You went to school to be a chiropractor and learned anatomy and adjusting, but now you are in the real world and need Chiropractor Marketing 101. You are in the right place. In this short, but sweet, article we take a 30,000 foot view of chiropractic marketing. If you took a semester-long course called Chiropractor Marketing 101, these are the lessons we hope would stick with you throughout your career.
Chiropractor Marketing 101 Learning Objectives
1. Build a brand.
2. Embrace the digital age.
3. Be relevant and valuable.
Build a Brand
As long as you are a chiropractor, marketing will continue to be a necessity. What is your message? What is your 15 second elevator speech? What does your brand of chiropractic stand for? You better get this aspect of your marketing nailed down early. "I treat anyone who walks in the door" doesn't cut it as a position statement.
To build a brand you need a business name that is not your personal name. You need a professionally designed logo and you need a memorable tagline. Your brand and your patient records will be the only transferable business assets you have at the end of your career. Invest wisely.
Embrace the Digital Age
Whenever there is a new technology developed that genuinely helps patients heal and feel their best, you would want to know about it right? Keeping up with current marketing trends is no different. As a digital-age chiropractor, marketing methods are constantly evolving and shifting. Embrace the change. Be open to new methods. Apply the ones that make sense for your practice and your brand.
Be Relevant and Valuable
All consumers, including your current and potential patients are hit with hundreds of marketing messages every day. The only way to stand out from the crowd is to be relevant and to be valuable. The chiropractor marketing to tech-savvy, upper-income, 30 and 40 somethings has to add value to their hectic and tumultuous lives. How can you help them look younger? How can you help them get their kid into college on a baseball scholarship? How can you help them take stress and toxicity out of their lives? When you provide relevant solutions to current challenges you become a trusted advisor instead of just a service provider.
If you came here looking for copied text to place on a postcard next week, I'm sorry to disappoint. I do hope that you've come to realize that chiropractor marketing gimmicks are just that - gimmicks. On the other hand a trusted brand that remains relevant with the times is an asset worth building and safeguarding.
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