Knots in your upper back or shoulder can be really miserable.? They distract from your work and play.? They can be really painful as well as really annoying!
How can you get rid of your knots?? Here's the simple solution.? Just figure out why you have them (the cause) and then get rid of the cause.? (smile)
I'm really not trying to be funny.? Honest!? That actually IS how you can get rid of them.
Here's some background:
Knots are tight areas of muscle.? They are spasms or contractions.? A contraction is a tightening of muscle that doesn't allow normal blood flow.? A muscle contraction or spasm squeezes blood vessels and nerves and causes pain.
There are generally two likely causes of knots in shoulder blades.
1.? You use the muscle that has the knot in it a lot.? It has become used to being contracted (used in a short position) and "forgets" to relax and be long.
2.? You stretch the knotted shoulder muscles a lot.? And the muscle is complaining because it doesn't like being stretched all the time.? It gets a protective muscle contraction to try to keep from being ripped by the stretch.? This usually happens on the side of the hand that you have in front of you most often.
If the knot comes from being contracted the simple fix is to get the circulation--the blood flowing--back into the area.? This can be done with pressure or massage.
If the knot comes from being over-stretched, the fix is a little less simple.? You must figure out what you are doing or why the shoulder muscle is being over-stretched.? Secondly, you must fix it.
It could be tight muscles in the front of your body pulling on your shoulder.? It could be muscles below your shoulder blade that cause knots around your shoulder blade.? It could be the way you sleep or sit or work or drive.
Sometimes a "shot-gun approach" works best in this situation.? When you treat all around the painful knot you just may hit the target muscle(s) that are causing the muscle to contract.
But just blasting away on the knot caused by over-stretching will rarely work.? It's like trying to teach a pig to sing:? It annoys the pig and won't work, anyway.? You might end up quite sore and still have the knot!
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