Friday, August 23, 2013

Don't Become a Hunchback - Importance of Correct Posture

Have you ever noticed your children aren't standing up straight? Or they walk with a foot turning in, or have a high shoulder? Have you seen little old ladies walking around stooped over, or men with a hunchback? Discover the link between poor posture and poor health.

Your posture is the window to your spine. If your posture is off, your spine is off. A high shoulder, a head tilt, forward head posture or rounded shoulders are all signs showing that the body is out of alignment.

Have you found yourself nagging at your kids telling them to stand up, have you noticed one shoe is wearing more than another, that your children stand with poor posture, rounded shoulders, or that their clothes are always twisting to one side? These are all indicators that the body has potential subluxations (misalignments) that could be effecting the level of health and vitality that either yourself or your family will experience.

Often these poor postures, or patterns have been present in the body for a long time, due to sleeping habits, sports, carrying back packs, sitting at computers or televisions or the imbalances may even stem from the birth process itself.

It is not uncommon (but not normal) when we are checking children and adults in our Chiropractic centre to find that they are carrying up to five or more kilos more on one side of the body, due to the shifts and imbalances in their body.

A simple yet powerful Chiropractic Check-Up, enables us to detect any imbalances in the body, especially from a young age, and correct them before the body has a chance to grow into a poor posture. "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree."

Try this posture test at home. Have your children stand facing you. Have them close their eyes and nod their head to their chest, and take it all the way back as far as they can go. Then ask them to open their eyes and then look straight ahead and stand still.

Look to see if their shoulders and ears are level. Does their head tilt to one side. Is their body front on, or does it twist to one side? Is their head forward over their shoulders?

If you do see any imbalances or poor postures, it is important to have a Family Wellness Chiropractor such as Dr Anthony at Body Brilliant Chiropractic, check this further to determine if subluxation could be the cause of it. By understanding the importance of your Children seeing a Chiropractor, it will allow you to prevent spinal issues such as poor posture from developing into a more serious problem.

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