Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How Can a Chiropractor Help Me With My Back Pain?

What is a Chiropractor and what can they do? First of all a doctor of chiropractic is a special field of medicine dedicated to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of spinal disorders of the muscular skeletal system. In simple layman's terms they can manipulate the spine, placing it back into alignment.

A spine, especially the lower back can become misaligned from work related injuries, lifting objects wrong, sports injuries, or injuries from automobile accidents. If you are suffering from neck or back pain then more than likely, you need to see a chiropractor for treatment. X-rays may be taken to better see what is causing your back or neck pain. If your spinal system is out of align then an adjustment may be in order.

What constitutes an adjustment to your spine? When you are given an adjustment you will be asked to lie on a chiropractic table. The table will probably consist of a series of drop mechanisms which the doctor will use to help realign your spine. He or she will feel along your spine to see which area needs to be realigned. There are hundreds of different techniques used but basically they do the same thing, realign your spine.

Most of the time, you are in more pain walking into the doctor's office, than the actual treatment. The chiropractic adjustment may only take 10 to 15 minutes then depending on the doctor. You may also receive electrical stimulation, sometimes referred as a tens unit where electrode pads are placed on the area being treated. You will feel electrical timed shock to your muscles which helps your muscle tension. Another method is to lie down on a special table that will pull you gently to help the doctor complete the spinal manipulation.

Most back pain come from discomfort of the lower back area. Going to a doctor of chiropractic regularly can alleviate your back pain. Most insurance companies cover the cost of your care. When asking yourself; how can a chiropractor help me with my back pain; remember what I am telling you here. My experience with chiropractic has been very helpful. Always remember to get a second opinion if you are ever in doubt about treatment. Remember, that prevention, along with prescribed exercise can help eliminate your back pain. There are several devices on the market today to help with your back pain, but knowing that you have someone you can count on to help by making readjustments to your spine.

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