Saturday, July 6, 2013

Health and Wellness Solutions for People Struggling With Food And Gluten Intolerance

NYC Chiropractor Provides Health and Wellness Solutions for People Struggling with Gluten Intolerance

Non celiac gluten intolerance is often a serious issue igniting constant inflammation within the body. The inflammation will be brought on by the immunity process targeting the gluten. Generally, the immune system makes antibodies for the gluten. It views the gluten as being a harmful bacteria, disease, or unwanted inclusion in the human body and goes into a mania to eradicate it. Every time our body encounters gluten, which often can be many times every day in the regular American diet, the immune system is activated. This generates persistent inflammation that leads to chronic disease processes and a whole host of symptoms.

Gluten prompts our bodies to release a substance called zonulin, which manages the permeability of the digestive system. Intestinal-lining cells will be pried apart by zonulin. Undigested food particles can go into the blood stream. The immune system reacts by releasing inflammatory substances. This is known as "leaky gut syndrome." Because impermeability is lowered, minerals, crucial vitamins, and essential nutrients are not readily absorbed into the body. This leads to underlying nutritional deficiencies. You may be thinking you are consuming and enjoying the benefits of eating healthy food items, but the body is not taking in as much of the vitamins and minerals as you think.

Another theory and proposed procedure of how gluten can affect various organ systems involves peptidase enzyme called DPP4. If there is a failure or a deficiency of DPP4, our body cannot properly break down the proteins in gluten. The immune system can be fooled by molecular mimicry as the undigested protein fragment can be wrongly recognized for a pathogen. Due to this, antibodies will be aimed at the protein and may damage cells in the auto-immune reaction.

Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance
The signs and symptoms which non-celiac gluten intolerance can provoke can vary from joint pain, anxiousness, depression symptoms, migraines, fatigue, cramping, stomach discomfort, indigestion, body aches, rashes, acid reflux, thyroid issues, infertility, for example. As you can understand these types of symptoms are so vast and may be linked to a number of disease processes. This is where the problem lies in the healthcare community recognizing this level of sensitivity as a dire health condition. Since, medicine is mainly dedicated to symptom relief; nearly all treatment methods for these kinds of indicators are targeted on pharmacology rather than possible nutritional causative factors.

Proper Diagnosis with Chiropractic Muscle Testing
The best way to check for non-celiac gluten intolerance is through muscle testing or blood screening for IgG and IgA. In my experience, I have muscle tested many people who have been blood screened for gluten sensitivity and have been informed that they do not possess gluten intolerance, and they show up as sensitive to gluten with the muscle test. This is probably not a life-long intolerance because there are methods to change how the human body responds to gluten. A proven way is through testing for the right digestive enzyme that will allow the gluten to become broken down correctly. Normally, my patients need to be off gluten for six months or even longer, and if they are getting corrective nutritional supplements their bodies can heal and accept gluten at some point.

There is also a desensitization process that I use to assist the body to not respond to gluten in the same manner. Whenever gluten intolerance is determined, a person will have to refrain from eating even small amounts of gluten. The person will begin feeling better in about seven days. The body is so resilient and has an innate capability to heal itself, once the stressor has been removed. If a person re-introduces the gluten right after being gluten-free, without having enzymatic assistance or a desensitization technique, their symptoms will come back.

Grains have only been in our diet for approximately the last 15,000 years or so. There exists formidable data in which 15,000 years ago humans subsisted generally on fresh vegetables and meats. This isn't much time in our two million year history. Approximately 30 percent of northern Europeans, those that lived farthest from the source of dietary grains in Mesopotamia, have the genes for gluten intolerance. 99 percent of our genetic makeup was already in position before we began ingesting whole grains. Consequently, some of us are not able to handle gluten, which is the protein in most grains. Currently, up to 90 percent of the protein in wheat is gluten, a 10 times rise in the past 100 years. The average American eats 150 pounds of wheat every year.

Grains that do not consist of gluten will be rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, teff, sorghum, wild rice, and corn. You may test by fully removing gluten from your diet for just two weeks and change it with a few of these options.

Various other significant food intolerances include soy products, dairy, and corn, yet an individual can always be sensitive to anything. What one individual is sensitive to, another person may be okay consuming. The majority of these sensitivities derive from genetic factors. One of many causes somebody can feel so full of energy when doing a detoxification is because they may be off their particular key food sensitivity, such as wheat or dairy.

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