Thursday, July 4, 2013

3 Stretches For Nagging Upper Back Pain

You're driving into work and it strikes you - a throbbing pain in between your shoulders. You're finishing up a report at your desk and notice - it's there again, that same nagging upper back pain. Both times the back pain from sitting developed while you were involved in a simple activity.

There can be many reasons for upper back pain. You may have an old injury, you are sitting without good ergonomic support, your seat is poorly adjusted - whatever the reason you know your situation best and should try new stretches to lessen or address the pain with care and never increase your pain. These are simple, gentle moves adapted from Yoga and physical therapy.

Here are a few stretches that may address nagging upper back pain:

1. In the car perhaps you hunch forward, your chin jutting towards the steering wheel with your arms tense while gripping the wheel. Perhaps you hold this same posture when at your desk? This extended posture may strain the upper back and that can lead to a host of painful injuries.

  • Make sure that your seat is adjusted to allow the proper distance from the steering wheel, or your computer monitor. Your elbows should be comfortably bent and relaxed. Your shoulders should be relaxed and down. Your hands need to be relaxed.

  • Sit up straight with good lumbar support. Try this stretch at a stop light or before the car is moving. When done at your computer, your hands can rest on the edge of the desk. You will see how simple and safe this small but profound stretch can be.

  • Now gently pull just the top of your right shoulder slowly and gently towards the center of the steering wheel or lower monitor. Be sure to keep breathing and pause a moment feeling into the stretch. Next bring that same shoulder up and then press it back and down into the seat behind you.

  • Repeat a few times to melt shoulder and upper back pain. Then do the same for the opposite shoulder.

2. Back arches can ease some of the tension in the upper spine.

  • Sit up straight again and relax your shoulders and hands.

  • Next push the center of your back towards your seat, bringing your shoulders forward. Hold and breathe.

  • Then shift your rib cage up slightly and forward. Breathe again.

  • Repeat this small arching and shifting movement several times.

3. Minor spinal twists are a great tension reliever and increase energy.

  • Here you will isolate the upper torso only, keeping your hips facing forward. If in the car it's a small upper body twist originating with one shoulder at a time. At your desk you have more options to twist more deeply.

  • Sitting up with your hands comfortably on the desk or steering wheel, twist your right ribs and shoulder towards the steering wheel or desk.

  • Twist over to the other side and keep breathing. This is a slow steady move and can be very invigorating.

Over time you'll find that these simple stretches may become automatic whenever you notice the old tense, nagging upper back pain returning. If the pain persists there may be deeper chronic problems and you should consult your doctor or chiropractor for help.

1 comment:

  1. Chronic upper back pain is different from normal back pain that is faced by most of us in our routine life. There are a number of causes of upper back pain. It can range from acute to chronic. Some forms can be debilitating while others are completely preventable.
    back muscle pain in Hong Kong
