Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How X-Ray Helps Doctors See the Real Truth

X-rays usually worry people due to the popular dangers of radiation and its possible effects. But X-ray has a lot of uses that makes it more beneficial than dangerous especially in terms of diagnosing abnormalities and health issues.

In chiropractic care, these diagnostic images allow chiropractor's to look into the bones and joints as well as soft tissues more clearly. With the use of x-ray, they Chiropractic doctors can evaluate the condition of the bones and provide accurate diagnosis. However, x-rays are not really necessary in all cases.

What do Chiropractic Doctors See on Your X-Rays?

A chiropractic doctor will take necessary x-ray images to look into bones and joints as well as affected or related soft tissues, muscles and fat. The details of muscles and fat are not usually food on x-rays compared to the bones and joints which are clearly shown. X-rays taken on weight-bearing positions (standing) will show the different normal and abnormal curves of the spine as well as the severity of damage or changes in joints.

Doctors can evaluate the over-all health of your bones, verify whether or not there are congenital abnormalities with your bones, any fractures and dislocations, infections, arthritic conditions as well as tumors in your bones and joints. These can significantly change the way your treatment should progress.

Do You Need X-Ray for Your Chiropractic Care?

Before, almost all patients in chiropractic care needs an x-ray examination. But these days, new research and education made the need for x-rays less often. Today, x-rays are required depending on the case information from your physical information as well as the information you give to your Chiropractic doctor. Chiropractor's will definitely need x-rays in cases of trauma to evaluate fractures as well as cancer patients undergoing chiropractic care. These two cases demonstrate the clinical thinking underlying the decision as to whether or not an x-ray examination is needed.

Older patients may be required x-ray examinations to find chiropractic-relevant issues as they are more likely to have "brittle bone disease." An x-ray exam will help chiropractor's decide on the type of treatment to give.

X-ray Safety and Necessity

Many people are wary of undergoing x-ray examinations because of the exposure to radiation. This should not be the case, x-ray uses minimal radiation exposure and the risk of damage to the cells is exceptionally low. You can trust your chiropractor to be well-trained in the safety of your x-ray examination.

Your doctor will only take the necessary views and special screens may be used to lessen the amount of energy used. In most cases, x-rays are filtered to ensure that unnecessary frequencies are not used. Chiropractor's who specifically need frequent x-rays for diagnosis and treatment will use collimation to narrow down the size of the beam and prefer films that shortens exposure time. Doctors who take x-rays are required to have their equipment regularly inspected and are licensed to take x-rays.

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