Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tinnitus and Chiropractic - Can Chiropractics Help the Ringing in Your Ears?

For those with tinnitus one thing is universally true, they would do just about anything to make the high pitched whining in their ears go away. Most doctors will tell you there is no cure for tinnitus; this is based on the fact that their treatments for this condition end in limited success, and for many people do not help at all. This does not mean that there is no cure for tinnitus, as much as that your average doctor may not hold the answer to your particular tinnitus problem. Tinnitus and chiropractic treatments are just one example of an alternative treatment that may hold promise for at least some tinnitus sufferers.

Tinnitus and Chiropractic

The truth is that there are so many different causes for tinnitus that not all tinnitus will be solved with the same treatments. What works for one person will not necessarily work for another, much depends on what is causing your tinnitus and sadly there is little research and therapies that can help you to determine this beyond seeing if your tinnitus is caused by hearing loss. For most people the best approach is one of persistence and trying various therapies until one or more of them work.

One of the biggest mistakes most people make is they are so desperate to find a cure for the ringing in their ears that they hop around from one therapy to another much too quickly making the mistake of thinking that if they do not work in the first week or two they are not going to help at all. This is where knowledge and patience can really help, many treatments, chiropractic among them take time to work.

The theory behind chiropractic is to reverse the subluxations in your spine that can reduce blood flow and impair nerves, since research has found that both of these conditions are thought to contribute to tinnitus, chiropractic has been shown for offer great improvement for many of those suffering from ringing in the ears.

What About Those with Hearing Loss?

If you have been told that hearing loss is the cause of your tinnitus and that there is nothing that you can do about it, do not give up searching for solutions. There is some research being done now, which indicates that tinnitus may not be so much a symptom of hearing loss for some, as it may make them more sensitive to, and more aware of the tinnitus as they strain to hear and become more aware of the sounds emanating from their ears.

Chiropractors have found that the same treatments that help patients without hearing loss often help those with hearing loss. Often times there are many underlying causes for the ringing in your ears and addressing each one of these causes can help you have the best results for dealing with your condition.

Does Chiropractic work for Everyone?

Chiropractic for tinnitus is no miracle cure; it merely resolves one of the possible pathways by which many people's tinnitus may occur. It will certainly improve the blood flow and the communication of the nerves to the brain but if there are other underlying causes for the ringing in your ears chances are it will not make it go away completely. In other words chiropractics cannot hurt but may not always help as much as you expect it to. That is not to say you should give up on it, but perhaps you need to look further, try other remedies in addition to this one, as part of a complete solution to the ringing in your ears.

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