Saturday, August 3, 2013

Why Do You Want to Be a Chiropractor?

One of the first things I ask chiropractors who call me for advice as they go through a spot of difficulty is, "Why did you become a chiropractor?"

This usually isn't the type of question that struggling chiropractors expect after pouring their hearts out about their lack of patients, inability to pay their bills or their fear of losing their house. Deep in their pity party, they rarely see the connection.

"I wanted to help people."

"I'm good with my hands and I've always been interested in health."

"It seemed like an easy way to become a doctor."

"I had a positive chiropractic experience and it seemed interesting."

I could go on. Not a single one has observed, "I've always wanted to run my own small business and the getting and keeping of chiropractic patients seemed like a profitable way to make a living."

Strip away the emotion, the philosophy, the "big idea," and the do-gooder mentality of helping those who are hurting, and you have a small business. If you don't run a profitable small business, you'll find the ability to "help people" and all the other Hallmark card intentions disappear. This is often when I get the phone call or email. What appears to be a lack of new patients is no different than a struggling restaurant without hungry diners, a pet groomer without pets or a hair salon without people who want their hair styled.

In the short term, I have to assume the struggling chiropractor has adequate technical skills. I know this is a huge assumption, but it's something unlikely to change or improve in the next critical weeks and months. What else can we work on?

Win an Oscar. First, realize you're not able to hide your doubts and distractions from patients. I know, you're trying, but most patients can see through your pathetic performance. You'll need to be considerably more convincing if you have any hope of extricating yourself. One way is to...

Stay present with patients. When times are tough you're inclined to leave the patient (in your mind) and do some math. Patients may not know you're multiplying the number of patients on the book for the rest of the day by the likely fee you'll be getting. But they sense you're energy isn't focused on them. Follow Kenny Rogers's advice, "There'll be time for counting when the dealing's done."

Count your blessings. When you lack patients, money or confidence it's tempting to think you have few resources and even more tempting to forget the gratitude you should be feeling for what you do have. You may be cash poor but knowledge rich. Ask yourself how you can turn your knowledge into cash (new patients).

What is the lesson? What is a lack of patients telling you? What meaning are you attaching? If you were a restaurant, pet groomer or hair salon, what would is the marketplace saying? Find the lesson. That's where the solution is.

Stop worrying. Worry is merely is praying for what you don't want. Which takes place in the future. You must remain in the present because the present is the only place you can do anything about your circumstances. Ask yourself dozens of time each day if you must, "What could I be doing right now to help get and keep more patients?"

Apologize. Take out the file folders of inactives that you shortchanged because you were too busy thinking about yourself. Sequester yourself in your office and pray. Apologize. Visualize the patients and how you might be a better servant in the future. Ask for forgiveness. Ask for another chance.

If all goes according to plan, every successful practice will go through a time or two of struggle, frustration, crisis and resolution. Chiropractors who start up and achieve success (however you define it) without the painful doubts and confidence-shattering difficulties are not only rare, but rarely appreciate the fundamental truth that they run a small business first, and a healing center that helps people second. Because if you can't do the former, you won't get to do the latter.

Chiropractor Cure For Work Related Back Pain

Working in a construction site is a backbreaking job.

This type of work would probably suit those with big, firm muscular arms because working in a construction site, whether for a building or a house, involves carrying heavy materials.

The laborers would work for hours, oftentimes under the hot, glaring sun just to meet the deadline of the project and to it within the specifications of the architect and owner. They eagerly wait for the lunch bell before, sweaty and covered with dust, they would sit down under a shade to eat their packed meals.

It is not a glamorous job but after a few months or even years the outcome of their hard labor is simply satisfying and at times even breathtaking.

They are the nameless people who helped build skyscrapers and monumental pieces of art such as the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Petronas Towers in Malaysia, the Pyramids in Egypt, the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai and even the Taj Mahal in India.

But the manual work does take its toll on the laborers and their body had to bear the burden. Oftentimes they experience back problems and taking those painkiller drugs can no longer remove the sting of pain. They would now be forced to proceed with "Plan B".

"Plan B" simply means seeking alternative medicines such as a chiropractic treatment. This does not entail undergoing an operation but improvements on the condition on the body would be done by hand.

Chiropractors that specialize in the treatment of low back pain attempt to improve the function of the joints and the nervous system by adjusting vertebral subluxations. Manual spinal adjustments are the key to chiropractic treatment.

Chiropractic adjustments, over the years have become the craze in the United States. There are about more than40 million Americans who receive regular treatment.

3 Quick Chiropractor Marketing Tips

So you're chiropractic business is up and running and you have new patients visiting you regularly.  You maybe have spent some time the old fashioned way to get clients by pounding the pavement or knocking on doors, but now you're ready to jump into the internet age...or at least test the waters. 

When it comes to marketing online, may chiropractors don't know where to start.  Terms like websites, social media, SEM, SEO, links, and everything else just sound like another language.  If you just put the following quick tips into practice, you will have a huge advantage over your competition. Here are 3 simple things to help you get started.

  1. Start a blog.  You can start a free blog by going to  Set aside 15 minutes every other day to write a quick post about something in your profession or business.  In one month you'll have 15 postings that could be found on the internet and lead people to your practice.

  2. Setup a Twitter & Facebook account.  Once you're all setup, go online and try and find every family, friend, and patient you've ever had and become their "friend".  Then, make regular posts about yourself.  Don't sound like a commercial or a pitch, just be conversational.

  3. Make a quick homeade video talking about your practice and post it to YouTube.  Have fun and don't be too serious as people want to deal with a real person, not a commercial.

Of course there are many other ways to market your practice, but these quick steps can really give it a kick-start.

How the National Academy of Sports Medicine Can Benefit Your Career

The National Academy of Sports Medicine has been around since 1987 and offers one of the most prestigious certifications in the health and fitness industry.? The National Academy of Sports Medicine offers fitness education and continuing education courses that excel in helping personal trainers with their professional growth.? An often asked question is "what are the benefits of a certification from the NASM?"

For starters, say this out loud "I'm personal trainer certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine."? How did that sound to you?? Now imagine a perspective client hearing that.? The name alone carries reverence.?? Along with the aesthetic benefits, the NASM provides members with information about:

  • Getting Certified

  • Training Athletes

  • Preventing Injuries

  • Continuing Education

  • Workshops

Imagine for a moment not only getting clients, but training Professional athletes who only look for the most qualified trainers.? Imagine being responsible for helping seniors get out of and staying out of wheel chairs because they trusted you to help them become more active.? ?Or maybe you will take your new talents to a Fortune 500 company to lead a corporate wellness program which helps to reduce workplace and repetitive stress injuries.

These are just a few of the possibilities that are available with a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certification.? With the variety of credentials offered:

  • Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) Certification

  • Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • Performance Enhancement Specialist

Along with the live workshops offered, and the NASM academic partners, the sky really is the limit in the health and fitness field.

Training Overviews

Starting with the NASM Certified Personal Trainer Certification (CPT), one must pass a 120 question proctored exam covering the basics of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, nutrition and behavioral coaching.? Once completed, you will understand how to design exercise programs for clients to help them achieve their goals.? There are plenty of study aids available for the test on the NASM website which include; textbooks, online study resources, flash cards and live workshops.? Depending on the package you get, you can even get a 90 day job guarantee.

Once you have completed the CPT, you can move onto an advanced specialization.? If you are looking to gain recognition as an elite sports performance professional, you may consider the Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES).? This credential is designed for those looking to become coaches, physical therapist, chiropractor and trainers who would like to specialize in helping to improve an athlete's endurance, strength, speed, and power, while avoiding injury.? A CPT is required and you must pass a 70 question multiple choice tests for this certification.? Once again NASM offers course, online training and live workshops to prepare you for the test.

How will these and the other National Academy of Sports Medicine certifications benefit a personal trainer?? Well, the median income for a personal trainer is $54,200/yr. with the top 10% earning $100,000/yr. and more.? According to, the average starting salary of an NASM certified trainer is $42,000/yr. The next highest paying certification is the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) at $36,000/yr.? That is from working for someone and not considering any other streams of income.? So an NASM certification starts you off earning more, and with the support and continuing education opportunities they provide, keeps you ahead of the pack.

How a Chiropractor Can Help Children With Asthma

Asthma is a lung disease. Although it is a controllable disease, it can be debilitating for the sufferer. There is no cure for this disease; however, many children will outgrow childhood asthma.

With chiropractic treatment, life for children suffering from asthma can be easier. Taking your asthmatic child for regular treatments with a chiropractor can help your child cope with his asthma attacks. Regular treatment may help your child to have less frequent and less severe asthma attacks.

What Triggers an Asthma Attack?
The most common causes of asthma in childhood are allergic reactions to dust and dust mites, pollen, grass, mould, smoke, feathers, animal dander, and some chemicals or chemical fumes.

Exercise can cause asthma in children, especially if the child becomes chilled due to changes in the weather. Another common cause of asthma in children is a viral infection, such as a cold or flu.

Childhood Asthma
Sometimes a child who has asthma will outgrow the disease when he reaches adulthood. In early childhood, from three years to eight years, the chance of a boy developing asthma is twice as great as the chance of a girl developing asthma. Once they reach adolescence girls and boys are equally affected by asthma.

A young child will often have asthma attacks when he first starts school. This is because he is exposed to other children in the classroom with colds.

Exercise induced asthma is also common with children who are doing school sports for the first time. Children do not always remember to put on warm clothing after playing sports in the winter, so they become chilled, and this may be enough to trigger an asthma attack even if the child does not suffer from exercise induced asthma.

Because asthma is one of the main reasons for children to miss school, it is vitally important that your child's asthma is kept under control. Regular visits to the chiropractor can ensure your child has the best chance of continuing his education without missing too many days at school due to asthma attacks.

How can a Chiropractor Help?
A chiropractor can help control asthma by giving regular spinal adjustments to the asthmatic child. Spinal adjustments can help alleviate the pain caused by sore muscles during an asthma attack. Spinal adjustments may also reduce the severity and the frequency of childhood asthma attacks.

If the severity and frequency of childhood asthma attacks is reduced the child will not need to depend so heavily on medication. A chiropractor can work with the child's doctor to ensure that the child is receiving the best possible treatment for his asthma.

Children respond well to chiropractic adjustments. Young bodies heal very quickly after a spinal misalignment is corrected. A chiropractor will use spinal adjustments to help improve your child's general health as well as to help control his asthma.

Chiropractors play an important role in helping children to cope with asthma. Spinal adjustments help ease discomfort and sore muscles in asthma patients and also help asthmatic children to lead a more normal life with fewer, and less severe asthma attacks.

By Dr Maria Ananakis (Chiropractor)

Acid Reflux, Allergies and Headaches - Could They Be Related?

How could Acid Reflux, Allergies and Headaches all be related?

Through the Brain Stem...

The Brain stem is an extension of the brain itself that extends down into the upper neck area (upper cervical spine). The brain stem is susceptible to injury if the Atlas or Axis the top two bones in the spine are twisted or tilted as a result of traumatic accidents or injuries. Most of these injuries are to the head or neck. Examples would be car accidents, falls, diving accidents, surfing injuries, snowboarding falls, childhood falls from trees, off bikes, changing tables and more.

The common denominator is a injury that has torn loose the tissue that holds the spine in place in the upper neck which creates a weakness, which will allow the weight of the head (10-14 lbs) to become displaced from it's normal position. This misalignment of the head and neck relationship can be as little as 3/4 of degree and the brain will have to adapt to this new position. Our eyes and ears are created to be balanced. When the head is not balanced properly compensations will develop in order to rebalance the structure of the body and the eyes and ears through the righting reflex in the brain. Without this compensation we would just fall over when we stood up in a gravity environment.

The longer this compensation exists the more our body must adapt to this structural misalignment.

Eventually we will develop symptoms as a result of nerve dysfunction.

Which symptoms?

That depends on the person and the nerves that are effected.

For instance the brain stem through the Vagus nerves controls the digestive system. Dysfunction here can lead to conditons like Acid Reflux, constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and colic in kids.

The Brain stem also has a major impact on the immune system, has nerve connections to the sinuses and the ears, eyes, nose and throat and lungs. This would explain the changes that we see with allergies, sinus problems, frequent colds and flus and breathing conditions like asthma.

And what about headaches?

Headaches can be caused by both the blood flow and nerve flow changes from the brain to the body and head and face when the brain stem function is altered.

So what can happen when the brain stem pressure is removed through the correction of an upper neck misalignment by a qualified upper cervical specialist?

Amazing things!

Amanda is a patient of ours who at only 21 years of age had had several head and neck traumas beginning in early childhood. These conditions in Amanda's body where leading to a daily dependence on Tums and Advil to just get through the day.

Thank God that is all over now.

When Amanda first came into this office she was hoping to get rid of her acid reflux, because every night when she laid down she would get it regardless of what she ate. She also headaches, terrible allergies and generalized pain and aches throughout my body.

Now our bodies are made to heal once the cause of the problem is identified. Only 6 weeks into care she's sleeping better at night, her sinus passages are clear, breathing has improved. No acid reflux! She hasn't had an episode in weeks. She no longer needs to take the Tums or the Advil that were just normal for her before. She tells me that she is happier in general because the pain and discomfort is gone! Her work and service to the Lord have improved, she is more willing to take the extra step and go the extra mile.

Are you ready to feel good again or maybe for the first time?

Get your brain stem evaluated in a NUCCA office today!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Treating Joint Pain With The Help Of A Chiropractor

Any pain can be quite irritable and many a times, patients are forced to live with the problem. Joint pain, may become quite chronic, if not treated at the right time. It is advised that you do not ignore it.

Joint pain causes stiffness, discomfort and inflammation. The pain may become sore. An x-ray of the bones is generally advised by the orthopaedic surgeon, if the pain is unbearable. Many a times, the pain in the joints is caused due to an infection or reduction in the immunity levels of the body. Irrespective of the age, joint pain may be experienced by both youngsters as well as the older generation. In certain cases, joint pain is the result of medication. The bodily movements may become difficult and irritable, if our joints are not healthy.

When an individual suffers a major injury, the pain of joint may become unbearable. Some of the severe injuries may be swimmer's shoulder, tennis elbow, ligament tear, cartilage tear or a sprained inkle. Some of the visible effects of joint pain are swelling of the joints. Swelling or bruising follows fractures, strain of the muscle, joint dislocation and ligament or joint injuries.

In the event of a tennis elbow, the patient may experience pain of joint. It is also referred to as epicondylitis where the soft tissues get swollen. This form of joint pain arises during activities like swimming, lifting, playing tennis etc. Generally, the condition worsens at the time of flexing the muscles or wrist. The patient will experience elbow pain and pain in the forearm.

Pain of joint may become unbearable if there are health conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, mild dislocation of the joints or even bursitis. When the patient is suffering from arthritis or cancer of the bones, the condition worsens. Generally, milder instances of joint pain can be treated with rest and some medication. However, it is advised that one must not ignore these symptoms and consult the doctor.

Other symptoms of pain of joint are fevers, swelling, inflammation and edemas. Even a pinched nerve can cause unbearable pain in the elbow and joints. Irrespective of the type of chronic pain, it is not possible to cure them and get relief, thanks to effective medicines and treatment therapies. There are specialised chiropractors who will help you get relief from such pain. The methods adopted in chiropractic treatment are gentle. Though, it may take some time, they will definitely be effective, especially in cases of joint pains.

Simple massage treatments will provide good relief in cases of pain of joints and inflammation. Adopting heat therapy like hot tubs, hot baths, saunas and heating pads may reduce inflammation and helps in accelerating the healing. Alternatively, your chiropractor or orthopaedic surgeon may advise the use of cold packs and ice therapy which helps in reducing the swelling. It will also give you relief from joint pains.

Positions to Become Pregnant

It is believed that there are positions which will aid to boost conception when used at the time of sexual intercourse and we also have the ones which will deter conception. Assuming you find it hard to become pregnant, the most beneficial position is the one whereby the lady does not stand or sit. The kind of positions that is likely to make gravitational force to draw the sperm off from the egg isn't recommended.

The use of alcoholic drink by the two sexes should be reduced to the lowest level. As for the males, a connection has been drawn between sperms that are slow in movement and the intake of alcohol. As for the females, the intake of alcohol is likely to cause inadequate egg quality.

There is oil which is believed by most experts to aid in the enhancement of healthy mucus in females which is in turn helps in conception. The oil is referred to as evening primrose. It is very necessary to consume it prior to ovulation and rather than afterward. When you must have given birth, evening primrose is likely to result to contractions which would cause adverse consequences on pregnancy.

Chaste berry is known to elongate female's fertility gap, especially for the ones that have short one. I recommend you stop taking the herb once you have become pregnant due to the fact that every herbs should be consumed with precaution.

The intake of yams is assumed to be the inducement of high rate of twin maternity in Africa. Steady intake of yams is linked to high male and female fertility in Africa. It tastes nice and it is a salubrious substitute for potatoes.

You should try to see the chiropractor at least once in a week for issues connected with difficulty in getting pregnant. Insufficient flow of blood to the necessary organs may cause infertility. Do not forget to let your chiropractor know that you find it difficult to conceive.

Is A Chiropractor A Doctor?

A Chiropractic Doctor hasn't been very well understood in terms of their healthcare practitioner role within the medical system. Over the last one hundred years the profession has faced a lot of scrutiny and challenges to become one of the most utilised services within the health care model.

Many of the misconceptions regarding the chiropractic profession have arisen from a lot of preconceived ideas the public has formed regarding medical treatment. The medical model has predominantly been focused on a symptom oriented care model or allopathic philosophy, which primarily is the prescribing of drugs and performing surgeries.

Health care has evolved more rapidly in the last twenty years than perhaps it has at any other time in the last century. Mostly in the understanding that health is not merely the absence of symptoms and disease and that drugs and surgery, although necessary for crisis intervention and emergency situations is not really the true essence of health and vitality.

Chiropractic patients have benefited from the many types of chiropractic care, from pain relief, to corrective spinal care and wellness care and performance based care for athletes and others. Many people are unaware or have never had the opportunity to find out firsthand what Chiropractic is, what the profession is about, how they are licensed, the education they receive and other important aspects. Chiropractic is the most accessed drug-free health profession in the world and the second largest profession within the health care model.

What is Chiropractic?

The word "chiropractic" is a blending of the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (action) and means "done by hand." The Chiropractic approach is medical philosophy based on proactively affecting the health of an individual through the correction of vertebral misalignments and fixations. There are over two hundred techniques in the chiropractic profession, and many will approach medical problems from a different perspective that the traditional allopathic physician in terms of their diagnosis and treatment of that individuals medical condition.

The primary focus of the chiropractor is the structural relationship of the person's body and their nervous system, how they are functioning and adapting to the daily stresses of life. Spinal adjustments, or manipulations which are done by hand or instruments, have the potential to affect the nervous system through joint, muscle and nerve receptors.

How Does Chiropractic Compare To A Medical Doctor?

Modern day training of chiropractors is essentially the same as a medical doctor. Within North America, most Chiropractic University programs require an undergraduate degree prior to being accepted into their programs. The basic sciences are almost identical in the hours of study in courses such as physiology, human anatomy, biochemistry and others.

The basic standard for Chiropractic Accreditation requires 4200 hours of classroom, clinical experience and laboratory study experience. The medical and chiropractic programs usually will deviate in the third year where the chiropractic model focuses more on the chiropractic clinical skills of treatment and developing the manual expertise. The medical students spend more study on pharmacology and diagnosis and minor surgical procedures. Depending on the University and the laws in the area where a Chiropractor practices they graduate with the Doctor of Chiropractic Degree.

The Benefits of Chiropractic

In most developed western societies, Chiropractic care is covered in part by private health and in some areas by government health. Most countries are now beginning to plan for the future by incorporating Chiropractic into their future health care plans. Cumulative studies have shown the inherent benefits of individuals under chiropractic care including less sick days from work, decreased prescription drug usage, decreased need for surgery, and aging healthier. Soaring medical costs for testing and prescription drugs, increased rates of non-emergency surgeries, increased rates of cancer, treatment costs etc have all begun to increase higher and higher. Hospitals are understaffed and over budget and are struggling to deliver care at the current demand.

Many people who have benefited from chiropractic treatments understand the inherent benefits of maintaining their adjustments, a good nutritional eating plan, exercise and stress reduction. They understand health is a way of life, not something that is a quick fix, or created by a procedure, or found in a pill bottle.

If eating good healthy raw organic foods, strength training and aerobic exercise, stress reduction, and chiropractic adjustments, to name just a few things, are ridiculous, then call me a quack! Chiropractors focus on whole person health, well being, not the parts and the symptoms. Your chiropractor offers you something that nobody else can and they are the best trained health care professionals to provide Chiropractic care.

This article is meant as a general overview and should not be substituted for a thorough history and examination with your medical professional. If you enjoyed reading this, please visit our website at

Having a Pain in Your Butt - It May Not Be Sciatica

Feeling good about yourself because you finally decided to clean out the garage, but you're so sore the next day you can't move - particularly in your butt muscle? Many patients see us for emergency treatments this time of year because they did something out of the ordinary, such as: golfing; cleaning out the garage; raking leaves; or camping and sleeping with a rock underneath them. And now they are experiencing pain in the butt.

Many times these patients come in thinking they have sciatica. What they are actually experiencing is called piriformis syndrome. This common muscle injury can result from repetitive motion and over use of your piriformis muscle. Pain is often felt in the buttocks first, resulting in referred pain into the legs. This is commonly mistaken for sciatica.

What is Piriformis Syndrome?

The Piriformis muscle is a small muscle which originates in the base of the spine and inserts into the top of the leg bone (femur). The sciatic nerve runs through the piriformis muscle. If the muscle becomes tight, often from overuse, it can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and cause pain which may radiate down the leg. The piriformis syndrome often mimics sciatica, the difference is the origin of the pain.

Any muscle that is used repetitively needs a chance to recover. Imagine what happens to your piriformis muscle every time you swing a golf club. The repetitive and sudden swinging motion pulls the muscle, which eventually begins to spasm. When the piriformis muscle begins to spasm it will pull the hip bone causing the hip to become misaligned.


The treatment for piriformis syndrome is to seek chiropractic treatment for the misaligned hip and a physical therapist/massage therapist for trigger point therapy and light stretching.

The self-treatment for piriformis syndrome is to use a golf or tennis ball (a cold one is best) on your butt or hip area. Sit on the floor and put your weight on the golf ball. Move the ball around until the ball is in the place where it hurts the most. If it's sore and hurts while you're sitting on the golf ball you're doing a great job! Toxins tend to accumulate in tight muscles and putting pressure on this area alleviates the toxins, and also breaks up the pain - spasm - pain cycle.

Other tips: Avoid the use of heat, use ice, and take ibuprofen if you need it. Visit your local chiropractor or physical therapist to help break up the pain - spasm - pain cycle.


Regular stretching and strengthening are the best ways to prevent piriformis syndrome. This muscle rarely gets stretched, so a simple stretching routine often works wonders.

Stretch before you do any repetitive activity such as golfing, raking leaves, playing tennis, or doing extra chores around the house such as cleaning out the garage. Warm the piriformis muscle up by running in place, stretching the muscle, and getting chiropractic adjustments.

To stretch the right piriformis:

Lay on your back, bend your knees and cross your right leg over your left so that your right ankle rests on your left knee in a figure four position. Bring your left leg towards your chest by bending at the hip. Reach through and grab your left thigh to help pull towards your chest.

Sit on the floor with both legs extended out. Put your right knee over your left leg. Place the left arm over the right leg, twisting torso and pushing the right knee away from the left leg.

Hold both stretches for 30 seconds, repeat five times on the painful side. If stretching alone doesn't help, check with your chiropractor or physical therapist.

Chiropractors Aid RLS Symptoms

If you are one of the many people who suffer from restless leg syndrome, or RLS, know there is treatment available, such as physiotherapy. Many patients now seek an alternative solution for the syndrome. They have found that chiropractic medicine comes with benefits far beyond adding energy. RLS is neurological and it affects millions. Unfortunately, if left untreated, it will get worse with age.

What is RLS?

Before you seek treatment from a chiropractor, it is wise to know what RLS is and what symptoms are to be expected. RLS is leg pain that worsens when the body is at rest. A patient may have periodic involuntary movements, possible cramping, joint pain, and tingling. There are many disorders, and even pregnancy, that can possibly cause RLS, but only exams by physicians can show that. Consumption of large amounts of caffeine or alcohol also put you at a higher risk of RLS. Nevertheless, you will still have people who live healthy lives and do not have deficiencies, but still suffer from the constant movement from RLS. He or she will need to find another source of relief.

How Chiropractors can Help

Chiropractors have the ability to use a technique that will calm the nerves with physical touch. If the pain is extreme, they can use acupuncture needles or alternative techniques. Using the knowledge of your skeletal system, they can see previous injuries, such as nerve damage and make adjustments. You should know that when seeking relief from a chiropractor, it might take many adjustments before you will feel new again. With the proper educational application, however, you should feel better after one adjustment.

Why is Chiropractic Care Best?

Many types of medications are available if you suffer from any form RLS, but they come with many side effects and may not be effective.The technique that a chiropractor has will either be effective or not. There are rarely any side effects when one has their body adjusted. With adjustments coupled with diet changes and exercises, you are more likely to see a long-term success in treating RLS. The best part of using a chiropractor is that it can improve your health overall.

How to Select Care

RLS is a disorder that can be made tolerable. If changing your diet and going on a late night walk has not brought relief, then you should seek unconventional treatment methods from a licensed therapist. Look for requirements like being college accredited to administer treatments.Good doctors will do a thorough exam and know several types of techniques or therapy that are effective. Ask to see what their education is and what program they have taken that makes them experienced in treating RLS.

It is possible to treat RLS pain with medication. If side effects worry you, however, then you should check into therapy from chiropractic care prior to a medical physician. They have the ability to bring relief with just a few treatments.

Chiropractic Office Billing and Patient Relationship Management Software

Return patients generate approximately 80 percent of clinic's revenue. Patient Relationship Management (PRM, also known as CRM, for Customer Relationship Management outside of healthcare) can enhance financial performance of the clinic by helping retain current and attract new patients. Effective PRM uses integrated data using patient travel card (SOAP notes), frequency recommendations (care plan), and billing (charges, payments, and balance).

PRM is a data-driven and patient-focused methodology to strategic practice building and effective patient relationship development. PRM helps identifying new service needs and then designing care programs and office and billing processes to meet the needs.

PRM also helps providing timely, patient centered, and efficient care, emphasizing preventive instead of reactive care. A basic PRM system captures patient information during entire period of the care plan in terms of functional health improvement, care plan implementation, and billing.

Patient Relationship Management Principle

PRM includes a travel card (TC), treatment frequency measures, and billing balance. PRM system tracks changes in the travel card, in Frequency Recommendation summary, and in billing balance, and generates reports to alert office management about lists of patients reaching important thresholds. The office manager or the doctor can review such reports and respond according to practice development strategy, using call centers, Internet, direct mail, or personal conversations during office visits.

Electronic Travel Card

An electronic equivalent of a paper travel card (Electronic Travel Card, or ETC) contains complete information about patient's health and care history. It is similar to electronic medical record and subject to same HIPAA compliance regulations. ETC includes:

  • Numbers and dates of visits

  • SOAP notes for each visit

  • ICD-9 and CPT codes

  • Care frequency recommendation summary

  • X-rays and posture images

Frequency Recommendation

Frequency recommendation summary presents an interpretation of patient's compliance with doctor's recommendation in concise form and allows specification of PRM thresholds. Specifically, it has four parts:

  • Weekly treatment frequency recommendation, typically a single digit between 1 and 3

  • The number if weeks when the patient complied with the recommendation

  • The total number of weeks for a given recommendation

  • Care plan start date

  • Number of missed appointments along with documented reasons for missing an appointment

For instance, a frequency recommendation summary [3X: 3/13] means that treatment is recommended three times per week for thirteen weeks, and the patient complied three weeks out of thirteen.

A treatment plan then is a list of such frequency recommendation summaries, for instance,
[3X: 3/13], [2X: 15/15], [1X: 4/12].

In summary, Patient Relationship Management (PRM) can become a major differentiating factor in building successful and competitive chiropractic clinics. It requires integrated systems combining data about patient's health, care plans, and billing.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Can a Chiropractor Fix TMJ?

Chiropractic care is most often thought of as something individuals seek when they are suffering from back pain. But it can also help with a variety of other problems, such as Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ). So the answer is YES, chiropractors can fix TMJ.

The ability to speak, chew and swallow or even yawn is a result of the jaw acting as a hinge to connect the mandible with the skull. This joint is one of the most commonly used joints in the body.

TMJ occurs when the disc becomes displaced or when the surrounding muscles and tendons become inflamed. The results are:

  • Pain and tenderness around the joint directly in front of your ear

  • The opening and closing of the mouth will become difficult or painful

  • A grinding or crunching sound when an individual opens or closes their mouth

People with TMJ can also have earaches, headaches, dizziness, and muffled hearing.

A chiropractor can help with treating TMJ in two ways:

  1. Providing Chiropractic Adjustments to the upper neck or jaw.

  2. Recommending exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to help speed recovery and prevent a relapse

Chiropractic treatment is very effective for patients with TMJ. Before treatment a Chiropractor will perform a full spinal analysis focusing on the upper neck and evaluating the jaw joint. Treatment plans will include chiropractic adjustments of the upper neck and/or jaw area. Depending on severity, patients may see immediate relief or will need a series of adjustments over time to see relief. Usually, the longer one waits to see a chiropractor for treatment, the longer the recovery time.

Chiropractors are concerned with not only treating patients until their pain dissipates, but also assuring their problems are permanently eliminated.

What are some of the philosophical elements associated with chiropractic care? Among them:

  • Naturalism

  • Rationalism

  • Holism

Chiropractic care focuses on the total human body, in the belief that it is inter-related with both the environment and individuals' lifestyles.

In many cases, chiropractic care is proven to be more effective than drugs and medicines. Not only is it more effective, it helps patients through care that is gentler, cheaper, and does not include the potential for negative results later.

Chiropractors can recommend certain pain relieving exercises that help relax jaw muscles and relieve stress. Meditation and massage are some of the other methodologies adopted by the chiropractor to treat their patients.

Since chiropractic care is effective with disorders which are mechanical in nature it is very effective with TMJ. Not only is chiropractic effective, it is preferable when other options are more closely examined. For example, most people suffering from pain believe medication will provide quick relief for their problems. This is true, but medications only provide temporary pain relief and do not eliminate the cause. Medications may also result in harmful side-effects.

Surgery is another option for TMJ. But surgery can be costly, demand time away from work and other activities during recovery, and it can be dangerous.

Benefits of Acupuncture Over Western Medicine

An ancient practice that dates back nearly 3,000 years, the practice of acupuncture has become more popular as people with debilitating conditions and pain seek out alternative healing therapies to replace surgery and drug treatment. While Western science and medicine are still the go-to methods for treating many illnesses and health abnormalities, Chinese Herbal Medicine and the practice of acupuncture have seen steady increase in participation as people face rising health care costs that make many surgeries and drug treatments unaffordable. Whether one fully believes in the re-channeling of body energy, or qi, there are indications that acupuncture therapy has benefits when done properly by a licensed practitioner.

The main benefit to choosing a holistic approach to an illness or chronic back pain is the cost. Health insurance has been skyrocketing the past few years and many families have found themselves in severe debt because of hospital bills. People who don't have medical insurance through an employer are practically priced out of receiving care due to the cost. With alternative healing therapies such as acupuncture the cost for treatment is much less than surgery or drug therapies. While critics may argue the legitimacy and success of acupuncture a patient runs the same risks with traditional medical treatments that also can't promise 100% recovery or a cure. Having an affordable option when it comes to pain management and disease is a great benefit for families that can't afford health insurance.

Though acupuncture has not been fully embraced by the medical establishment, clinical trials have proven this method of treatment to be successful in treating many conditions including pain management, respiratory disorders, asthma and neurological disorders including paralysis after a stroke. People who practice Chinese Herbal Medicine believe that illness and disease is a result of the blocking of energy in the human body and that acupuncture can help "unclog" the movement of energy and allow the body to heal itself through a return to balance. By strategically placing fine needles at certain meridian points on the body related to specific symptoms. In addition to treating a disease or illness, acupuncture also benefits the overall health of a patient and helps to boost the immune system to prevent future sickness.

Lastly, acupuncture can also benefit in the weaning off of drugs and prescription medications. Often used in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction, acupuncture treatment has also been used to help patients recover from surgery and treat an illness without having to resort to costly medications that have unintended side effects that can make a bad situation worse. Today's society has grown comfortable with the idea that a pill can cure everything and this reliance on medication has actually made the human immune system weaker since it is not naturally fighting off germs and bacteria. By using acupuncture therapy you can bypass expensive drug treatments that also can't guarantee success and in many cases lead to a patient being dependent on a specific drug.

Information On How to Become a Chiropractor Professionnal

Medical professional are always skeptical about Chiropractic profession. Earlier Insurance companies would not recognize chiropractic as a viable health care profession. The situation has changed after 1970 once the medically owned and operated insurance companies started to allow chiropractors to panel with their companies.

The most appealing thing is that chiropractors do not use any drugs. Chiropractor practitioners also do not perform surgery; they try to fix the problem in non-intrusive techniques.

Today, there are over 84,000 licensed chiropractors in USA and more than 10,000 students currently enrolled in chiropractic school; chiropractor practice is the fastest growing health care profession. Hence, number of Chiropractor School is also growing in USA and Canada.

Eligibility criteria of student entry into one of several chiropractor schools varies from school to school; however, in most cases, prospective candidates should have accumulated college credits in biology, physics, chemistry, social sciences and humanities. Most chiropractor schools made it prerequisite to have 90 credit hours in the above-mentioned courses.

Most of the students aspire to acquire their Doctor of Chiropractic degree even though chiropractor schools offer a variety of undergraduate studies.

What students learn in chiropractor schools?

Curriculums of first year course in chiropractor schools. Students normally studies philosophy and principles of Chiropractic; human anatomy; physiology; cell biology and histology; biomechanics; radiographic anatomy.

Curriculums of second year course in chiropractor schools

Chiropractor schools have more detailed and advanced course on the first year syllabus. New topics like clinical research, laboratory, toxicology, pharmacology, and physical diagnosis are part of second year course.

The third and fourth year's syllabus covers more detailed aspect of previous years courses. In-depth pathology classes, patient/practice management are some additional topics in these years.

In final year, students normally work in a clinical setting, where they will practice under the direct supervision of a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic. It is necessary that a student should complete all theoretical courses and internship before they are awarded with Doctor of Chiropractic Degree.

Licensed graduates of chiropractor schools can work in a broad assortment of healthcare services including but not limited to personal health and wellness offices, athletic, occupational, massage parlors and physical therapy training centers, massage therapy centers, primary health care clinics and other medical facilities.

Back Pain - Rib Out of Alignment

Back rib pain can be one of the most uncomfortable issues. Maybe I should say that you'd be lucky if your pain were only uncomfortable, a rib out can really hurt. It can be in the middle of your back, or it can be in the ribcage in front. It's not the spine, the pain is no where near it. Maybe it's a cough pain that really hurts when you sneeze. And, what is this deep breath pain about?

Whatever it is, you want to know what it is and how to deal with it.

Most likely, it's a rib subluxation -- a rib out of alignment.

A rib out of alignment is actually a fairly common occurrence. It's just that they usually go back into place on their own without you ever knowing that anything ever happened. Having a rib out that doesn't go back causes the muscles to tense up giving you your brand new back pain in the rib.

The ribs have joints where they connect with the sternum in front, and with the vertebra in back. They can shift up or down, though they have a usual pattern. It's when they get stuck that you have a rib misalignment that ends up causing pain.

You have a couple of options. One is that you can go to a chiropractor and have it put back into place. One issue people have with this is the cost involved. Another issue can be the pain a forceful adjustment can cause.

That pain can be avoided in most cases if you can find an activator chiropractor. An activator is a tool that knocks the joint back into place, usually painlessly. But, that still costs money.

Another option is that you could live with it until the muscles finally relax and the rib goes back into place naturally.

A massage therapist can sometimes get the muscles to relax enough that a gentle push will move the rib back. This isn't hard, but they would have to know how to do it. Or, if they help it relax enough it might go back on its own like it might usually do, but then there's that money issue again.

A final option is to put it back yourself. This really isn't that hard to do, but it does take knowledge. You can figure it out for yourself, others have. The best thing about that is that you can always avoid the cost of an adjustment. And, the method of putting it back yourself is very gentle and doesn't involve a crack at all.

So, if you have a rib out of alignment, let's see what can be done about that cough pain!

Chiropractors Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is an often misunderstood condition which is characterized by symptoms in the hand such as pain and numbness. It can be very disabling, preventing many from being able to work. It is the most common nerve problem which affects the hands and can happen to anyone. To deal with this condition, many resort to invasive procedures such as surgery or injections which can have harmful side effects. Few realize that chiropractic is an excellent treatment option for carpal tunnel syndrome and often corrects the cause of the problem.

In order to understand how chiropractic can help with carpal tunnel syndrome it is important to know what the carpal tunnel is and the structures around it. The carpal tunnel is a small tunnel located inside the wrist. The top of the tunnel is formed by the alignment of the carpal (wrist) bones and the bottom is formed by the transverse ligament. There are nine tendons along with the median nerve which pass through the carpal tunnel. The symptoms of CTS are caused from the median nerve being irritated. The nerve can become inflamed and swollen causing pressure within the carpal tunnel.

The median nerve originates in the neck and travels under the collar bone, then passes down the arm. Finally, it passes through the carpal tunnel and to the hand muscles. The median nerve controls motor and sensory function to part of the hand. Pressure on the median nerve results in a disruption of signals from the brain to the hand which are relayed through the median nerve. If correction is not made to the median nerve, permanent problems can result. These can include partial or complete loss of movement, strength and sensation of the hand.

Some of the warning signs that may be related to carpal tunnel syndrome are numbness, tingling or weakness of the hands, neck tightness, swelling of the hands, abnormal sensation and clumsiness with use of the hands. Because the median nerve originates from the neck, it may become compressed anywhere along the course of its path. Misaligned bones of the neck, tight muscles of the neck, shoulder problems, cervical (neck) ribs, inflamed tendons and misaligned carpal (wrist) bones can all result in compressing the median nerve. This results in the symptoms associated with CTS.

Sometimes the median nerve can be compressed in both the neck and wrist, this condition is called "double crush syndrome." Double crush syndrome results in similar symptoms to carpal tunnel syndrome which is a reason for the failure of wrist only surgeries for treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.

There are several causes of carpal tunnel syndrome. Occasionally it is congenital or with you from birth. It is usually caused from poor posture or ergonomics, repetitive movements done improperly over time, slips or falls, awkward hand positions from playing sports and work or hobbies such as bowling or racquetball. Pregnancy, birth control pills, diets that are high in salt and systemic diseases like diabetes can also contribute to the problem.

Incorrect posture while sitting at the computer can contribute to the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. There is a tendency to sit with the shoulders rolled forward and the head thrust forward. This can cause misaligned bones in the neck, resulting in irritation of the nerves that form the median nerve. This can cause referred pain, numbness or tingling in the hand. Maintaining good posture while sitting can help to the problem. This should include sitting upright with the shoulders relaxed and the head upright over the shoulders. The wrists should be in a neutral position and you should avoid continuously flexing or extending the wrists. The computer screen should be set at eye level and straight ahead to avoid continuously turning the neck.

Chiropractic can very effective in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome and treating it once it has developed. Chiropractic treatment directly releases pressure from the nerves by correcting misaligned bones. CTS may result from misaligned bones in the neck or wrist. Chiropractors have extensive education in dealing with the nervous system and muscular problems in the body. A Chiropractor can perform an X-ray, wrist and hand evaluation to determine the extent of the injury. Based on the result, the chiropractor will recommend a treatment plan which may include chiropractic adjustments to work on the misaligned bones and therapy to work on inflammation or injury to the soft tissue, such as ligaments and muscles. Research has shown chiropractic to be just as effective as medical treatment in helping with carpal tunnel syndrome. Chiropractic is a good alternative because it is natural and does not have the complications and side effects which are often found with medical treatment.

Back Pain: Cancer, Stones and Tumors

Although not as common, prostate cancer, kidney disorders (stones) and spinal tumors represent a small percentage of back pain. Since low back pain is a common condition, many people ignore it and do not realize that there may be a more serious underlying problem that is causing the pain. All three should be considered as a differential diagnosis in order to treat it properly and effectively. Luckily, the majority of back pain is benign and self limiting.

The good news is that most low back pain is due to mechanical causes (muscles, joints) that can be treated and resolved within weeks to months.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, excluding skin cancer. After lung cancer it is the leading cause of cancer death in Canada. One in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and about one third of them will die from it. Men over the age of 50 have an increased risk. The cause of prostate cancer is both hereditary and environmental. Diets low in selenium, high in red meat fat, and/or smoke, increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Although there are no symptoms of early prostate cancer, symptoms such as chronic low back pain (months), difficulty with urination (starting and stopping), a poor stream during urination, a burning sensation while urinating or excessive urination at night should not be ignored.

These symptoms are not specific to prostate cancer, but can also indicate other urinary problems. Early detection is very important in order to treat it successfully. Yearly physical examinations are necessary for all men over the age of 50. Along with the examination of the prostate, be sure that your physician also orders blood tests, to measure the levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA). PSA is a substance that is produced in the prostate. Once the prostate is enlarged, there are higher levels of PSA found in your blood. An increased level of PSA in your blood, is one of the earliest signs of prostate cancer.

If prostate cancer is detected early, it can be treated. Surgery and/or radiation therapy are the primary methods of care. A proper diet is critical in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Vitamin D and E supplements along with a reduction in overall dietary fat will decrease the risk of prostatic cancer.

Another rare source of back pain comes from the kidney. There are many conditions that can affect the kidney, which can refer pain to the low back. Any type of inflammation/infection in the kidney or an obstruction in the ureter can cause low back pain. Since kidney stones are probably one of the most prevalent kidney conditions, special attention should be directed to it.

The kidneys are the body's filtering system. The blood in your body passes through them and any unwanted substances are excreted in the urine. Unfortunately, if there is a build-up of certain chemicals or minerals, kidney stones are formed. There are many factors that play a role in the formation of these stones. Age, sex, a family history of kidney stones, the amount of water consumed, climate, and dietary factors are just a few things that contribute to their formation. Calcium oxalate (most common), calcium phosphate and uric acid are three different types of kidney stones.

The pain that is caused by kidney stones is due to an obstruction of the ureter, the organ which connects the kidney to the bladder. The bladder stores the urine until it's time to get rid of it. Kidney stones are not always smooth and round; they can have jagged edges. As these kidney stones pass through the ureter they scrape the inside of it, causing severe pain. Symptoms include blood in urine, a burning sensation while urinating, difficulty urinating, nausea/vomiting and/or excruciating back, abdominal or groin pain.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may have kidney stones and it's important to visit your doctor immediately.

Drinking a lot of water and keeping well hydrated is one of the best ways to decrease your risk of having kidney stones. The stones are usually small enough that you will pass them in due time. If the stones are too large to pass, shock wave lithotripsy and various types of surgical procedures are done.

Spinal tumors are probably the rarest of the three conditions that we are discussing. These tumors are uncommon but still represent a small percentage of causes of low back pain.

Spinal tumours can either be benign or malignant. Benign tumors of the spine grow slowly and are less aggressive. These tumors can become a problem when they get too large and compress or impinge the spinal cord or peripheral nerves. There are several benign tumors that originate in the spine, including hemangiomas, osteoblastomas and osteochondromas. Depending on the type of tumor and its characteristics it may be left alone or removed. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may also be used

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why Choose a Career in Chiropractic?

A chiropractor career allows you to work with patients in a clinical setting. After completing an intensive and rigorous, science based program at a chiropractic school, you will be prepared to see patients and assist them with improving their health.

As the central column that connects the human body, the spine is much more than just a stack of bone disks in the middle of the back. Both bone and cartilage house the nerves that allow the central nervous system's communication to and from the brain. Misalignment of the spine can cause these communications to fail, resulting in decreased function and health problems. Patients with spinal misalignments may also experience other medical issues, including immune system problems or sensory perception issues, because the body's communication system is compromised.

In its founding case, the first chiropractic patient suffered a misalignment while working that required him to maintain a crouch; he also suffered hearing loss. When the profession's founder, D.D. Palmer, corrected the janitor's spinal misalignments, his hearing improved.

Spinal issues can often be caused by working in unnatural positions, for example remaining bent over for long periods of time or improper lifting of heavy objects. Another common source of modern complaints is the ergonomics in a standard office: computer monitors and keyboards are often not placed in a way that is conducive to the body's ideal position for work. Thankfully, chiropractic care can help correct torsion and misalignment.

Chiropractic school requirements include a person with the willingness to learn good bedside manner, and the ability to not only understand anatomical systems, but also to apply their analysis to the natural variations found in individual patients. Every person should have healthy spine alignment, and a chiropractic practitioner knows what healthy spine alignment is for each individual patient.

In general, a chiropractic career will put you in a clinical setting. As a healthcare professional, the hands-on experience you gain at a chiropractic school will assist you in helping patients lead healthier lives.

After graduation, you can practice in a group setting or work as an associate for another chiropractor. You may even decide to establish your own practice. A private clinic will, over the course of your career, allow you to improve hundreds, if not thousands, of lives. Patients appreciate chiropractic techniques both for their non-invasive nature, but also the rigorous education experienced by a doctor of chiropractic, which equips a practitioner to educate and explain the purpose for the care that a patient is receiving. The confidence you get from your education will help you lead people in their quests for optimum health and wellness.

Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF): Risks of Spinal Surgery

Spinal fusion is an invasive surgical procedure performed to provide stability to the spine in the case of degenerative disc disease, nerve impingement and/or vertebral movement (spondylolisthesis). The surgery entails the removal of a disc or portion of a disc and the placement of a bone graft in the disc space that will fuse the vertebrae together. Additional grafts and hardware may be used on the outside of the spinal column for extra stability.

Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) is one type of spinal fusion surgery often performed to treat degenerative disc disease in cases where a lot of disc height has been lost. Anterior fusion is performed through an incision in the stomach. There are other approaches that dictate approaching through the back or side, but the anterior approach is favored sometimes for its avoidance of back muscles and spinal nerves.

ALIF is generally not performed on people with spinal instability caused by spondylolisthesis (vertebral fracture and movement) or tall disc spaces. In these cases, a posterior approach may be combined with ALIF to provide additional fusion sites.


Every type of surgery comes with unique risks. Risks that all types of fusion surgeries share are failure of fusion, bleeding, infection and scar tissue.

Anterior fusion carries unique risks due to its approach from the front of the body. One potential complication after surgery is incisional hernia. A hernia is present when part of the lining of the abdominal cavity, called the peritoneum, pushes through a hole or weak part in the connective tissue surrounding abdominal muscles and forms a sac. Incision of the abdomen can cause such a weak spot or hole. A hernia may be visibly protrude and retract when coughing or lifting. If it is painful to the touch or does not retract when pushed inward, surgery will likely be needed to patch the weak spot in the abdomen. Parts of organs can become trapped in the hole as the sac grows and blood supply can become cut off, strangling that part of the organ.

For males seeking fusion of the L5-S1 disc space, retrograde ejaculation is a concern. The anterior approach to this spinal segment puts the surgeon's tools in close proximity with nerves supplying a valve that directs ejaculate from the body. If the nerve supply is damaged and the valve doesn't open, the ejaculate will be directed to the bladder. While this does not pose risks to the man's health or feeling of pleasure, it provides distinct complications with conception. An exact rate of incidence is unknown, but could be 5% or higher, according to, for men seeking anterior fusion at the L5-S1 segment.

A minimally-invasive form of ALIF is available that requires a smaller incision and the use of a laparoscope, or camera, that guides the surgeon's tools. While this procedure generally promises shorter recovery time and less scarring, it also poses a unique risk to the great blood vessels, the vena cava and aorta, that lay over the spine and travel to the lower body. Normal ALIF may cause damage to these vessels at a 1-2% incidence rate; risk increases with laparoscopic anterior fusion as the surgeon has limited view and mobility inside the incision pathway. Interference with these blood vessels is a major concern as it causes excessive bleeding.

When considering surgery, it is always important to weigh the risks against the possible benefits. While most surgeons boast fusion rates of 95% and higher, studies exist that put the rate much lower. A small study with 85 participants found that overall fusion rate was 80%. The study also specified results by level of fusion; rate of failure was much higher (31%) at the L3-L4 level than at the L5-S1 level (16%). These are all factors to consider when deciding whether surgery and what type of surgery is worth the risk for your unique situation. More on the above study can be found at

A Last Resort

Any type of surgery is a last resort, yet not all spine surgeons are hesitant to prescribe fusions. Fusions are mainly performed to relieve pain from degenerating spinal discs. Have you exhausted all other treatment options for your condition?

Unless you are showing signs of major nerve damage (such as impaired bowel and bladder function), surgery should be a long way off. First, months of physical therapy should be performed to strengthen the core muscles that support the spine. You should be tested for muscle imbalances and postural distortions that could have caused excess pressure on the affected disc. A chiropractor or osteopath should check your spine for misalignment and resolve any if found.

Inversion therapy can be pursued at home to increase disc space, or decompression treatments can be sought from a chiropractor with a decompression machine in his or her office. Decompression treatments may or may not be covered by insurance, but they usually cost around $2,000 total without insurance. This is less than the out-of-pocket cost of spinal surgery for most people with insurance.

When considering various options for back pain treatment, be sure you're informed of the risks and benefits. Anterior lumbar interbody fusion poses unique risks that should be understood before anything is signed off on.

What You Will Become When You Grow Up

The question is asked to all of us from the very age when we don't even know what is what. The question may be asked just to start a conversation or just to get ideas for children, but this is a very important question for kids as well as grown up adults.

The future is yours if you have planned it. You can become what you like you must believe and understand this simple fact. Most of what you have become is purely because of your own actions and interactions.

Most of us actually didn't plan to be what they are now. Yet when some one asked them What you will become when you grow up? We answered with professions like Doctor, Engineer Pilot, Scientist, and Teacher. This was taught to us by either our parents are because we were inspired from some one who belonged to that profession.

The life strategies are very little discussed in child hood but in my opinion if you are a young person or an adult parent you need to think and plan different variations and make sure you know what you or your kids want to be. Once you know what you will be good at and what will be most beneficial you can answer this question with great confidence and pride.

I am a grownup adult with 2 kids and I still think what will I become in 5 years from now and I also think what my Son Momin and my daughter Jannat will become when are grown. Planning a profession is not only for kids or students. You need to keep thinking and planning about it during your whole life span. Many people might say what the hack this guy is trying to say that you impose your idea upon kids, those people are right in a way because in their opinion they want to give their kids independence. But think about it do the kids want that independence of being left alone to decide their future. Don't you remember when you were a kid you always wanted your adults to guide you. Did you not ask your parent teacher or elder friend "What should I do in future?". Some of us even have grievances that they had no one to guide them.

Our kids always need us. Independence is fine to some extent but kids always need help and ideas from their parents. We can share our experiences or success or loss and even our grievances with them. You need to do the research about what is new and what are future prospects in different professions. If you can do the research you will do a great favor to your kids by educating them life they are to face when they grow up.

In the past 10 years would has changed a lot but the professions still remain more or less the same. Internet and communications have been very well developed. In my opinion the science and invention has been actually halted because of the over attention of people in internet. There are ever more ways to waste time now than ever. You can have every one chatting bogging, putting pictures, making countless friends just for the sake of making friends. We are all busy trying to learn internet and try to make some thing out of it however only a fewer percentage of us are making most of it.

Internet is not bad. In fact it is very good now a person in the middle of no where can share his/her invention or research to the world with out much effort and expanse. However the over usage of this technology for friendships, chat, telephony and sex has made it a rather impediment in the developing.

On to the learning about what one wants to be there are millions of Internet articles which will teach you what professions are going to come up in the future and now its not too difficult to get in depth information about the professions. Here are some of the things to consider.

Doctors, Engineers, Banker, Pilots, Lawyers, and teachers are the conventional professions. These professions are still on top of the lists. Besides that there are some new professions which are emerging and are very successful.

Some of the new professions are Network Engineer, VOIP Expert, Computer Programmer, Internet Consultant, Environment Scientists, Web Developer, Social Compliant officer, bill collector and many others. For the readers convenience I have compiled a list of some popular professions - you can do a research on these professions and try to increase your knowledge and understanding. This way you can be more confident in advising kids and planning your own life as well.





Architecture & Engineering

Architecture & Landscape

Athletic Trainer


Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist

Certified Public Accounting

Certified Shorthand Reporting


Clinical Laboratory Technician

Clinical Laboratory Technologist

Creative Arts Therapist


Dental Assisting

Dental Hygiene


Design Corporation

Doctors (Physicians)

Doctors (with 3-year limited license)




Engineering & Architecture

Engineering & Land Surveying

Engineering & Landscape



Interior Design

Joint Limited Liability Companies

Land Surveying

Land Surveying & Engineering

Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Licensed Master Social Worker

Marriage & Family Counseling

Massage Therapy

Medicine - 3-year limited license

Medicine (Physicians, including MDs

Mental Health Counseling


Nurse Practitioner - Acute Care

Nurse Practitioner - Adult Health

Nurse Practitioner - College Health

Nurse Practitioner - Community Health

Nurse Practitioner - Family Health

Nurse Practitioner - Gerontology

Nurse Practitioner - Holistic Nursing

Nurse Practitioner - Neonatology

Nurse Practitioner - Obstetrics

Nurse Practitioner - Oncology

Nurse Practitioner - Palliative Care

Nurse Practitioner - Pediatrics

Nurse Practitioner - Perinatology

Nurse Practitioner - Psychiatry

Nurse Practitioner - School Health

Nurse Practitioner - Women's

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Ophthalmic Dispensing


Pharmacy (pharmacist)

Physical Therapist Assistant

Physical Therapy

Physician Assistant


Physicians, 3-year limited license


Professional Engineering

Professional Engineering & Land

Professional Engineering & Landscape



Public Accounting

Registered Physician Assistant

Registered Professional Nurse

Registered Specialist Assistant

Respiratory Therapist

Respiratory Therapy Technician

Social Work (LCSW)

Social Work (LMSW)
Specialist Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Technology

Maximising Your Health - The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

The continued rise in the usage of chiropractic care has been ongoing. Studies continue to demonstrate the numbers rising and the increase of people using chiropractic health care. In one issue of American Journal of Public Health, a study was published entitled "Use of Chiropractic Services from 1895 through 1991 in the United States and Canada". The conclusion of this study was that the number of visits to chiropractors has more than doubled in the past 20 years. Many recommend this particular treatment method due to the non-invasive approach and its insistence on awakening the body's natural ability to heal and become healthier, stronger and more resilient.

The Healing Benefits Of Chiropractic

Most people in their everyday lives have things happen that effect their bodies. Dysfunction in their musculoskeletal system can benefit from chiropractic care. From pain relief, injury rehabilitation, optimal athletic performance, aging and improved immune function. These are all some the benefits a person may undergo when they have misaligned spine, back, or neck. For people who need to be physically active for their work, sport and daily responsibilities, the presence of such dysfunction disables them from performing well. This is due to the fact that any form of movement on the traumatized area of the body can result in stress and possibly more damage causing more pain and discomfort.

Regardless of the cause of your initial pain and problems, among the many benefits research shows you may enjoy as a result of chiropractic care are as follows:

• better movement and improved circulation

• lower levels of lactic acid

• higher oxygenation and better nutrient delivery to cells

• increased flexibility

• improved comfort and decrease or elimination of pain

• Faster recovery time

• Reduced muscle spasm

• Prevention of future injury and improved immune function

• More relaxed feeling

The Overall Approach

If you want to enhance the benefits of chiropractic care, it is best to combine your efforts with an overall approach to your health and well being. Health is not merely the absence of pain and symptoms. If you have ever had a cavity, you know that by the time the pain shows up, the damage to your tooth is already there. The healthier you are, and the healthier you become the greater the potential benefits of your chiropractic care. Minimise dis-ease and maximise your health. The relief from any pressure or source of discomfort and irritation will allow your body to attain maximum mobility and better performance.

Some general recommendations to develop a routine and get the maximum health benefits are the following:

• Keep your body properly hydrated.

• Follow a healthy nutritional plan, including lots of raw organic foods and leafy greens.

• Do some stretching exercises or develop a healthy exercise routine.

繚 Maximise your oxygen intake through some forms of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Additional Benefits of Chiropractic Care

There is still a small percentage of the population who have misconceptions about the benefits of chiropractic care. However, research continues to be done, changing these perceptions and gradually more of the scientific community are showing greater interest in the healing potential that chiropractic may represent. One of the misconceptions being that it is not a valid form of treatment and is used only for mild cases of back pain, headaches, and the like. However, chiropractic adjustments are being researched to investigate the benefits even to those suffering from extreme cases of spinal or vertebral misalignment and other health problems.

Many chiropractors have patients who have benefited beyond musculoskeletal problems, these include:

• women may have improved comfort during pregnancy and labour

• minimise the risk of scoliosis in an infant and improve their postural development.

• Improved immune function and resilience possibly preventing asthma, ear infection, bedwetting, among other things.

• more energy, productivity and physical stamina in adults

• For senior individuals, they attain better balance, improved sleeping and prevent injury from falls.

Some of the results and benefits reported from patients who have undergone chiropractic care include the following:

• Improved immune and nervous system function

• greater vitality

• improved breathing and exercising

• improved digestion and bowel function

• improved vision

• Improved overall health.

Study and research continues as we look at the cause of health and the benefits of chiropractic care!

Following chiropractic adjustments, your body may start to improve movement and alignment of the spine and spinal structures. In many cases, a patient will immediately experience relief for a problem soon after undergoing chiropractic care. Restoring and building health from the inside is one of the advantages of opting for chiropractic care over surgical or medical procedures that often require a long recovery period. In other cases if the damage or misalignment is more severe, a person may be sore and still achy after care. Some people may take longer to heal and demonstrate improvement, they may also need to make other lifestyle improvements to maximise their health and wellbeing along with improved pain free movement.

If you approach your health from the perspective of a way of life, and give your body and mind the essentials for maximising your health, chiropractic care may be a key ingredient.

Help My Back Pain - Therapies to Ease the Misery

Therapy to help back pain
Lower back pain sometimes known as Lumbago or Sciatica is a common disorder affecting some 60% of the adult population, seeking to get rid of back pain. So great is the problem, that in the UK alone, some 150 million man days are lost each year in industry, as a result of absenteeism attributed to lower back pain. Generally, the symptoms of low back pain are due to benign musculoskeletal problems often arising from strains in the lower back muscles or soft tissue, and these ease considerably within a few weeks using common sense measures to address.

To help back pain, establishing of the fundamental origin of the back pain with a GP is usually made through a combination of a medical history, physical examination, and, when necessary, diagnostic investigation, such as x-ray, MRI, or CT scan. Usually, low back or lumbar pain can be treated conventionally, with one recommendation being physical therapy which may help alleviate the symptoms, and give back pain relief. A summary of some of the more common therapies used to provide back pain relief are listed below:-

Acupuncture treatment originated in China over two thousand years ago. It is reputed that the first observations were of soldiers, wounded in battle by arrows, and how the arrow 'punctures' caused therapeutic effects in different parts of the victims body well away from the wound area. The general theory behind traditional acupuncture is based on patterns or meridians of energy flow through the body that are essential for health. This is referred to as Qi or Chi and sometimes Xue (blood). Disruptions of this flow are thought to be the primary causes of pain and disease. Acupuncture attempts to correct imbalances of flow, thus helping to restore the patient's health.

How acupuncture works
Broadly, acupuncture involves stimulation of points along these energy flows through a range of techniques. Stimulation is typically performed using very fine needles that create gentle sensations. Each of these needles are inserted into specific points along these 'energy pathways' or "meridians".

Can acupuncture help my back Pain
Acupuncture is considered useful in treating such conditions as lower back pain, sciatica, stiffness, and strains. In traditional acupuncture theory, pain arises due to blocked energy along 'energy pathways' or "meridians" of the body, which are 'cleared' when acupuncture needles are inserted. In modern medicine, scientific reasons have been put forward for the apparent benefits that acupuncture provides for the sufferers of lower back pain. One observation is that acupuncture stimulation causes the releases neurochemicals and hormones, regarded as producing signals that soothe the sympathetic nervous system and release natural opioids which provide back pain relief.

Alexander technique
The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. The technique teaches the use of the appropriate amount of effort for a particular activity, giving you more energy for all your activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a re-education of the mind and body. The Alexander Technique is a method which helps a person discover a new balance in the body by releasing unnecessary tension. It can be applied to sitting, lying down, standing, walking, lifting, and other daily activities

How Alexander Technique works
The Alexander Technique shows its students how to learn to do whatever they currently do as easily and efficiently as possible. It is concerned almost exclusively with process - how an activity is performed not what it is. Although there are no exercises, Alexander technique shows how to exercise more efficiently, with reduced risk of injury. Many, seeking back pain relief are drawn to the technique because of its reputation to help back pain or lumbago, stiff necks and shoulders, and other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Alexander teachers are not doctors and do not diagnose diseases.

Can Alexander Technique help my back pain
By becoming more aware of how the body works and learning how to "undo" bad body practices, those suffering with long term or chronic back pain are able to soothe and ease their symptoms. Pupils of Alexander technique can learn how to pupils how to liberate needless muscle tension and, freer means of movement which impose less strain and therefore back pain relief.

Bowen Therapy
The Bowen technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy, named after its innovator Tom Bowen. This therapy is not considered massage, but as a non-invasive muscle release and integration technique, but similar to massage, it releases muscular tension. Its clients describe experiences of significant relaxation after a session.

How does Bowen Therapy work
The technique involves the therapist using fingers or thumbs to move over muscle, ligament tendon and fascia in various parts of the body. The work is very subtle, relaxing and gentle involving no hard or prolonged pressure. During a session the client will lie on a therapy table or bed, although the work can be effectively carried out with the client in a chair.

Can Bowen Therapy help my back pain
The most common presentation is for back pain relief and here Bowen excels. The average number of treatments would be two or three for most therapists. There are always going to be exceptions to any rule, and certain people will need further or even on-going treatments. Sports injury is a field of remedial therapy that is becoming very aware of The Bowen Technique. The Bowen Technique is being used at high levels of sport in this country, with rugby clubs and premiership football clubs showing interest. Bowen therapists advocate that this can reduce or eliminate or help back pain and promote general health
Source: European College of Bowen

Chiropractic is a technique which focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The principal of Chiropractic is that the key to health is the nervous system with the spine at its centre. If the spine is aligned correctly, then optimal movement can occur and the patient can achieve improved health.

A chiropractor will generally address "subluxations"- misalignments to the spinal bones responsible for reduced movement or or loss of normal posture, causing impairment to the nervous system or nerve irritation.

How does Chiropractic work
In seeking to help back pain, a chiropractor would usually examine the patient's spine and review any patient history to determine any previous injuries, accidents, or tensions that may be impairing normal function. Sometimes the Chiropractor will order an X-ray to help determine this. A common form of Chiropractic treatment is a spinal manipulation or adjustment. This is generally carried out by hand manipulating the spinal joints affected in an attempt to increase or unlock the joints mobility.

Additional tools are sometimes used to promote healing including rehabilitative exercise, nutritional and lifestyle improvement programmes. The amount of, and frequency of the treatment required would vary according to the nature and severity of the condition.

Can Chiropractic help my back pain
A chiropractor will attempt to focus on the fundamental mechanical and neurological trouble in the spine to decrease the back pain and other symptoms caused by reduced spinal function. He will concentrate on natural health care working to encourage the body to self repair back towards improved health. Chiropractic care as a therapy for back pain in general is safe when employed skillfully and appropriately. Manipulation is regarded as relatively safe, but as with all therapeutic interventions, complications can arise, and it has known adverse effects

The Feldenkrais Method is a somatic educational system designed by Mosh矇 Feldenkrais (1904-1984), based on physics, neurology, and bio mechanics. The Feldenkrais method is designed to improve movement repertoire, aiming to expand and refine the use of the self through awareness, in order to reduce pain or limitations in movement, and promote posture, and general well-being. The Feldenkrais Method is often regarded as falling within the field of complementary medicine, and is a means of re educating the neuromuscular system, redefining movement to increase efficiency and reduce stress

How does Feldenkrais work
Feldenkrais Method is taught in two complimentary formats - "Awareness Through Movement' taught through classes and Functional Integration taught on a one to one basis.

In teaching 'Awareness Through Movement' classes, the teacher will lead the class through a sequence of movements involving standing, sitting in a chair or sitting or lying on the floor. One of the key aims is to instruct pupils how to decrease unwarranted muscular exertion and develop understanding of their whole self during movement.

In a Functional Integration lesson, a trained practitioner uses his or her hands to guide the movement of a single pupil, who may be sitting, lying or standing. The practitioner uses this "hands-on" technique to help the student experience the connections among various parts of the body (with or without movement). Through precision of touch and movement, the pupil learns how to eliminate excess effort and thus move more freely and easily. Lessons may be specific in addressing particular issues brought by the pupil, or can be more global in scope. Although the technique does not specifically aim to eliminate pain or "cure" physical complaints, such issues may inform the lesson. Issues such as chronic muscle pain may resolve themselves as the pupil may learn a more relaxed approach to his or her physical experience-a more integrated, free, and easy way to move Students are taught to become aware of their movements and of how they use themselves, thus discovering expanded movement options.

Can Feldenkrais help my back pain
The theory behind Feldenkrais is that inefficient movement behaviour may lead to avoidable tension and movement constraint leading to back pain. The Feldenkrais technique provides for expanded movement alternatives and enhanced posture which can provide backache relief or back pain relief, whilst developing greater efficiency and freedom of movement

Massage therapy
Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue to improve the function and encourage relaxation, well-being, and improve posture dysfunction. It involves acting on and manipulating the body with pressure - structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, Massage can be carried out using the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and feet. There are over eighty different recognized massage techniques with many used to help back pain.

Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions.

How does Massage therapy work
Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Experienced therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions to help back pain. There are many types of massage therapy for back pain in addition to acupressure or Bowen (see above) such as:-

Deep Tissue Massage
Used to relieve severe tension in muscle or fascia, often used where the patient suffers consistent lower back pain caused by specific muscular-skeletal conditions. It concentrates on the underlying muscles rather than those at the surface in order to help back pain.

Swedish massage
(or Classic massage in Sweden!) can be used to help back pain, by improving circulation and easing joint stiffness. Swedish massage uses five styles of strokes to massage: Sliding, kneading, tapping, friction, and vibration

Hilot is a traditional healing and massage technique originating in the Philippines that can be employed to relax stressed muscle and joint manipulation to treat muscular-skeletal conditions as a lower back pain therapy.

Trigger point therapy
Can be used to help back pain and poor posture, by helping to release muscles in spasm, employing techniques to release 'knotted' muscles, and freeing up circulation in the affected area.

Traditional Chinese massage
There are two types which can provide back pain relief and - Tui na (the Chinese equivalent of physiotherapy) which concentrates on pushing, stretching and kneading the muscle, and Zhi Ya which utilises techniques of pinching and pressing at acupressure points. These originate from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although Tui Na is described as massage in the West, in TCM it is not. In TCM massage is called Anmo, which forms the basis of Japan's Anma.

Can massage therapy help my back pain
Carried out effectively by experienced practitioners, knowledgeable of the human body and conversant with muscle imbalance massage therapy can be a useful therapy for back pain. Massage can also assist in relieving lumbar pain by reducing tension in turn alleviating poor back posture caused by muscle imbalance. Relief of mental tension and stress by using massage is also useful a useful therapy for back pain helping those within sedentary occupations involving hours of sitting in front of VDU's. Although massage is undoubtedly useful for back pain relief it may not address the underlying condition so GP advice should be sought.

Osteopathy is a non invasive holistic drug free manual therapy that centres on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework, which includes the joints, muscles and spine. Its aim is to positively affect the body's nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems, enabling an environment of self healing. Osteopaths do not simply concentrate on treating the problem area, but use manual techniques to balance all the systems of the body, to provide overall good health and wellbeing. The practice of Osteopathy was established in the late 1800s in the United States of America, by. Dr. Andrew Taylor Still with the aim of using manual 'hands on' drug free techniques to improve circulation and correct altered biomechanics.

How does Osteopathy work
Osteopathy employs manual therapies for the treatment of many neuromusculoskeletal pain syndromes, such as lower back pain and tension headache, alongside exercise and other rehabilitative techniques. An osteopath will utilise a range of gentle hands-on techniques such as soft tissue stretching, deep tactile pressure, and joint mobilisation or manipulation.

The key principles of osteopathy are based on all parts of the body functioning together in an integrated manner. If one part of the body is restricted, then the rest of the body must adapt and offset this, which can lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness and other health conditions. When the body is free of restrictions in movement, Osteopathic treatment helps to reduce pain stress and enhance mobility, creating an environment of self healing for the patient's body.

In some cases, Osteopaths can complement the GP's advice on back pain by for example, by easing the pain caused by joint and muscle stiffness, by improving joint mobility and the flow of blood to the joints, to supplement maybe a pain killer prescription issued by the GP

Can osteopathy help my Back Pain
Osteopathy is recognised by the British Medical Association as 'a discrete clinical discipline' which can compliment mainstream medicine, and trials demonstrate its effectiveness in treating back pain, with GP's often referring patients to osteopaths for private treatment. Osteopathic technique is believed to be effective in providing back pain relief by:-

Reducing of herniated or bulging discs and correcting any internal displacement of disc fragments
Inhibiting nerve impulses
Releasing adhesions around prolapsed discs
Calming tenses muscles aggravated by sudden stretching
Providing respite for muscle spasm
Providing advice on exercises for the lower back, posture, safe lifting, workplace or workstation ergonomics, stress, and diet

"Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability. It uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social wellbeing, taking account of variations in health status. Physiotherapy is science based, committed to extending, applying, evaluating and reviewing the evidence that underpins and informs its practice and delivery. The exercise of clinical judgement and informed interpretation is at its core" Ref: The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Lower back pain can be treated by Orthopaedic physical therapists who diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after surgery. Orthopaedic therapists are trained in the treatment of back pain and spinal conditions, joint and spine mobilisation or manipulation and therapeutic exercise, in order to enable backache relief.

How does Physiotherapy work
Physical movement is seen as a key important therapy in treating lower back pain. Physiotherapy can be described as a drug-free technique or therapy employing a range of procedures, such as joint manipulation and mobilisation, physical stretches and exercise routines, massage therapy, ice and heat therapy, ultrasound, and breathing exercises. Although a GP may refer a lower back pain sufferer to a physiotherapist, a patient can go directly to the latter, although in some instances, the physio may require a formal GP referral.

Can Physiotherapy help my back pain
Physiotherapy can identify several factors as potentially leading to incidences of lower back pain, including trauma or injury, arthritis, poor posture, muscular strains and weaknesses, ligament strains, sciatic conditions, and disc trouble.. Dependent upon the root cause of lumbar pain, a physio can treat these issues with a number of procedures. These could include posture and ergonomics guidance, advice and remedial movement courses, where, manipulation, stabilisation training, stretching and exercise routines to give backache relief.

Pilates is a holistic exercise technique, intended to stretch, strengthen and condition the body to balance, engaging both mind and body, through an anatomical comprehension of the body's muscular-skeletal systems. Through a comprehensive exercise or programme, the patient or student can concentrate on focus area whilst carrying out for the client. Classes will focus on specific areas individually whilst carrying out routine that incorporates into an environment where optimum muscular- skeletal function and mobility can be restored

How does Pilates work
Pilates is carried out through slow controlled exercise, usually on an exercise mat, or sometimes on specific apparatus, either in classes or one to one. It's a system of exercises that take the body and mind and body through sequence of proscribed movements. These controlled movements integrate the concept of Dynamic Tension (self-resistance) which is the act of exercising muscle against muscle Pilates is taught one on one or in a class.

Can Pilates help my Back Pain
Pilates theory is that imbalance in strength and flexibility of the body may cause back pain. Pilates attempts to build strength and flexibility to help restore mobility and avert further back injury. Pilates claims to improve posture, muscle tone, mobility, and flexibility in the spine, alleviate backache and pains, and reduce stress. It is considered therapy for back pain for some medical conditions affecting the back but those suffering from Osteogenesis imperfecta, Osteoporosis, Paget's Disease, Osteomalacia should seek medical consultation. Whilst there have been recent concerns expressed over the effectiveness and safety of Pilates especially relating to strengthening the core muscles, it's accepted that it can be useful for some people in some instances for back pain relief.

'Rolfing Structural Integration' is the trademarked name for the system of hands-on connective tissue manipulation and movement education aimed at releasing stress patterns, and helping the client move and function with greater freedom, and effortlessly maintain a more upright posture. Rolfing seeks to realign and balance the body so that the head, shoulders, chest, pelvis, and legs work in improved vertical configuration

How does Rolfing work
The concept of Rolfing is that injuries, poor movement function and muscle taughtness through stress cause the myofascia (connective tissue) to stiffen, inhibiting free and relaxed movement. By applying deep pressure and other massage techniques to ease tightened myofascia, therby allowing greater flexibility and balance between muscles, tendons and bones. Practitioners of Rolfing teach awareness of those habits restricting movement and how to transform these patterns

Can Rolfing help my Back Pain
By reducing tension, softening the myofacsia, and restoring natural balance and body use, Rolfing practitioners believe the release from the above techniques can relieve back pain caused by muscle tension and help the back to realign itself, promoting improved back health and giving backache relief. Rolfing practitioners address lower back pain, including disk herniation usually by focussing on relaxing, releasing, and manipulating the muscle tissue, and forming space between the intervertebral disks.

The name Shiatsu is derived from Japanese from shi, meaning finger, and atsu, meaning pressure) is a traditional hands-on therapy originating in Japan. There are two main Shiatsu schools; one based on western anatomical and physiological theory where it soothes an overactive sympathetic nervous system, improving circulation, relieving muscle tension and reducing stress, and the other based on a holistic system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Shiatsu is regulated as a licensed medical therapy by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan), and elsewhere by various governing bodies set up by Shiatsu practitioners. Shiatsu is an evolving form, and its various styles incorporate (to differing degrees) aspects of Japanese massage traditions, Chinese Medicine practice, and "Western" anatomy and physiology.

How does Shiatsu work
Shiatsu is an uses pressure applied with thumbs, fingers and palms to the same energy flows or meridians as acupuncture and incorporates stretching. It also uses techniques such as rolling, brushing, vibrating, grasping and in one particular technique developed by Suzuki Yamamoto, pressure is applied with the feet on the persons back, legs and feet (special set up is required for the "foot" shiatsu). The principle theory is similar to that of acupuncture whereby illness is brought about as a result of blockages or imbalance in the meridians or energy lines. The Shiatsu practitioner seeks to clear or remove these blockages by applying finger, thumb, palm, or even foot pressure to the affected areas using a variety of massage techniques

Can Shiatsu help my Back Pain
Lower Back pain results for a number of reasons: Poor ergonomic posture, Physical injury, occupational (such as lifting), recreational (eg golf or gardening) related to poor muscle tone, or in Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM), blockages or imbalances in energy flows through the patients meridians.. It is likely that back pain relief for back pain for back ache or sciatic conditions can be provided by a shiatsu practitioner. Shiatsu is complementary to mainstream Western medicine, not an alternative to it. Though therapy back pain will be administered according to Oriental practice it is important that a modern Western diagnosis is obtained as well, and the practitioner will attempt to establish the origin of the condition. \through the techniques outlined above the practitioner will strive to create an environment of 'self healing' whereby the patients body will revert or return over time to a more healthy condition. By understanding how the condition arose the practitioner will advise on changes in posture, exercise, or physical habits which may help prevent reoccurrence of the back pain,

Yoga dates back to over 5,000 years, and originated in India as a form of a spiritual practice. In the West, Yoga as an alternative medicine has evolved from its founding philosophy into a form known as Yoga Therapy, often considered useful as a therapy for back pain. In the UK this has taken the form of a National Occupational Standard, (NOS) for the delivery of Yoga Therapy to clients with impaired health, such as back problems or compromised well being. Yoga is usually taught in classes or groups, sometimes as a lower back pain therapy
Yoga is believed to calm the nervous system, create harmony, and balance the body, mind, and spirit. It is thought by its practitioners to prevent specific diseases and maladies by keeping the energy meridians open and life energy (Prana) flowing. Over time many different branches of yoga have involved from the original meditative states to the emphasis on physical pose or position, breathing, bodily alignment, or flow of movement.

How does Yoga work
Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing of body and mind. The different types of yoga often focus on specific facets such as Fitness, flexibility, meditation, rehabilitation, relaxation, and strength.Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing.

Restorative yoga is often associated with healing disease, and is practiced in a very relaxed state by using supports instead of muscular tension to maintain the pose alignments. These poses help relieve the effects of chronic stress in several ways. First, the use of props provide a completely supportive environment for total relaxation. Second, each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions. Third, a well-sequenced restorative practice also includes an inverted pose, which reverses the effects of gravity. Because we stand or sit most of the day, blood and lymph fluid accumulate in the lower extremities. By changing the relationship of the legs to gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body and heart function is enhanced. Fourth, restorative yoga alternately stimulates and soothes the organs. With this movement of blood comes the enhanced exchange of oxygen and waste products across the cell membrane. Finally, yoga teaches that the body is permeated with energy. Prana, the masculine energy, residing above the diaphragm, moves upward, and controls respiration and heart rate. Apana, the feminine energy, resides below the diaphragm, moves downward, and controls the function of the abdominal organs. Restorative yoga balances these aspects of energy within the practitioner. Most yoga classes usually comprise a combination of physical exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation. These characteristics make yoga a particularly beneficial kind of exercise for certain health conditions, including back problems

Can Yoga help my Back Pain
Yoga can help back pain through the teaching balance, flexibility, strengthening muscles and promoting body awareness. By progressively structuring the complexity of movement, yoga teachers advocate that its practice can educate the back in distributing its mass more efficiently and improve back posture and balance naturally. For practitioners of yoga, an amalgamation of yoga positions reduces weakness, improves the alignment of the spine and reduces muscle tension, creating an environment of self healing for the back. Many yoga positions can be adapted to address particular back conditions as part of a therapy for back pain or to afford greater stretches.