Sunday, August 11, 2013

Is Chiropractic Advertising a Waste of Money?

Well, what do you think? I don't know one single chiropractor that's build a cash machine of a practice by sending postcards, advertising in the yellow-pages or newspaper, do you? I honestly think that the chiropractic profession has simply become accustomed to wasting money on ineffective advertising and marketing over the years. Seriously, the return on investment tends to be very low and the costs can literally send you and your practice into the poorhouse in the blink of an eye!

We've all tried the same things for the most part, as the same worn-out chiropractor advertising and marketing strategies are just recycled throughout the years. Yet, why do we fall for this stuff when it only has been shown to produce mediocre results? The answer is because of lack of awareness. When studying Bob Proctor, I like what he says. He states "The person that makes $50,000 / year doesn't make that income because he wants to, he makes that income because he doesn't know how to make $100,000 / year!" This quote is spot-on and pertains to all business owners including chiropractors. Awareness is everything.

It's important to make yourself "aware" of new marketing tactics and strategies since we live in a different world now, as opposed to even 3 years ago. So much in the chiropractic profession has changed just like in the communications and marketing field. Allow me to share a personal example. I was getting mediocre results several years ago until I discovered a new way of connecting with people and marketing that revolutionized my practice and really opened the flood-gates. This phenomenon was referred to as Web 2.0, a term that many in the chiropractic profession are still unaware of. I began to utilize social networks, video, and other forms of social media to build myself as a credible expert within my community and boy did it pay off in a major way!

That's when I had this overwhelming amount of chiropractors get wind of the killer results I was attaining and they began to beg me to teach them. I began social media consulting almost three years ago and I've been living a truly abundant and rewarding life helping others. Social media is virtually an untapped, new patient treasure-chest if you know how to leverage it in certain ways. Take video, for example. People have a natural voyeuristic tendency, as proven by the reality TV boom.

Did you know major television networks are now teaming up to try and compete with YouTube (the 3rd most visited website in the world)? Very few people are turning to major network television for news anymore so the networks are freakin out. People are flocking to this video sharing network by the truckload. This sign was one that I caught onto very early and has been the best move I could've every made for my chiropractic marketing and other ventures.

In no other places on the web or offline, can you connect with so many targeted prospects like you can on social networks like Myspace, YouTube, Facebook, BlackPlanet, Tagged, etc... Pay attention to how many employers are now beginning to forbid their employees to navigate these networks at work. It's been a big problem nationally... haha. I mean, this addictive behavior should clue you into the massive drawing power of social media! From a business perspective, it's music to my ears.

The sooner you get involved and understand how to market on these networks, the more profitable and "recession-proof" your chiropractic practice will become. Social media and social networks are not a fad, I assure you. People are becoming rich and famous everyday from their use. The question is, when would "now" be a good time for your chiropractic marketing to evolve into the new world?

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