Taking Responsibility
Parents today are more savvy than in the past, and many are more than ready to take responsibility for their own education with regard to health matters and that includes childhood vaccines (and all vaccines).
The truth is, this is not a new concern. For decades there have been voices in the wilderness decrying the practice of vaccinations. The Poisoned Needle, by Eleanor McBean was written more than 50 years ago. However, such news rarely makes it to the front page. Nor do the many medical reports that have been issued through the years warning against the dangers of inoculations.
Do the Research
Today, thankfully, the "front page" has been replaced by Google, and concerned parents can find a rash of validated information online regarding the dangers of vaccines.
When one thinks of the number of vaccines that are now purported to be necessary for both children and adults, the figures become mind-boggling. Add to that the fact that:
1) these procedures are intricately tied to a billion-dollar industry,
2) statistics that show the effectiveness of vaccines are often deceiving and twisted and
3) each dose is loaded with a "witches brew" of harmful additives.
The facts reveal that vaccines across the board cause more harm than good. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), established in 1986, has paid out over $1 billion in injury awards to date. Thousands of cases are pending, stuck in the federal bureaucracy. [NVICP, Health Resources and Services Administration. (Federal Government)] This is only the tip of the iceberg since the majority of cases never see the light of day.
After years of controversy the Centers for Disease Control finally admitted in 1996 that the polio vaccine used on millions in the 1950s may have contained the SV-40 monkey retrovirus (which causes cancer in laboratory animals). Whether or not this could ever be linked to our present onslaught of cancer will never be known. If the evidence ever did become conclusive, neither the vaccine industry, nor the cancer industry could stand to take the hit.
Another little known fact regarding childhood vaccines is the toxic additives that each dose contains. The medical community claims these additives are "relatively small" and are deemed "harmless." These include:
* Thimerosal (a mercury derivative)
* Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
* Phenol (a disinfectant dye)
* Aluminum
* Benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant)
* Formaldehyde (a preservative and disinfectant)
I don't know about you, but I would pass if offered a "relatively small" dose of antifreeze.
If these facts are true, and they most certainly are, why does the practice of inoculating babies and school children continue? One reason that has already been cited is money. The vaccine industry brings in billions of dollars each year.
Fear Tactics
Another reason is due to fear tactics and pressure. Parents are made to feel "less-than" if they refuse to allow their children to be vaccinated. Because the procedures are touted as being highly effective in the prevention of disease then only a "bad and uncaring" parent would ever refuse.
Additionally, pediatricians often pressure parents into allowing childhood shots even after those parents voice their doubts. School administrators lead parents to believe that without shot records, the child will not be admitted into school.
This means that concerned parents must be well educated in this subject and able to hold their own if they choose to refuse vaccinations. In that same vein, parents will need to take a close look at the health and nutrition for their families to keep the family's health at optimum levels. I help my patients understand that a healthy body (which equals a high immune system) will on its own, ward off most diseases.
The Quick Fix
Americans are notorious for seeking the quick fix. This is acutely apparent in the skyrocketing popularity of over-the-counter drugs to treat a wide range of maladies. This quick-fix mentality bleeds over into the area of childhood vaccines. The promise of immediate and permanent protection is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It also explains, in part, our willingness to subject our children and ourselves so willingly to vaccinations.
I often tell my clients, either you will be in charge of the health and well-being of yourself and your family, or you will abdicate that responsibility to another. Hopefully you will choose the former and avoid the latter.
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