Thursday, August 1, 2013

Information On How to Become a Chiropractor Professionnal

Medical professional are always skeptical about Chiropractic profession. Earlier Insurance companies would not recognize chiropractic as a viable health care profession. The situation has changed after 1970 once the medically owned and operated insurance companies started to allow chiropractors to panel with their companies.

The most appealing thing is that chiropractors do not use any drugs. Chiropractor practitioners also do not perform surgery; they try to fix the problem in non-intrusive techniques.

Today, there are over 84,000 licensed chiropractors in USA and more than 10,000 students currently enrolled in chiropractic school; chiropractor practice is the fastest growing health care profession. Hence, number of Chiropractor School is also growing in USA and Canada.

Eligibility criteria of student entry into one of several chiropractor schools varies from school to school; however, in most cases, prospective candidates should have accumulated college credits in biology, physics, chemistry, social sciences and humanities. Most chiropractor schools made it prerequisite to have 90 credit hours in the above-mentioned courses.

Most of the students aspire to acquire their Doctor of Chiropractic degree even though chiropractor schools offer a variety of undergraduate studies.

What students learn in chiropractor schools?

Curriculums of first year course in chiropractor schools. Students normally studies philosophy and principles of Chiropractic; human anatomy; physiology; cell biology and histology; biomechanics; radiographic anatomy.

Curriculums of second year course in chiropractor schools

Chiropractor schools have more detailed and advanced course on the first year syllabus. New topics like clinical research, laboratory, toxicology, pharmacology, and physical diagnosis are part of second year course.

The third and fourth year's syllabus covers more detailed aspect of previous years courses. In-depth pathology classes, patient/practice management are some additional topics in these years.

In final year, students normally work in a clinical setting, where they will practice under the direct supervision of a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic. It is necessary that a student should complete all theoretical courses and internship before they are awarded with Doctor of Chiropractic Degree.

Licensed graduates of chiropractor schools can work in a broad assortment of healthcare services including but not limited to personal health and wellness offices, athletic, occupational, massage parlors and physical therapy training centers, massage therapy centers, primary health care clinics and other medical facilities.

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