Friday, June 21, 2013

Chiropractor - 6 Steps to Become a Licensed Doctor

A Chiropractor goes through intense specialized training in order to be able to offer treatment as a licensed doctor of chiropractic medicine. The initials D.C. after your practitioner's name stands for Doctor of Chiropractic. He or she must put in years of studying and interning with a licensed D.C. in order to be able to offer treatment. Here are the six steps to becoming a chiropractor:

Obtain a four year bachelor's degree. It is important that undergraduate coursework is selected that supports the final mission of becoming a D.C. such as anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry, and social sciences.

Apply to chiropractic colleges. The college will look over the applicant's GPA and coursework to evaluate whether the applicant is a viable candidate for your school. There are multiple schools of chiropractic medicine around the country so it is important that the applicant take a look at the ones that are located in the regions which would be conducive to their living and studying for four years.

Attend four years of intense schooling in order to prepare for a career as a D.C. The four years will be a combination of academic work in areas such as microbiology, physiology, anatomy, chemistry, and lab-work. There will also be thousands of hours of required hands-on practice working with patients.

Get licensed. After the four years of school has been completed, testing for licensure must be passed. The test which is administered by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners consists of four parts, all of which must be passed in order for a license to be obtained.

Set up practice or join an existing team of practitioners. It is helpful to be willing to relocate, if necessary.

Ongoing education is required in order to stay current on modern practices and discoveries. Most states require continued study in areas that pertain to the field of chiropractic care. Sometimes a specialty will be studied and added to the menu of services that the D.C. offers such as massage or alternative therapies.

If you are looking for alternatives to traditional medicine's prescription drugs and focus on illness, you may want to visit a chiropractor. Turn to someone who is a highly trained individual dedicated to the prevention of disease and the enhancement of wellness. Place your health in the hands of a skilled D.C. and watch your well-being and whole body happiness increase.

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