Saturday, July 27, 2013

13 Effective Tips to Naturally Relieve Your Period Pain!

Do you suffer from pain or cramping during 'that time of the month'? Do you find it hard to get out of bed and function through the day because of your period pain? If you answered 'yes', you may finally experience relief by reading the rest of this article and applying the various natural remedies listed below.

If you do suffer from pain and discomfort during your period, you are not alone. Period pain can affect 70% of women. For some, the cramps and discomfort may become so severe that it can interfere with their active lifestyle, affecting their daily routine and performance, and may even result in time off work.

Since we all live very busy lives, many of us resort to taking medication as a way to quickly relieve the symptoms associated with our menstrual cycle. But is this option fixing the problem or just masking the symptoms?

Before we answer that question, let's first understand why women may experience pain during their menses. Menstrual cramps are caused by contractions in the uterus. The contractions occur to push the blood out of the uterus and through to the vagina. Prostaglandins are the chemicals found in a women's body which are responsible for these contractions. Women who have high levels of prostaglandins experience more intense contractions of their uterus and hence more pain.

Some other causes of menstrual cramping may include endometriosis, fibroids, infection of the reproductive organs, abnormal pregnancy, narrow cervix or ovarian cysts.

Regardless of the cause, period pain is something you do not have to put up with!

Most women resort to taking pain killers and anti-inflammatories to help reduce the pain and discomfort associated with having their periods. Let's have a look at the current drug therapies available for the relief of period pain, and the possible effects they may have on your body.

• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - helps to relieve pain. Long term use may lead to increased risk of stomach bleeding
• Contraceptive pill - can help to relieve pain but does not cure you
• Antibiotics - if your menstrual pain is due to an infection of the reproductive organs

While the drugs usually prescribed by doctors for menstrual cramping helps to provide pain relief, it does not 'fix' the problem. In some cases, long term use may lead to a range of different health issues. So what are some other options?

Below is a detailed list of natural therapies which I have found in practice to help the women who suffer from period pain and cramping.

1. Regular Chiropractic Care - You may be thinking to yourself, "what does my spine have to do with period pain?" Chiropractors believe that there is a strong relationship between your nervous system (brain, spinal cord and sensory nerves) and the reproductive organs. Your ovaries and uterus are connected to your spinal cord via sensory nerves. In order for the ovaries and uterus to function as best as they possibly can, the nervous system must be able to carry information through the nerves and to these organs. Sometimes blockages from the spine may affect the proper flow of information, which can sometimes lead to pain and discomfort during a woman's period. Chiropractors refer to this blockage as a subluxation. Correcting these subluxations allows the nerves to carry the proper information back to the reproductive organs, allowing for their better health. This is how a Chiropractor can help eliminate period pain.

While anti-inflammatories mask the pain and symptoms, Chiropractors remove the cause of your period pain (subluxations). This makes Chiropractic a very effective long term solution to helping women overcome period pain.

Below are some other natural remedies which may help to relieve the symptoms of period pain and discomfort.

2. Fish are high in Omega 3 - which contains anti-inflammatory properties. Eating a higher quantity of fresh fish before your menstrual cycle and during it may help reduce cramping.

3. Flaxeed reduces prostaglandin (the chemical responsible for causing cramps during the menstrual cycle), helping to minimise menstrual cramping. It is recommended you take between 1 and 2 tablespoons of flaxeed oil during the menstrual cycle.

4. Ginger helps to reduce menstrual cramps and pain, as well as help to relieve some of the other uncomfortable symptoms. One of my favourite methods of consuming ginger is in a tea. Add some lemon or honey for better taste. In addition, feel free to increase the amount of ginger you use in your food while cooking.

5. Chamomile helps relieve menstrual cramping as well as the discomforts related to premenstrual syndrome. Honey can be added for taste. A good preventative measure is to start drinking chamomile tea a couple of days before you are expecting your period, and then drink at least 2 cups per day during your period.

6. Consume supplements with calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, zinc. These supplements are responsible for reducing menstrual cramps and bloating. Eat plenty of nuts, beans, green leafy vegetables, berries and tomatoes, as these foods contain high amounts of these nutrients.

7. Avoid refined foods such as white breads, pasta and sugar

8. Eat fewer red meats and more lean meats, cold water food and tofu

9. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco as these can exacerbate cramping.

10. Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water daily as this can help to reduce bloating, which can make cramping worse. It also helps to maintain hormone balance.

11. Exercise is considered to be a natural way to reduce muscle tension and elevate one's mood. Aerobic exercise in particular helps release endorphins into your blood, hence helping to reduce the feeling of pain. Brisk walks, swimming or jogging 20 minutes per day seems to be most effective.

12. Hot baths and heat pads can also help to relieve pain. Heat will help to relieve severe pain but it is unlikely to get rid of it entirely. It is important to stay warm in general when you have cramps, as the cold contracts your muscles.

13. Eat plenty of fibre-rich foods especially if you experience constipation with your periods. Fibre allows for better digestive motility. Constipation during your periods can sometimes worsen the cramps.

I have been recommending the above remedies in practice for many years now, with great results. If I was to recommend one single remedy as being the most effective, I would encourage all women who experience pain and discomfort during their menstrual cycle to receive regular Chiropractic care. Many women who undergo regular treatments have been able to prevent the onset of period pain for many months and even years.

While the other remedies don't always help prevent the onset of future pain and discomfort, they can help to reduce the effects of it during the cycle.

If you would like a long term solution to a healthier and pain free menstrual cycle, visit your local Chiropractor and try these other natural remedies as well.

Chiropractic Care and Involuntary Dehydration

Dehydration is a condition in which the human body lacks a sufficient volume of water to maintain homeostasis and normal function. It occurs in situations where the intake of water is not adequate to meet bodily water loss through things such as sweating, urination, or diarrhea.

Water is essential to human health and wellness. It makes up approximately 60% of the human body's weight and is vital for many bodily functions including maintaining normal blood volume and makeup, and removal of waste byproducts from the body. We often equate dehydration with vigorous physical activity and exercise, and hot weather. While it's true these two factors are common causes of dehydration, there are other less obvious reasons for dehydration and dehydration can occur in individuals who aren't exposed to high heat or strenuous exercise.

Dehydration can also be caused by increased urination, vomiting, and diarrhea. In these conditions the body often loses water much more rapidly than it can be replaced. Many over the counter and prescription medications are substances known as diuretics. These cause increased urination and thus loss of water. Surprisingly, another major factor contributing to dehydration are actually the favorite beverages frequently consumed by Americans.

While many of us drink soda, black teas, coffee, and alcoholic beverages to help quench thirst and avoid dehydration, it might actually do quite the opposite. These beverages all have a diuretic effect on the human body. The caffeine contained in soda, tea, coffee, and other beverages can actually increase the frequency and volume of urination. The same is true of the alcohol in alcoholic beverages. This leads to loss of water in the body and left uncorrected, eventually dehydration. Since these beverages are favorites with most Americans, it is likely that much of the American population actually walks around predisposed to at least a mild state of dehydration. With that in mind, let's look at the three main stages of dehydration.

There are three widely accepted stages of dehydration. Each stage examines water loss based on a percentage of body weight. In mild dehydration the patient experiences a 3 to 5 percent loss in body weight. Moderate dehydration is characterized by the loss of 6 to 9% of body weight, while severe dehydration involves a loss of 10% or more of body weight. Now that we know a little about the classification of dehydration let's examine some common symptoms.

Research has shown that as little as a 2% decline in hydration can cause up to a 10% decline in athletic performance. The effects of dehydration aren't limited to athletes however. Many Chiropractic patients experience symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration. Some of these include:

- Headaches, dizziness and light-headedness

- Muscle cramping and muscle pain

- Muscle spasms

- Thirst

- Dry mouth

- Dry eyes

- Dry skin

- Weakness

- Fatigue

- Confusion

- And more

So how can we prevent dehydration? The obvious solution is to ensure we consume enough water to meet the needs of our body. An average size adult requires about 1 quart, or 32 ounces, of water per day. Physically active adults will require much more: sometimes up 4 to 5 quarts per day. To help prevent dehydration we should increase our intake of water before, during, and after exercise. Some sources say you should drink approximately 4 to 6 ounces of water for every 12 to 15 minutes during exercise. As a general rule, the more you weigh, the higher the air temperature and the more vigorous the exercise, the greater the amount of fluid intake is needed.

Many individuals falsely assume they aren't dehydrated because they aren't vigorously exercising or because they aren't thirsty. Vigorous exercise and profuse sweating obviously speed the process of dehydration and make it much easier to occur but they are not required for dehydration to occur. It is important to note that the sensation of thirst is not a reliable indicator of adequate hydration. Research has shown the sensation of thirst is actually a reaction to the early stage of dehydration. The human body doesn't even begin to sense thirst until it experiences a 1 to 2 percent loss in body weight!

Another huge problem with dehydration is people falsely believe they are adequately hydrated because they drink plenty of beverages throughout the day. Unfortunately these beverages are often soda, coffee, teas, or alcohol containing beverages. As we've mentioned already, these beverages all have a diuretic effect on the body. The increased urination and water loss brought about by drinking these beverages can actually offset or negate the benefits of the fluid they contain. Avoiding caffeinated and alcohol containing beverages while increasing your intake of water are great ways to prevent involuntary dehydration.

You are probably wondering how all this talk about water and dehydration relates to Chiropractic care. The connections are actually endless! Doctors of Chiropractic are concerned with health and wellness in general and not just the biomechanics of the spine. Since water is vital to life it is obviously of great concern to the Chiropractor who truly has the best interests of his or her patients in mind.

Many patients initially consult with a Doctor of Chiropractic because they are experiencing headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, weakness, back pain, or muscle spasms; all of which are also common symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration. Dehydration has also been associated with impaired cognitive function.

Dehydration may also play a role in joint degeneration and degenerative changes within the spine. Intervertebral discs are nature's shock absorbers that cushion the bones of the spine. Positioned between bones of the spine, intervertebral discs are predominately made up of water. They are a resilient structure composed of a tougher outer fiber ring with a gelatinous type center that allows the discs to be highly compressible, and elastic to absorb forces in the spine while allowing the spine to be flexible. We know from research that degeneration of the intervertebral disc actually begins with dehydration of the intervertebral disc; with age intervertebral discs become less hydrated and lose their elasticity and flexibility. This loss of hydration leads to degeneration of the spine and ultimately pain and symptoms.

As you can see involuntary dehydration can occur even when we aren't exercising in a hot environment. Further complicating the matter is the fact that we generally don't even feel thirsty until we are already dehydrated. Simply drinking the wrong type of beverages throughout the day can lead us to the early stage of dehydration which can affect cognitive and physical performance. Water is vital to the cartilage that lubricates and protects our joints and to the intervertebral discs that cushion and protect our spines. Sustained dehydration, even at a mild level, can have a detrimental effect on our mental health and our physical well being. It is no wonder Doctors of Chiropractic are concerned with proper hydration. Take care of yourself and your body; take the time to make sure you are adequately hydrated.

Are You Thinking of Opening Multiple Chiropractic Practices?

You have been in practice for many years. You have been successful in building and maintaining your practice. The professional goals you established upon graduation have been far exceeded. Now you have ten, fifteen or twenty years before you complete your career. What are your options to grow personally and professionally?

Turning one practice into multiple practices would define growth by many mid-career Chiropractors. To be able to serve more of the community and in turn increase your passive income, lessen doctor/ patient time and increase practice equity would further expand the definition of your success.

As a co-owner of six Chiropractic practices my experiences can clarify, if multiple practice expansion is a viable option for you to reach a higher professional satisfaction. If asked, most Chiropractors would say they would love to own multiple practices and reap the rewards, but most Chiropractors that attempt expansion fail.

A common business plan is to open a second office and work in it on your days off. Build a small patient base and then an associate can take over the existing patent base. What invariably occurs is the existing practice decreases in profitability, a small practice is built at the satellite practice, overhead costs almost double, and the doctor is working an additional two days, in addition to the regular work week, with zero financial ability to hire an associate. The doctor now finds him or herself bleeding until they hemorrhage. The reality is every hour they spend at the satellite office they are losing money and enthusiasm.

This failed plan plays over and over. I have benefited by purchasing many of my satellite practices from doctors at the hemorrhage stage. The doctors all felt that selling their practices at an undervalued price is better than continuing to loose money and energy. For them, it was to sell or close the office completely.

The fundamental mistake these doctors have made is they have worked in their practice, not on their practice. This statement by Michael Gerber in the E-Myth must be understood completely before attempting any expansion.

Doctors tell me all of the time that they are working harder then they ever have before, spending time traveling from one practice to another, training new staff, and seeing more people. They are not accomplishing their goal of multiple practices; they are just doing more of what they're already doing with a lot more overhead. They are working in their practice.

The Chiropractor whose goal is multiple practices must work less as a Chiropractor and more as a visionary, administrator and motivator of staff. A transformation must occur from the practice of Chiropractic to the business of Chiropractic. A shift in thought from "This is what I do, I will do more of it myself" to "I must delegate responsibilities to grow" is a necessity for growth. Your interest will increase in other related areas such as computer technology for higher efficiency, human resources for quality hiring and training, and improvements in basic business modus operandi. Your responsibilities will include investigating the best purchasing opportunity for printing, phone, x-ray sales and service, malpractice and business liability insurance and durable Chiropractic supplies. The doctor that puts their energy into implementing specific systems that can evaluate productivity and efficiency within their practice is working on their practice.

There are three interdependent traits I have found that define success in any project but definitely in multiple office expansion; vision, motivation and system implementation. The vision you create will be the motivating force that develops quality systems that can be highly executed.

You, the Chiropractor must be the visionary; the leader that has a burning desire to climb this mountain. Your employees must understand, agree and follow this vision. Ideally, the Chiropractor, staff and patients should all be aligned in the mission of the practices.

This vision must encompass satisfaction for all involved. Each person working with you must have a communal as well as a personal interest in reaching the goal. By serving the community, the practice, and oneself professionally and financially, solidifies the entire organization with the vision.

No one person can execute all of the needed tasks to build and sustain multiple practices; it is a true team effort. To acknowledge this statement exemplifies the need to motivate your team. Not all employees are motivated by the same compensation or by the same management style. My experience has found that evolving into a well defined corporate culture enables the leader to anticipate the needs of the team. High employee diversity leads to an increased difficulty to motivate and manage. Similar personalities are motivated with similar and predictable ethics, expectations and rewards.

As the organization grows the talent it takes to manage and motivate must increase equally. My basic theory to successfully manage staff is to clearly define what is expected from the employee, have them agree to that level of competency and then motivate and manage them to accomplish that expected level.

"Success is in the system" and, "the system is in the solution" are common phrases in my offices. We live by them and grow by them. The most famous illustration of the concept is McDonalds. With a personnel turnover of three hundred percent they rely on systems to accomplish a predictable standard of quality and service. Once the system had been established replicating the service to over 25,000 worldwide locations was history.

In many one doctor multiple staff practices the Chiropractor has the least knowledge on the systems within their practice; the office manager runs "the show". This doctor is reliant on that person to the point of being held hostage. The doctor that peels away each major task within their practice and develops a system to complete that task by others will be able to grow into multiple practices. That doctor must first master the task, document the process or system and then put it in stone for all to use. Each system must have a component that evaluates and monitors the effectiveness of that specific system for constant improvement. This allows the doctor to delegate with the ability to monitor. The result of this process is growth; growth by organization, not by individual.

The most difficult challenge is to commit to multiple practices, financially and emotionally. Truly commit, not go into the plan by stating, "I will open a second office and see how I do". Once committed you become the architect, designing the business plan with your talents. Drawing from your past experiences you will transition concept into reality.

Personally, growing from one practice to six has been one of my most challenging and satisfying professional experiences. I can relate it to mastering a video game. In a video game, at first each move you make you hit a landmine that brings you close to death. As you begin to understand this new environment you develop a plan or vision to win. It soon becomes evident that a motivated workforce with a plan or system will conquer your opponent. Further repetition of the needed tasks increases your ability to perform at a level of excellence. With all of these forces behind you to gain intellectual strength, political influence and financial independence, you crush the opposition. Unfortunately, life doesn't imitate video games exactly.

Chiropractic Care Can Help With Ear Infections

Any responsible parent cannot bear to see their child in great pain. Seeing the child develop ear infection is a parent's nightmare. It causes an unexplainable pain which makes the parents worry about their children's welfare. Therefore, the parents look for convenient ways to manage and cure their children's condition.

The children's Eustachian tube (tube that links the pharynx to the middle ear) is smaller in diameter when compared with an adult's tube. For this reason, younger children are more susceptible to ear infections. Typically, this results to difficulty of draining the fluid whenever the child experiences or gets cold. Later on, when the Eustachian tubes are blocked, fluid will continually build up in the middle ear and infections will then start to develop. If this is left untreated, it may lead to damage of the ear drums which in turn would result to deafness.

An article entitled, "Chiropractic Adjustments for Chronic Ear Infections" published in the October 1998 issue of the Ladies Home Journal, cited about the various benefits and effects of chiropractic care towards ear infections. It also highlighted how chiropractic therapy can prevent recurrence of infections in the ear.

The article identified that 35% of all the pediatrician visits are due to reoccurring ear infections experienced by children. These infections are caused by either bacteria or virus. Doctors immediately provide medication regimen with antibiotics. However, antibiotics can only be effective for bacterial ear infections and not on viral conditions. And although these can cure bacterial infections, they cannot ultimately stop its recurrence.

In addition, excessive antibiotic intake can lead to the development of a more serious drug-resistant infection. A child who experiences this ailment may possibly need to undergo some surgical management requiring general anesthesia. Obviously, this does not sound pleasant to both parents and child.

So, what then would be a great alternative for this? You've guessed it, a management that is more conventional and appeasing. The article also mentioned how chiropractic care can stop the recurrence of ear infection once the child has undergone chiropractic therapy. A chiropractor will manipulate some bones of the neck and spine in order to unblock the fluids that caused infection in the ear. This chiropractic rehabilitation will correct any misalignments, scientifically known as subluxations, in the musculoskeletal system. As a result, the drainage of fluid from the middle ear would return to normal.

If parents cannot afford the expensive ear-tube surgery and cannot bear to see their child suffer from such a drastic management, then there is always another more natural and affordable option of curing their child from ear infection. This option is called chiropractic rehabilitation. Many parents can testify how chiropractic therapy helped their child become well again. Furthermore, they can testify how chiropractic prevented recurrence of the infection.

In conclusion, parents know how hard it is for their children to experience ear infections. They cannot bear to see their children in pain. Early and prompt treatment is necessary to avoid serious complications that can lead to a full blown ear infection. Many parents can testify how chiropractic care helped their children from ear infections. Not only can chiropractic therapy cure the condition, it can also prevent ear infection recurrence.

Importance of Nutrition to Live a Healthy Life

Who doesn't need nutrition?? No one. It is important for everyone's day to day life. Many people lead such hurried lives that our bodies can become malnourished and we need to prevent this from happening. Society is becoming more and more overweight and the obesity level is raising everyday. Much of this is to blame on our poor diets and the convenience of fast food. While, it is important to eat healthy foods and to watch what is going into our bodies, the nutritional values of food have changed drastically in the last few years.

Many, many foods are so processed and refined that they lack what our bodies need for nutrition. It is important to consider growing your own fruits and vegetables so that you know what you are putting in your body. If this is done, you can eliminate nasty pesticides and fertilizers as well. This is not possible for everyone, and if it's not possible for you, you should consider taking nutritional vitamins and supplements. Because there are holes in our diets, these supplements can fill them. These "holes" can lead to an increased aging process, there can cardiovascular health damage, there can be an increase in poor eyesight and there can be a weakened immune system.

You need to make sure that you nutritional supplements work at the cellular level, as not all of them do. They need to contain enough minerals, vitamins and antioxidants to work with our daily diet. The best way to fuel our bodies is to have a good basic diet along with a good nutritional program and a great exercise program. Chiropractors know a lot about supplementation and nutrition and overall health. It would be great for you to visit with your local chiropractor in Schaumburg to learn more about what chiropractic can do for you and your health.

3 Things To Ask Your Prospective Chiropractor

So you've made the decision to become part of the nearly 10% of the population that visits a chiropractor. While more than 50% of people surveyed have indicated that they would consider going to chiropractor for their health concern many still don't because they're not sure what to expect.

If you're considering chiropractor care, here are three things you should ask the potential chiropractor:

1. Will my problem be helped with chiropractic care?

You don't want to undergo a course of treatment if it's not going to help anyway. No chiropractor should even consider accepting you as a patient unless you should expect to get results.

However, this question cannot realistically be answered over the phone. Some potential new patients will call the office and ask if the doctor can help with (insert your condition here).

A good answer might be "the doctor has successfully treated patients with that condition." The best answer would be "the doctor won't be able to answer whether or not your condition can be helped with chiropractic care until he has a chance to examine you."

You wouldn't expect a mechanic to diagnose your condition by saying it makes a "ping" noise. There are many things that can cause any symptom, and it's up to the chiropractor to determine if your condition can be helped by his available treatments.

2. How much will my first visit cost?

While you really shouldn't be bargain-hunting for your healthcare, you should feel comfortable knowing what you can expect from your first visit.

A bad answer is "we'll see what your insurance will cover." A better answer is "an examination is $80, and any additional costs like x-rays or treatment will be explained to you before you're charged any further."

Ahh... now you can relax. You know that by the time the doctor is done with your consultation and examination, you'll know what's wrong and if chiropractic can help.

It's certainly no fun being in pain and wondering the whole time how much the bill is growing with every minute you're spending with the doctor.

You can then make an educated decision about the types of treatment and the type of treatment program with which you feel most comfortable.

3. How late is the office open?

I know this questions seems pretty obvious, but since most people don't understand the nature of chiropractic care (you may and likely will have to go more than once) this is an important consideration.

Your ability to be successful with your chiropractic are program is directly related to your ability to show up for your appointments. If the office hours aren't convenient for you or maybe the office is just a bit too far for you to make your appointments consistently, you'll have trouble getting the results you're after.

A good chiropractor may be worth making some adjustments to your schedule, but making sure you can be consistent with your visits will make all the difference with your chiropractic experience.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Do You Want to Know How to Become a Chiropractor?

Daniel David Palmer, a self-educated teacher and healer, did the first spinal manipulation on a patient in late nineteenth century and that was the start of modern chiropractic. Today, chiropractic is the third largest health care profession, next only to dentistry.

Chiropractic is a Greek word and it means "treatment by hand". Chiropractors use their hands to influence the body and promote healing and wellness. The need for more chiropractors is out there and it is continuously growing because of its success in treating back and neck problems.

A licensed chiropractor could start a private practice or can join any health institute. The average chiropractor salary is around $80,000 per annum based on experience, skill level and education. As, it's becoming a rewarding career, several people are attracted to this profession.

What is Chiropractic Education?

Doctors of Chiropractic undergo a rigorous and demanding professional education just like other physicians. Anatomy, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Public Health, Physiology, Pathology are the part of basic courses in a chiropractor school. Total course duration is around 5000 hours.

How you can become a chiropractor?

Before joining a chiropractor school, you first need to acquire a medically focused undergraduate degree at a university. Students are thoroughly trained in the appropriate use of sophisticated analytical equipments like X-rays, examination procedures, and state of the art chiropractic investigative technologies.

What you must know before considering chiropractor as a career?

1. You should have a drive to help people and the willingness to put in the needed educational work in order to become a chiropractor.

2. Just like with traditional hospital or clinic doctors, you have to come across devastating illnesses and patients suffering from tremendous amount of pain.

3. In order to become a lisensed chiropractor, you need to pass examinations. These examinations determine whether you learned enough in their schooling in order to be a licensed chiropractor.

How Difficult is it to Become a Doctor?

Many people living in different parts of the world before choosing a career always consider about becoming a doctor. There are various reason for this. Doctors are highly paid, they are always in demand, therefore chances of unemployment are very less. Doctors also enjoy a high status in the society due to the noble cause they are associated with.

Many people consider being a doctor, but very few amongst them actually become a doctor. People generally underestimate the hard work and time required for this field. It may take about twelve to fifteen years to become a doctor, including eight years at college and medical school and about four to five years of residency preparation. This time duration may differ from one country to the other.

Apart from the time and hard work, a lot of money is also required to become a doctor. Dedication towards becoming a doctor plays a vital role. There are people who have strong determination about entering the medical field, but when they come to know about the hardships and complications involved they take a step back.

The steps involved in becoming a doctor are:

1) Taking relevant high school education is very important. Aspiring students should opt for courses like chemistry, biology and physics.

2) Obtaining a relevant bachelor's degree is the next step. It should be made sure that the subjects like biology and chemistry are studied during graduation.

3) Taking MCAT exam is vital to obtain admission in a medical college. After clearing MCAT, you may also be called for an interview by the medical college.

4) Undertaking residency training- In this step students are required to choose a medical specialty and undergo the training for the same. The time required to become a doctor is determined by the type of specialty chosen.

5) Obtaining license- After completing the residency training you are required to take a license for practicing medicine. The time and formality involved in this differ from country to country.

Seeing a Chiropractor for Back Pain Relief

Many who experience back pain will often find that once it begins, it can become a chronic problem that is nearly impossible to get rid of entirely. It may start suddenly with no warning, or perhaps you have been in a car accident or experienced another injury which triggers it. Individuals should know that pain is a warning sign that something is not right. Without pain, we may never be alerted that there is a problem and go on until we had injured ourselves even more. So when you experience back pain, Seeing a chiropractor for back pain relief is an important step to take.

There are a number of reasons why one may be experiencing back pain. A chiropractor will use their knowledge and expertise to properly determine what is causing the severe discomfort. They will often perform such tests as x-rays and have a consultation with the patient, talking about possible causes, past injuries, and medical history.

Once the cause is determined, the chiropractor will then establish a treatment method. Often they utilize spinal manipulation to help control pain. This treats the whole body, making sure that everything is functioning properly and that pressure is not being places on any nerves by a misaligned spine, which is often a cause of pain.

These professionals often use other methods, such as massage therapy and trigger point therapy, and they will usually have a long discussion with the patient about their diet and exercise. You see, seeing a chiropractor for back pain relief is all about treating pain naturally, and they try to start with natural therapies and implementing a good diet and exercise routine to help the whole body be as healthy as possible.

Many may first spend months on pain medication only to realize that it is only helping them mask their pain rather than get to the root of the problem. This is not only expensive, but it can be bad for your body. Everyone knows that those drugs should not be taken for long periods of time, and many also have negative side effects to worry about too.

However, those who are seeing a chiropractor for back pain relief will often find relief after only a few visits. Usually the initial visit is all about consultation. Usually then tests are arranged and a diagnoses is given and therapy session is scheduled. You may be amazed at how quickly you will begin to feel like yourself again, and it is a blessing to be able to go from day to day without constantly hurting.

Treating Sciatica - 3 Stretching Exercises For Immediate Sciatica Relief

Treating sciatica does not have to involve subjecting yourself to complicated surgical procedures, taking medications, or making frequent trips to see a chiropractor. There is no reason why you should not be able to treat sciatica on your own, using nothing but natural means, from the comfort of your own home.

There are many different ways to go about treating sciatica naturally, such as by performing low-impact aerobic exercise or by undergoing massage therapy. But no methods are nearly effective at treating sciatica as the act of performing stretching exercises. Stretching is by far one of the single most effective means to alleviate the symptoms, if not completely cure, sciatica. Done frequently and consistently, you could pretty much completely cure your sciatica within a matter of days.

Let's take a look at 3 sample stretching exercises that can be used to treat this condition and provide you with immediate symptomatic relief:

1. Sit down on the floor with one leg stretched straight out in front of you. Grabbing the ankle of your other leg, pull your other leg in towards your chest, and hold it there for a few seconds. Now extend your leg back out in front of you. Repeat this exercise for at least ten repetitions with both of your legs.

2. Lie face down on the floor. Prop your upper body up onto your elbows. This arc in your back will cause your spine to curve upwards. Stretch your spine to maximize this curvature. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds.

3. Lie down flat on your back. Pull the knee on the side of your body that is experiencing pain, up towards the shoulder on the same side of your body. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds. Then, release this leg and then pull this same knee toward the opposite shoulder, again holding for about 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise for at least 10 repetitions. Repeat for the other knee if you are also experiencing pain on the other side of your body as well.

You may find these stretching exercises to be painful, difficult, and outright impossible to perform at first. But as you ease your way into the initial repetition, and hold the position for the specified number of seconds, you will begin to feel the tension in your muscles ease up, and the exercise should become easier. It should definitely become easier with each step.

Falling On Ice: Injury Care And Prevention

It is important to be aware of the fact that winter weather brings with it the risk of falls. People can injure their hips and backs by falling on ice. Injuries range from pulled muscles to structural problems like herniated discs and joint misplacement. Learn how to care for fall-related injuries and how to prevent them in the future.

Fall-Related Injuries

You've just slipped on the ice and you feel sudden muscular pain. Even if you caught yourself mid-slip, you may still have pulled a muscle. Muscles surrounding your spine work to stabilize it by engaging before we move. When you make a sudden movement, such as when falling, the muscles don't have time to preemptively engage. They tense suddenly, and this knee-jerk action can result in strain. It is also possible to injure hip and gluteal muscles, particularly if you fall on your bottom. Muscle strain causes sharp pain that is exacerbated when you move or use the muscle. The affected muscle will likely be tender to the touch as well.

Falls are the main cause of tailbone injuries. It is possible to fracture, bruise or dislocate this bone at the base of your spine by falling on it. Tailbone injuries cause severe pain at the tailbone, pain when sitting and pain when having a bowel movement.

Another possible site of injury when falling is one or both sacroiliac (SI) joints. These joints are located where the large hip bones (ilia) connect to the sacrum at the base of the spine on each side of the body. These joints typically allow for very little movement. A fall can jar the joint or joints out of place, either causing them to lock up or to dislodge and become hypermobile. If you injure this area, you will likely feel sharp pain at the joint/s and exacerbated pain when you put weight on the leg on the affected joint's side. Moving the leg laterally can also be particularly painful. Pain may radiate down the buttocks and thigh, especially if inflammation surrounding the joint is irritating the sciatic nerve that runs nearby.

It is also possible that a hard fall can jar the spine to the point of causing disc damage or spinal joint dislocation. This is particularly of concern for people who already have structural problems in the spine.


The typical care approach for muscle strain is ice, rest and gentle stretching. Depending on the severity of the strain, muscles may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to heal.

Tailbone injuries also require icing to reduce inflammation. Ice for 20 minutes at a time up to 4 times a day. Avoid sitting when possible; when you must sit, alternate your weight from one buttock cheek to the other and lean forward slightly (at the hips, not the back) to take pressure off the tailbone. Taking over-the-counter medication as directed to manage pain and inflammation is often helpful. Generally, tailbone injuries heal within a few weeks. Rarely, chronic pain results and surgery is required.

Icing the sacroiliac joint to limit inflammation after a traumatic injury can help relieve pain. It is important to modify activities so you don't overload the joint as it heals, but also to keep active. Prolonged rest can cause the joint to become stiff and the surrounding muscles and ligaments to grow weak. If pain persists beyond a few weeks, it is a good idea to see a chiropractor, osteopath and/or physical therapist. A chiropractor or osteopath can be helpful if the joint needs realigning. A physical therapist can help you strengthen the area surrounding the joint, providing it with support.

While disc injuries sometimes heal on their own, a misaligned vertebra will likely require chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation combined with exercise therapy. If pain persists more than a few weeks after a fall, consider the possibility that you have a spinal problem.


The best way to prevent falls on ice is to increase the amount of traction you have on it. While good quality snow boots have some traction built into them, the best way to prevent falls is to invest in a pair of ice cleats that attach to your normal footwear. These are available in many forms. Yaktrax are perhaps the most popular brand, featuring an elastic net coiled with wire that stretches across the bottom of your footwear. Other designs feature a varied number of studs or spikes across the bottom that attach to the boot like Yaktrax. Some brands feature a velcro strap or two to secure the device to your shoe. Prices for cleats range from $10.00 to $80.00. Read customer reviews on sites like to help you decide what type of cleat is right for you.

Falling on ice can cause an array of injuries. Care for your body by preventing falls this winter.

Reducing Chiropractic Billing Denials the Easy Way

Let's focus now on how to reduce denials by insurance carriers for your chiropractic claims.

In case you didn't know, I had the distinct privilege of working as an Insurance Claims Analyst before and during chiropractic college. (Go ahead and throw darts, but this experience of mine is going to help you out in a few short minutes, so hold on to your sharp objects!)

Although I worked for the insurance company (largest health insurer in the state of California at the time) over a decade ago, much of what we see going on today is the same as then -- it's just become worse!

So here are a few tidbits that I learned from my Claims Analyst work, along with a few more I've gained more recently on the way through my professional coders association and my role as a consultant to chiropractors throughout the country.

Use Appeals to Your Advantage

The first thing you need to realize is this, the more you appeal your denied claims the less likely they are to deny them in the future for bogus reasons. Most practices think they made the mistake when they get a denial from a carrier and so they don't appeal because they believe they will get more denials. That is just not the case.Yes, I said that correctly. Here's why.

Approximately 30% of all claims submitted to an insurance carrier on the initial submission are denied whether they are correct or not.

They do this because less than 25% of all medical practices in the U.S. appeal their claims. That figure just blows my mind. In fact, that was the case when I was working in insurance, the numbers may be a lot worse now.

Steps to Reduce Denials

If third-party payers are going to randomly deny bills just for fun and because they know you won't fight back, what CAN you do to reduce denials when billing to insurance carriers?

1. Make sure you are using the most current versions of the CPT, ICD-9 and HCPCS. It bugs me to no end to consult with clients who tell me they are "reasonably confident" in their billing practices and when I look over their fee schedules, I find codes that haven't been in use for years. This is easily remedied: get the updated code books and use them!

2. Ensure the proper usage of modifiers on your claims where appropriate. Just recently, I consulted with a doc who didn't understand why all of his exams were being denied when he billed for them along with an adjustment. "The correct answer, Alex, is 'What is a modifier?"

3. Utilize the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) in your defense. If you are up to standard as far as the CCI goes, use it when appealing denials and defending your billing. If you think that CCI is a popular crime-fighting drama on TV AND you select your own CPT/Billing codes, you may be in deep trouble. Even though I don't own a TV, I am aware of the CSI show. You, on the other hand, know just enough coding to be dangerous.

4. Use the Internet to search for policies from the various carriers Many carriers post policies online, which most chiropractors seem to be unaware of the fact that. I typically have to give one bit of bad news per month to a DC who is upset on how his carrier is paying or not paying for a particular service. Unfortunately, when I look up the carrier policy, they are complying with their own rules. Sorry, Charlie, you signed the agreement to be a provider and this is how they say they will pay. No appeal necessary. You lose.

5. For those payers with a formal appeals process such as the Federal and State programs, know your appeal rights and the various steps involved with the process. Kind of like calling the wrong number and wondering why the person for whom you left a message never got it. If you appeal to the wrong entity, don't expect success. Do your homework.

There are, of course, several more steps you can take to reduce denials but these are the basics you need to be aware of because they are the ones that I routinely see doctors making mistakes.

Can Chiropractors Really Help People With Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition in which the sufferers spine curves in an unnatural manner usually either forming into an S shape. People with this condition can suffer with pain and discomfort and their lives become a little less normal as they often can't comfortably participate in sports and many other activities. Catching the scoliosis early in childhood can result in treatments that can stabilize the spine preventing further curvature from taking place. The less the spine curves the better chances a person with scoliosis has of being able to enjoy all the activities of other people. So, how do chiropractic doctors actually help people who have scoliosis?


To begin with many chiropractors offer free clinics so that people can come in and be checked to see if they have scoliosis. Since chiropractors work with the spine and spinal adjustments they are quick to note any curvatures in the spine even slight ones often before other professionals or a persons family MD notices anything amiss. This can lead to the earliest detection of this condition which means that procedures to stabilize the spine can be undertaken at an early stage allowing those people with this condition to enjoy a better quality of life.

Advise and Pain Management

Many chiropractors also keep an eye on the progress of the scoliosis and offer the patient advice on diet nutrition and exercise and also sometimes do spinal manipulation to help relieve some of the pain associated with scoliosis allowing the sufferer to feel better overall and maintain as healthy a life as possible.

When To Use A Brace

Many times it is also the doctor of chiropractic who determines if and when a brace is needed to help stabilize the spine. Once that decision is made this caring professional then explains the need of the brace and how to put it on and take it off correctly as well as answering any questions the patient may have.


A doctor of chiropractic will also refer patients with scoliosis to professionals who specialize in the treatment of this condition especially when spinal surgery is indicated. Today, thanks to changing attitudes many times you will see chiropractors and traditional medical doctors working together as a team to provide the scoliosis patient with the best care and options that are available.

You don't need a scientific study to understand how doctors of chiropractic help those suffering from scoliosis.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Experiencing Pain Between The Shoulder Blades?

People regularly experiencing pain between the shoulder blades has become more common with frequent computer use. That burning, achy pain that is relieved somewhat by sitting up straight has become regular occurrence in the workplace.

So how does it start? What make that pain likely to show up with daily activities that you're doing?

If you guessed "posture," you're on the right track. The muscles that go from your shoulder blades to the middle of your back are called the rhomboids. These muscles are under a lot of stress when your posture isn't good. Making changes just to these muscles will go a long way in changing how you feel.

After an extended period of bad posture (like months or years), these muscles will get longer. The longer the muscle gets, usually the weaker it gets. However, this doesn't stop you from performing all of the normal work you've got to get done in a day.

Your symptom usually shows up as pain between the shoulder blades, and it can be prevented. While chiropractic intervention may be needed to get the joints of your mid back spine moving correctly again, much of this problem can be prevented by doing things to stretch the chest muscles and strengthen the muscles that help you maintain your sitting posture.

By increasing the strength of the muscle, they will become shorter and more able to hold the shoulder blades in place. Taking the steps to improve your posture, particularly the rhomboid muscles, will help alleviate your pain between the shoulder blades.

Having a Good Chiropractic Business Plan Is a Crucial First Step in Opening Your Practice

A good chiropractic business plan can help new chiropractors get on the right foot in starting and running a successful chiropractic office. It can provide a framework from which to make strategic decisions during the course of setting up a chiropractic clinic. Many chiropractors who fail to conceptualize a business plan find themselves struggling as they don't have a consistent chiropractic business model that delivers results.

Starting a chiropractic practice involves a lot of foresight and planning. It is not as easy to do as it was just ten years ago. Changes in insurance, attitudes, the economy and the way society makes buying decision demand new strategies for setting up a chiropractic office.

For example, there are less insurance companies now as many have merged. As a consequence, there is less competition, higher prices and less service. Insurance coverage for chiropractic has fallen by as much as 50% for some plans. In addition, high deductible plans are now much more common. Most people, especially in a tough economy, strive to spend the least amount of money on health care if they are covered by insurance, so they will typically forgo services that are not covered under their plan.

A good chiropractic business model will therefore take this into account and will advocate a set up that can absorb this loss of income. This basically means designing a low overhead chiropractic office. This can be done much easier today thanks to advances in the internet and wireless devices. Chiropractors must integrate available technology tools to help reduce their overhead. In doing so, it integrates the office with the technology that people increasingly rely on in their daily routines. This includes using Google, Facebook; iPhones and wireless internet.

If you are contemplating starting a chiropractic office, or are an established chiropractor in search of a better chiropractic business plan or chiropractic business model, consider the low overhead business model that leverages technology. As a doctor, it is necessary to not be too burdened with the stress of running your business so that you can truly focus on patient care.

Where Can I Find Chiropractor Information?

Where your health, fitness and well being are concerned, finding information which is both reliable and honest is vitally important. But finding this information can take time and requires a lot of patience, especially if you are looking on the internet. The staff at one chiropractic and physiotherapy clinic don't think that this should be the case, which is why they promise all visitors to their website that they will be receiving honest, reliable and trustworthy information to answer any chiropractor questions they may have.

If you have been suffering from any sort of muscle or joint pains, especially if its neck, back, shoulder or knee pains, unfortunately it could be something more serious than just an old sporting injury playing up, or because you've slept awkwardly the previous night. But before you start to worry you should seek expert advice and get equipped with all the correct information regarding your symptoms, and the best way to overcome and pains.

Instead of spending hours reading various forums on the internet, or taking out books from the library which quickly become dated, this chiropractor has produced a broad "frequently asked questions" section, which aims to give you, honest and reliable information from experts in the industry.

Although it is always wise to read about your aches and pains so that you're armed with information to help you overcome them. the best way to get the honest and reliable information is to pay a visit to specialists in the industry. When consulting one of the chiropractors at this company, they are able to look examine the problem area and give you the most suitable treatment to get you back on your feet and active again.

This chiropractor company have been providing the Midlands with a professional and pain-free chiropractor service, for a number of years. Each and every chiropractor employed is registered with the British Chiropractic Association and General Chiropractic Council, so you know that they're providing the best possible treatment and information around. If you are suffering with any form of muscular of skeletal discomfort, why not call and book an appointment.

Nutritional Counseling and Food Allergies

Nutritional counseling helps patients discover and manage their food as well as nutritional concerns using short and long-term strategies for treatment. It is commonly used for patients experiencing health issues such as obesity, digestive ailments, diabetes, musculoskeletal or neuromuscular disorders, menopause, and food allergies among others.

Through diet assessment and analysis as well as exercise routines, nutrition may be viewed as a primary factor in keeping and maintaining a healthy and fit lifestyle. A person may experience different diseases because the body has become vulnerable without proper nutrition. Dietitians and nutritional counselors will help patients find specific ways to achieve the correct nutrition needed by his body. When a patient undergoes nutritional counseling, his individual profile is assessed and analyzed.

Proper Nutrition with Food Allergies

Patients with food allergies can take advantage of nutrition counseling to ensure that he meets all nutritional needs within his restrictive diet and find out how he can eat to promote digestive healing.

In most cases, food allergies are complicated and misunderstood. This could be due to genetics, but why some people react in such ways to what they eat has many factors and is usually connected to the whole well-being and body health. The key to healthier immune system is a healthy digestion. When incomplete digestions occur, there is also an incomplete breakdown of proteins which can compromise the gut barrier and 'leak' these proteins into the blood. These often react with the immune cells and the reaction is known to be one of the main reasons for food reactions and sensitivities.

Understanding the Digestion, Food and Proper Nutrition

Chronic stress and poor digestions are some of the primary causes of food intolerance. Digestion is compromised by a combination of factors including poor diet, environmental toxins, stress as well as an overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria. A patient may be advised to follow simple changes in their eating habits such as eating smaller portions, chewing thoroughly, eating slowly, using digestive supplements or bitters and eliminate bad bacteria while rebuilding good bacteria.

Taking time to consult a dietician specializing in food allergies and intolerance will help patients discover and clarify the foods that can be potentially reactive. Nutritional counseling can help patients with alternatives and suggested menu to ensure that they meet the proper vitamin and mineral requirements. Nutritional counselors will also provide you with food ideas that are easy to digest and will support digestive health and your immune system. Soon, you'll be on your way to regaining total body health and well-being while you eat healthy, repair your gut and heal your body.

Personality Traits of a Great Chiropractor

Chiropractors are alternative health care practitioners who have become more widely accepted into the mainstream. These professionals work with the body's alignment in order to treat many different health maladies. Some examples of cures that they offer include back pain relief, headache alleviation, clearing of asthma, earaches, colic and attention deficit disorder.

These doctors are a bit different from your average MD in that they take a more holistic approach. They believe that many ills stem from a misalignment in the spinal column. Their philosophy is that one's nervous system is adversely affected by skeletal misalignment which in turn may turn into illness and pain.
Certain personality types are drawn to certain professions and for good reason. Aptitude plays a key as well as temperament. Here are some traits to look for in a great chiropractor:

- Intelligence: The smarter, the better, of course. In order to be a great care provider, these professionals must complete rigorous training and education. Before entering college to become a DC, which stands for Doctor of Chiropractic, a candidate must have completed many undergraduate training courses in science and math based studies. Some examples include human anatomy, physiology, and chemistry. The higher their GPA in undergraduate studies, the more likely they are to be admitted into Chiropractic College.

- Intuitive: No medical fields are exact sciences. In order to have good diagnostic abilities, one must have a strong base of factual knowledge along with strong intuition.

- Good listener: A great DC is one that listens to his or her patients. It is important to hear all about the whole person, not just look at x-rays in order to make a decision.

- Good with their hands: This is a hands-on occupation. Strong and capable hands will be able to maneuver, feel, and handle problem areas with care.

- Sensitivity: A good DC must be sensitive to his or her patient's needs and feelings. An emotional bulldozer will not be capable of having a sensitive bedside manner.

- Strong: Many chiropractic maneuvers require a great deal of physical strength. This is not a job for a physically weak person. It also requires a good amount of time spent standing on one's feet.

- Outside the box thinker: This is an alternative field of medicine. In order to be a progressive practitioner, one must be open to new ideas and information. Medical outcomes and ideas change all the time as research constantly provides new information. In order to be a progressive healer, one must think and look outside the box.

- Reliable: Nothing is worse than a doctor who doesn't show up or cancels appointments at the last minute. Reliability is an important trait.

- Punctuality: Adhering to the schedule will make everyone's day go smoother. Chiropractic medicine often requires frequent office visits. Punctually kept appointment slots will keep patients on time for the rest of their lives, as well.

- Communication skills: The ability to listen to others and speak in a manner that patients can understand is evidence of an excellent chiropractor.

To find a great chiropractor, look for one with these personality traits.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Joining A Chiropractic School - Tips To Become A Doctorate In Chiropractic Studies

All of us, when we are in college think about of our future. Shall I go for a graduate school or start working for full time? Such questions arise in the minds of all of us when we are on the verge of completing our college. But if you are planning to continue your education then I would definitely advice you to consider your education in a chiropractic school and obtain a doctorate in chiropractic studies. You would have many options after you are doctorate in chiropractic studies. You can even go for private practice, help people in rehabilitation centers or even work in a hospital or clinic. To ensure a smooth admittance you need to understand and gain knowledge about the local chiropractic schools.

First of all, you need to consider your performance at the college. You need to have a GPA of 2.5 to 4.0 to enroll for most of chiropractic schools. Moreover, some chiropractic schools also requires you to have a degree in liberal arts or at least in any one of sciences. You also need to have done some coursework in the field of biology, chemistry, psychology and humanities along with sixty hours of English. This is the easiest path to enter in one of these chiropractic schools. All these requirements are helpful when your application goes to such chiropractic schools as they would get impressed easily. If you feel that you are weak in some subjects, then you can take some classes locally.

The story does not end here. When we are selected by a chiropractic school for admission the next question that arises in our mind is, how long would it take to become a licensure or a graduate. In most of chiropractic schools it is standard four years duration to achieve a MD degree. According to the course curriculum, you would be taught about the basics of biochemistry, biology and anatomy for the first two years. Some other courses such as microbiology, pathology and public health might also be taught in these years. You would learn spinal manipulations and adjustments along with specialized subjects like laboratory diagnosis, nutrition, and orthopedics in the last two years.

You are now eligible for an exam by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners after you have your chiropractic schools degree. You are licenced to practice your craft only after the completion and passing of this exam. Many people think that they are relieved from the chiropractic schools after passing this exam but this is not true. In some states you need to dedicate certain hours in continued education even after you qualify the exam. These classes are based upon the specialty in various fields such as sports injury or industrial health.

If you are a career oriented person, then choosing to enroll in a chiropractic school is one of the best decisions you would have ever made. Although it is a long process and studies but if you consider its consequences then you can understand the advantages of it. It completely depends on your choice that whether you want to help people with your knowledge or enjoy a rewarding career.

What Causes Upper Back Shoulder Pain And Neck Pain - Solve The Puzzle Now

Painful and pesky shoulders, necks, and backs afflict many of us - as much as 90 percent of us - from time to time. The pain can be mild to intense, and it could manifest itself as a dull ache, sharp throbbing, or constant tingling. What is the root of the pain and how can you relieve it? When ignored, the pain can go from bad to worse, and can become chronic and debilitating. For these reasons it's important to pay attention to these problems and address them quickly.

For many people, what causes upper back shoulder pain and neck pain are misaligned vertebrae and slipped or burst cervical discs. Although this may sound scary, fortunately, these kind of alignment and structural problems are not life-threatening, but they can be annoying. Visiting a chiropractor is the best way to get started on healing the pain.

Muscular problems might be what causes upper back shoulder pain and neck pain. Pulled muscles and fascia are examples of muscular problems. This affliction is quite widespread and can be prompted by sleeping in a strange position, hefting heavy items, or even toting around a small child. Taking anti-inflammatory medicine, resting the muscles, and icing the painful area can help. Herbal remedies are also available to treat inflammation. Looking up back pain product reviews can help you make a decision.

In some cases, what causes upper back shoulder pain and neck pain is "referred pain". This can happen if what is causing the pain is due to a problem in a different location from where the pain is felt. Generally speaking, the referred pain is benign, but it's still good to get a check-up, in case the pain is being referred from the heart, gallbladder, gastric system or somewhere else that needs attention.

What causes upper back shoulder pain and neck pain varies from person to person, but in many cases it is "idiopathic" or without any known cause. Rather than being from an unknown physical ailment, or from something that remains undiagnosed, this is actually a problem with the nervous system. The pain receptors in the brain and spinal column are not communicating properly.

For people with idiopathic pain, back pain releif can be achieved by practicing relaxation and visualization techniques that help calm these pain receptors.

Is Your Chiropractor Treating The Whole Person?

Back and neck pain and headaches are common complaints for busy residents of Hickory Hills. Chiropractors in the area can help alleviate the discomfort through spinal manipulation, but this may not address the root cause of some pain. A good chiropractor can also offer permanent solutions, often by treating the whole body rather than just the acute problem.

Discovering the source of pain and getting on top of it by offering patients quality lifestyle changes, nutritional counseling, and a holistic approach to health care is becoming increasingly popular in areas like Hickory Hills and Worth. Chiropractors are aware of the desire of many people have to improve their quality of life and now offer multi-faceted healthcare approaches that combine traditional and complimentary medical approaches.

Oak Lawn Chiropractors Offer Healthy Solutions

Today's Oak Lawn and Hickory Hills chiropractors prefer to treat the whole person in an ongoing fashion rather than only seeing patients when they develop severe pain or experience limited range of movement. By seeing patients regularly, they can offer a wealth of health care solutions that can not only make them feel more comfortable, but keep them healthier and less prone to injuries or pain now and in the future.

Holistic or complimentary medicine is now quite popular in Hickory Hills. Chiropractors often combine their practices with those of other medical professionals who have a similar health care philosophy, including specialists in herbal medicine, nutritional specialists, and acupuncture specialists. This well-rounded approach to caring for the entire person shows excellent results, with many patients using a multi-disciplinary approach that results in better overall health and reduced use of pain killers or medications.

Nutritional Supplements & Amino Acids Therapy Compliment Chiropractic Care

Various nutritional supplements can supplement your diet and give you the nutritional support your body needs to function at its best. Depression, digestive problems, anxiety and exhaustion or lethargy can often be alleviated with a healthy diet, exercise and the right blend of nutritional supplements. Ask your Hickory Hills chiropractor if he or she offers nutritional counseling as an adjunct to their chiropractic care. If so, he or she should either be a Diplomat in Clinical Nutrition or have someone on staff who is a licensed nutritionist.

Amino Acids therapy is another emerging specialty in holistic health. The proper use of a blend of amino acids often helps minimize or eliminate brain disorders such as ADHD, migraines, fibromyalgia and anxiety by addressing serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.

Does Your Hickory Hills Chiropractor Offer Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a revered form of Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries, although it has only become popular in the United States during the last few decades. The World Health Organization recognizes the effectiveness of acupuncture for everything from treating headaches and menstrual cramps to lowering blood pressure and helping patients quit smoking. Acupuncture, including cupping and acupressure, are considered valuable elements of a holistic approach to healthcare by many people in Hickory Hills, Worth and Oak Lawn. Chiropractors today often have an acupuncture specialist on staff in order to provide an additional form of pain relief, relaxation, and whole body care.

If a holistic approach to health and well-being sounds like the right approach to healthcare for you and your family, contact Hickory Hills chiropractors in your area, or search for nearby Worth and Oak Lawn chiropractors to learn more about what they offer. Ask about options such as herbal medicine, acupuncture and amino acids therapy offered in and around Hickory Hills. Chiropractors that offer these innovative options offer a balanced, whole body approach to healthcare.

Back Pain: When To See A Chiropractor

When should you schedule an appointment with a chiropractor? In short, whenever you want.

Pain in the back is a common disorder with a high rate of recurrence. Almost 80% of Americans will experience back pain at least once in their adult lives. At any one time, 6.8% of the population is suffering from an episode of back pain lasting more than two weeks.

Back and neck pain may result from stress, repetitive activity, strenuous physical exercise or trauma caused by a recent car accident or fall. Most Americans lead a largely sedentary lifestyle. Sitting hunched over a keyboard for long periods of time laces unwanted pressure on the back and can ultimately cause bones and discs to shift.

Most people have experienced or will experience back pain, but different people have different types of pain and different levels of pain tolerance. You may not run to the chiropractor for an occasional backache, but recurring back pain may eventually become debilitating and may prevent you from going to work and participating in daily activities.

There are many causes of pain, and not all causes are readily apparent. Sciatica, which occurs when the spinal nerve is entrapped through misalignment or disc herniation, can be diagnosed. However, Sciatica accounts for less than 10% of cases related to pain in the back. With other causes of back and neck pain, there may be no clinical signs or pathological changes to assist in diagnosis. Chiropractors are musculoskeletal experts, highly educated and trained to assess, diagnose and treat the underlying causes of back pain. Difficult back pain diagnoses are a chiropractor's specialty.

For the most part, back problems go untreated, and some pain subsides with time and rest. However, there is no need to endure pain and discomfort. Chiropractors manipulate joints and bones to correct spine misalignment, correct abnormal flow of nerve impulses, improve joint mobility, reduce muscle spasms and help heal injured tissues. Patients who treat chronic and acute back pain through chiropractic care experience better outcomes in pain, functional disability and patient satisfaction than patients who elect other treatment methods.

When back pain is accompanied by other changes, such as fever, weakness, chest pain or loss of bladder control, the pain may be symptomatic of a more serious problem, such as a spinal infection or cancer. If you experience a combination of symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention. Your chiropractor is a good place to start. After conducting an examination and history, your chiropractor will be able to recognize red flags and refer you to the appropriate medical specialists.

Some people visit chiropractors as a last resort, when severe pain does not improve with medications or other treatment. People who have suffered trauma or athletic injury may visit chiropractors as part of a balanced healing and rehabilitation plan. Some people visit chiropractors regularly, as a preventative measure to ensure their spines stay optimally aligned.

You do not have to be in pain to seek the advice of a chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment can assist with a variety of other issues, including posture, stress relief and headaches. However, most people pursue chiropractic care as a result of upper or lower back pain. As a general rule, you should seek treatment for pain following a trauma, mild pain that continues for two to four weeks, or severe pain that does not improve after a day or two of rest and pain relievers.

If your back pain is having a negative impact on your life, you should seek the expert advice of a chiropractor. There is no reason to live in pain and discomfort.

How Alternative Medicine Can Help With Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction

The Sphincter of Oddi, named after Ruggero Oddi, an Italian anatomist who described this structure in 1887, is the muscle valve that regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum (beginning of the small intestine). Regulation of the Sphincter of Oddi is accomplished through the nervous system and the blood by special messengers- digestive hormones.

If there is no food in the intestine, the Sphincter of Oddi valve remains closed. Bile is retained in the gallbladder and pancreatic juice is retained in the pancreas. Spasms or blockage of this valve may cause bile and pancreatic juice to back up.
If a tiny amount of bile gets into the pancreatic duct, serious trouble can ensue. Bile can activate digestive enzymes inside the pancreas and these enzymes start to digest their own pancreatic cells, causing pain, congestion, inflammation and even the death of pancreatic tissue. This is referred to as pancreatitis.

The blockages of the Sphincter of Oddi by tumors, large gallbladder stones, or scars after inflammation, certainly need surgery. The number of individuals with these problems is relatively small, but millions of Americans suffer from occasional transient spasms of the Sphincter of Oddi with pain, nausea and bloating. In most situations, their tests are normal and these individuals get labeled with acid reflux disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), stomach flu, food poisoning or other diseases.

Many of those ppersons have type III Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD). According to statistic information, the prevalence of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction in the general population is 1.5%. It can mean that 4.5 million people in the US suffer from SOD.

A lack of proper treatment of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction can later cause serious complications like pancreatitis and gallbladder inflammation.
Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction can affect children, women after age 40, overweight individuals and people after abdominal surgeries. For example, statistics show that almost 20% of individuals with pain after gallbladder removal have the Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction.

Why does the Sphincter of Oddi become spasmodic? The answer depends on many reasons if we put into account the very complicated regulation of this sphincter by the nervous system and special blood messengers - digestive hormones. Here are some examples of what can make the Sphincter of Oddi spasm:

• Stress, depression and anxiety
• Poor eating habits such as "eating on the go", eating while watching television, irregular diets, dieting, fasting and wrong combinations of foods such as mixing fatty foods with starches and sugars
• Drugs, some medication, alcohol and nicotine
• Harsh, intensive and repetitive "liver cleansing"
• Hormonal imbalance such as lower thyroid function or menopause
• "Aggressive" acidic bile with sand, sludge, gallbladder stones and more
Usually we can see combinations of these factors in predisposed individuals with overweight issues, sedentary lifestyles and stress for long periods of time.

The Standard American Diet, which is full of processed and acidic foods (meat, sugars, alcohol, animal fats, white flour, etc.) causes acidity in the whole body. The Standard American Diet leads to acidic conditions in the bile and pancreatic juice as well. The bile becomes acidic and the amount of bile acids in the bile increases as well. Bile acids are very aggressive substances; they irritate the wall of the Sphincter of Oddi causing muscle contractions - spasms.

3-4 liters of mixed pancreatic juice and bile travel through the Sphincter of Oddi daily. Acidification of these fluids makes them very "aggressive," corroding and irritating for surrounding tissues, particularly the Sphincter of Oddi. Putting into account that bile is a vehicle for removing toxic chemicals such as bile pigments, heavy metals, drugs, medications and poisons from the body, and that bile ducts and the gallbladder often harbor parasites, there is no question that the Sphincter of Oddi is an easy target for irritation. Additionally, alcohol, unhealthy foods, irregular eating and improper food combinations cause chaos in the normal functioning of the Sphincter of Oddi as well.

The most common and prominent symptom of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction is upper abdominal pain. This is often experienced as a sharp pain in the middle of the abdomen right below the rib cage. Pain can be severe in nature, bring people to the hospital and require pain medication. But in many cases, pain may be mild and usually does not need painkillers. Symptoms of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction are divided as biliary pain and pancreatic pain.

Symptoms of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction Biliary Abdominal Pain include:
• Biliary pain felt in the middle or right part of the upper abdomen
• Pain radiating on the back at the lower tip of the scapula or right shoulder
• Pain accompanied often by bloating, nausea and vomiting
• Pain precipitated by fatty food or alcohol intake
• Pain varying in intensity and lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to 4-5 hours

Symptoms of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction Pancreatic Abdominal Pain include:
• Pain located in the upper abdomen on the left or right side
• Pain radiating directly through the abdomen to the back
• Pain accompanied often by bloating, nausea, and vomiting
• Pain precipitated by incorrect food combinations of protein/fat/starch/sugar food or consumption of alcohol

Non-drug holistic approaches may be helpful. Holistic remedies for healing of the Sphincter Oddi Dysfunction Type III are widely used in many countries throughout the world.

The healing program of the Sphincter Oddi Dysfunction type III may include some actions:
• Healing Customized Diet
• Drinking healing mineral water prepared from genuine Karlovy Vary spring salt
• European Whole Body Cleansing through the Restoration of Friendly Intestinal Flora and Colon Hydrotherapy
• Anti-Candida Program
• Acupuncture
• Herbal Medicine
• Nutritional Supplementation
• Chiropractic Manipulations
• Visceral Massage
• Relaxation, Meditation, Hypnosis, Custom Hypnosis CDs

Healing courses of alternative and holistic medicine can be used separately or as complementary approaches to traditional medicine.

The information on this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed medical professional.

Chiropractor After a Car Accident

Transportation in our time has become all about motorized vehicles that move us from place to place. Short distances, long distances and everything in between happen at speeds much faster than walking. All this moving has led to the inevitable sudden stopping that happens in a car accident, and if you live in America you are almost guaranteed to be in one at some point. Although safety has become much better in the last 20 years, the human body just isn't made to handle the kind of punishment that a car accident creates. Depending on how serious the crash is, a trip to the hospital may be in order; but during the healing process a chiropractor may become your best friend.

Fender benders are the most common type of car accident and take place at speeds below 20 MPH. Keep in mind that we are dealing with the usual outcome in these situations; not every possibility that can happen. Sometimes as a fluke, a person can die from the smallest crash or walk away from the most serious one. In an accident under 20 MPH; the most common problem is a soft tissue injury, a hurt muscle, in the neck or lower back. Muscles attach to bones, and when they get injured they constrict and can pull bones slightly out of alignment; causing discomfort and immobility. A few simple trips to the chiropractor can fix this problem and cut your recovery time down considerably.

A medium accident happens between 20 and 45 MPH and causes a lot more damage to the body. You may or may not feel hurt right after the crash, but you definitely are. This type of accident can cause lots of different injuries including hairline fractures in bones and whiplash in the neck, but you may not feel the pain for a couple of days. Realignment of the spine and other bones is crucial in this situation; otherwise recovery will just be weeks or months of constant pain every time you take a step or turn your head. See your doctor right away to get checked out; then be prepared to visit your chiropractor ten to twenty times to get in good working order.

Anything above 45 MPH is a serious accident and can have major repercussions to your health for the rest of your life. I got in one of these crashes more than ten years ago and my neck still gets tight every time the temperature begins to fall dramatically. It doesn't matter if you walk away from this accident, or are transported by an ambulance; you need to see your doctor right away to look for problems you may not even know you have. Internal bleeding and broken bones need to be fixed right away and the adrenaline released into your system during an accident can cover up the pain completely. Once the immediate problems have been addressed; you will be left with a long recovery process before you really feel like yourself again. Chiropractic in this situation is long term and may require regular visits for months or even years.

Chiropractic care is a more recent advancement in healthcare and still hasn't fully moved into the mainstream. Most insurance plans do cover chiropractic now, but the norm is to limit the number of visits a person can have in a year. Discount plans like Ameriplan don't have any limits on visits, but only provide a cut in the chiropractor's asking price. A combination of the two could be just what the doctor ordered if you find yourself in this situation, but even if you don't have either, seeing a chiropractor is essential to your recovery. Who knows; when it's all over with, you may even have a new addition to your Christmas card list!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Signs of Spiritual Awakening - Strange Incidents That Repeat

In another article I put together a list of nine signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening that I found essential to the awakening process. In this article, I discuss in detail one of the signs of awakening that could be called "repeating incidents." This is when you have the same thing (particularly something out-of-the-ordinary) happen to you two or three (or more) times in a relatively short span of time, like, say, 24 hours. The repetition assures that you notice what your higher self wants you to notice. (Because noticing it helps point you in the right direction in your awakening process.)

The following is a wonderful example of this sign of awakening that I came across when I listened to an online interview of Dr. Eric Pearl. Dr. Eric Pearl is a well-known chiropractor and healer and the author of the book The Reconnection who developed a new method of healing after he experienced the sign of spiritual awakening discussed here.

His story goes like this: Years ago he awakened in the middle of one night to find the light in his bedroom on, with the feeling that there were people in his house (he lived alone). He got up to look around the house, noticed some strange things such as a door that was ajar (he was obsessive about having things exactly in place), but found no one.

The next day at his chiropractic office, seven of his patients reported that they felt there were other people in the treatment room and that they could feel Eric's hands on their bodies before he actually touched them during an adjustment.

Having seven of his patients tell him the same thing (plus the fact that it was a bit strange) immediately got his attention, and it was not long afterward that a significant portion of his patients began to report instant healings of a variety of physical conditions. Later he developed a new method of healing called Reconnective Healing, which he now teaches to others.

What I found interesting about what he shared was that about four months before the "people in the room" incident, he began to take a moment to become more present with his patients and to "feel into" their situation before he started the chiropractic adjustment. I believe four months of "tuning in" helped prompt the unusual occurrences and the healings. (A note to those of you who expect grand things to happen after one week of dedicated meditation: have some patience!)

I experienced several unusual incidents, some of which were repetitive. One incident involved an out-of-the-ordinary meeting of another parent at my child's school one morning. The next morning the same thing happened again, as though I were in the movie Groundhog Day. It turns out I was supposed to notice this person--he had a significant role to play in my awakening process.

Another incident involved having the word "volcano" brought up three times by different acquaintances in a span of only a couple hours. It turns out that two days later, a small volcano exploded in the South Pacific. Furthermore...I would not have known about this volcano had I not been driving in my car playing with the radio when the brief news announcement was made. (In this case, I felt that spirit was teaching me something important: how to pay attention to my environment.)

Please note however that you will have your own unique repeat incidents because you have a unique path to follow and a unique contribution to make.

In summary, experiencing a repeat of something unusual in a short span of time is one of the essential signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening. Like the others, this sign of awakening helps point you in the right direction in your awakening process.

Can a Chiropractor Heal What Ails You?

Chiropractic care has come a long way since it first began. With the entire range of dedication being based on physiology and anatomy, it is something that can really help your entire body.

Chiropractic care was officially founded in 1895 with the introduction of a clinic-like place by a man who based it on findings of medical journals of the time and other research.

A few years after that, the same man opened the first chiropractic school and began training. A century later, it has been found that chiropractic care can save millions of dollars in medical care by preventing and curing things that other physicians might want to fix with more expensive treatment.

Chiropractic care spans many medical areas. These doctors have to go through much schooling in order to become a practicing chiropractor. In school, they learn many different things about many different aspects of the body. They have to learn physiology and anatomy, how diseases work, about respiratory dilemmas, and many other things. All of this makes their knowledge base very wide and enables them to be able to diagnose and treat many different things.

Many people think this line of work is concerned only with the neck and back. They are wrong. Because of the spine's function, chiropractic care can be used to treat many things.

Physically it can help with muscle and joint pain, headaches, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains, strains and many other things. On a different level, these doctors can also use their skill to improve asthma, allergies, digestion issues and other common problems.

One large thing that this kind of care takes care of is stress. Stress can impact everything about our bodies, physically and emotionally. Alleviating some of that stress and having the back loosened up can make you feel a lot better in general and can help eliminate problems without further doctors being needed.

This form of care is very non-invasive and is based on the sciences of anatomy and physiology. With a properly trained, licensed doctor, many of your day-to-day health problems can be improved upon or in some cases even completely fixed. Your old false assumptions about this kind of care should be completely wiped out and maybe trying a chiropractor out will help you to feel better more often. Sometimes, you need to remember, faith heals where medicines fail to work. Trying out alternative therapy is a great way to improve your health without any side effects.

An Alternative Treatment for Neck Surgery

Do you have chronic neck pain? Is a surgical consultation the next step? The neck can be injured in many ways. In the event of a traumatic accident or injury, emergency surgery may be necessary to stabilize a life threatening situation or to prevent paralysis. But what about the patient with chronic neck pain? The patient who lives day to day on pain medications or has frequented the chiropractor and physical therapist for years? Is surgery the only next step? What are the causes of chronic neck pain? Chronic neck pain usually centers around the nerves. A disc in the neck can become herniated or "bulge" because of the wear and tear of the tendons, ligaments, and muscles. One possible diagnosis out of many may be spondylolisthesis.

When the ligaments and tendons become weakened, the vertebrae can move out of place. This may cause pressure on the disc and in turn irritate a spinal nerve. Sometimes a pinched nerve occurs when the nerve becomes trapped between the vertebrae. What about disc degeneration? As we age the discs can also degenerate, wear out, get weak, flatten out, and lose the flexibility they need to act as shock absorbers. Sometimes in an attempt to stabilize the weakened area of the neck, bone spurs will form (osteoarthritis) to "hold things in place." It is at this point "conservative treatments" for alleviating the pain of the neck area are used. This can begin with a steady diet of anti-inflammatory medications to ease the nerve pain. Cortisone may be injected to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Chiropractics is often tried to push the vertebrae back into place and usually it does, but the vertebrae will slip back because of loose ligaments that chiropractors can cause, and the pain cycle starts again. As pain increases, the surgical consultation is considered. To prevent pain, either bone is chipped away from the nerves (laminectomy) or fusion to prevent the vertebrae from slipping out of place is recommended. Fusion Surgery Fusion surgery is of course a complicated surgery, metal and/or bone is attached to the vertebrae and "fused" together to prevent the vertebrae from moving and cause distress on the nerves. Fusion surgery has its draw backs. First, even if successful, the fusion will limit the patient's mobility in the neck region.

Second, the fusion can cause a "different pain," because new stress is placed on the non-fused area above and below the fusion. Third, new pain can be caused by the damage of the surgery to connective and supportive tissue, ie ligaments and tendons already in a weakened state. As a former surgeon in training, I believe that surgery should always be the last option (unless an emergency situation), especially when there are treatments such as Prolotherapy available that can ease the patient's pain, permanently. Prolotherapy Prolotherapy causes inflammation by irritation. How can this possibly be beneficial? Because the inflammation is controlled to those select areas of ligaments and tendons damaged by wear and tear and whose weakness causes bones to slip out of place. Is this effective for disc degeneration?

Disc degeneration is a diagnosis typically given when reading an MRI or x-ray. The problem is that the image on the film of a suspect disc or discs may not be a true picture of what is causing the pain. Degenerative disc disease may only be incidental to the real cause of the neck pain - ligament and tendon weakness. The big kicker is that many patients have disc "disease" and have no pain at all. By injection an irritant into the neck, Prolotherapy strengthens the ligaments and tendons and restores their natural state of elasticity and resiliency and helps keep the vertebrae where they belong.

Does Prolotherapy work for everyone? Studies have shown Prolotherapy to effectively reduce pain in 90% of patients studied. Its benefits are minimal side-effects, a much safer and less invasive procedure than surgery, and rare down time for recovery. It is also much cheaper than surgery without the need for rehab or time off from work. Are you a candidate for Prolotherapy? Finding the right doctor is the first step. If you're interested in seeing if you're a candidate for Prolotherapy, visit Dr. Marc Darrow.

Chiropractic Treatment

Most people are familiar with the word "Chiropractor" but all of them might not necessarily understand how a Chiropractor visit might benefit their well-being. What is a Chiropractor? How can they help the people who come to them for treatment? And what types of treatment do Chiropractor services offer to the people of the county?

A Chiropractor is a medical professional who specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of illnesses and injuries which are present inside the joints and spinal system of the body. A Chiropractor will assume that spinal joint misalignment results in damage to the nervous system's functionality. Consequently, this situation leads to worse general health and a reduced immunity to diseases.

Chiropractor Treatment

Treatment encompasses a "hands on" approach with patients aimed at speeding up the process of healing and lessening any pain. Such treatment is implemented with the manipulation and movement of the spine of the patient, along with the muscles and joints. As well as this procedure, there are also some Chiropractic treatments involving complementary therapy.

Chiropractic is a well established discipline in Australia, Canada and the US and remains the 3rd biggest doctored health profession, behind only dentistry and medicine. It shares similarities with other manual therapy treatments, like osteopathy, physical therapy and massage therapy. The majority of people who seek Chiropractor services do so for lower back pain.

If you are a US resident and you wish to become a Chiropractor, you have to complete a minimum of 2 years as an undergraduate. Students must also complete a minimum of ninety credit schooling hours and undergo several Psychology, Biology, Physics, English, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry and Social Studies (or Humanities) courses. Nonetheless, lots of successful Chiropractic College applicants frequently complete a 4 year degree. Actually, in the near future, a 4 year degree could become a minimum requirement for all US Chiropractic Schools.

Following completion of the necessary undergraduate schooling, potential students will apply for a specialized course at a Chiropractor School. Ever since 2007, there have been 16 Chiropractic courses which are Council on Chiropractic Education verified institutions. Obviously, these courses only want the top applicants - so a great CV and academic record is essential...


A diagnosis utilizes a traditional approach to discover patient's problems. Your first visit to a Chiropractor will encompass providing your medical history, having a normal neurological, orthopedic and physical exam, and maybe having several x-rays taken or some other tests.

Further visits to a Chiropractor will involve the spinal alignment of the patient via spinal vertebrae manipulation. This is carried out both with massaging and "cracking". Cracking is where the Chiropractor uses a strong and fast movement to take a joint away from its' comfort zone and then back into position. The shock of this releases any gases which have built up around the joint that put pressure upon the joint and the remainder of the skeletal structure. This does not hurt and can lower stress levels on a patient's joints and spine.

Chiropractors additionally work to improve their patient's range of motion by moving the body of the patient into various poses and causing the muscles to be worked in new ways which will hasten the recovery of the patient. Electric stimulation and massages are also frequent types of treatment employed when someone uses Chiropractic services.

As well as physically manipulating their patient's bodies, a Chiropractor will also ask about the other areas of their patient's lives to find out how this might affect their ailments.

Chiropractors often help patients to enhance their exercise and diet routines and Chiropractor care is safe when employed skillfully and appropriately.