Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between the structure of the body (mostly the spine), and its' functioning.
Chiropractors perform adjustments to the spine or other parts of the body. The goal is to correct alignment problems which then help the body to naturally heal itself.
Chiropractic focuses on what is known as manual therapy which includes spinal manipulation, joint and soft tissue manipulation, and includes exercise as well as health and lifestyle counseling.
Chiropractic was founded by D.D Palmer and his son B.J Palmer in the 1890's. The early philosophy was rooted in spiritual inspiration and rationalism. As chiropractic has matured, most practitioners focus on both the scientific method as well as alternative therapies.
Chiropractic medicine is very well established in the U.S, Canada, and Australia. A chiropractor must go through extensive education and training to become a doctor of chiropractic. The professional status of a chiropractor includes D.C, D.C.M, BSc, and MSc.
People usually visit chiropractors as a result of head pain, neck pain, back pain, as well as other physical complaints. Many individuals visit a chiropractor after an automobile accident as a result of whiplash to the neck area.
Spinal decompression is a very popular state of the art technology which has helped many people with chronic back pain. With spinal decompression, the patient can avoid spinal surgery which can be an extremely dangerous alternative.
Overall, chiropractic care has become a very strong and popular force in the medical and alternative medical community. With its' strong safety record and ability to give patients safe, fast, gentle, effective relief from pain, chiropractic care and wellness has become the choice of many.
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