A major problem for many chiropractors right now is slow practice growth. DC's often have a difficult time attracting new patients because they're not taught marketing in school. Also, part of the problem has to do with the fact that the doctor is busy working with present clients, dealing with billing and other aspects of their business. One way they can attract and retain new patients in 2011 is through the use of mobile marketing.
The fact is text message marketing can do a lot to help you keep connected with your present patients and to expand your base. In the US millions of people no longer have land-lines. They use their cell as both their home and mobile phone.
Benefits of Mobile Chiropractic Marketing
There are numerous benefits for mobile chiropractic marketing and the great thing is that they are both immediate and ongoing. Here's a quick checklist of five ways in which your chiropractic practice can gain an advantage through mobile text message marketing.
- Target marketing to specific groups.
- Connecting and staying connected with opt-ins who want to hear from you.
- Getting your message read. Over 95% of texts are read (The average email open rate is 15%).
- A huge response rate, ranging from 10% to 30%.
- Ease in sending numerous different texts. Multiple messages can be schedule to be sent whenever you choose.
Hot Tips
When you use text message marketing, you'll want to utilize it to its fullest. This is a powerful tool that chiropractors may utilize in many different ways. Here are 10 tips regarding how you can get the most benefits from your text messaging campaigns and gain an advantage over other DC's who are serving your area.
- Choose a mobile text message marketing service that offers various plans that may be adjusted as your needs increase or change.
- Make sure the marketing service has a Facebook widget that you can use on your Facebook Fan Page. This will make it very easy for people to sign-up for your text messaging service.
- Utilize your patient list from social media sources you presently employ such as your blog, Facebook Fan Page and Twitter. Have a way for those who decide to read your blog or who follow you on social media sites to opt-in on your new text message service.
- Contact those already on your email list announcing your new service. Include a call to action to entice them to opt-in.
- Present the service to current and potential clients as a way for them to save money, learn of new services and ensure they remember appointments.
- Use text message marketing as way to help people stretch their dollars. You may
- Offer discounts for new patient referrals and sign-ups.
- Send coupons for discounted related services you may offer such as massage.
- Announce a new service or product, offering a discount through a text coupon.
- Let people know about any changes in your business, including new hires, services or premises.
- Offer a series of good health tips through your text messaging marketing and include a coupon for your services.
- Use keywords to help target who will get a specific message. When people text you using a specific keyword you've designated an automatic message you've created associated with that word will automatically be sent to them.
- Include a strong call to action in every message.
Mobile Marketing for Chiropractors Works
Text message marketing is an extremely helpful tool for small businesses that are focused on a specific geographic area such as chiropractors. Be sure to engage a mobile marketing provider that makes sign-ups easy, offers flexible services and provides an easy way for you to interface and work with them.
The fact is our cell phones have become our lifeline to every other way of accessing information and communicating. Chiropractors can benefit dramatically from tapping into that lifeline.
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