Carlsbad Chiropractor, Dr. Reid Strahan, answers one of the biggest questions that people have about chiropractic care. Namely, after your Carlsbad Chiropractor helps you feel better, do you really need to go back for more care? To answer that question, Dr. Strahan tells us of 5 reasons why you should continue to see your doctor of chiropractic medicine regularly.
#1 Continue The Progress That Is Made
The ligaments and muscles that support your spine may take longer to heal than indicated by how you feel. Make no mistake about it, you will find relief with a healthy spine, but there is a certain amount of maintenance that is required to ensure a long lasting, healthy body.
#2 Prevent a Relapse Into The Same Old Patterns
Long before you noticed any symptoms, your body adapted to the soft tissue misalignment and damage that was caused by improper spinal function. Without a maintenance program of continued chiropractic care, the connective tissue and muscles around your spine will naturally tend to assume the previous unhealthy disposition. You need time to retrain and strengthen your spinal area to avoid a relapse.
#3 Avoid Problems In The Future
All of us experience times and activities that can bring extra stress to our spines. Even the smallest of spinal trauma can cause interference to your nervous system. This will ultimately cause a compromise in overall health. Maintenance chiropractic care, will help you eliminate the small problems, before they become big problems.
4 Saves You Time and Money
In addition to providing you with an overall better sense of health, continuing your care will save you time and money. We all know that by brushing and flossing our teeth on a daily basis, we will prevent expensive dental work in the future. Similarly, regular chiropractic check-ups will help you avoid the expense and time of having to correct preventable problems.
#5 Helps You Feel Good
Maintenance care can help keep you healthy, so you can enjoy your life to the fullest. Dr. Strahan, based on his clinical experience, will recommend a maintenance schedule. Most patients who adhere to this schedule, report that they have more energy and just feel better.
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