Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What Can Zero Point Energy Do For You?

What is zero point energy? In physics, the zero point field concept was first proposed by Albert Einstein and Otto Stern in 1913. It was first believed that it was a vacuum of empty space. Current belief is that it is the field of all potentiality.

More and more is being written about this topic, such as the book The Field by Lynne McTaggart. There is a system of healing by Dr. Richard Bartlett called Matrix Energetics that utilizes the zero point field. What happens when our bodies are in this zero point field, when they are exposed to this energy? Our bodies were created, in fact everything was created in the field of all potentiality. When in this field the body is reminded of where it came from, Source.

When the body is reminded it "remembers" that its true nature is to be free of discomfort, pain, and dis-ease. Does the field cure anything? No, the body heals itself. The body resonates in the energy and returns to homeostasis. In my years as a Chiropractor, I am very familiar with this concept. Chiropractic adjustments do not heal the body; the body heals itself when it is free from nerve interference. Our bodies hold the potential for all healing to occur.

More and more we are seeing a shift from traditional healing methods into energetic and vibrational medicine. Many of the current paradigms for manifesting are based on raising our vibration or frequency to become more aligned with that we are seeking.

What I have found is a line of products using this zero point energy. I could not be more excited. I am using the amazing Amwand, energized with this zero point technology. I am on a mission to wand the world, one person at a time!! I carry my wand with me wherever I go and wand everyone who asks. I am getting great results with pain and other conditions. I also have a pendant with this energy that I wear all the time.

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