Saturday, August 31, 2013

Chiropractic - Neuroplasticity, Learning Disabilities, and Brain Function

In December of 2007, I was lucky to come across two documentaries covering the topic of neuroplasticity, The Brain That Changes Itself and Fixing My Brain. I eagerly watched them both, and have been unable to let go of what I had seen. The Brain That Changes Itself is narrated by Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D., and based off of his book of the same name. One of the most influential stories involves the Arrowsmith teaching program, which happens to be the subject for Fixing My Brain.

It brought back memories of what I had learned at Life Chiropractic College West as the science of chiropractic benefits greatly as our understanding of neuroplasticity grows. It also reminded me of some of the personal struggles I had to learn some of the difficult subject matter at all levels of my school career. Luckily for me I recognized my learning differences and managed to figure out how I learned on my own. This could be the reason why I have such a major interest in the subject of The Arrowsmith School, so children with learning differences can overcome their difficulties before they are labeled and cast aside.

Neuroplasticity is a simple word to explain that our brains are malleable, and continue to change throughout our lifetimes based on our experiences. This may seem like common sense, but not until recently has the medical community validated the potential of an ever changing brain. This change in perception should end up effecting the medical standard of care in the fields of neurology, psychiatry, and psychology.

While at LCCW, we focused heavily on the study of neurology. This focus translated into a better understanding of each person who sought our help, and gave us a level of certainty when choosing to adjust a specific spinal segment.

Over time, the chiropractic adjustment acts as an impulse which effects the neurology of the body and neuroplasticity of the brain. I remember seeing this specifically in a case study presented at LCCW from a student clinician, where he used specific chiropractic adjustments to retrain a patients brain following a severe stroke. The patient in question regained full range of motion in his left arm and hand, as well the ability to speak by 80%. This was done over a six month period.

Examples used in The Brain That Changes itself include The Arrowsmith program, but also give amazing examples which are broken down by the New York Times in this article:

New York Times:The Brain: Malleable, Capable, Vulnerable

For patients with brain injury, the revolution brings only good news, as Dr. Doidge describes in numerous examples. A woman with damage to the inner ear's vestibular system, where the sense of balance resides, feels as if she is in constant free fall, tumbling through space like an ocean bather pulled under by the surf. Sitting in a neuroscience lab, she puts a set of electrodes on the surface of her tongue, a wired-up hard hat on her head, and the feel of falling stops. The apparatus connects to a computer to create an external vestibular system, replacing her damaged one by sending the proper signals to her brain via her tongue.

But that's not all. After a year of sessions with the device, she no longer needs it: her brain has rewired itself to bypass the damaged vestibular system with a new circuit.

A surgeon in his 50s suffers an incapacitating stroke. He is one of the first patients to enroll in a rehabilitation clinic guided by principles of neuroplasticity: his good arm and hand are immobilized, and he is set cleaning tables. At first the task is impossible, then slowly the bad arm remembers its skills. He learns to write again, he plays tennis again: the functions of the brain areas killed in the stroke have transferred themselves to healthy regions.

An amputee has a bizarre itch in his missing hand: unscratchable, it torments him. A neuroscientist finds that the brain cells that once received input from the hand are now devoted to the man's face; a good scratch on the cheek relieves the itch. Another amputee has 10 years of excruciating "phantom" pain in his missing elbow. When he puts his good arm into a box lined with mirrors he seems to recognize his missing arm, and he can finally stretch the cramped elbow out. Within a month his brain reorganizes its damaged circuits, and the illusion of the arm and its pain vanish.

The most amazing part of each story is that each expert stresses the brain to promote the change they are looking to accomplish. For some it is touch, some others it's repetition, and visual stimulus for another group. This again, made me think about the chiropractic adjustment as a premier way to provide a stimulus to the nervous system in order to effect neuroplasticity of these same cases.

When using the example of the Arrowsmith School, they focused on the repetitive stressing of areas of the brain that are determined weak. This includes the use of visual components of reading a multi-handed clock, symbol tracing, and recognizing visuals cues. Instead of making these struggling students go towards their academic strengths, each student is forced to utilize the side of their brain that is weakest. This is accomplished by covering the eye related to the strong side of the brain, and literally exercising the brain like you would a weak bicep.

As my wife finishes her master's degree in early childhood education, I like to imagine a place where parents in Seattle have access to such a program for their struggling student. I realize there are programs, but most are focused on accepting a disability and not attempting to rewire their pliable brains so it goes away. Permanently.

When I saw this I wondered if the same stimulation could be used via the other senses of touch while using less used cortical stimulus via the cranial nerves. Could smell or aromatherapy used via the olfactory nerve? Could a chiropractic adjustment be used to effect a certain spinal tract and relay the impulse to a weak area of the brain?

Some of these questions are rhetorical as I already know the answer, but it is a shame that only small niche groups of Chiropractors strictly focus on the brain as it relates to neuroplasticity. Yes, many of us are creating this positive response via the adjustment, but there could not be a better time to educate our patients on the subject. Now could be the time to ask the public to send it patients who have struggled with brain injuries, learning difficulties and strokes.

Currently for me, it is a reminder to keep learning about my profession so I can better help each and every member of my practice. I also want the ability to refer patients and their children to the proper professional if they are struggling with learning differences, so these differences do not become disabilities.

Chiropractic is amazing, and there is no better time to be or see a Chiropractor.

If You're Suffering From Neck Or Back Pain You Should See a Chiropractor

Many people suffer with back pain; this can either be slight pain or chronic back pain. No matter how severe the pain, pain is an indicator that you should go and visit an Oxford Chiropractor. Most people think that if they have a slight pain they do not need to visit an Oxford Chiropractic clinic, this is not the case though. You should not have to live with back pain, if you visit Oxford chiropractors that can be a thing of the past.

No one actually teaches when a person should visit a chiropractor, most people do not want to seem to be wasting Oxford chiropractor's time in case they do not need treatment. This is the wrong attitude to take, an Oxford Chiropractic practitioner will not be annoyed if you only have slight back pain, they can treat all pain no matter how slight or severe.

Signs that you should see an Oxford chiropractor are things such as; back or neck pain that lasts longer than three days, recurring headaches that are teamed with neck or shoulder tension, if your neck become stiff or back which causes your range of motion to become limited, difficulty sleeping at night due to extreme back pain that makes moving in bed difficult and uncomfortable.

Most people think that a lot of other people live with back or neck pain and that it's an everyday thing. However back and neck pain is NOT normal, a very small percentage of the population actually suffer from daily back or neck pain. Your body can become used to the pain however it should not need to; you should see an Oxford chiropractor as soon as possible to treat your back or joint pain. Post Oxford chiropractic treatment you will feel a lot better, the chiropractor will realign your spine which will get rid of any related illness such as headaches, joint pain etc.

In conclusion then back pain is not as common as most people think; the sooner you visit a chiropractor the less severe your injury can become and recovery time will be a lot shorter.

7 Great Tips For Running With Sciatica

In the running community, there are many people who believe that running can actually reduce flare-ups from sciatica. However, there is sound evidence that also suggests running can aggravate or even cause the condition. Essentially, when you run your spine is subjected to a jarring action that can actually cause disc compression. When any of the discs of the spinal cord are compressed, you are at increased risk for pinching off the sciatic nerve. Another reason that sciatica from running is so common, is because many people run improperly, wear the wrong shoes, or overuse the leg and hip muscles which cause the nerve to become inflamed or pinched in the first place.

Runners are a die-hard group. And most people who run as their primary form of exercise do so several times per week. When sciatic pain flares up, however running can be a painful endeavor. Following are a few tips to help relieve sciatic pain, and hints to make your running habit less painful should you suffer from sciatica.

Tips to Avoid Sciatica from Running -

1. Get your running shoes fitted properly. Running shoes are expensive, and wearing shoes that are not made for running is a recipe for disaster. The shoes you pick out should be able to absorb the shock from running on hard surfaces and should provide you with just the right amount of arch support. It is recommended that you get your feet professionally fitted and find running shoes that are designed for your foot. Most running supply stores can offer you a good fitting and help you find the best shoes for your needs.

2. Stretch before heading out. It is a common misconception that when you run, starting out slowly is warm up enough. The truth is that you should stretch your hamstrings, lower back and even toes before heading out around the track. This will help you avoid getting sciatica from running, and ensures that your muscles will not spasm after your exercise, which is often another reason runners get sciatica.

3. Choose to run on grass, sand, wood or other softer surfaces. While it is easier to track your distance when you are running around a concrete track - the pressure of concrete is much harder on your spinal column and hips than other surfaces.

4. Keep your spine in check. By visiting a chiropractor and having adjustments, you can be sure that your spinal column is aligned and that you don't have any underlying disc compression issues that are pinching off the sciatic nerve. If you have disc compression, running will seriously aggravate the condition and can lead to severe sciatic pain and a long recovery.

5. If you have sciatica pain, don't run strenuously. By cutting back on the intensity of your exercising, you can greatly reduce the pain and compression on the nerve. Normally, once the nerve flares up, it takes 2-3 weeks to heal completely.

6. Use ice after you run. If sciatica from running is something that you experience, than it is a good idea to put ice on 'tender spots' after you run. This way, the nerve will not have time to inflame and swell. This is an excellent way to minimize the severity and duration of sciatic pain.

7. Don't forget to strengthen your abdomen. The abdominal muscles play a huge part in the strength of your spine - and the nerves of the spinal column. If you have weak abdominal muscles, you are three times more likely to suffer from sciatic pain. Doing regular abdominal exercises can make your running experience much more enjoyable, and safer.

The jury may still be out whether or not running causes or cures sciatica. One thing, however is for sure. These seven tips will help safeguard your sciatic nerve and can play a large part in reducing the occurrences of sciatica with most runners.

Chiropractic Salary - What Can You Expect to Earn As a Chiropractor?

How much money you make as a chiropractor depends first and foremost on whether you are hired as an employee or run your own practice.  Chiropractic employees typically work for other chiropractors or for Western medical doctors.  This scenario tends to be much more limiting in its long-term potential, as one will often seek out employment for immediate financial stability.

The range for chiropractic employees can be anywhere from $30-100,000 per year depending on the amount of patients seen and the agreement worked out with the employer.  In the clinic I worked at, the staff chiropractor told me he made $40,000 per year and saw about 120 patients a week on his own.  (He was not very thrilled with this arrangement).

What is perhaps more important than the annual salary is the amount made per patient.  In the above scenario, the doctor was making very little per patient and per hour, which is why he was so frustrated with this arrangement.  As a practice-building consultant, I advise new practitioners to only seek out employment if they have no means to start their own practice.  In my experience, it is rare for chiropractors to find total fulfillment as employees.

Building a private practice, of course, comes with its own set of potential pitfalls and challenges.  As a business owner,  one's salary depends on 3 essential factors: 

1.  Mindset - Developing a mindset of success and prosperity is vital to one's level of income.

2.  Marketing - The most lucrative practices are the ones who have developed their marketing skills.

3.  Communication - Chiropractors who know how to educate their patients and build rapport will undoubtedly end up making substantially more money than those that don't.

If all 3 of these factors are well-integrated and developed, the practice can definitely gross a high 6 figure or even 7 figure income.  If any one of these is deficient, however, one's level of income will be substantially reduced.  In my experience, the average chiropractor in private practice pays themselves about a range of $45-75,000 per year. 

Please keep in mind that 'average' in this sense is just that; it means that one of the 3 factors listed above is missing or imbalanced. 

The chiropractic profession is certainly one that has tremendous potential for financial success and personal fulfillment.  What is most important is to develop the business, marketing, and mindset skills that directly lead to increased financial worth.

Achieving Success in Chiropractor College

If you're setting out to become a chiropractor, you may wonder how you can maximize your success. Chiropractor college is a multi-year commitment, readying you to work hands-on with patients in a clinical setting. To excel, you need to take a number of things into account, including your aptitude for the profession and choosing the right chiropractic college.

There are many chiropractic schools around the world. Choosing the best fit for you means examining each school on multiple levels. Some factors you should consider include:

繚 A high level of clinical, hands-on training, including a curriculum that gets you working with your hands in the first year.

繚 Instructors with lots of experience, and an open door policy that lets you ask plenty of questions.

繚 A good location that fits into your life, and a program completion rate that meets your goals.

Of course, it's not just about what chiropractor college brings to you, but also the attitude and skills that you bring to your studies. Generally speaking, students in chiropractor schools have already completed undergraduate education, so that means you have already put in four or so years of school and have a solid foundation of study skills. These will definitely help you, because there will be a lot of vital information to learn. On the other hand, if you've spent most of your time in a classroom, you're going to encounter a big and exciting change: Chiropractic college is going to let you learn from doing, and you need to be ready to embrace that challenge.

You also need a warm, approachable demeanor and the ability to ask questions. All sorts of clinical settings require professionals with a good bedside manner, but chiropractor schools particularly emphasize your ability to work well with patients. Patients will need to know they can trust your professional judgment, and in turn, you need to make sure clinic patients feel listened to.

You will also need to be ready to approach your instructors to help them help you learn. The courses you take in a chiropractor college will cover the sorts of material you will need for your later career. Because of the experience your instructors have personally accumulated, if you ignore the opportunity of interacting with them outside of class time, you will be missing out. They will have worked with and helped thousands of patients in a clinical setting in their years of experience.

Put together, your successful education is one part what you bring to the table, and one part the quality of the school you pick. Curious about this? One of the best things you can do is thoroughly examine potential schools. You can even speak with admissions officers at the school, who will be better able to help you judge how you will fit in.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Is Chiropractic a Good Choice For Back Pain?

The spine is a very complicated structure. It is composed of twenty-four moveable bones (the vertebrae), five layers of music, nine common ligaments, the central and peripheral nervous systems, and various connective tissue. The vertebrae offer protection to the spinal cord. They are moveable and can twist and bend in a variety of positions. While this freedom of motion allows us to locomote and move our bodies in a variety of configurations, it also can set the stage for injuries. Joints that are pushed too far can suffer sprains and strains. Joints that don't get enough motion can get stuck. Abnormal gravitational loading on the joints and soft tissues cause degenerative changes such as arthritis and disc disease.

Chiropractic is the philosophy, art and science of natural healing. It is concerned with the integrity and function of the spine and nervous system. A doctor of chiropractic (D.C.) is a physician who is an expert at evaluating, diagnosing and treating problems with the spine. The process starts much like it would when visiting any other doctor.

There is some paperwork that is completed (including a description of the problem and a medical history). Then the chiropractor will have a consultation followed by an examination to discover the cause of the problem. In the examination, the chiropractor will do a variety of orthopedic and neurological tests. Following this, there may be diagnostic tests (such as x-ray, MRI, etc.). Then the chiropractor will diagnose the problem, give the patient a prognosis and present a treatment plan.

How does a chiropractor help to eliminate back pain? The prescribed therapies may vary greatly from doctor to doctor. These therapies may include chiropractic adjustments, physical medicine therapies (including ice, heat, decompression, massage, acupressure, ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, diathermy, infrared, traction, acupuncture), active care rehabilitation (stretching, exercises for strengthening and stabilization), and nutritional therapies (such as professional strength supplements designed to reduce pain and inflammation at the chemical and cellular levels).

The chiropractic adjustment is concerned with restoring normal joint motion, re-aligning the vertebrae, relieving pressure on the nerves (which may be pinched due to vertebral misalignment), eliminating muscle spasms, and of course eliminating pain. The doctor of chiropractic has four years of specialized training in the art of delivering adjustments. The adjustment is a low-force correction in which the chiropractor gently slips the bone(s) back into their normal position while restoring normal joint motion. Adjustments are almost always pain-free and result in an incredible sense of relief and well being.

Many people have never been to a chiropractor. They may not have ever even considered going to a chiropractor. They may have thought that chiropractic is a new concept or experimental and unproven. But what they didn't realize is that spinal manipulation is nothing new. It has actually been around for thousands of years. Hippocrates (the father of medicine) himself said "look to the spine as the source of all disease". While bone setting has been around for millennia (as opposed to traditional western medicine which has only been around for 300 years), chiropractic as a profession started in 1895. Today there are over 70,000 chiropractors in the United States. It is a science-based form of health care that has become mainstream and accepted by the medical and scientific communities.

Not only is chiropractic extremely effective and all natural, it is also the safest form of health care known to humankind. Chiropractors pay the lowest malpractice premiums of any doctor. The reason for this is clear - they don't injure people. There have been hundreds of research studies done to investigate the risk associated with chiropractic adjustments. And the results came back that chiropractic is safer than drugs and surgery. One research paper showed that a patient has 100 times greater likelihood of being injured from taking a Motrin than from getting a chiropractic adjustment. So if your back is hurting, give chiropractic a try. You have nothing to lose but the pain.

Chiropractic Controversy

Chiropractic not to long ago had been viewed as controversial, fringe medicine. Traditional medical practitioners thought of chiropractors as hacks and never revered chiropractic as medicine at all. Chiropractors struggled for years to prove their science to the patients and moreover to their medical peers. However, over the past couple of decades chiropractic has slowly but surely pushed its way into modern day medicine.

The difference between traditional medicine and chiropractic medicine is the philosophy behind the medicine. Traditional medicine is based on understanding how the human body's components work and how pathologies originate. Based on this understanding conventional doctors localize the cause of the disease and treat it at its smallest region. This is in opposition to the chiropractic philosophy. Chiropractors treat the body in a holistic nature. With this understanding the body functions as a whole, every component and part are connected and work in conjunction with the rest of the body, therefore when pathologies arise the treatment is rendered to the whole body. Chiropractors understand that it is important to not just treat the symptoms, but to resolve the underlying problems as well.

This holistic nature has proven to be very effective in treating patient's problems. Thus explaining the influx of chiropractic care in modern day medicine. Additionally conventional doctors have started to show an interest in a holistic approach to patient care. Rather than compete with chiropractors, conventional healthcare can use chiropractic as complementary treatment to traditional medicine. In addition chiropractors have also taken a step to include some of the conventional diagnostic tools that traditional western medicine employs. Advanced diagnostic and radiographic exams allow chiropractors to better diagnose and determine treatment plans. Moreover chiropractors can detect and diagnose serious conditions that require a referral to a specialist.

More and more patients are deciding to try alternative treatment to conventional medicine. Part of their reasoning is due to the fact that traditional medicine has become impersonal and doctors prescribe too much medication. Alternatively patients like the holistic approach to their conditions and feel their treatment is based specifically on their problems. Because of the shift from conventional medicine to complementary and alternative care, insurance companies have had to change with the times as well. Now most insurance companies provide coverage for alternative treatments such as chiropractic care. In addition the US army requires access to a chiropractor for all of their active service men and women. Many athletes both professional and amateur endorse chiropractic care as well, at both high school and college level. Furthermore the US Olympic team has several chiropractors on staff for athletes to use during their training.

With more availability of chiropractic practitioners and the increased acceptance as an alternative medicine, chiropractic research has been done to show the effectiveness of its treatment. Even if patient testimonials aren't enough, studies have shown that chiropractic care can treat certain kinds of disorders, including some disorders that cannot be easily treated using standard medical techniques. This has helped to boost the reputation of a once fragile and undermined section of our healthcare field. This gives patients the ability to take a more active role in determining his/her own healthcare.
Chiropractic not to long ago had been viewed as controversial, fringe medicine. Traditional medical practitioners thought of chiropractors as hacks and never revered chiropractic as medicine at all. Chiropractors struggled for years to prove their science to the patients and moreover to their medical peers. However, over the past couple of decades chiropractic has slowly but surely pushed its way into modern day medicine.

The difference between traditional medicine and chiropractic medicine is the philosophy behind the medicine. Traditional medicine is based on understanding how the human body's components work and how pathologies originate. Based on this understanding conventional doctors localize the cause of the disease and treat it at its smallest region. This is in opposition to the chiropractic philosophy. Chiropractors treat the body in a holistic nature. With this understanding the body functions as a whole, every component and part are connected and work in conjunction with the rest of the body, therefore when pathologies arise the treatment is rendered to the whole body. Chiropractors understand that it is important to not just treat the symptoms, but to resolve the underlying problems as well.

This holistic nature has proven to be very effective in treating patient's problems. Thus explaining the influx of chiropractic care in modern day medicine. Additionally conventional doctors have started to show an interest in a holistic approach to patient care. Rather than compete with chiropractors, conventional healthcare can use chiropractic as complementary treatment to traditional medicine. In addition chiropractors have also taken a step to include some of the conventional diagnostic tools that traditional western medicine employs. Advanced diagnostic and radiographic exams allow chiropractors to better diagnose and determine treatment plans. Moreover chiropractors can detect and diagnose serious conditions that require a referral to a specialist.

More and more patients are deciding to try alternative treatment to conventional medicine. Part of their reasoning is due to the fact that traditional medicine has become impersonal and doctors prescribe too much medication. Alternatively patients like the holistic approach to their conditions and feel their treatment is based specifically on their problems. Because of the shift from conventional medicine to complementary and alternative care, insurance companies have had to change with the times as well. Now most insurance companies provide coverage for alternative treatments such as chiropractic care. In addition the US army requires access to a chiropractor for all of their active service men and women. Many athletes both professional and amateur endorse chiropractic care as well, at both high school and college level. Furthermore the US Olympic team has several chiropractors on staff for athletes to use during their training.

With more availability of chiropractic practitioners and the increased acceptance as an alternative medicine, chiropractic research has been done to show the effectiveness of its treatment. Even if patient testimonials aren't enough, studies have shown that chiropractic care can treat certain kinds of disorders, including some disorders that cannot be easily treated using standard medical techniques. This has helped to boost the reputation of a once fragile and undermined section of our healthcare field. This gives patients the ability to take a more active role in determining his/her own healthcare.

Pinched Nerve Neck Pain - Causes, Symptoms, and Chiropractic Treatment

If you're experiencing chronic pinched nerve neck pain, don't hesitate to see a chiropractor for treatment. The following article discusses causes, symptoms, and effective methods of chiropractic treatment for pinched neck anguish.

What are the symptoms of pinched nerve neck pain?

Common symptoms of nerve neck pain include neck anguish (chronic or less severe) as well as pain radiating down the neck and arms or sometimes even as far down as the hands. The reason individuals experience nerve neck anguish is because your nerves, the cells that specialize in transmitting messages throughout your entire body become damaged.

Pinched nerve neck pain: how does it occur?

You can damage, injure, or "pinch" a nerve in a variety of ways: overstretching the nerve, constricting the nerve, and compressing are a few. Nerve neck pain can result from bony growths in your neck that occur from arthritis or any degenerative disease that places pressure on the nerves in the neck. You may suffer from neck anguish due to spinal stenosis, a condition that causes the space between your neck and spinal vertebrae to narrow. Spinal stenosis applies increased pressure to nerves. Herniated disks are also a contributor to pinched nerve neck anguish-in those cases, disks can "slip out of place". Carpal tunnel is also a cause of nerves, as that area which all finger tendons and nerves pass through the hand is a bottleneck area.

If you suffer from neck pain, consult a chiropractor for treatment options. Common pinched nerve neck symptoms include numbness in the hands or legs, back spasms, tingling, burning, or hot/cold sensations.

Are you experiencing pain radiating from your neck?

Does your neck feel weak?

Do you feel a numb, prickling, or burning sensation in your neck?

Do any of the sensations/pain extend beyond your neck?

If you're experiencing any or all of those neck anguish sensations, it's best to consult with a chiropractor. Very few patients need surgery for pinched nerves; for most of them, non-surgical treatments such as Chiropractic Care, physical therapy, or medication will provide relief from nerve pain. There are a variety of focused therapies to help you find relief from all your nerve symptoms and have a better long-term outcome. Let a chiropractor work with you to develop a treatment plan and get you on the road to recovery.

Consult a chiropractor about your neck anguish-although some nerve problems can be resolved without any treatment, others can degenerate and numbness, damage, burning, or tingling sensations can become permanent.

Avoiding Back Pain With Yard Work

Yard work and maintaining the lawn is a good stress reliever for some people. Many homeowners enjoy being outdoors when the weather is nice. However, it is called yard "work" for a reason and while enjoyable there are a lot of efforts needed to get the work done. Bending over to pull weeds, the constant vibration from sitting on a riding mower or using a push mower can all increase pain levels for someone who was injured in an auto accident. Pain can make an enjoyable hobby like gardening or a household duty such as yard work un-enjoyable. This loss of enjoyment factor must be documented in the doctors' notes so the attorney representing the patient can settle the claim with more ease after the patients doctor or rehab facility helps them feel better.

Once you are out of the initial acute phase of your injury and have been cleared by your doctor to become more active, you should take it slow so you don't re-aggravate the injury. Also instead of doing outdoor tasks that you would normally do in one day, spread the task out over the course of the weekend or get someone to help you with the work.

Here are some tips to follow before going outside to perform yard work after suffering from back pain.

  1. Drink plenty of water before, during and after being outside to avoid dehydration

  2. Stretch before going outside to perform yard work. Make sure the muscles in the low back are loose so you don't put excess strain on the area.

  3. When bending over, make sure you lift using your legs. Avoid picking anything up by just bending over and coming right back up.

  4. NEVER twist your body when you are leaning over. (this is a compromising position for the spine and can be problematic)

  5. Use knee pads if you will be doing gardening task to decrease stress on your joints.

  6. Take breaks frequently so that your muscles don't fatigue in one certain position and go into spasm.

Dealing with back pain at home following an accident can hinder your normal activity but it doesn't have to stop it completely. As long as you make some minor changes to keep yourself out of trouble, you can still perform your hobby without worry.

I'm a good referral for your neighbor who mentions not being able to spend as much time doing yard work because of the pain they feel after their auto accident. Have them call me and I will bring the enjoyment back to their life!

High Altitude Sports

It is important to remember that exercise does not build muscle, it actually tears it down. It is nutrition and rest that helps to repair the muscles, rebuild them and make them stronger after exercise. If exercise is not accompanied with the required rest and nutrition there will be a result of wasting from the wear and tear and the muscle tissue may rob organ reserves to rebuild at the expense of other tissues. The reasons for rest and proper nutrition after exercise should be to strengthen heart muscle, increase oxygen efficiency, support connective tissue and to prevent cramps and Charlie horses.

High altitude sports that include skiing, mountain climbing, hiking and cross country skiing are all done at 5000 feet above sea level or more. At these high levels there are many changes that the body goes through. Red blood cells become larger at higher altitudes which require them more iron to satisfy the larger hemoglobin molecules. The thing air will exhaust muscles that are not conserving oxygen and utilizing it efficiently. This will cause carbon dioxide to build up in the blood.

Pieces of vitamin E are oxygen conserving and oxygen starvation will result in fatigue, cramping and lactic acid in the muscles. Adrenal exhaustion from physical exertion at high altitudes can result in low blood pressure and faintness. Foods rich in vitamin C, sodium and potassium and essential amino acids should be emphasized. Slow, long burning carbohydrates like whole grains and brown rice can provide sustained energy. Fresh fruits such as apples, grapes and oranges will provide a quicker blood sugar fuel that will not cause a drop in blood sugar. Clean water or unsweetened juice should be regularly consumed. Also be sure to wear a hat and use sunscreen. Check with your local chiropractor in Schaumburg for more helpful tips.

Cervicogenic Headache

Nothing can be quite as debilitating as a headache brought on at the wrong time. Most of us have experienced a headache at some point or another. What most people don't realize is that there are different types of headaches, and furthermore many different causative factors.

When discussing headache, the first distinction that we make is whether it's of a primary or secondary classification. Primary headaches are those that are not due to a secondary disease state or disorder. Some common examples of a primary headache are tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. Secondary headaches are those related to another disease process. Examples of a secondary headache include those resulting from stroke, infection, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, neck or head trauma, inflammation, or seizure, to name a few.

For the purposes of this article we will be discussing cervicogenic headaches, which are of the secondary classification. Cervicogenic headache refers to a headache that is an outcome of stressed or irritated structures in or around the cervical spine. Common tissues causing the cervicogenic headache are the scalenes, the sterno-cleido-mastoid, and the sub occipital musculature.

The afore-mentioned tissues have very specific referral patterns in the head and neck. We will start with the sterno-cleido- mastoid, or SCM for short. Sterno-cleido-mastoid refers to the 3 attachment points for this particular tissue. The name refers to sterno for sternum, cleido for clavicle, and mastoid for the mastoid process or conical-shaped section of the temporal bone just behind the ear. The SCM is commonly injured in whiplash injuries. It can also become tight or irritated for those that are consistent stomach sleepers. The standard referral pattern for headaches generated from irritation of this tissue is into the jaw, around the eye and into the forehead.

The sub occipital musculature refers to a grouping of four particular tissues: the obliqus capitus inferior, the obliqus capitus inferior, the rectus capitus major, and the rectus capitus minor. These tissues are roughly in the area where the head meets the neck, or more specifically just under the occipital bone. The sub occipital musculature can be injured in whiplash injuries, repetitive strain injuries or can even become irritated from postural dysfunction. Common referral headaches from this tissue generally affect the posterior skull and vertex of the head. These types of headaches can at times illicit visual changes as well.

The trapezius muscle is a large muscle that extends from the occiput to the mid thoracic spine. It also extends laterally out to the scapulae. For the purposes of this discussion we will be talking about the upper portion of the trapezius, or upper trap for short. Referral pain from damage or irritation of the upper trap usually affects the postero-lateral neck, the jaw or mandible, and/or the temple.

Cervicogenic headaches can be a result of trauma to the neck and head, whiplash injuries, postural anomalies, structural malformations of the body or even the way that we sleep. While cervicogenic headaches are very treatable from a chiropractic standpoint, headaches can also be an indication of more serious pathology. When in doubt, it's always best to be evaluated by you local health professional.

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Understanding a Chiropractic adjustment

The word "Chiropractic" comes from the Greek meaning "treatment by hand". Chiropractic adjusting is a highly skilled treatment performed by trained professionals. The chiropractor uses his or her hands to apply a very quick, precise, and safe amount of pressure directly to the affected area of your spine. During an adjustment you may hear a "popping sound" (cavitation) which occurs with the shifting of gas bubbles and fluid in the joint. The presence or "loudness" of this sound has little meaning and varies with each patient. Specific chiropractic adjustments will help return individual spinal bones to their proper motion and position. It focuses on the SOURCE of your pain and discomfort, not the symptoms. It is hands on treatment that works.

There are basically two types of dysfunctional joints: hypermobile joints, which have too much movement and may become unstable, and hypomobile joints, which are not mobile enough. The joints, which should be adjusted, are the hypomobile ones, as they are restricted. A joint can become hypomobile or "subluxated" due to excessive strain, physical, chemical, emotional stress on the body. When a joint is hypomobile, the joints above and below try to compensate for the lack of motion and inevitably become hyper mobile. When people crack their own joints, they are affecting the hypeRmobile joints, not the ones that really need it. Self-cracking is not healthy because it adds to the excessive motion of the hypermobile joints, decreases the stability of ligaments and grinds the joint.

A proper adjustment is given to a subluxated joint, with a quick thrust directed along the proper angle so the joint will not be irritated. The speed will eliminate the need for a lot of force and reduce the strain put on ligaments. Most people experience a sense of relief immediately after cavitation. This is because, after cavitation, there is a release of endorphins which are your body's natural painkillers. However, chiropractic adjustment is not just for back pain or neck pain. The goal of adjustments is not "chase" symptoms, but to remove the nerve interference and restore health and well-being to your body.

When you experience tightness or pain, stretching should be done. If 'cracking' occurs while stretching, don't worry. Stretching gently is healthy, but do not purposefully 'crack' your own joints.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Chiropractor Advice - Run for Your Life

Okay, so maybe you don't have to run, but you can walk for your life. Walking is the best exercise for young and old alike. Why? You don't have to buy a gym membership or invest in expensive equipment that takes up space in your home. You don't need a partner, although it is fun and motivational to have a walking buddy. You just need a good pair of walking shoes. It's that easy.

So take this chiropractor advice: start walking and start the rest of your life on your best foot. The health benefits of walking are astronomical. Studies have shown that regular walking can help you lose and maintain a healthy weight, improve your flexibility and muscle strength, stimulate your brain and protect against memory loss, and reduce your risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Now that's something to walk about.

Chiropractors recommend starting slow and working your way into a more vigorous walking routine. If you have not been active in a while or are concerned about a past injury, a quick visit to your local chiropractor for a check-up and one-on-one exercise advice is a good idea.

Start with five to ten minutes at a time and be sure to warm up by walking at a slow pace to help prevent injury. You can increase your time and pace gradually over a few weeks. Try to set a goal for 30 minutes of walking a day for several days a week. The 30 minutes can be consecutive or broken into mini walking sessions such as three 10 minute walks a day. Keep a log of your goals and progress. Investing in an inexpensive pedometer can also help you gauge your progress. A healthy goal is 10,000 steps a day. Half of that is considered sedentary and will not help you achieve your health goals.

Walk at the mall. Walk at the office. Park further back in the parking lot and walk through the parking lot. Walk at home. Walk in your neighborhood. Walk anywhere you get a chance. Be sure to be safety conscious. Don't walk alone if you don't feel safe in an area and only walk in well lit areas. If you tend to walk at dusk or dawn, consider wearing a reflective vest or belt and always carry your cell phone in case you need to call for help. Walk the dog or adopt a dog from your local shelter to be your new walking buddy. Walk with a neighbor or a family member. For family outings try to pick more active locations such as the park or zoo rather than dinner and a movie.

Once you have established a good walking program that suits your lifestyle and needs, you will find that you will become addicted to walking. It's easy. It's invigorating. You will have more energy and you will sleep better. You will look better and feel better and everyone will wonder where you found the fountain of youth.

Chiropractic Lead Me to Ayurveda

Whether you're interested in preventing serious disease and improving your health in general or you want to treat specific symptoms such as headache, overweight, or insomnia, Ayurveda works. I was practicing Chiropractic when Ayurveda fortunately found me. I have seen people whose lives have changed thanks to Ayurveda. They are joined by thousands of other people all over the world who are living proof that this holistic, integrated health system is as effective as it was when it originated in India nearly six thousand years ago. Today the ancient beauty and wisdom of Ayurveda is spreading to the Western world, thanks in part to the success of the best-selling books and videotapes of Dr. Deepak Chopra, who was one of my teachers. The message of Ayurveda is falling on eager ears for good reason: Although modern mainstream medicine has achieved enormous success in some areas, particularly traumatic injury, acute infections, and certain types of cancers, the track record is not so impressive for treating chronic diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and most types of cancer. Nor is conventional medicine known for its warm, caring, individualized treatment, or its ability to prevent disease in the first place.

Complementary, alternative, or unconventional therapies such as Ayurveda have stepped in to fill the gap, so much so that they are being called "the hidden mainstream." This phenomenon was recently documented in the New England Journal of Medicine when it published a survey that found that one out of three people used at least one unconventional therapy in 1990.That number is even higher in 2007. The revolution has occurred, it just is not being televised. Based on the survey results, the authors estimated that people actually make more visits to unconventional-therapy practitioners than to mainstream primary-care physicians, and are spending approximately the same total amount of money out-of-pocket ($10 billion) for unconventional therapies as for hospitalizations.

Ayurveda, a Sanskrit word that means "knowledge of life and longevity," is based on principles and rhythms found in nature. It makes use of daily and seasonal lifestyle practices (including diet, yoga, and meditation), healing herbs, purification therapies, and a life-affirming mental attitude. Although at first glance some Ayurvedic practices may seem exotic, foreign, or downright old-fashioned, they are in actuality universal, timeless, and as useful now as they were thousands of years ago. In my practice I have found that Ayurveda is more relevant than ever, since it seeks to restore harmony and balance in a world that is growing increasingly out of kilter, with pollution, stress, junk food, accelerating schedules, sedentary occupations, and passive pastimes.

When I came to Ayurveda in 1987, I had been a chiropractor for five years. In chiropractic I had a very specific tool, one that realigned the spine and opened up the circulation to enhance the healing wisdom of the body. Although this was helpful for my patients, for many people relief was temporary and they suffered from stubborn, recurring musculoskeletal pain. This troubled me as a professional and I looked for a complementary alternative medicine that supported chiropractic adjustment. I had a personal interest too: Although I had been meditating for many years, and was able to keep up a busy practice while raising a family, I had to admit I was frequently exhausted. When I discovered Ayurveda, I saw that this holistic approach could be the answer. I was easily able to combine chiropractic with Ayurveda, since Ayurveda had a tradition of spinal manipulation as part of a larger, more comprehensive model of health care. As a result I fell in love with the ancient science and enjoy practicing it and getting the great benefits personally and seeing so many people happy and healthy.

Copyright © Dr.Helen Thomas 2007. All rights reserved.

Could My Knee Pain Be Caused by My Gallbladder?

Knee pain, problems and injuries make up a significant amount of the cases that we see in the clinic these days. Arthroscopes and knee replacements are some of the most common surgeries performed today. Yet in many ways our lifestyle today is less active and gentler on our knees than ever before, so why the huge number of knee problems?

There are no doubt many contributing factors, but one that we have found to be important in a large percentage of the cases we see in the clinic is a hidden underlying reason...a connection between the function of the gallbladder and an important muscle in the knee called popliteus.

It sounds unlikely at first, but the gallbladder and the popliteus muscle are connected by the gallbladder acupuncture meridian. This connection has been scientifically confirmed by muscle testing using Applied Kinesiology, a form of chiropractic.

When the gallbladder is under stress or not functioning properly, it causes the popliteus muscle to become "switched off", or neurologically inhibited. This means that the muscle does not fire properly and has only a fraction of its normal strength.

The resulting weakness has a devastating effect on the stability of the knee joint. Popliteus is a small muscle in the back of the knee that is involved in the "screw home" mechanism of the knee. This is the small amount of rotation (only 5 degrees) that occurs when we fully straighten our knee, which allows us to "lock" the joint. When popliteus isn't working properly it really destabilizes the whole knee joint.

This muscle weakness affects both knees, but it most commonly shows up as symptoms in one knee... usually the dominant one or the one that gets used the most. It can cause knee pain in all positions, but one of the most classic signs is knee pain that is worse walking downstairs than upstairs (or worse downhill than uphill). The pain is most often felt under the kneecap, even though the muscle responsible is at the back of the knee. Another sign of this problem is that often the muscle will be very tender if your press in behind the centre of the knee.

So what causes the stress on the gallbladder which "switches off" the popliteus muscle?

Well, the function of the gallbladder is to store and concentrate the bile, which is then ejected into the intestines to help break down any fats that we have eaten. This means that if we are eating a fatty diet, the gallbladder has to work harder to perform its function.

This is the reason why someone's knee can feel "up and down", or better one day and then worse again the next. People are often confused by the fact that how their knee feels doesn't seem to relate to their level of fact it is more dependent on what they have eaten that day.

The gallbladder also has a role to play in detoxification, as all fat-soluble toxins in the body are broken down by the liver and excreted in the bile. This means that if the body is particularly toxic the gallbladder can again be placed under stress, causing the knee problem to show up again.

Unfortunately, a fatty diet and toxic environment is a very common combination of factors in our Western society....perhaps the reason why we are seeing more and more knee problems?

If you have a recurring knee problem, get it checked out by a chiropractor who practices Applied may just find the hidden reason why it keeps coming back!

Should Chiropractors Treat Auto Injuries?

If you've ever been in an auto accident in Minnesota...

If you've ever been in an auto accident in Minnesota you've experienced the deluge of solicitations from MN chiropractors and attorneys who are dieing to help you (and get your business).  It is a real turn off for most people and doesn't reflect well on either of these two professions. 

As of August 1, 2008 Minnesota statute prohibits a chiropractor (or any one else) from directly contacting someone who has been in an auto accident.  (See Minnesota Statute 609.612 Employment of Runners).

The law does not prohibit mailings, but does prohibit telephoning or emailing.   In Minnesota many chiropractors are solicited by marketing services that go down to the Department of Motor Vehicles and gather information on who has been in an auto accident recently from the accident reports (which are public domain).  For a monthly fee the marketing service will gather the names of whomever has been in an auto accident in your ZIP code area and send them a letter on your behalf. 

Aside from the relatively few MN chiropractors who engage in such marketing ploys, the real question is "Is it worth it for you to consider seeing a MN chiropractor if you've been in an auto accident?"

Should you see a MN chiropractor if you've been injured in an auto accident? 

Many MN chiropractors treat patients who have suffered injuries in auto accidents.  That it is reasonable for chiropractors to treat such injuries has been supported by research into the benefits of chiropractic for such injuries.  All sorts of injuries arise in auto accidents.  When you think of a serious accident what comes to mind is the most devastating types of injuries.  Broken bones, lacerations, concussions, head trauma and so forth are all common in the most severe auto injuries. 

Fortunately, severe auto accidents and the severe injuries that arise as a result are not common.  Not common that is, as a percentage of the total number of auto accidents that occur each day in Minnesota.

Most auto accidents are the fender-bender variety. 

You're driving along when suddenly the car ahead of you comes to a sudden stop.  You hit the brakes, but don't stop in time and wham, you hit their rear end.  When you come to your senses, you feel jarred and a bit shaken up, but are able to get out of the car and apologize.   You exchange information and get back into your car.  Later in the day you notice that your neck and upper back are feeling stiff.  That night your neck starts to ache and you begin to get a headache.  You think to your self "Well, it's just the stress of the accident-it'll be better in the morning".

Next morning you wake up with neck and upper back pain that is worse than the day before.  You take a couple pain killers which relieve it, but later in the day it's back again.

You are experiencing a whiplash injury.

Your whiplash is not an Emergency Room matter.  There is nothing to sew up, no stitches to be had.  But you are injured.  When you hit the car ahead, or in the case of being hit from behind, your head and neck are thrown about.  The event lasts only a fraction of a second.  Researchers measure it at about 0.30 seconds.  It happens so fast that you don't really remember it.  And so, not remembering what happened it doesn't seem that you were injured-you think that you have no reason to believe that you were injured.

Except that your neck and upper back are now aching and stiff, and you're getting these headaches.

What happens in a whiplash injury?

In low end collisions the head and neck of the car occupant are whipped back and forth.  Remember that your body (if you're wearing seatbelts) is strapped in.  Only your head and neck are moveable.   The jarring of the collision slams into your body which is strapped into the seat.  But your head moves, stretching and also compressing the structures in your neck.  It's not enough force to break a bone-to fracture one of the vertebrae in your neck.  But it is often enough force to tear the soft tissues.

These injuries are called "whiplash" injuries because of the whipping action of your head and neck on top of your shoulders.  Your torso becomes the handle of the whip while your head is the tip of the whip.  Your neck-the whip, is what gets whipped around and stretched.

Soft Tissue Injuries and Whiplash

Tearing of the soft tissues of the neck in a whiplash injury is what is called a sprain and strain.  A strain refers to tearing injury of muscles.  A sprain refers to a tearing injury of tendons, ligaments, joint capsules, intervertebral discs, etc.  Whiplash injuries can also tear and bruise nerves and other soft tissues in the neck.

Whiplash Injury: Neck Pain, Headaches and More...

When the soft tissues in the neck are torn in the faster-than-you-can-remember motion of whiplash, they become inflamed.  Once inflamed they stimulate pain nerve endings and you start to hurt.   The most common symptoms of whiplash injury are neck pain and stiffness, headaches, upper back pain, and upper extremity complaints like radiating pain, numbness and tingling. 

A non-whiplash injury, a neck strain from sitting in front of the computer too long, sleeping on your neck wrong, or running into a door are quite different from whiplash injuries.  A non-whiplash, simple sprain strain resolves itself quickly unless there are complicating issues.  Complicating issues might be pre-existing osteoarthritis of the neck.  With underlying arthritis a simple sprain strain might take a while to heal.  But generally speaking simple sprains and strains get better in weeks to a couple months.

Whiplash injuries to the neck and back are different.  These injuries are more serious, with more damage to more soft tissues.  It is not uncommon for pain from these injuries to linger for years.  Researchers have found that the soft tissues continue to remodel themselves (undergo self-repair) for 2-5 years after an injury.

What's the best treatment for whiplash injury?

A whiplash doesn't require a trip to the Emergency Room, but it does require treatment.  That is, if you want the best outcome-no chronic pain after the injury.  And what is the best treatment for whiplash injury?  A study published in the medical journal, the Journal of Orthopedic Medicine researched the issue.  93 patients who suffered whiplash injury and were treated by chiropractors were evaluated.  69 of them reported and showed improvement following chiropractic care.

The authors of the study went on to say that "conventional [medical] treatment of patients with whiplash symptoms is disappointing."

Chiropractic treatment options.

Chiropractors use a variety of treatment modalities to promote healing of whiplash injuries.  Some of the most common treatments used by chiropractors are chiropractic adjustments, physiotherapies (electrical muscle stimulation, hot packs, cold packs, traction).   Some MN chiropractors also utilize acupuncture, cold lasers and nutritional supplements (natural anti-inflammatory herbs) to promote healing naturally without drugs.

C5-C6 Herniated Disc

A C5-C6 herniated disc can be a very frustrating and debilitating health condition for an individual to live with. This article will discuss what a C5-C6 herniated disc is, the most common symptoms associated with it, causes, and treatment options for healing this condition.

In order to understand what a herniated disc is, we must first discuss what the discs of the spine are, and how they are put together. There are 23 spinal discs, and they are located between each set of vertebrae (bones of the spine).

These discs serve a couple of purposes - first of all, they are a special type of ligament, which holds the vertebrae of the spine together. Second, they act as a cushion and shock absorbers, so the bones of the spine can move freely without causing you pain.

Their structure is pretty simple, but very important because of what they do. Each disc of the spine is composed of a firm outer layer (called the annulus), and a jelly center (called the nucleus). I often refer to them as "jelly doughnuts" because of this.

When a disc herniates, the outer layer tears, and the jelly begins to push through the weak area of the disc. This condition can be incredibly painful, but what makes this interesting is that the discs of the spine are designed to not feel pain.

Why? Well, think about it - if they are constantly absorbing shock, wouldn't it be best of you don't feel pain with every movement you make? Of course, this leads to the next question - if the spinal discs don't feel pain, what makes this condition so painful and debilitating?

The disc will usually herniate at the back, which unfortunately is directly by the spinal cord and the nerves of the spine. The nerves control everything in the body, and if there is any pressure applied to them, they become aggravated, which can be very painful.

This condition can be very serious, though, simply because the nerves do control everything in the body. For example, in the case of a C5-C6 herniated disc, the nerves that will be affected control the arms, heart, lungs, chest muscles, jaw muscles, neck and skull muscles, sinuses, and many other things.

Because of this connection, it is very common that a person suffering with this condition will not only experience neck pain, but may also experience pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms and hands, chest pains, difficulty breathing, headaches, jaw pain, sinus problems, etc.

The cause of a C5-C6 herniated disc is usually some type of injury or trauma to the neck. Car accidents, falls, sports-related injuries, etc.

However, this condition can also be caused by other, less obvious means as well. For example, if you sleep with more than one pillow at night, this puts a lot of strain on the discs of the neck, which over time can lead to this condition.

Essentially, any activity that requires a lot of bending and twisting of the neck can cause damage to a C5-C6 disc. In addition to this, the discs of the spine can begin to deteriorate over time due to wear and tear, which leads to weakening of the outer wall of the disc. This can also lead to a herniated disc over time.

So, what can be done about this condition? Most doctors will begin by prescribing medications (usually pain relievers and muscle relaxers), which will usually provide temporary relief, but also have some problems associated with them.

For example, these types of medications can be very toxic to the liver and kidneys and lead to problems with these organs over time. Also, the medications essentially just dull the pain - they do not actually heal the disc. Because of this, they usually don't provide any long-term benefit.

Physical therapy is also recommended in most cases. This is a more effective treatment option than medications, but it is usually more effective when combined with other forms of treatment (such as chiropractic care and massage therapy).

Pain injections are also commonly used, such as cortisone and epidurals. These can also be effective for pain relief, but realize that the problem is the same here as with the medications - any relief you experience is usually temporary because it is not actually correcting the cause of the problem.

In addition to that, cortisone is known to cause the joints of the body to deteriorate more quickly, which is why cortisone injections can only be given a maximum of 3 times a year.

Surgery is the last option, but this is really a last resort. The success rate of spinal surgery is only 16% according to a research study in the medical journal "Spine." The odds are not in your favor, which is why you will rarely find a doctor recommending this as a first option.

There are other alternatives to traditional medical treatments that are also very effective. Chiropractic, massage therapy, and acupuncture are probably among the most effective alternative treatments for a C5-C6 herniated disc.

However, I've found that these treatments, as well as the medical treatments discussed previously are usually most effective when utilized in specific combinations.

To learn more about C5-C6 herniated disc treatments, please visit

Been in an Auto Accident? A Chiropractor May Be Your Best Friend

Auto accidents occur almost every day all around the world. In some cases, there may be injuries that are suffered. In other cases, the ones in the auto accident may thing that the only things to incur any damage are the vehicles. However, regardless of how one feels after an auto accident, there is a very good chance the some sort of spinal injury may have occurred. Even though a person may not be experiencing any pain at the moment, it may be very likely that problems could develop later down the road due to unknown and untreated injuries.

This is why it is a good idea to seek the medical help of a professional chiropractor after an auto accident. During such an event, the body is exposed to movements and forces that it is not accustomed to on a day to day basis. Even though seat belts may save lives, they do not prevent all injuries from happening. After all, it is a well known fact the whiplash is one of the most suffered-from injuries due to auto accidents. The jerking and impacts that are dealt with can easily can problems to arise within the spinal area such as the neck and back.

When the neck and back are put through great stress, there is a good chance that the vertebrae will become misaligned. This can be the cause of numerous problems, even if the sufferer is not fully aware that the problem originated in the spine.

This is where chiropractic services can help. Their practice is based around the theory that the nervous system helps to control all other aspects of wellness. This means that any injury or malfunction in the nervous system can lead to other problems cropping up all over the body. This is why so many people experience difficulties with certain areas but have no really way to treat them since the cause is unknown.
Traditional medical methods primarily use medications in order to help patients find relief from symptoms. This is because they cannot always pinpoint the actual cause of the malady. However, chiropractors have come to the conclusion that it is the primary nervous system that contributes to everything else.

When spinal damage occurs during an auto accident, it may not even be realized. However, if problems crop up later, a misalignment may be the cause of them. A chiropractor can help to determine if this is the case and treat it appropriately. When the spine is not it proper alignment, stress, pressure, and mixed up signals are sent to the nervous system. From there, the nervous system directs the rest of the body to react in certain ways.

Chiropractors use holistic, non-invasive, and non-addictive methods to manipulate the vertebrae in the spine so that it is in alignment again. This helps to remove any unnecessary stress from the spinal cord and surrounding nerves. Once this happens, the body can begin to restore itself to a proper working order. This is why it is a good idea to seek the consultation of chiropractic services after being in an auto accident.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

SI Joint Dysfunction: What Is It and What Can You Do About It?

Sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction, once the most commonly diagnosed cause of lower back pain, fell out of the medical mind in the 1930's when herniated discs became the main scapegoats for back pain. Recently the diagnosis of SI joint dysfunction began to reemerge on the medical scene. Some estimate that it is to blame for 15% of lower back pain instances, but is often confused with sciatica or disc damage.

The SI joint is located on each side of the body where the sacrum at the bottom of the spine connects with the ilia, or the large bones of the pelvis. This joint is less than one inch long and has a very small range of motion. It is responsible for transferring the forces of the upper body to the lower body.

If an SI joint is misaligned, or if it moves too much or too little, then SI joint dysfunction is present. The condition entails pain at the site of the affected joint that can radiate through the lower back, buttocks, hip and sometimes into the leg, particularly the back of the thigh.

There are a number of ways in which SI joint dysfunction can manifest. A genetic cause is leg length discrepancy. This will cause the pelvis, and therefore the joints, to be misaligned.

Another cause of SI joint dysfunction is muscle imbalance. The pelvis is the site of many muscles that work closely together to control the movements of the lower body and to support the weight of the upper body. If a muscle imbalance exists, the web of tough ligaments that supports the joint will be tugged in one direction, pulling the joint out of its proper position either upward, downward, to the front or to the back.

An example of muscle imbalance causing SI joint dysfunction is that of tight lower back and hip flexor muscles combined with weak hamstrings and abdominal muscles. Hip flexors (muscles in the hip that work to pull the knee upward) and lower back muscles often become tight due to poor posture and improper bending and lifting technique, two biomechanical problems that also lead to underused, weak abdominal and hamstring muscles. The pulling action of the tight, shortened muscles on the pelvis causes it to tilt forward. The ligaments of the joint are strained by this, and the joint may become dislodged.

Another cause of SI joint dysfunction is trauma. A hard fall or other blow to the pelvis can wrench the SI joint out of place. This can create hypermobility or hypomobility of the joint, and both abnormalities provoke the body's inflammatory response to block off the area. Significant pain results.

Other causes of the condition include infection, pregnancy hormones and osteoarthritis.

How to Test for SI joint dysfunction

The only medically certain diagnostic test for this condition involves injecting a numbing agent into the joint and seeing if this alleviates pain.

There are other, less certain tests that are still deemed valid for diagnosing the condition. One indicator may be obvious to you without the help of a medical professional: if one side of your pelvis is higher or more forward than the other side.

Other methods of diagnosis can be viewed at

Resolving SI Joint Pain

SI joint pain may be difficult to treat; the body's response to inflammation is to lock up the muscles surrounding the joint. This defense makes it hard to exercise, stretch and receive chiropractic adjustment. It may be necessary to pursue self-myofascial release (SMR) first.

Once muscles are loosened, a chiropractor can reset the joint by applying pressure and manipulating the joint's position.

Physical therapy will be needed to resolve any muscle imbalances that may have contributed to your SI joint dysfunction. The therapist can identify which muscles are overly-tight and which ones need conditioning to create a balanced workforce of core muscles.

Stabilizing the joint means stabilizing the whole pelvis; this is why physical therapy and chiropractic care often rely on each other in the treatment of this condition. It may not be possible to perform exercises with the joint out of place, since a hypomobile joint will severely limit range of motion and a hypermobile one may cause posture to be unstable. It will also be impossible to keep the joint aligned after a chiropractic adjustment without resolving muscle imbalances that influence its position.

It is always best to perform exercises for this condition under the guidance of a physical therapist. You can view examples of SI joint stabilizing exercises at

Exactly What Does Wellness Mean?

We hear the terms health and wellness all the time but exactly what does wellness care really mean? It means so much more than just being free of disease and ailments. It also means to proactively strive for optimal health and function. It's about actively participating in your own best physical, mental, and social well-being. That is, taking care of your mind, body, and soul-a holistic and proactive approach to life. How do you do this? You will likely need a little help getting started and staying the course. A chiropractor can help you discover your path to optimal health and wellness.

Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) provide holistic care. Chiropractic is an all natural healthcare practice that utilizes many approaches to help patients resolve pain and dysfunction and navigate the path to optimal success and an improved quality of life. When used as a rehabilitative treatment to resolve pain and dysfunction, chiropractic addresses the root cause of ailments instead of merely masking the symptoms. Medications may mask the symptoms but do nothing to address and resolve the actual cause of the pain or dysfunction. Thus, chiropractic can actually rehabilitate a person, making them healthy and whole again without the need for medication. As a proactive treatment, chiropractic helps prevent injuries, diseases, and ailments, and provides a path for optimal wellness.

A chiropractor's plan of care for a client is always an individualized plan of care personalized to that client's history, needs, and goals. First and foremost, a chiropractor will work to correct any imbalances or misalignments in the body. Over time, almost everyone inherits some degree of misalignment in the body whether due to postural habits, repetitive stresses, or other factors. These are corrected through chiropractic adjustments. Then, depending on the individualized treatment plan the chiropractor may integrate any other number of treatments and services into the wellness plan including but not limited to:

• acupuncture
• massage therapy
• nutritional counseling
• therapeutic exercises
• active release therapy (ART)
• disc decompression therapy
• whole body vibration
• intersegmental traction
• ultrasound
• heat and ice therapy
• electrical muscle stimulation and TENS
• neuro-muscular re-education
• proprioception and balance training
• ergonomic support

The health benefits of chiropractic care are numerous and invaluable. Once on your path to optimal health and wellness you will have more energy, sleep better, think more clearly, look more vibrant, perform more efficiently, and so much more. You can become a living example of what health and wellness truly means.

10 Reasons to Become A Chiropractor

Chiropractors are licensed Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) also known as chiropractic physicians. They are trained extensively in the biomechanics of the body as a whole and on improving the relationship between the structure and function of the body. There are many reasons to consider a career as a chiropractor and ten of them are highlighted below.

1 - Rewarding work
A chiropractor's work is very rewarding. Chiropractors help individuals to improve their overall health and wellness, avoid injuries, recover from injuries, and manage or eliminate pain and dysfunction.

2 - Respected work
Chiropractic is recognized by the National Institutes of Health as an effective healthcare practice. Researchers worldwide have published studies and continue to study and report on the many positive effects of chiropractic care. Chiropractors have helped millions of people rehabilitate from chronic and debilitating pain and dysfunction. Celebrities, professional athletes, and military veterans are among the many who have been helped by chiropractic and who act as spokespersons for The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.

3 - Accredited academic work
Doctors of Chiropractic must earn an advanced degree from a nationally accredited college or university. There are 16 accredited programs in the U.S. The Doctor of Chiropractor Degree combines classroom learning, laboratory, and clinical experience.

4 - Professional state license
A chiropractor can only practice in the state or states where he or she is licensed. All states require a passing score on the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners test in addition to the Doctor of Chiropractic degree to be eligible for a state license. This helps to ensure the quality and integrity of the profession.

5 - More than just back treatment
Clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of chiropractic not only for back pain but also other pain and dysfunction throughout the body. Chiropractors are trained to address the biomechanics of the body as a whole. They regularly treat patients for leg, back, hip, neck, and shoulder pain; headaches; fibromyalgia; arthritis; digestive disorders; and many other ailments.

6 - Proactive care
Chiropractors are advocates for healthy lifestyles and injury prevention. They regularly treat patients for general health and fitness to prevent injury before it occurs. Many athletes see a chiropractor as part of their training regime. The health benefits received from chiropractic care can lead to a greatly improved quality of life.

7 - Holistic care
Chiropractic is an all-natural healing and wellness healthcare practice. It has helped millions of patients worldwide to avoid the high costs, risks, and potential side effects commonly associated with pharmaceuticals or surgery.

8 - Covered by most health insurance
Medicare and most health insurance companies cover chiropractic visits. Research has shown chiropractic to be an effective preventative and rehabilitative therapy. It has helped many people avoid costly and invasive surgeries.

9 - Be your own boss
Most chiropractors have a solo practice, which allows them to be their own boss. A starting chiropractor will typically work for an established chiropractor in the beginning before venturing into solo practice.

10 - Job outlook good
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Labor of Bureau Statistics, "employment of chiropractors is expected to increase 20 percent between 2008 and 2018, much faster than the average for all occupations." 1


U.S. Department of Labor, Labor of Bureau Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Chiropractors. Retrieved February 29, 2012

Acupuncture and Hakomi: Hakomipuncture

HAKOMIPUNCTURE: A Therapeutic Method

"The thought manifests as the word;

The word manifests as the deed;

The deed develops into habit;

And the habit into character.

So, watch the thought and its ways with care

And let it spring from love Born out of concern for all Beings

As the shadow follows the body, As we think, so we become."

--The Buddha, from the Dhammapada

A synapse fires in your body. Electricity leaps through the space between the nerves & lands on the other side. Your body screams, "DANGER! NOT SAFE!!" Immediately, a biochemical waterfall floods your tissues. Adrenal glands pump feverishly atop your kidneys, tensing your lower back. With dilated pupils, your fists and forearms prepare for battle while your leg muscles drop into sprint readiness. This is the picture of Fear.

In the past, people experienced danger at the sight of a predator's jaws. Nowadays, a letter from the IRS might activate the nervous system into similar high alert. After enough times, this nervous system activation becomes entrenched. In the mind, a core belief is formed: "The world is unsafe." In the body, hyper-vigilance becomes the norm. Soon, this loop of synaptic firing and muscle tension becomes a lifestyle. Some obvious examples of fear underlying repetitive nervous system stress are war and unprocessed physical or sexual abuse. Yet, habitual patterns of the nervous system happen to all of us. Sometimes it's a dramatic event that creates a "stuck" nervous system, sometimes it's a subtle accumulation of day to day stress. We all get stuck in ruts.

There is a saying, "The fish are the last to discover water." We swim in the habit patterns of our unconscious mind, unaware of the water we move through, unaware that there may be a cleaner, clearer pond just downstream. A child is a sponge, soaking up the ways of the world she is exposed to. The first 5-7 years of life set the stage for our worldview, the core beliefs that guide our attitude and engagement with the world.

Life issues fall into 5 major categories and, on any given day and at any given moment, we can find ourselves somewhere between the poles illustrated below. Every situation elicits a different response, but we occupy certain subspaces more frequently. This subspace is a core belief guiding your action and interactions.


SAFETY: Connected (sense of belonging, familiarity, security)<---> Isolated (alienation, feeling threatened, insecure)

DEPENDENCY: In Exchange (supported, cared for, in bodily contact) <----> Deprived (lacking care, alone, undernourished)

FREEDOM: Free (spontaneous, creative, basically good) <----> Determined by Others (trapped, no spontaneity, stuck)

TRUTH: Real (true, vulnerable, authentic, faults are OK)<--->Unreal (no weakness, untrue, invulnerable, untouchable)

WORTH: Being (good enough, centered, inner peace)<---> Doing (not good enough, ready to act, restless, strained)

[Chart by Halko Weiss, Hakomi Institute]

As mentioned before, thinking and body are interrelated. Take a look around. Some people slouch while others stand upright. Some radiate peace while anger seethes out of the furrowed brows of others. The body reflects where an individual is on the life issue polarity illustrated above. "As we think, so we become." Finding yourself in the column on the left more frequently is to reside more fully in grounded happiness. Hakomi + Acupuncture is a very effective combination of therapies to bring the body, mind, and spirit into this kind of harmony.

Hakomi is a body-centered therapy, rooted in the understanding that the body is the gateway to the core beliefs of the unconscious mind. Once conscious, these beliefs can be re-evaluated, and where appropriate, powerfully transformed. New dimensions of awareness can be integrated, helping the individual to build a more satisfying and effective life. Hakomi integrates the mindfulness and non-violence found in Eastern traditions with a unique Western psychological methodology.

Eastern traditions and modern physics understand that everything is energy. Physicists call it photons. Indians call it prana. Chinese call it Qi. Energy and matter are interrelated phenomenon. Matter is just energy moving at different speeds. Thoughts are Qi. Emotions are Qi. Qi flows through the muscles and organs keeping them alive and supple. As discussed before, core beliefs are simply repetitive thoughts (Qi) an individual gets "stuck" in and becomes reflected in the body (Qi in the form of matter).

Acupuncture is a therapy that adjusts the body's energy, or Qi. One way of understanding acupuncture is through analogy to an electrical grid. Imagine that the midline of the body and internal organs are power stations. Electricity is generated in the power stations and distributed via power lines (meridians) throughout the city centers (head, neck, torso, abdomen, and pelvis) and into the outlying countryside (arms and legs). In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this electricity is called Qi. There are 14 major pathways (called meridians) that Qi travels along.

Sometimes energy is blocked and sometimes it is insufficient. Both may be happening in different parts of the body at the same time. Energy blockages and deficiency are found through diagnostic tools like examining the tongue, palpating the pulse and meridians, face reading, and verbal inquiry into signs, symptoms, emotions, and challenges of the spirit. Acupuncture points are areas along the path where the flow of energy can be altered for therapeutic effect. They are like light switches that "turn on" the body's natural healing systems.

From the Chinese holistic perspective, how we think and feel is not just a brain thing. Styles of thinking and emotions are not confined to the head, but originate from the harmonious flow of Qi through the internal organs and their meridians (the associated pathways through the body). Chinese medicine envisions the human being in health as a being who embodies virtue. Qualities of wisdom, propriety, benevolence, integrity, and self-worth are the natural state when the energy of Water, Fire, Wood, Metal, and Earth are in balance. As these elemental energies fall out of balance, virtues erode, habitual behaviors arise, and suffering ensues. It is the role of the Chinese Medicine doctor to help rebalance the elements through acupuncture, herbs, food and lifestyle guidance.

Both Hakomi and acupuncture offer unique insights into the interrelationship between habit patterns of mind and body. Together, they offer physical and emotional relief, greater awareness, and the freedom to do something new in the face of the habitual. Habitual patterns may involve relationships, sex, work, spiritual practice, addictions, body image, and life purpose. My specialty is depression, anxiety, sexual abuse trauma, and addiction.

Let's examine the use of Hakomipuncture, the combination of acupuncture and Hakomi, through a case study. Sean is a male in his mid thirties who comes to the clinic complaining of irritable bowel syndrome and a tendency to depression. His handshake is tense, tendony, and urgent. He is gaunt, fidgety, with quick angular movements. Frustrated and with little hope that this treatment will be of benefit, he lists off his symptoms. Bowels tend to be frequent (4-5x day especially in the morning), loose and burning. Sensitive to spicy foods, coffee, and alcohol, he still likes to douse his meals with chili paste. His every other sentence trails off and begins with "...I don't know..." While he is a good student, Sean feels dissatisfied with engineering, his chosen field of study. He feels a lot of pressure from his family to enter into engineering, a safe economically sound choice in this economy. He often wakes before the alarm with a racing mind, spinning through "to-do" lists he creates for himself. He feels "under the gun" all the time. His pulse is wiry, like a guitar string, indicating an overactive nervous system. His digestive pulse and Heart pulse is suppressed, only able to be found at the deepest level. His breathing is confined to his chest. His abdomen moves only slightly with inhalation. Upon palpation, his diaphragm is tight. His tongue is slightly purple with cracks in the center of the tongue. He wants the treatment to stop the bowel frequency and reduce his stress level.

A brief look into Sean's family history reveals achievement oriented, overbearing parenting. In response, Sean learned to suppress his natural, unique self-actualizing urges throughout childhood in order to please and gain love from his parents. In the Hakomi chart above, Sean's themes center around Freedom and Worth. In the Chinese medicine chart above, Sean is a Wood constitutional type, exhibiting both excess and deficient habitual behaviors. Wood energy rises. It plays a large role in asserting individuality, overcoming adversity and making life goals. Wood is associated with the Liver and Gallbladder, the regulator of digestion, strategic life planning, and the emotion of anger. Sean's creative energy was buried under a habit of conformity and pleasing others. Like a high volume of gas in a tightly confined space, Sean's constricted Liver energy created pressure that interfered with his digestion's ability to assimilate food and the experiences of life. Instead, food and life experience was swallowed rapidly and excreted with equal haste. The resulting symptoms were hidden resentment, timidity, indecisiveness, and poor dietary choices.

An atmosphere of spaciousness and respect was the missing experience that Sean needed. Sean was encouraged to relax into the table, turn his attention inwards, and become mindful of anything happening in mind and body. A Hakomi verbal experiment was offered slowly and repeated three times, "You don't have to do anything to be loved." First, the words induced a fluttery heart panic within Sean. He felt as though he had to hold his breath and brace himself. After the second and third time, he felt a mixture of sadness and confusion as well as a knotted up feeling in his solar plexus. Each thing was taken in turn. He found the sadness manifested in a tight chest. I asked Sean to stay with that sensation of the chest. In came a deep realization of years spent racing around "doing" rather than enjoying the process of whatever he was doing. The confusion was looked at next. It manifested as a "fuzzy" headedness, cloudy thinking, and that knot in his solar plexus. I asked Sean to stay with that sensation in the solar plexus. The two acupuncture points, Gall Bladder-34 and Stomach-36 were inserted. Both points affect the digestive organs and the nervous system. Gall Bladder-34 was chosen to relax the urgency in the nervous system as well as strengthen confidence and decision-making. Stomach-36 strengthens the digestive capacity. The solar plexus responded by loosening and the "fuzzy" headedness also cleared. In this space, another verbal probe was offered, "You can do it your way." Sean's whole nervous system relaxed. He took a huge breath and tears streamed from his eyes. It was the missing nourishment he had unknowingly been longing to hear. In the ensuing weeks of treatments, Sean found the treatments a sanctuary where his dormant powers of self-actualization strengthened and he gained greater clarity on what he wanted to study and become. Three important shifts happened: (1) His dietary choices and habits became wiser for his constitution (2) His digestion relaxed, bowel movements reduced to 2-3 times a day, and more efficient food assimilation led to more energy and "groundedness" (3) He found a more calm, thoughtful, and self-referential quality in his daily life.

The therapeutic approach of combing Hakomi and Acupuncture is transformative. Physical and emotional relief, awareness and insight, and freedom from habit patterns can result from a course of therapy. A course of treatment is determined based on severity and duration of symptoms as well as the client's personal goals for their well-being. Loving presence, mindfulness, and a deep sense of safety and connection are central to my personal philosophy. Together, we can rest in the grounded happiness that is your birthright.

Thanks to all my teachers of Hakomi, TCM, and Buddhism. I am forever grateful.

Plantar Fasciitis Secrets - Proper Postural and Structural Assessment is the Key to Success!

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the long supporting structures of the plantar (bottom) surface of the feet. The plantar fascia structure is designed to support the arch of the foot during weight bearing and redistribute forces during walking, running. It is also a connecting structure that links and helps chain together the fascia's of the lower leg, thigh, pelvis and lower back regions. Diagnosis is best achieved by clinical assessment and palpation (touch) of the arch and bottom of the heel region. Pain will usually present with weight bearing and is relieved with rest. Often symptoms are worse in the morning with pain being sharp and intense in nature and begin to ease as you start to walk. Symptom often return towards the end of the day as the body begins to become fatigued and energy levels decrease. The challenges with plantar fasciitis is that as we need to walk and bear weight on our feet, it takes longer for the feet to heal than if we had injured a arm or hand.

Injury to this area can have a major affect on muscle groups of the lower extremity and in particular the lower back and pelvis. When these structures become involved it is often difficult to diagnose which came first the injury to the plantar fascia itself or the lower back. Did a weakness develop in the fascia and core of the pelvis that produced a gradual weakness in the plantar fascial structures of your feet. An open looped question that could never be answered.

So where to from here?

It's imperative that proper diagnosis includes a full body postural assessment. Why for a foot problem you ask? Often successful treatment will involve different modalities that treat at different levels of the posture.

Assessment is concerned with how the alignment of the fore foot, rear foot, ankle and lower leg all interact with each other. Any abnormalities, muscle compartment dysfunction and structural mis-alignments must be noted and addressed if possible. Structural conditions such as tibial varum and valgum are often bone development problems and can only be and should be rectified via surgery (only in extreme cases). A physiotherapist and chiropractor or musculo-skeletal therapist will be concerned at pelvic posture, core stability and the functioning of the sacro-iliac joints. All practitioners should be acutely aware of changes in pelvic posture with respect to the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS). Inferior tilting in the frontal plane (looking front on at the body) may indicate a leg length discrepancy or short leg.

Short leg can cause significant changes ion gait and muscle function. Leg length discrepancy can either be classified as Functional or Structural. Functional leg length problems arise due to changes in body posture and muscle adaption to these changes that pull either one leg shorter or cause the other leg to appear longer. Structural leg length discrepancy is due t bone deformity or actual shorter bones. These can be due to short tibia and fibula, short femur (thigh bone) or even changes and dysplasia of the hip joint and acetabulum. Correction and proper assessment of these postural and structural problems is essential to obtaining a quick and easy resolution to your plantar fasciitis.

Written by Ben Sibley

How Chiropractic Care Can Prevent Work Injuries

Preventing injuries on the job costs far less for companies than treating ongoing injures that are related to the job. This is why many companies are enlisting the services of chiropractors in order keep the workplace a safer area for employees.

Preventing Work Injuries

Many chiropractors will come into the workplace and assess the employees how they currently work in order to gain a better understanding of how the work environment could improve in order to prevent injuries in the first place. For example, if the assessment shows that employees are lifting inappropriately, action can be taken in order to train employees to correctly lift.

Initial Spinal Screening

In addition, many employers have chiropractors do an initial spinal screening of employees to find out if their spines are out of alignment and to take note of each employee's pain information, if any. In addition, by performing a simple spinal screening of each employee, it can help establish a baseline for where the employee is right now in order to prevent future injuries.

Establishing a Safer Work Environment

Moreover, establishing a safer work environment means that your employees are less likely to miss work or become temporarily or permanent injuries on the job. Corporations that have employees that participate in physical labor, such as maintenance and construction, have higher instances of injuries on the job. This can cost companies a great deal of money in missed work, workman's compensation claims, or long-term disability.

Furthermore, by screening each employee, the doctor of chiropractic can determine if there are pre-existing conditions that the employee has that need care in order to prevent injuries on the job. More businesses are using the services of chiropractors as a way to cut down on workplace injuries and to increase productivity. When employees are healthy and pain-free, the productivity increases and therefore, the company is making more money.

Traditional Pharmaceuticals can Lead to Addiction but Not Relief

Traditional methods of managing injuries on the job simply do not work for everyone and it can be expensive. Many people that are treated for workplace injuries are given narcotics, which are extremely addictive and can easily turn into a lifelong addition with prescription pain medication. At the same time, if the person cannot feel the pain because of the narcotics, they could be further causing injury.

Final Thoughts

Chiropractic has come a long way over the years and many companies are looking to doctors of chiropractic to help make the workplace safer and help reduce workplace injuries. Natural methods of health and injury prevention makes the employees happy and more productive and the bigger company can focus on the business.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Chiropractic Practice Marketing - How to Create New Patient Referrals Through Patient Satisfaction

On the seemingly endless quest for new patients and new sources of referrals, Doctors of Chiropractic often forget to show existing patients how much they appreciate them. Although usually an honest mistake, it is also a very serious one. Although I say this frequently it bears repeating, one of the best sources of new patients are the happy and satisfied patients already present in your practice. Take these easy steps to ensure you have happy patients who look forward to visiting your office. Focusing on creating happy and healthy patients may be the best chiropractic marketing you've ever done!

There is an old saying in chiropractic: "Take care of your patients and they will take care of you".  It is very true that satisfied patients will happily pay for services rendered. Even more importantly, they will be more likely to refer new patients to your practice. They will send new patients that you can help lead down a path to health and wellness. The monetary gains are just icing on the cake!   When an existing patient refers a new patient it is an opportunity to begin educating, adjusting, and improving the health of that patient. Focusing on improving the health of patients and creating satisfied patients is imperative. This ensures the best interests of the patient are always the driving force of care. When this satisfied patient gets the opportunity, they too will refer a new patient. Practices that create happy and satisfied patients simultaneously build an internal and self driven new chiropractic patient referral source on autopilot!    This is a winning scenario for everyone involved. Patients get healthy and doctors get the opportunity to improve quality of life while making a living. Now that you see the value in creating satisfied patients, let's discuss five easy ways to establish the highest level of patient satisfaction in your practice.  

  1. Make the patient comfortable.

  2. Listen.

  3. Maintain reasonable office procedures and policies.

  4. Go the extra mile.

  5. Show patients how much you appreciate them. 

Let's take a look at each step individually.  

1. Make the Patient Comfortable

Every single step in your new and existing patient procedures should be designed with patient comfort and convenience in mind. You've heard this tip before, but when was the last time you've actually critically analyzed patient procedures in your practice? Although there are times when the needs of the practice will override the comfort of the patient, these should be the rare exceptions and not the rule.  

New patients should be treated like the valuable practice members they are. The minute the patient walks in the door they should be greeted by a warm front office staff. Offer the new patient a beverage or other healthy refreshment while completing the new patient paperwork. Much of their basic contact information should already have been pre-filled on the paperwork for them.   

Examination procedures should minimize the need for the patient to change positions frequently. Try to organize all standing, seated, supine, and prone examination procedures together. Exam rooms should be located either in, or immediately adjacent to, x-ray rooms.  

Consider something as seemingly insignificant as patient gowning. Do your patients have a private and comfortable area to disrobe? Do patients have a safe area to put their clothes and possessions? Make sure to have a variety of sizes of patient gowns available. It's also a good idea to explain to the patient how to put the gown on correctly! I even allow those shy and embarrassed patients to put two gowns on, one with the opening in back, the other in front if they feel more comfortable.   

Good communication with your patients is another way to make new patients comfortable. Explain what is going to happen. New patients like to know what is going to happen next, so keep them informed of what to expect and provide them with general estimates of how long it will take.  

Don't forget the comfort of established patients either! It probably does more damage than good to your practice if you pamper new patients while ignoring established ones. Offer established patients a beverage or other healthy snack. Go out of your way to make sure they are just as comfortable as someone visiting your practice for the first time.  

Although I could give you many other tips, consider going straight to the source; ask your patients. One of the best ways to make sure your patients are comfortable is to ask them. You'd be amazed how much constructive feedback you can receive just by asking your patients what you can do to create a more comfortable practice. One easy way to do this is to create patient satisfaction surveys or even suggestion boxes in the waiting room or checkout area. Regardless of how you ask, make sure you act on the good suggestions. The first step to happy patients is to make them comfortable.  

2.  Listen

This one is pretty self explanatory, but it is often forgotten in the daily hustle and bustle. When a patient talks you should listen! One of the most common patient complaints is that patients feel their healthcare provider doesn't listen to them. Take an extra minute or two with your patients and listen.  

Don't just pretend to listen, make an effort to be an active listener. Repeat things back to a patient to let them know you were listening and understanding them. For example, say something like, "Mr. Jones what I hear you telling me is when you bend to your left like this it causes increased pain, and pain shooting down your left leg. Do I have that correct?"  

Take this a step further and listen when a patient mentions something not directly related to their treatment. Although writing down everything isn't possible, try making a note of what is going on with the lives of your patients outside of your practice. This really helps in going the extra mile, which we will talk about in tip number 4. Patients truly appreciate when you listen to them and see them as a real person and not just another chart number.  

Take the time to close your mouth and open your ears. You always have to keep efficiency in mind, but not at the expense of patient rapport. Balancing listening and efficiency with a talkative patient can be a difficult challenge, but it is just one of the wonderful challenges that must be met to be a successful Doctor of Chiropractic!  

3.  Maintain Reasonable Office Procedures and Policies

No one likes a dictator. Although you must have office procedures and policies in effect to maintain order, you don't need to make them unreasonable. You can and should make exceptions to the rules when they are warranted.   

Let's take one rule as an example. Let's discuss missed appointment fees. Missed appointments are indeed a wrench in the works of an efficient practice. Charging a missed appointment fee has become an acceptable method of deterring patients from missing appointments. I know a doctor in the Midwest who rules his practice with an iron fist. He's close to retirement and probably isn't as concerned with new patients as his younger colleagues. However, as long as I have known him he has pretty much had a zero tolerance approach to his office procedures. If a patient misses an appointment without 24 hour notice they are charged a $25.00 late fee, end of story.  

Maintain order with rules and policies, but also use common sense and good judgment. For example, if single mother Mrs. Jones who works 2 jobs to get by forgets her appointment, you should cut her some slack. Be reasonable and your patients will do the same. 

4.  Go the Extra Mile

The main goal here is simple: give your patient more than they would get at the practice down the street. The numbers of ways you can achieve this goal are endless!   Use your imagination and do what you can to go the extra mile for your patients.   

Who doesn't love to get more than they've paid for? Who doesn't like to be treated like royalty? Is there anyone who doesn't like to be pampered? I don't think so. Make this an open discussion at your next staff meeting. Have your staff list ways to pamper patients and give them more than they pay for. Everyone should try to come up with a way to make every procedure more efficient and less work for the patient. Try and create ways where you can simply knock your patients' socks off with the quality of your service.  Dream up creative, low cost ways to pamper your patients! Not only will you have fun, but you'll be amazed at how many missed opportunities exist to create happy patients. I love this topic so much I won't reveal any tips here. Look for tips on going the extra mile in a future article!  

5.  Show Patients how Much you Appreciate Them.  

You may be thinking that going the extra mile everyday already expresses your appreciation of patients. You need to remember that going the extra mile is now part of your daily procedures! You now provide the best and your patients expect it. (Who said life at the top was going to be easy?) We need to go the extra two miles here and set aside specific events for declaring our appreciation for patients. 

There are several easy ways to do this. One of the most common ways is by holding a special patient appreciation event.   Pick a day, week, or whatever duration you choose for your patient appreciation event. I prefer to set aside a certain day about twice a year and call it "Patient Appreciation Day". (Original huh?) The name isn't important. What IS important is what happens during your patient appreciation event. 

You can't simply take an ordinary day with scheduled visits and slap a "patient appreciation day" label on it. Passing out a coupon or a free prize here or there won't do.  To make a patient appreciation event truly effective you need to make it special. You need to design contests and other interesting events. This has to be a memorable EVENT. Planning a patient appreciation event requires that you invest some time and money, but the results will be well worth it.  

This is another topic we are going to cover in depth in a future article. Watch for our article about creating the perfect patient appreciation day. Until then, try one of the following 10 suggestions to help express your patient appreciation.  

1.      Send out birthday cards to patients.

2.      Send patients postcards for the holidays.

3.      Send a new patient a welcome letter along with a new patient "welcome kit".

4.      Send a postcard for a patient's "anniversary" with your practice.

5.      Did a patient mention their son just won the little league championship, or that their daughter made the school honor roll? Send that son or daughter a congratulatory card or letter, even if they aren't one of your patients!

6.      Send valuable patients an appreciation letter with a small gift, coupon or gift card.

7.      Thank existing patients for referrals.

8.      Make up clever little patient appreciation cards, similar to business cards and hand them to selected patients. 

9.       Find small, unique, and affordable gifts to give patients for each major holiday or just because.

10. Create a "patient appreciation" bulletin or dry erase board. 

My practice has a patient appreciation dry erase board in the reception area which we update weekly. At the top is the phrase "We appreciate our patients because:". We regularly update the board with a new reason. "We appreciate our patients because they are committed to optimum health", "We appreciate our patients because they are kind, caring, and punctual", "We appreciate our patients because they appreciate the power of chiropractic are", are just a few examples.  

The preceding tips are just the tip of the iceberg. When it comes to creative ways to generate patient satisfaction in a chiropractic practice, the possibilities are seemingly endless. There are hundreds of low cost and unique ways to show patients you appreciate them. Come up with more of your own, or if you don't have the time simply watch our website. We offer exciting and affordable products along with free ideas and resources which will help automate patient appreciation and do 90% of the work for you!    Whether you let us help or not, make sure you show your patients how much you appreciate their commitment to both your practice and their health. When you make patient satisfaction a top priority in your practice you may just discover it is the best chiropractic marketing you've ever done!