Friday, September 6, 2013

Chiropractor - Neck Pain and Those Poor Body Aches

When the body goes through an accident, it typically causes the body to go into protection mode and tighten up the muscles when the impact is about to occur. This is one of the worst things that a person can do at such a time. People that are under the influence during an accident are typically not hurt as bad because their response times are slower and their bodies are more relaxed. While drinking is not something that is suggested at all, allowing your body to relax during an accident can bring some definite advantages.

The head gets thrown forward and backwards when the impact occurs and when the airbag explodes at more than two hundred miles per hour the people in the car will be hit in the face and chest area directly. While the airbags do save lives, as it has been proven, it also causes very visible injuries that are noticeable almost immediately.

When the accident occurs, the head is typically forced into a movement that causes pulling and strain to the neck muscles and it nearly always results in a headache on the spot. As the car comes to a stop the body is jerked from side to side and can cause damage to the lower and mid back and hip area. These types of pains often show up after the accident has occurred due to the overwhelming pain from other injuries that have occurred and are felt more instantly.

When the emergency room begins their evaluation they will typically treat the pains with pain killers and muscle relaxers. While this does work to take the edge off of the injury, the underlying injuries are left to heal by themselves. Many times the body will require other help to eliminate the long term damages that have been caused.

It can be very stressful to visit the chiropractor for the first time. Many people worry about what the chiropractor will do that cannot be done at a regular doctor's office. They are often also concerned with getting physical treatment and not using medication to help. The chiropractors have been educated intensively on the structure of the body and how it works internally and they are also licensed to practice these types of services. They are extremely familiar with the muscle groups and what is necessary to speed up the healing process in the body.

Once the initial x-rays and exam are completed the chiropractor will put together a plan for treatment that will almost always take effect immediately. The treatment plan may include manipulations, sonic vibrations with heat packs, and massage therapy. The manipulations are what most people fear because it can be heard. It is just like cracking your knuckles. It allows the bones to align and it causes the muscles to relax around the joints. It is not painful but it can be a source of fear for those that have not been to a chiropractor before.

Immediately after the collision, until the specialist can be seen, the person should be extremely careful. The Fort Collins Chiropractor that specializes in bodily injuries that are affecting a person's daily activities and overall health is often the best path to follow. Living in chronic pain is not something that is necessary when a simple phone call can get the sufferer some relive.

Whiplash Injuries and Chiropractic Care

The term whiplash is used to describe injuries to the neck muscles that are caused by a sudden jerk of the head backward, sideways and or forward like what happens in most accidents. No matter if the injury took place as a result of a sports injury, an accident at the workplace or in a car accident, the injury should be treated with chiropractic treatments. Whiplash injuries can be tricky as they do not always show up immediately and can take years to develop. There are some basic symptoms of whiplash that include blurred vision, irritability, nausea, pain between the shoulder blades, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, difficulty swallowing, and pains I the neck or stiffness in the neck. When someone begins to experience such side effects they should get to a chiropractor to have a checkup.

One of the best choices to cure whiplash is to take advantage of the mechanisms that the chiropractor has in place to help with neck sprains. The focus of the chiropractic care that deals with curing whiplash is to treat the spinal discs, improve muscular strength, reduce muscle spasms, and optimize the motion that is available in the spine.

Applying a general treatment path for whiplash is not possible as the signs and complexities are different depending on the person and what they went through. This makes the chiropractor apply specific treatments that will help to treat the dysfunctions from the injury and it is designed by looking at the results of the chiropractic exam.

Of the many different treatments that are applied, many of the chiropractors will use the following types of treatment:

1. Chiropractic Manipulation to Treat Whiplash: One of the most common whiplash treatments for chiropractic adjustment, joint dysfunction, or manipulating the spine involves moving the injured joint gently on in short bursts in the direction that it has become difficult to move it in. This is done by the chiropractic doctor so no more damage is created.

2. Muscle Stimulation or Relaxation as a Treatment For Whiplash: This chiropractic treatment technique uses stretches that are gentle of the muscles that are tense and sometimes forcing the inhibited muscle to contract. A more vigorous stretch routine may be put in place if the muscles are extremely tight and the chiropractic doctor feels it is necessary.

3. Miscellaneous exercises for Whiplash: There are several different exercises that are used for whiplash that include Stabilization/Sensorimotor exercise and McKenzie exercises. These are used as a portion of the chiropractic care in cases of injuries like whiplash.

The McKenzie exercises have been created to cut down on disc derangement that is a result of an injury like whiplash. It requires simple movements to be made in the injured area and is typically taught by the chiropractor and then practiced at home.

Stabilization and sensorimotor exercise techniques are used to correct any flowed movement patterns that occur during activities that are routine and are part of a person's normal life. It trains the nervous system to control the movement patterns and to coordinate which improves the ability of the neck muscles to control the stability in the neck area.

Lifestyle and Ergonomic changes: All of these treatments are designed to minimize any strains in the body while going about the daily activities that a person has. The advice from the chiropractor will be to avoid or minimize the impact of activities that are completed through the day at work, home, or during any recreational times that affect the whiplash injury. More importantly, the chiropractor will teach the injured person how to go about their day with "self use" in mind so they do not cause more damage or more pain. They also use stress reducing techniques as part of the chiropractic treatment if it is necessary.

When a person is treated for whiplash by chiropractic professionals, they may be asked to perform treatments that have been described here as well as other treatments. They may also be referred to another medical professional in order to get the best treatment possible for their injury.

Massage Chairs Are Prevalent in Chiropractor Offices

Chiropractic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on diagnosing and treating problems of the spine, nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors are specialists in holistic medicine and use natural therapies to help their patients to restore health to their backs. Chiropractors use a variety of treatments such as massage therapy to restore health to the back. Massage chairs are becoming increasingly prevalent in many chiropractor offices across the country.

Chiropractors are in high demand as they specialize in areas like pediatrics, sports injuries, neurology and orthopedics. The origin of chiropractic medicine dates back to the times of ancient Egypt. The origin of the word chiropractic comes from the Greeks. It uses the Greek words cheir and praxis which combined mean a treatment done by hand. Hands-on therapy is central to chiropractic care.

People often seek chiropractic care primarily for pain conditions such as back pain, neck pain and headaches. Chiropractors practice holistic, natural medicine. Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs for pain relief. This must be done by a medical doctor or M.D. Chiropractors must earn a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from a college accredited by the Council on chiropractic education.

Chiropractic medicine has enjoyed a surge of growth in the United States. In fact, many health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and private health care plans now cover chiropractic treatments. Many state workers compensation systems also cover chiropractic treatments. Chiropractors are also able to bill Medicare and many states cover of chiropractic treatment under Medicaid.

Chiropractors work with patients to determine the root cause of conditions related to the back, neck and shoulders. Most of these conditions are related to the spinal column. This also includes the soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments that connect the bones of the spinal column.

Chiropractors are known for making manual adjustments to the spinal column. They use the force from their hands to exert pressure on the bones of the spine to align them. Most people are familiar with the cracking or popping sounds of getting an adjustment to their spine.

Chiropractors use massage therapy to warm up the muscles and soft tissue areas around the spine prior to making an adjustment to a patient. Massage chairs are increasingly used to perform massage therapy for chiropractic patients. A massage chair helps to loosen tight muscles, ligaments and tendons. This helps the spine to adjust more freely.

Typically pressure on the spine is concentrated on a few of the vertebrae which puts undue pressure on the muscles, tendons and ligaments which hold the spine together. This concentrated force causes stiffness in these soft tissue areas. This can be caused by incorrect posture, improper lifting techniques or by an injury.

The chiropractor seeks to alleviate the concentrated pressure off of these areas. A doctor helps the patient to identify how they can better distribute the stress put on their spine. Patients may need to make changes to their posture or lifting to help the spine to recover and prevent future injury.

Massage chairs provide an effective means to help the soft tissues to become more flexible and elastic. They help to elongate the muscles with soothing massage techniques. As the muscles relax, then elasticity is restored allowing a greater range of motion. Regular massage chair therapy helps to reduce built up tension and stiffness in these critical areas. Massage chairs are available for home use as well as professional health care use. Massage chairs may be the perfect complement to your back care.

Facet Injections As a Choice for Back Pain

Facet injections are minimally invasive procedures that temporarily relieve pain resulting from an inflammation in a facet joint. Pain associated with a facet joint is not fully understood, but it is believed that it is possible that it stems from one of several causes, injury, arthritis, or degeneration, and it can produce symptoms similar to disc degeneration. A facet injection's benefits only last temporarily; from a mere day up to a year as it is a minimal procedure. Facet injections are usually used in conjunction with physical therapy and/or other forms of treatment such as chiropractic spinal manipulation.

Dual purpose

Facet injections work by introducing a long term corticosteroid, along with an anesthetic agent developed to numb the area, into the facet joint that is painful, either entering the capsule or alongside the surrounding tissue of the joint. The facet injection also has a purpose beyond the temporary pain relief; it can also be used as a diagnostic procedure. The facet injection blocks pain signals sent to the brain by numbing the nerves in that area, patients that benefit from these injections may be candidates for facet rhizotomy, which is a procedure in which the nerve endings in the affected area are deadened by use of an electric current that destroys the nerves and prevents them from signaling the brain for pain.

Candidates for facet injections are patients suffering from (any or all of these symptoms) neck, lower back, arm combined with leg pain, caused by inflammatory response in the joints. Facet injections are often recommended for patients that did not show improvement to other remedies such as rest, anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy or back braces.

Facet injections can be used to treat spinal stenosis, spondylolysis, sciatica, herniated disc, arthritis, or post-operative pain. People with active infections, are pregnant, have bleeding problems should not receive these injection. Also, persons with high blood pressure or diabetes should use caution as facet injections may raise levels of blood sugar (this effect last for about 24 hours), and can raise blood pressure levels.

Speedy pain relief

Facet joint injections are administered as an outpatient treatment by surgeons, physiatrists, radiologists, anesthesiologists, and neurologists using a fluoroscope. A fluoroscope is like an x-ray machine that allows the doctor to see the needle to help assure proper placement and a proper path. The patient usually feels a sensation similar to pressure but doesn't really feel pain as the area injected is usually numbed with a local anesthetic prior to the injection. Often the patient will be given drugs to lessen anxiety to help them relax during the injection. Most patients can walk immediately following the injection, but they will need someone to drive them home. The patient should notice pain relief within a week following the injection. If a lessening of pain is not noticed after ten days a second injection may be given, but if after three injections the patient feels no relief they are unlikely to benefit from further treatment. Typically half of patients given facet injections will gain relief from the treatment, and the procedure may be given three times per year.

Lower risks

Risks involved are considered minimal, but there are some; these include internal bleeding, infection at the site, allergic reaction, pounding in the temple, and damage to the nerve. There are also side effects which include fluid retention, hot flashes, mood swings or interrupted sleep patterns, and a rise in blood sugar levels. Diabetics have to be monitored carefully due to this. Also, patients who take anti-clotting or blood thinning medications should discuss the treatments with their family physician before beginning treatment.

Facet injections are a good choice in treatment to try before deciding on an invasive surgery when it comes to combating moderate to severe back pain, as it may just do the trick- with a lowered chance of complications and health risks.

A Chiropractor's Role With Neck Pain and Stiffness in Ballet Training

When a ballet dancer's core muscles are weak, or when a dancer is working an intense schedule without enough recovery time, where does the strain go? Often to the neck and shoulders.

Ballet dancers (and other style dancers) will typically work with increasing tension and strain, aching muscles, and mild pain, until the condition develops to the point of an acute and sharp neck pain. They will start to feel an extreme stiffness of their neck, having difficulty moving it in any direction. When the pain reaches its worst level, it might be accompanied by shooting pain down into both shoulders and perhaps even to the elbows.

This kind of discomfort may develop very gradually, so there is not necessarily personal neglect involved. Usually the pain is less in the morning, although the stiffness is noticeable. With additional time and attention given to warming up the neck and upper back, a good part of a heavy rehearsal day, starting with class, could be danced well with tolerance of the discomfort. Most likely, however, as the day goes on, the pain increases, often described as a "stabbing pain", with certain movements. The neck stiffness can return despite the dancer being warmed up. The strain becomes visible to others, watching or coaching.

At this point a dancer will be forced to take time out to seek professional help. Upon examination by a chiropractor, for example, it will be found that the back of the neck and mid back muscles are in tight spasm. The muscles under the chin may be in spasm as well, holding the head at a downward angle. The dancer easily understands that he/she has made this condition worse by working with the head not centered over the shoulders. (When the postural plumb line is violated in any way, extra muscle gripping will show up, as the body always finds a way to compensate and "balance" itself).

What is alarming is that, by viewing an x-ray of this kind of neck, it can be seen that the normal curve is not only decreased, but has reversed! And, quite distressing news to a young ballet dancer, the front of the middle neck bones may be severely degenerated, because of the chronic pressure on the front of them.

This curve reversal is all too common among classically trained dancers. Traditional ballet positions demand that the neck appear tall and straight. Although no harm is intended, the muscles along the front of the neck get stronger and stronger. This development straightens the neck bones, and continues through the years of training, until the normal curve reverses. The front of the neck bones actually start to grind, and gradually arthritis sets in.

The goal of chiropractic care would be to re-mobilize the neck bones that are locked in spasm, along with releasing the chronic tension of the shoulder and upper back muscles. Early treatment can prevent the development of the reversed curve, and eventual arthritis. The tight neck muscles can be relaxed and stretched, relieving the compression that reduces the natural curve. Massage, machine traction and a supportive pillow for sleeping can all contribute to chiropractic treatment, countering the harmful tendencies that have become a habit for the ballet dancer.

The neck of a ballet dancer can be held in a tall and slightly straightened position without leading to harm. All ballet students need to understand how to relax and stretch properly, as well as how to strengthen the core muscles to prevent neck strain and back pain. Education will prevent ballet dance injuries.

Take advantage of the available dance education that is on line and in the stores. There is so much information! Dance smart!

How Could My Digestive System Be Causing My Back Pain?

This article reveals one of the major hidden causes of back pain, particularly lower back pain. This problem is a common reason why pain keeps coming back, even after physical treatments such as physiotherapy, chiropractic and massage.

The underlying cause that I'm talking about is a little valve between the large and small intestine called the Ileocaecal Valve, or ICV. When this valve dysfunctions it causes a very important stabilizing muscle in the lower back called illiacus to become "switched off". This destabilizes the lumbar spine and causes the discs to be placed under strain.

When this happens we are very vulnerable to injury. It only takes the slightest twist, lift, strain or sudden movement in the wrong direction and we are in trouble. Often people with this problem even say "I didn't even do anything, my back just started hurting."
When those muscles are switched off it can also cause your back to feel very tired or fatigued after sitting for a long period.

The confusing thing is that you can have this problem with absolutely no digestive symptoms, although people with ICV problems often do experience bloating, gas, abdominal cramping and tenderness. There is also often tenderness over the area of the valve, which is located about half way between the belly button and the right hip.

One of the most classic signs of this condition is pain or stiffness first thing in the morning that goes away once you get moving, but is back again the next morning. The pain is most often in the lower back, but can affect anywhere that you have a problem- the neck is also a common area. If you wake up each morning with a stiff neck that seems to loosen up after a hot shower but comes back the next day then it's likely you have an ICV problem.

There are many factors that can cause ICV problems, such as allergies (especially food allergies and intolerances), gut parasites, stress, physical pressure, toxicity, nutritional deficiency and dysfunction of the kidneys, bladder or gall bladder.

If any of the above sounds like you, the first thing to try would be to get some probiotics- beneficial bacteria for the gut. Make sure these are kept in the fridge where you purchase them to ensure you get live bacteria. Often an anti-parasitic herb or homeopathic remedy is needed also- if you consult a chiropractor trained in Applied Kinesiology or Neuro Emotional Technique they will be able to test what you need.

It can also to helpful to massage gently but firmly over the area of the valve in a clockwise direction.
Doing what you can to decrease your stress levels is also helpful.

There are two basic ways that the ICV can dysfunction- it can fail to open properly, in which case waste material is retained for a long time before it is passed (even though you may be regular); or it fail to close properly, in which case the bowel contents can come back up into the digestive system.

Either way, this causes the body to become toxic. One of the body's responses to this is to retain fluid, which can cause other problems, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, and tingling or numbness in hands and feet. It can also cause headaches. However back pain is by far the most common symptom.

If you have recurring back pain, especially lower back pain, then it might be time to visit a chiropractor who specialises in Applied Kinesiology.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Managing Tennis Elbow and Golfers Elbow With Chiropractic

Lateral epicondylitis, more commonly known as tennis elbow, and medial epicondylitis, more commonly known as golfers elbow, are conditions which describe pain and inflammation of the tendons and muscles at the elbow joint. If the irritation is at the lateral epicondyle or outside of the elbow it is referred to as tennis elbow and if it is at the inside or medial epicondyle it is referred to as golfers elbow. Both of these conditions are named as such due to these sports inclinations to specifically overuse these muscles and attachments. However, any repetitive movements of the wrist, forearm, and elbow or continued gripping of tools or equipment can cause these conditions including gardening, painting, knitting, cooking, and more.

Tennis elbow and golfers elbow can cause pain, stiffness, and the temporary inability to properly flex or extend the elbow or grip an object.

Rarely will epicondylitis heal on its own. At best, ice and medication may keep it at bay but usually further treatment is required to address not only the symptoms but the underlying cause of the pain and dysfunction.

Chiropractic is a natural, holistic practice that has helped many patients rehabilitate from tennis and golfers elbow. A chiropractor providing a physical examination to assess these conditions will check for loss of range of motion (flexion and extension), joint and tendon tenderness, and weakness. Once the level of epicondylitis is determined, the chiropractor can plan a course of rehabilitation which may include adjustments to the spine and extremities, heat and ice therapy, low-level laser therapy, electrotherapy, acupuncture, massage, temporary bracing, and home strengthening exercise therapy.

Chiropractic care for tennis and golfers elbow has helped many people avoid surgery and the reduse the use of pain medications which only mask symptoms and do not treat the cause of the pain. Surgery is invasive and involves the risks associated with anesthesia, infection, and scar tissue development, which can lead to more pain and dysfunction. Chiropractic is a safe and cost-effective alternative which treats the underlying cause of the pain and provides for a complete rehabilitation.

Chiropractors are licensed Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) who are trained extensively in the biomechanics of the body as whole and how to correct imbalances and injuries naturally using manipulative therapies. Adjustments are medical practices and should never be attempted by anyone other than a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic. A visit to your local chiropractor could help you safely and effectively manage your tennis elbow or golf elbow pain and dysfunction once and for all.

Overcoming Back Pain Without The Use Of Painkillers

If a person has back pain they have two treatment options available, they could use painkillers however there are risks associated with those painkillers. When our body registers pain it is not an inconvenience but a warning that something is wrong and needs to be corrected. If a person takes a painkiller that suppresses the pain system they increase the risks of doing even more damage to their back. There will be negative side effects by using these painkillers and you also need to factor in the cost of this prescription drugs which can be rather costly.

There is another option available to back pain sufferers instead of taking these medications what they should do is schedule an appointment with a local chiropractor who can treat their condition. A chiropractor is a doctor of chiropractic medicine, they specialize in treating back, neck and soft tissue injuries. You will have many chiropractor's to choose from so it would be prudent to find out which of these local doctor are the best choice out there.

One way to find all of these professionals is to use the search engines and create a list of all the chiropractic clinics in your area. Now that you know who is offering these chiropractic services the next thing you need to do is review the track record of these professionals to figure which of them is the best choice overall.

An effective way to gauge the effectiveness of a chiropractor is to look over the feedback that has been left by other patients who have used the services of the organization in the past. When you read over this feedback it will become clear who is the most popular chiropractor in the area.

Once you have booked an appointment with the chiropractor you are going to be prompted to fill out a variety of different medical forms so the doctor can assess your overall health. The chiropractor will order a series of X-rays to determine whether there is additional damage to your spine.

After the chiropractor has isolated where the pain is coming from they are going to utilize their highly targeted chiropractic techniques which will alleviate the discomfort that you are feeling. The majority of back pain suffers report a dramatic improvement in their condition after the very first treatment. Depending on how serious your condition is you may have to go for multiple sessions. Since there are no drugs being prescribed you never have to worry about harmful side effects like those associated with painkillers.