the SMARTER model.
- Reorganization. When the evaluation reflects needed changes, it is time for you to reorganize your resources and your team to see which person is the best fit for a certain goal. You can also review the process you are using to achieve the goal, whether these have to be revised

Also, remember not to have too many goals. It should not be a long to-do list. Too many goals can result in a lack of focus - and it may be harder to complete these goals.

For the annual goals, it is good to set milestones throughout the entire year, preferably each month, so that it is easier to track how well you're doing with regards to the goal. Then, when you have your monthly milestones, you can now set your weekly objectives. Preferably, at the beginning of each week, you will review your past weekly objectives (and see what you have and have not accomplished) and then look at your milestones and see how your current weekly objectives can contribute towards those milestones.

Goal Setting for Your Chiropractic Office

You can set goals for many areas in your practice and your personal life as well. You can set goals for your finances, your practice, your personal growth and much more.

Here are some areas you can look into when you set your goals for your practice and personal life:

- Get at least 10 referrals from existing patients by the end of each month
- Introduce chiropractic to 10 people that are not yet patients of your practice every week
- Get your staff into at least 2 training seminars to develop their own skills
- Review the operation's process flow to make it more efficient and productive

- Set aside 10% of monthly income
- Eliminate credit card debt for the year
- Strive to give back to society by contributing to charities or giving to your church
- List down things you can go without in order to save ore

- Stop my smoking habit
- Lose 10 pounds in the next six months
- Plan and save up for one major vacation in a year

- Spend some quality time with the family - having one "special family event" per month and one "family day activity" per week.
- Call parents once a week

Look at how you can improve relationships by communicating better and by committing to spend more time with those you love. Examine your relationships to see which of these have a positive and negative impact on you to help you decide which relationships to enrich.

Personal development
- Go to two chiropractic training or seminars within the year
- List and look at 3 things you can do (or not do) to save time

The bottom line is that these goals will help you towards not just a successful life, but a fulfilling one as well. And you can be well on your way to achieving this by first starting with your goals and then working to meet these goals.

We at DC Mentors can help you set your goals and provide you with techniques on how to accomplish them. You can also avail of our online training, one-on-one coaching and chiropractic seminars. Our revolutionary Brain Spa and Patient Centered Experience seminars will provide you with essential skills to get your chiropractic business soaring to new heights!

Animal Chiropractor

D.D. Palmer of United States of America developed Chiropractic in the year 1895. Today it is practiced in about 100 years. However the medical fraternities do not accept this practice as scientific.

The chiropractic philosophy is based on the fact that living organism contains some elements which cannot be explained by the material concept. They philosophically assert that living beings are made up of matters which have a material form and are also made up of subtle elements which cannot be realized materially.

This philosophy separates chiropractic from other forms of medicine like allopathic. Naturalism, rationalism and holism are some of the philosophical elements which constitute chiropractic.

Animal chiropractors focus mainly on the relationship which exists between the spine and the nervous system. How one affects the other and what are the corrective measures which one can adopt in order to treat the animals are some of the areas on which an animal chiropractor focuses. The animal chiropractor also studies the musculo-skeletal system deeply; this helps them to diagnose the cause of the problem in a more effective manner.

It is often recommended that a vet should be referred before taking the help of an animal chiropractor. The vet will determine the primary cause of the problem and may recommend for a chiropractor. In minor cases the problem may fix up on its own but if the problem persists then immediate attention is required otherwise the condition might worsen.

The chiropractor will try to study the body muscles and the tissues; a detailed study of the gait and the posture will be carried out in order to understand the problem. The movement of the animal spine will be carried out, whether any muscle spasm is present or not will be checked out or if there is any hot spots or cold spots present will be thoroughly examined by the chiropractor. Any bizarre movement that to for a long period will indicate that, the problem is serious.

After properly diagnosing the problem the chiropractor will, resort to treatment. The treatment is aimed to bring the animal's body to the normal level. The treatment provides immense relaxation to the animal and most of the time it has been observed that the animal's enjoy the treatment. Once the animal's body reaches to its normal level and the balance in the body is established the animal can get back to its normal routine.

Aftercare is very much important here; in fact if the after care is not proper then the animal may not recover completely and after sometime the pain may become intense. After the treatment the animal may take some time to recover completely; it all depends on the intensity of the problem. A chiropractor should treat the animal under the guidance of a veterinary surgeon and after the treatment he should send a detailed report to the vet.

An animal chiropractor should have proper knowledge and education about the chiropractic science. Apart from the theoretical knowledge he should also have practical knowledge.

Visit for more information on chiropracting.

Shoulder Pain - Can Chiropractic Help Shoulder Pain?

Painful shoulder problems are one of the most common reasons for chiropractic visits for musculoskeletal symptoms. The shoulder joint is the region of the body where the humerus attaches to the scapula, and the supporting muscles around the joint. The shoulder has the most movement of the major joints in the body. On the flipside, because of this large range of motion, it is relatively unstable and easily subject to injury. The head of the humerus (ball) is larger than the socket of the shoulder joint that holds it. To stabilise the shoulder joint, the muscles, tendons and ligaments anchor the bones of the joint together. Overuse injuries, degenerative changes and lack of use or movement can all contribute to tissue breakdown, loss of function and disruption to the supporting musculature.

The shoulder is comprised of three osseous structures: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as the supporting musculature, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints. The muscle groups and tendons that stabilise the shoulder are called the "rotator cuff." These muscles include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis, they hold the humerus (ball) in the glenoid fossa (socket).

There are many types of shoulder conditions, for the purposes of this article, are aim is to give a broad overview of three different types and how chiropractic care may improve the health and function of the shoulder region.

Some indications that you may be experiencing a shoulder problem or shoulder pain and need further examination include: the inability to carry objects or use your arm without pain, pain while sleeping or at rest, pain that is ongoing and lasts more than a few days, unable to lift your arm, swelling or bruising around the shoulder area, redness, joint size changes or other obvious unusual changes to the shoulder area. The pain can be local and just in and around the shoulder joint, or it may be referred and going down the arm and possibly into the hand, or into the middle back and lower neck area. Sometimes gallbladder, liver or heart disease, or cervical spine disease can all cause referred pain into the shoulder through the various nerve pathways. However, shoulder blade pain or scapula pain have a higher probability of the problem coming from the cervical spine.

A comprehensive evaluation should include a personal history, a complete physical examination, including orthopedic and neurological tests, and if required xrays and possibly advanced imaging to determine the exact cause of the pain. If there is a tear, it most likely could be in one of the tendons of the rotator cuff, occasionally a tear may occur in one of the rotator cuff muscles. The supraspinatus tendon is the most commonly torn rotator cuff tendon. The orthopedic tests can help determine or isolate which tendon or tendons and muscles (in a severe injury) may be injured.

Some of the shoulder pain conditions that I see in my office are arthritis, referred pain second to cervical disc degeneration and frozen shoulder. On rare occasion, shoulder pain may be caused by some form of pathology or tumour inside the body.


Arthritic shoulder pain is not as common as the other types. It is usually progressive and develops slowly over time. The shoulder joint area may have tenderness, swelling and stiffness when aggravated. The shoulder joint can be affected by both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Degeneration in the joint, or "wear and tear," is a progressive wearing away of the cartilage on the boney surfaces of the joint, exposing bare bone. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is a systemic condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the joints. This inflammation can, over time, invade and destroy the cartilage and bone. Gentle chiropractic mobilisation of the shoulder and spine, accompanied with stretching and strengthening of the surrounding muscles, may help with the inflammation and improve function of the shoulder joint. Maintaining strength in the shoulder muscles may prevent further atrophy, and possibly slow down any further degenerative changes. In severe cases joint replacement surgery may be an option. Diet modifications and nutritional supplementation may also be beneficial.

Neck Pain or Degeneration

Shoulder pain can happen as a result of degeneration or injury in the cervical or thoracic spine. Degenerative discs narrow the joint space between two vertebra, causing increased irritation and pinching on the nerves in the neck or middle back region. Those nerves leave the neck or upper back area and go into the shoulders and arms, or provide the nerve supply to muscles that are around the shoulder girdle. This type of damage can cause referred pain into the shoulder area. Sometimes shoulder pain is actually due to problems in your neck or a mixture of several different problems. Neck pain as a result degenerative change is relatively common. The pain may radiate, or spread, into the shoulder blade or down the arm. Patients may have an arm or shoulder complaint, such as pain or weakness, as the result of nerve root compression. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one type of advanced imaging to determine if the discs are injured or being encroached upon. Symptoms may include neck pain, pain around the back of the shoulder blades, arm complaints such as pain, numbness, or weakness, and rarely, difficulty with hand dexterity or walking. Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease provides good to excellent results in over 75% of patients. A multi-disciplinary approach includes: Chiropractic adjustments which can be useful in decreasing muscle spasms and improving mobility. Heat, and exercise may also have benefit in improving function and stabilising the degenerative area. In severe cases surgery may be an option.

Frozen Shoulder

The proper term for Frozen shoulder is adhesive capsulitis. The shoulder capsule, and the connective tissue around the shoulder joint, inflame and become very stiff. The tissues then start to grow together forming abnormal tissue bands called adhesions. These adhesions cause a reduced range of motion or movement and chronic pain. The pain is often felt deep in the shoulder joint and may be worse at night. The exact cause of frozen shoulder is still not certain. It can be very painful and disabling and patients are sometimes slow to recover. Chiropractic may have a few applications when it comes to frozen shoulder. It may be preventative, by maintaining mobility in the joint, as well as lifestyle modifications with a healthy diet and exercise, that may decrease the likelihood of frozen shoulder occurring. Certain diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease can have an effect on joint mobility as they progress. If you are able to keep moving well, perhaps you will age well also. Chiropractic may help to stimulate physical health and may offset the common ailments that are often associated with aging. For treatment, chiropractors generally do not use anesthetics in treating frozen shoulder. Instead they employ a variety of techniques to manage the pain, and to restore range of motion and function in the shoulder. Chiropractors often use heat and cold to relieve pain and gentle chiropractic mobilisation of the shoulder and spine, accompanied with stretching and strengthening of the muscles around the shoulder.

This is a very general overview of three types of shoulder pain. Treatment varies from person to person and can involve any of the following: chiropractic, massage therapy and surgery in severe cases. Response to treatment and the length of time it can take, varies from person to person, depending on the level of damage. Chiropractic can be a safe, gentle and effective approach to helping with shoulder pain conditions. As with any type of health problem it is recommended to see your health care professional for a further in depth assessment and examination for a more accurate individual treatment recommendation.

Numbness and Tingling and Spinal Decompression - What Are the Causes and Treatment?

If you have been experiencing symptoms of numbness and tingling, it could be caused by nerve damage or compression. A nerve in the spine can be pinched by a herniated or bulging disc, it can be caused by spinal stenosis from arthritis in the spine, or the nerve can become irritated by the joints in the spine being misaligned.

Also called peripheral neuropathy, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet should not be ignored in hope that it will clear up on its own. There are many factors that can cause peripheral neuropathy, including:

  • Trauma from broken bones

  • Malnutrition

  • Diabetes

  • Aids

  • Cancer and cancer fighting drugs

  • Medications or exposure to toxic substances

The nerves in our body act as transmitters between the arms and legs and hands and feet and the central nervous system. Nerves transmit signals that communicate sensation and direct muscle movements of the body. Peripheral neuropathy or numbness and tingling, if not addressed immediately, can lead to muscle weakness, lack of control and eventual atrophy.

Numbness and tingling may be caused by a pinched nerve

One of the most common causes of numbness and tingling is from a pinched nerve. Pinched nerves can cause a sharp, shooting pain or numbness, tingling and even weakness in the extremities. When the pain shoots down the back of the legs it's commonly referred to as sciatica because the sciatic nerve, which originates in the lower back, runs down the back of the legs to the feet.

Spinal Decompression Therapy is designed to take the pressure off the pinched, compressed nerves by slowly and gently stretching the spine at a certain angle followed by cycles of partial relaxation.

A herniated disc can cause numbness and tingling

Spinal Decompression relieves the compression taking place in the herniated disc by precisely stretching and separating the spine using a pattern of distraction and then relaxation that is orchestrated by the computer, which the straps are connected to. This process creates a vacuum or negative pressure within the discs that can allow the herniated or bulging disc to be drawn back in relieving the pressure on the nerves in the spine.

When the patient undergoes spinal decompression therapy over the course of several visits with the Chiropractor, the process allows oxygen and nutrient-rich fluids to flood into the disc to promote the body's natural healing process to work on the fibers of the previously degenerated disc.

What causes numbness and tingling in the hands?

If the numbness and tingling feelings are limited to the fingers and hands, the cause could be carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a condition that is caused by compression to the median nerve that crosses the wrist. Carpal tunnel is most often caused by repetitive use of the hands in an extended position, such as typing on a keyboard. It can be caused from a pinched nerve in the neck, which is where the median nerve originates.

Try a Chiropractor in Springfield, VA that has several techniques which can treat the many causes of numbness and tingling, from spinal decompression therapy to cold laser therapy, the Graston technique, and the active release technique, which works with deep tissue and specific movements to relax tight muscles, free up range of motion and relieve pinched nerves non-surgically.

The Magic of Positive Expectation

"Anybody who ever succeeded at anything came to a place of expecting success." - Abraham-Hicks

In January of this year, my sister called to tell me about a Friends & Family special her chiropractor was running. For $11, he was offering an exam, a full set of x-rays and a chiropractic adjustment. All this for $11? How could I say no? The exam revealed and the x-rays confirmed that I have a scrunched up, compressed lower right spine. I wasn't really surprised because, although I hadn't mentioned it to him, this area of my back is occasionally painful and I tend to "baby" it.

As he explained the treatment process, it felt like solid support that could enhance my own healthy lifestyle and I felt intuitively that the time was right to get my spine aligned. I mean, I get my car aligned, don't I? Why not my body? And, as a Law of Attraction Coach and practitioner, I'm all about alignment.:-] So I signed up for a year of chiropractic care and set my most positive intention for a happy, healthy, perfectly aligned spine.

Although I started chiropractic treatments with great enthusiasm and hope for magnificent results, after three months, I found myself wondering if it was really going to help me. I started thinking maybe it won't do much after all and I'll be disappointed.

This led me to the huge realization that I have a disappointment vibe which has convinced me, at various times in my life, that something will not work out for me and, therefore, it hasn't. I saw clearly those occasions where I had given myself fully over to the disappointment vibe so that something I had wanted very much resulted in disappointment.

Aha! I realized anew that it is absolutely up to me to continue to believe, to continue to desire, to continue to focus on the result I want and, therefore, to bring that result out of pure potential. I realized on a much deeper level that I have a choice about how things work out. I realized that it does not matter how masterful the chiropractor is. If I'm disallowing a positive outcome, it will not happen.

Fast forward another three months. Although I had staved off the disappointment vibe for a while, it started to creep back in -- "maybe it won't really do much after all. Oh, well, I tried." -- that sort of thing. This led to even deeper clarity about my power to choose. I can stay the course and maintain positive expectation OR I can give up and give in to disappointment.

It's like the Abraham-Hicks story about the journey from Phoenix to San Diego. They talk about how we get to the halfway point, around Yuma, feel discouraged and go back to Phoenix. Somewhere in our journey, our old programming about not being able to have what we want kicks in. It seems easier at that point to give up and go back where we started. The problem is that "going back to Phoenix" only strengthens and deepens our old programming for disappointment.

"You must train yourself into positive expectation. You must train yourself to only expect to succeed." - Abraham-Hicks

So here I am in Yuma - at the halfway point in my year of chiropractic. From here, I see my choices. I can give in to the disappointment vibe and disallow the positive outcome I desire OR I can use my power to choose positive expectation and continue to stay focused on what I want. As I become aware of my old programming and acknowledge what's actually at stake here, I can consciously choose to keep moving forward. I can consciously choose to create new neural pathways for positive expectation to replace the old neural pathways for disappointment.

This is where my power lies. When I choose to "keep heading for San Diego" filled with positive expectation, I'm choosing to believe I really can have what I want. And this choice and this belief make all the difference in the world.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Look No Further For A Natural Asthma Treatment

Asthma is an airway condition that has rapidly increased in prevalence over the last couple of decades. This may be due to the increase in pollution, toxins and triggers in our environment. However, with the increase in prevalence there is an increased motivation to find treatments to relieve and cure asthma. Presently asthma is incurable and treated by medications and pharmaceuticals that are required for the rest of the patient's life. Conventional medicine although effective at reducing inflammation and temporarily dilating the airways, has a potential risk for side effects. Additionally, there is no long-term solution with bronchodilators and asthma inhalers. In the search to cure asthma, natural and alternative approaches are being broached to relieve and eliminate symptoms, frequency and progression of this disorder. Some of the alternative treatments that are showing benefits include breathing exercises, diet, exercise, homeopathy, vitamin and herbal supplementation, acupuncture, yoga, chiropractic, massage therapy, and biofeedback.

Diet - Much like the air we breathe, the environment we surround ourselves with and the company we keep, the food that we eat affects our asthma just as much. Food is our bodies natural fuel source for energy however not all foods are used the same way in the body. Some foods worsen asthma symptoms where as other foods help to alleviate asthma symptoms. Food allergies are one of the many triggers of asthma. It is important to determine which foods cause an allergic reaction so you can eliminate them from your diet. Once these foods are removed your asthma symptoms should be greatly diminished. Foods that worsen asthma include saturated fat, salty foods, additives, preservatives, and dairy products. Saturated fats are found in red meats, shellfish, egg yolks and butter. When consumed these foods cause an inflammation response from the bodies immune system which can worsen and even cause an as asthma attack. Increased sodium levels and diets high in slat also cause inflammation within the body. Artificial sweeteners, food preservatives, and food coloring such as aspartame, sulfites, benzoates and yellow dye #5 can cause increased asthma symptoms. Dairy products increase mucus production, which worsens asthma. Eliminating milk, cheese and other cultured milk products from your diet can help to minimize your asthma symptoms. It will be necessary to supplement your diet with other sources of calcium and vitamin d.

While these foods aggravate asthma there are foods that help to alleviate asthma symptoms. Consuming fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids can help to reduce inflammation, increase lung function, and relieve asthma symptoms. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with a great source of fuel for energy as well as providing a ton of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Tomatoes, carrots, pineapples, apples and leafy green vegetables are examples of fruits and vegetables that should be included in a daily diet to lower the prevalence of asthma. Three to five servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables should be eaten everyday. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to our health, however they cannot be synthesized in the body, therefore must be consumed through the foods we eat. Omega-3 fatty acids have many health benefits such as increasing brain function, growth and development, reducing the risk for chronic diseases and reducing inflammation, which can lead to asthma symptoms. Examples of omega-3 fatty acids that are nutritionally important are ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These polyunsaturated fats help to reduce inflammation caused by saturated fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish such as salmon, tuna and halibut, flaxseed, nut oils, algae, krill and some plants.

Herbs - A naturopathic and holistic path of relieving asthma symptoms includes the use of herbs. Herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years in many different cultures. In some countries, herbal remedies are used as the primary asthma treatment as opposed to traditional prescription medication. Research is still being done on herbs to determine their beneficial factors. Some herbs that have shown promise in alleviating asthma symptoms include butterbur, dried ivy, ginkgo, tylophora, Indian frankincense, boswellia, kotuku, and grape seed. These herbs act as anti-inflammatories, which stop the narrowing of the airways, which occurs during an asthma attack. In many studies, the number duration and severity of asthma attacks decreased and symptoms improved after using herbal remedies. Some considerations before starting the use of herbal remedies are the quality of the herbs, side effects and drug interactions that can occur. Therefore its best to consult with an herbalist or doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine before taking any herbal remedy.

Homeopathy - Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that stimulates the bodies innate self healing response by using infinitesimal doses of natural substances that cause symptoms. Homeopathy is a holistic medicine, which uses all natural ingredients from plants and animals. The idea of homeopathy is long term complete healing of a disease, rather than short-term relief. This type of healing boosts the body's immune system and cellular function making it easier to avoid a recurrence or relapse of the same symptoms or disease. For asthma sufferers the homeopathic remedies would include substances that generally trigger an asthma attack such as pollen or weeds. Because the doses are so small it will not cause a full on asthma attack but encourage the bodies immune system to eliminate the substance, which strengthens the body and lungs.

Breathing Exercises - Asthma is an airway condition, which constricts the lungs and increases inflammation causing an inability to breathe. Because breathing is essential to life finding a way to minimize the symptoms of asthma to allow for easier breathing is quite important as well. Many triggers for asthma come from the environment however some can be psychological such as fear, anxiety and stress. Therefore alternative practices such as breathing exercises and stress management can help to reduce the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms. Although traditional medicine gives no scientific backing to these methods, studies are still being done to determine just how effective breathing exercises can be to reduce asthma. The four main breathing exercises include Buteyko breathing techniques, the Papworth method, yoga breathing (pranayama) and inspiratory muscle training. Each method has shown signs of having the ability to reduce the severity of asthma symptoms with the possibility of decreasing the use of asthma medications. Consult your doctor before stopping any of your asthma medications.

The Buteyko method is based on the assumption that asthma is caused by chronic hyperventilation or over breathing. To correct it this technique focuses on breathing retraining. Hyperventilation leads to low carbon dioxide levels in the blood, so by raising these levels through shallow breathing you can eliminate asthma symptoms. The main objection of Buteyko is to normalize breathing through three principles: nasal breathing, reduced breathing and relaxation.

Nasal breathing is very important for the body as it protects the airways by warming, humidifying and cleaning the air before reaching the lungs. Additionally nasal breathing maintains appropriate levels of carbon dioxide and nitric oxide in the lungs. Although very important for asthmatics to increase nasal breathing it isn't to enough along to completely reduce asthma. Reduced breathing involves breath control, where you consciously reduce your breathing rate and volume. To do this Buteyko uses an exercise called control pause. This is the amount of time someone can comfortably hold his or her breath after a normal exhale. Overtime control pause and nasal breathing will become instinctive and work in unison to decrease asthma symptoms. Lastly relaxation is used if and when an asthma attack occurs. At the very start of an asthma attack its normal for the breathing to become short and rapid causing the person to hyperventilate. However, if they can overcome this over breathing phase by controlling their breathing, they can eliminate an asthma attack all together.

The Papworth method much like the Buteyko method was developed to control over breathing and uses techniques such as nasal breathing and relaxation however its main idea centers around deep belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing encourages more relaxed, gentler breathing, which uses the diaphragm and abdomen rather than the chest.

One of the basic principles of yoga is pranayama-yoga breathing. Yoga breathing teaches deep, slow, steady breathing. In addition to yoga's breathing techniques it improves fitness and reduces stress which are triggers of asthma. Yoga is an alternative exercise and treatment to reduce asthma.

Inspiratory muscle training is a breathing technique used to strengthen the lung muscles marking it easier to breathe. These breathing exercises are not only used as a natural asthma treatment but also in the management of COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation, heart failure treatment and after certain types of surgery. Additionally inspiratory muscle training can be used for improving sports performance and exercise endurance.

Exercise - Exercise keeps the body strong and physically fit. For people with asthma, regular exercise especially aerobic exercise strengthens the lungs and stretches the bronchial tubes which makes it easier to breath and diminishes the resistance to breathing. In addition, exercise reduces excess weight, which can be a risk factor to developing asthma. Overall exercise and an active lifestyle can prevent asthma symptoms.

Relaxation therapy - Relaxation techniques target the stressor that triggers an asthma attack. By reducing the stress and learning ways to cope with stress, patients can learn ways to avoid and reduce the occurrence of asthma as attacks. Relaxation therapy includes several disciplines such as mediation, biofeedback, and hypnosis.

Biofeedback training teaches one how to consciously control your body's vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. These body functions are e normally unconsciously controlled by the Autonomic nervous system. However, by monitoring these functions through electronic devices you can retrain your body to get a desired response. For asthmatics, biofeedback is a great tool especially when an attack occurs. The patient can learn to use relaxation, mediation and visualization to increase the amount of inhaled air to reduce the fear and anxiety of an asthma attack.

Meditation can be used to help with asthma in several areas of the condition. First medication is all about quieting the mind. When this is achieved the body and mind are completely relaxed, blood pressure lowers, heart rate decreases and blood flow increases. For asthmatics relaxation reduces the trigger that cause an attack. Secondly, active meditation allows the mind to focus its awareness on a direct object. Many focus on breathing, especially asthma sufferers. This strengthens the lungs and enhances lung capacity.

Whether you believe in it or you think it's a hoax, hypnosis has been used for many different ailments such as weight loss, smoking and even asthma. Hypnosis is an artificially induced trance where a person becomes more aware, focused and open to suggestion. People, who are more highly susceptible, show more improvement with this technique. Therefore hypnosis is not a recommended treatment for all people. However, studies did show an increase in bronchial hyper responsiveness, improvement in asthma symptoms and a decrease in the use of asthma medications.

Chiropractic - Chiropractic is based on the philosophy that our bodies nervous system has the ability to heal itself. However, when spinal vertebrae become misaligned the nervous system is unable to do its job. Therefore a chiropractor manipulates the body to move the vertebrae back into place, allowing the nervous system to then heal the tissue around the previously subluxated vertebrae. In patients with asthma the objective of chiropractic is to increase motion in the thoracic cage, mobilize ribs, enhance arterial blood supply and lymphatic return, and increase nervous system activity. By reducing restriction of the vertebrae and muscles surrounding the spine, asthma symptoms will diminish by allowing the lungs to expand freely. Improvement was shown in the number of asthma attacks, medication use, quality of life and changes in asthma symptoms, when research was conducted. However, the data concluded that the improvements were not statistically significant enough to recommend chiropractic treatment as an alternative therapy for asthma sufferers. However, patients who receive massage feel more relaxed, with looser muscles and easier mobilization.

Massage Therapy - Massage therapy in patients with asthma have shown improvement in stress levels as well as increased lung function. Massage therapy opens up the pores, pushes out congestion and phlegm, and reduces heat and inflammation. For children who suffer with asthma, a 20-minute massage each night before bedtime has shown to increase peak airflow, improve pulmonary function, and lessen anxiety. Specific massage points on the neck, chest and arm target symptoms especially related to asthma.

Acupuncture - Acupuncture is an ancient treatment originated in China thousands of years ago. The philosophy behind acupuncture is that the human body has a life force, which flows throughout the body in opposing forces, called the yin and yang. Diseases such as asthma are caused when the energy flow becomes blocked, imbalanced or stagnant in the body. Acupuncture relieves these illnesses through the placement of very thin, long needles, which care placed along the meridians, pathways in the body in relation to the symptoms of the disease. Such is the case with asthma; acupuncture needles are placed in the upper back, and hands. Although the research is in conclusive about the benefits acupuncture can have on asthma symptoms, it has shown improvement in some cases. Therefore if you are looking for an alternative treatment for asthma, you may want to consider acupuncture. You may be one of the lucky patients who finds relief and reduction of their asthma symptoms. Always use a reputable and licensed acupuncturists to avoid the risk of side effects due to improperly placed needles or sanitary concerns.

What Are The Different Alternative Types Of Medicine?

What Are The Different Alternative Types Of Medicine

Ever since the 1970's alternative medicine has become an ever increasing popular choice for patients to consider. There are many forms of alternative types of medicine that are offered today only a few have actually been recognized by main stream medicine, however as more and nore research is being done on alternative forms of medicine, consumers are now able to select a form of alternative medicine that they feel will benefit their condition and health.

What Are The Most Recognized Alternative Types Of Medicine Offered?

The collective group of Chinese Traditional medicine is gaining popularity as one of the alternative types of medicine that is being offered. This is a set of practices that is designed to balance a person's chee, making their body's energy flow appropriately and keep the person healthy. Acupuncture is part of this regimen and is used for various maladies from Migraine Headaches to joint pain and all complaints in between. Very fine needles are strategically placed on the bodies important energy points. Improving the bodies energy flow and hence the overall health.

The Chinese also have a large array of herbal medicines for all sorts of ailments. When combined with Tai-Chi and meditation a holistic medical treatment is created. By enabling the mind and body to be joined, the energy is directed in the best manner to promote good health..

Therapeutic Touch is another form of alternative medicine that is gaining popularity. In therapeutic Touch the hands are laid on the area of concern It is thought that by placing hands on the effected area energies can be channeled to assist the healing process While being similar to acupuncture its derivation goes back to biblical days.

Massage can be considered another form of an alternative medicine that uses touch to help promote healing and relaxation. Both of these alternative types of medicine are sought after treatments for a variety of medical problems, from muscles aches to just having problems relaxing.

Chiropractic Medicine is another form of alternative medicine that is becoming both widely recognized and accepted. In this practice, the well being of the patient is thought to involve the spine. A session with a Chiropractor would involve having adjustments made on the spine to help with the bodies functions.

Osteopathic medicine is another one of the alternative types of medicine that has also become more main-stream. This is also a form of medicine that involves the whole system and the impact one system has on another. This too has a hands on approach to healing the body.

Alternative types of medicine are found in most large cities and areas of different ethnic groups today. Many of the main-stream doctors are working with the practitioners of alternative medicine giving patients more choices in their own health care.

Plantar Fascitis, Heel Spurs, and Achilles Tendon Rupture: Treatment With Rapid and Lasting Results

Imagine waking up in the morning and getting up from bed. Ouch! There's intense foot pain throughout the arch and focusing near the heel. The pain continues every step, lessening more from endurance and personal fortitude than actual relief.

This is textbook plantar fascitis. The plantar fascia is a tough sheet of connective tissue which stretches across the sole of the foot from the ball to the heel. It spans the arch of the foot like the string of a bow. (The bow would be the bones of the foot which form the arch.) Add gravity to the equation and it is obvious that the fascia must stretch under the entire weight of the body. One problem: The plantar fascia doesn't like to be stretched. When it is stretched, it becomes inflamed and voila: plantar fascitis.

At first look, it appears nature has a faulty design, but one more component requires consideration: The muscles. There are several muscles whose job it is to hold up the arch of the foot and maintain proper biomechanics. Anterior and posterior tibialis are just two major players. The foot also has its own intrinsic muscles which fortify the arch. If they become neurologically inhibited (weakened), the arch will fall and the fascia is all that remains. These muscles are innervated by the lower lumbar and sacral cord levels in the back which join to form the sciatic nerve and eventually travel through the tarsal tunnel in the ankle. Ergo, any lumbosacral (low back) misalignment or tarsal tunnel syndrome due to ankle dysfunction can inhibit (weaken) these muscles. All must be properly assessed and ruled out.

Another player is the triceps surae, the calf muscles attaching to the Achilles tendon, if they become over-facilitated (tight) the heel bone is pulled posteriorly - also stretching the plantar fascia and causing inflammation. Tightness here can be THE predisposing factor for Achilles rupture as well.

Another common sequella of plantar fascitis is a heel spur. When the body has inflammation, calcium infiltrates the tissue and can calcify, or harden into bone. A heel spur is exactly that: calcification of the plantar fascia (and sometimes the Achilles tendon).

All of these complications can be made better by balancing the aforementioned muscles. (Achilles tendon rupture requires surgical repair first, but with corrected muscles healing is accelerated and pain is more easily managed.)

Pain medications should only be considered for temporary relief. Orthotics may be permanently necessary when there are anatomical deformations. Surgery is rarely necessary and should only be considered when other options are exhausted.

The most economical and lasting option is to find a chiropractor skilled in applied kinesiology. A professional applied kinesiologist will isolate the muscles and manually test them, then (s)he will test the best way to strengthen the weak/inhibited muscles. Spinal or extremity joint manipulation, orthopedic massage, or nutrition may be recommended to achieve this balance.

There is no need to suffer any longer. Seek out the nearest professional applied kinesiologist and get relief. For information on how to find a professional applied kinesiologist, visit the International College of Applied Kinesiology online.

Quit Smoking With Chiropractic Care or Acupuncture

Acupuncture and chiropractic care are known to have many benefits. Most people believe these benefits only pertain to pain in the body, especially in the spine, leg, and neck regions. There are many other life choices that this alternative technique can help with. When someone needs to quit smoking, physical manipulation can help ease the transition into non-smoking life. Smokers become incredibly addicted due to all of the ingredients that are in a cigarette. It also becomes a crutch when things get too stressful, making it difficult to quit the habit. When a smoker quits smoking or even goes without a cigarette for a while, they may experience stress and anxiety. Nicotine withdrawal may not be quite as destructive as opiate withdrawal, but it certainly makes it harder to quit smoking by a great deal. This is why it is vital for a person to look into Eastern medicine for assistance.

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, irritability, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, and even concentration issues. Due to these withdrawal symptoms, it tends to be overwhelming for those that are trying to quit. The emotions and disorders they experience can be debilitating, so many find it easier just to keep smoking. This does not have to be the case. Much like with depression and anxiety treatments, patients seeking help through acupuncture can see improvement in their overall health.

Alternative treatment has been known to help calm a person attempting to quit down, teach them to relax, and it could help with other issues as well. The quitter will find that they feel healthier and happier simply by receiving a few treatments a week. Every time a visit for chiropractic management is made, the chances of being successful increase. Not only that, but it ends up saving the smoker money in a long run. It is an affordable treatment that helps make them happier, healthier, and free from pain in the body.

Quitting smoking does not have to be a stressful situation for the patient. With the benefits of acupuncture, it can be an easy and permanent way to free oneself from the chains of a nicotine addiction. Look for acupuncture or a chiropractor therapist in your area to have them administer life-changing techniques today. With the increase of energy, the positive effects you will feel, and the reduced inflammation of your joints will have you experiencing life in a completely new way.

Is a Gluten-Free Diet Healthy?

Okay so I just saw the Dr. OZ video on gluten, the gluten diet and what he described as the myths surrounding the gluten diet. I think the purpose of the segment was to discuss the fad of a gluten-free diet as a way to lose weight and whether this is a healthy way to lose weight. The segment was a bit confusing regarding the real point he was trying to make so I thought I would discuss some points regarding a gluten-free diet, why it may be the healthiest thing for you, why people lose weight on a gluten-free diet, why a gluten-free diet may not be healthy for you, and what a gluten-free diet should not be.

First thing we should probably discuss is what is gluten?

Gluten in simple terms is a protein found in grains. The most problematic seem to be in wheat, barley, rye, and malt. But any of the grain foods can be problematic for someone for a number of reasons. I will cover more of these in a later article.

The real question is should you be on a gluten-free diet?

And the answer is may be. If you are sensitive or intolerant to gluten or its breakdown components or have Celiac Disease the answer is yes. If you are not gluten intolerant/sensitive or do not have Celiac Disease the answer is maybe. The maybe, is because we now know through research that gluten can cause cross-reactions with other food sensitivities and although you are not sensitive to gluten, eating it may make your other food sensitivities worse.

So how do you find out if you are gluten sensitive?

Well, Dr. OZ and his guest Dr. Hyman suggest you go totally gluten-free for two weeks, then add gluten back and see how you feel. While this sounds like an easy way to do it and some people notice improvement, others do this and feel no change and assume they therefore don't have a problem with gluten. There are multiple reasons a person may not notice any change:

1. Too short of a time period. I have many patients that don't notice changes until they have been off of gluten for longer periods of time.

2. They may be off gluten, but they are eating foods that can be cross-reactive like coffee, milk protein (casein), etc. These foods look similar enough to your immune system for some people that when they eat them, your body thinks its gluten and you get a response just like eating gluten. So this may not work for everyone.

3. You may have what is called "Leaky Gut Syndrome". Leaky Gut Syndrome simply means that your intestinal track has become too porous and is letting things like undigested food, bacterial toxins, etc. get into the blood stream. These undigested foods like rice protein or egg protein may continue an immune reaction even though you are off gluten and no change is noticed.

I, and others recommend an Auto-Immune or Anti-inflammatory diet if you are going to try to see if your food is making you not feel well. This diet consists of lean meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, high fiber fruits (stone fruits), nuts, olive or coconut oil and water to drink. It doesn't sound exciting but it eliminates most of the common food sensitivities and cross-reactors. If you want more information on the diet email me or send me a message.

So you may feel better, you may notice no change for the reasons I explained above or a third outcome that can happen and I see this happen frequently is a person may feel worse. That's right you remove gluten and you feel worse. Now you're thinking not only am I not gluten sensitive, I actually need it to feel better. I get the logic of this thinking, but it is only because someone hasn't explained that there is a portion of gluten called Gluteomorphin, that for some people, can create a withdraw response when removed like a junkie coming off drugs or a heavy coffee drinker quitting cold turkey. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and sometimes quite severe.

What I suggest for everyone is if you are healthy and feel great, have no chronic health challenges why bother, keep doing what you're doing. If you have chronic health problems, then getting tested for gluten intolerance may be the best investment you can make. But here is where more problems occur.

What test do you run?

Most doctors are unaware that a Celiac panel like the one mentioned on Dr. OZ is just not sensitive enough to pick up many cases of gluten intolerance. If you have full blown Celiac Disease this test is may be fine. But if you don't have Celiac Disease (I will talk about the difference later) but do have gluten intolerance you may not get a positive finding.

A new lab opened up in the last year called Cyrex Labs. Cyrex's Chief Scientific Consultant is Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MT and is one of the premier immunologists in the world. He has designed tests, called Arrays, that are now the go to tests to identify not just gluten intolerance but a bucket load of other things that make identifying the cause of many of our chronic health care problems a reality.

Cyrex Lab currently offers two unique tests that can be used to identify gluten sensitivity. The first is their Array 1. Array 1 / Mucosal Gluten Reactivity Screen, is a saliva test that is easy to perform, can be done at home, and is the most cost effective (in my opinion) for the average person who is looking to see if they are reacting to gluten. The drawback to this test is that it only tests one aspect of gluten, alpha gliadin. There are many other components of gluten that someone can be sensitive to. So if this test is negative and a person appears reactive to gluten or has chronic health problems, the more comprehensive Array 3 (Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity) should be performed.

But if Array 1 is positive, game over, no more gluten. Array 3 is much more complex and too much to explain now, but as a doctor I love the test. As much as I love it, I don't run it as often as the Array 1 because the Array 3 requires a blood draw and that can be a bit more of an effort for some people. Currently these tests are not covered by insurance but they are by far, now the best tests to identify gluten intolerance and the impact that gluten intolerance is having on the body.

So who should get tested for gluten?

I suggest that anyone with chronic health care problems like allergies, sinus problems, headaches, migraines, digestive problems, and chronic pain should consider getting tested if they are looking for the cause of those symptoms and tired of treating the symptoms. If you have any sort of chronic disease or auto-immune condition like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn's Disease, MS, Raynaud's, Fibromyalgia, Thyroid disorders, vertigo, depression, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, etc. I highly recommend you get tested. If you are one of those people who feel lousy all the time and no one seems to know what is wrong, you are the "undiagnosed", and you are looking for a possible answer, get tested for gluten.

Now is gluten the answer to the world's health problems?

No, by far there are plenty of other things in our lives that make us unhealthy. However, it is not a bad place to start if you are looking for a reason/cause of your health problems.

Will going gluten-free if you're intolerant or have Celiac Disease be enough?

Maybe. Some people will feel much better on just a gluten-free "healthy" diet. But others won't, because as I said earlier gluten may only part of the problem. If you don't address all the problems like other food sensitivities, intestinal permeability, gut infections, blood sugar problems, etc. than going gluten-free may not be enough.

If you find out you are gluten intolerant it might stimulate questions like; what damage has been done to the body as a results, how do I find out what damage has been done, and lastly what can be done to repair the damage. Those are the questions that will have to be addressed by someone like myself on an individual basis. These are the things I deal with on a daily basis in my practice with my patients.

Dr. OZ and his guests did mention that a gluten-free diet can be worse than a gluten-full diet. To a degree they were right, but what they should have said was that any diet high in processed foods is not as healthy as a diet consisting of whole organic, non-processed foods. If you think that you can be healthy just because your ice cream, cookies, cakes, and crackers are gluten-free, roll back over because you're dreaming!

The basic principles of eating healthy do not change. The focus should be on eating lean meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, high fiber fruits, raw nuts, healthy oils and plenty of non-caffeinated, no sugar / sugar substituted fluids. If you are not gluten sensitive, eat whole grains. If you are gluten sensitive be careful, and seek guidance on the appropriate grains for you. To be healthy you need to also manage stress, get appropriate sleep, and be active.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Back Pain and Applied Kinesiology

Back pain. It's annoying for some people, debilitating for others.

If you get hit by a semi truck or take a shot by an NFL middle linebacker, it might be just a structural problem. In this case, any good chiropractor will do. Treatment consists of repositioning the misplaced vertebrae, sometimes over several visits depending on severity, allowing the body a chance to heal, and you're on your way again.

But if the back pain keeps recurring with repeated spinal adjustments, there are other factors involved. This is also true for people who have pain for no apparent reason, or somebody who bent over to pick up their socks and their back goes out. There is something else causing the need for frequent trips to the chiropractor and "heavy sock" syndrome.

Let's look at three factors that contribute to back pain (lower back especially).

The first one is adrenal gland stress. These are your fight or flight glands located above the kidneys. Because they are massively overworked in our society, they become tired and in some cases completely exhausted. Without proper functioning adrenal glands, the ligaments of the body start to lose their holding power. Because ligaments hold bones to other bones, the structure of the body, and especially in this case the spine, is compromised.

The extra strain causes muscle spasms, and the never ending pain cycle.

In the diagnostic technique known as applied kinesiology, we also learn that two muscles that stabilize the pelvis and knees are also compromised when the adrenal glands are stressed. This usually leads to a forward tilt of the pelvis, causing further strain on the lower back.

The next factor that contributes to lower back pain is the health of the digestive system. Digestion is one very important factor to good heath. Without proper digestive function everything else in your body will not work properly. The digestive tract is where you absorb nutrients and the building blocks for the cells in your body.

However, with applied kinesiology we also find that several muscles that stabilize the hips and pelvis, fail when the digestive system malfunctions. And, to top it off the digestive organs feed much of their nerve supply from the lower back area. Any irritation in the digestive organs, creates irritation in the lower back.

And now for the third contributing factor in back pain, the reproductive system. You may have noticed the common theme that by utilizing applied kinesiology testing, a doctor can find muscle weakness and malfunction with organ imbalances. The same is the case with the reproductive organs such as the uterus, prostate, ovaries, etc. When they are not working correctly, pelvis muscles such as the gluteus medius and piriformis malfunction creating an unstable base for the spine to sit on.

This is an important concept to grasp. Without balanced muscle control the lower back, or any area for that matter will be unstable, causing pain. The entire body works as a dynamic whole and when treated as such by an applied kinesiology trained chiropractor, relief of chronic symptoms can often be achieved rapidly.

It is probably very apparent to you that simply adjusting the spine is not good enough in many cases. Without looking at adrenal gland, digestive, and reproductive organ function, it is very difficult to achieve true lasting pain relief. Applied kinesiology offers unparalleled information as to what may be causing the problem.

Pinched Nerve Traction Device

Causes of pinched nerves

One of the common causes is disc degeneration. Disc degeneration is caused by wear and tear over the years with the disc getting thinner which narrows the vertebral spaces. This can cause the nerves to become pinched and irritated. This may then be followed with tingling and numbness in the shoulders and neck. Tension, stress, whiplash and other injuries can all contribute over time.

Computer Influences

With the growing use of computers in the work place and at home there has in turn been a growing problem with pinched nerves as a result of poor posture during frequent computer use. Usually just a few minor adjustments to your computer area can improve your online posture.

Treatments for Neck Pain

Neck pain from pinched nerves can be treated in a variety of ways. If it is caused by an injury or accident the typical care includes wearing a neck collar, ice pack, and bed rest.

Chiropractors frequently use neck traction to bring relief for muscle spasms and pain from nerves. This lifts the weight of your head up off the neck allowing the nerve roots to be temporarily decompressed. Your chiropractor may recommend cervical traction device following treatment.

If you are using a pinched nerve traction device at home you will need to keep visiting your chiropractor for adjustments. Use this Cervical Traction Device in combination with chiropractor visit for effective pinched nerve treatment.

A pinched nerve traction can be used to bring relief to neck discomfort and pain from misalignment of the spine. Misalignment occurs when your spine curvature is shaped differently than it is suppose to be. This causes nerve pressure and pain.

Muscle spasm and pain can be relieved by use of the traction device

Cervical lordosis is caused by severe trauma and affects a vertebral group in the spine. Activities can also cause us to maintain abnormal positions by keeping your head lower or protruded more than it would be in its normal position. This can lead to long term problems. Pinched nerve traction can provide relief to the discomfort and pain of a misaligned spine.

How does pinched nerve traction device work?

The traction device works using air introduced slowly into the neck collar by an inflation bulb. The neck is supported in a vertical position to bring relief while stretching muscles that are tight relieving pressure in the neck. The elongating action provided by the neck traction device relieves the intra-vertebral disc pressure. Just a few minutes of use can produce incredible pain relief. Increased blood supply to the tendons, ligaments and muscles of the neck can be obtained by using the pinched nerve traction device on a regular basis.

Patient Reactivation Timeline

You work hard to attract a new patient to your office only to have them drop out of care or resist becoming a wellness patient with regular maintenance care.

When your patient flow drops, you attempt to reactivate inactive patients.

The traditional method suggested by leading consultants is:

* Telephone Call

* Post Card/Letter Mailers

The effectiveness of these methods are debatable... it works for some, at some level but is not as effective as most expect.

Patient Reactivation Marketing (PRM)

Patient Reactivation Marketing is an important component of your INTERNAL marketing mix and for maximum effectiveness, you must have a written and structured plan.

PRM begins on the FIRST office visit. Most Chiropreneurs don't begin the PRM process until a patient become INACTIVE. That's the most difficult time to begin. The purpose of a solid PRM plan is to reduce the number of patients whom become INACTIVE for any number of reasons.

If your PVA is below 80, then you will have a HIGH number of inactive patients in your office. Often you will have more inactive patients than you do active ones.

Your PVA is a barometer on how effective you are in retaining patients, which will impact the number of inactive patients in your office. It all begins with the first, second, third.... office visit. In other words, your patient care protocol has a direct link to your patient retention or lack thereof.

During the program of care, you will either build trust, respect and confidence with the patient... or they will become inactive.

The components of building patient loyalty are:

1. Patient Communications, i.e., scripting.

2. Patient Education

3. Number of Referrals while under care.

4. Utilization of your services and products beyond chiropractic adjustments.

5. Consistent Marketing Communications, i.e., newsletter and special events.

6. Patient Loyalty Club to earn rewards.

7. Patient Recall Protocol

8. Supporting Patient's Aliveness

Each of these components in your patient care protocol will stem the tide of patients voting with their feet and failing to return for care.

Inactive Protocol

Once you have implemented the components above, you will have patients whom go inactive for in number of reasons. However, you can reactive these patients with a structured and consistent marketing plan.

The first rule: NEVER GIVE UP!

What I most often find is that after one or two attempts to reactivate a patient, the effort is abandon and the effort is aborted.

With the exception of those whom move away from your marketplace, those who die or those whom you no longer desire to serve, you should never stop marketing to your former active patients. The reason is simple: you never know when they may need your brand of chiropractic again. You cannot predict when they may have an automobile accident, get hurt on the job or a slip and fall at home. You must be foremost in the mind of your patient so they can instantly recall your brand of chiropractic.

But, beyond this, just because has chosen to drop our of care doesn't not preclude them from referring others to your office!

Our of sight.... out of mind.

Here are some tactics you can use to maintain a connection:

1. Monthly Print Newsletter

2. Weekly electronic newsletter

3. Invitation to special events

4. Monthly Promotional Offers

5. Personal Contact

6. Dimensional Reactivation Mailer

7. Loyalty Incentive Offers

8. Anniversary Gift Card

The important consideration is that you have a planned and structured marketing strategy to reach out and stay connected.

Many Chiropreneurs make the mistake of giving up too soon... arguing that if they drop out of care and don't respond to your reactivation messages, why waste money? Here's why:

Because you do not know when they will need you or have someone to refer to you! Marketing is about consistency and spaced repetition. Who doesn't know about McConald's? So one would think that if someone wanted a fast burger, they would just go to the local McDonald's and in minutes satisfy their hunger. If that were true then why do they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on t.v., radio, newspaper, magazines, billboard and mailers month-in and month out? Because they have no clue when the hunger-pain may hit you, so they want to be front and center when it does.

Let's take an example: You "invest" $1.00 per month, per patient (active and inactive) with some form of marketing communications. You do this for five years, 60 months. Your total investment during the 60 months would be $60.

Now, during that 60 months of regular and consistent communications, what would have to happen for you to recapture your investment? Maybe a single office visit would do it! But, what if they have a new case in the next five years, or a friend, family member or co-worker needs a chiropractor. Remember, McDonald's is selling 99 cent burger, you are marketing $50 office visit or $2,000 care plans! You have a huge edge over McDonald's.

Dimensional Marketing

There are two kinds of mailers: flat and dimensional. Flat is a post card or letter in an envelope. It's a flat piece of marketing. And, this is the typical format used by most Chiropreneurs who attempt patient reactivation. But, it is the lest effective.

Dimensional marketing is more like a:"package." It has thickness which contributes to the curiosity factor.... important in creating readership and a response. When someone receives a post card or letter, they can quickly decide to read or trash. But, if they receive a "bulky" package, they are driven to OPEN and see what they received.

The mot important element in direct mail marketing is getting "opened," and read.

Here are some dimensional mailers have used:

1. Sock Letter.... a bulky, bubble envelop with a letter and actual sock enclosed.

* Boomerang Letter... box with a letter and actual boomerang enclosed.

* Patient Chart Folder... an actual folder with patient "stuff" enclosed.

* Ceramic Mask Letter... a box with a ceramic mask and letter.

* Yo Yo Letter.... a box with a letter and yo-yo enclosed.

* Gift Card Letter... Box with a gift wrapped Gift Card and letter.

* Slinky Letter... a box with a slinky and letter enclosed.

Get the idea? Add some dimension to your patient reactivation efforts to improve your results.

It's the Plan

Patient Reactivation Marketing is planned and structured and begins with the first visit and continues until the patient dies, moves away, patient request cessation of your communications or you refuse to serve the patient.

Take a look at your PVA and count how many INACTIVE patient records you have and you may uncover a huge marketing initiative that can change the dynamics of your practice.