Saturday, July 20, 2013

Health Savings Accounts and Chiropractic Care

The healthcare industry in the United States is dominated by the culture of conventional Western medicine. And health insurance caters to those who control the industry: medical doctors and hospitals. There is a long history of prejudice against chiropractic by medical doctors, which is one reason that chiropractic care is not often covered by health insurance.

Many research studies have shown that chiropractic care is beneficial and that it is more cost effective in the treatment of low back pain and other common musculoskeletal conditions than traditional Western medicine is. Chiropractic also lowers health care costs by focusing on prevention, was well as on treatment.

It is surprising that health insurers choose not to cover treatment that is as beneficial and cost effective as chiropractic care is. Studies have continually shown that individuals who seek the care of a chiropractor on a regular basis are healthier and, generally, spend less on health care than those who do not.

Chiropractic Care and Consumers

What is not surprising is that consumers are wise enough to see the advantages of chiropractic care. Many people prefer to see a chiropractor simply because they see tangible benefits from the care they receive. Many others are disillusioned with traditional Western medicine and the healthcare system, and they look for alternatives such as chiropractic care.

It is clear, both from patient testimonies and from clinical research that consumers benefit from chiropractic care. Unfortunately, they may have difficulty affording chiropractic care because it's often excluded from healthcare insurance policies.

Health Savings Accounts can help consumers afford chiropractic care, even when it is excluded from their health insurance policy. They can pay for chiropractic care and other alternative medicine with pre-tax dollars by using a Health Savings Account.

Many chiropractors keep their costs as low as possible in order to make chiropractic care more available to consumers. They can, however, only absorb so much of the cost of providing that care. Another way chiropractors can help clients gain access to chiropractic care is to encourage the use of Health Savings Accounts.

Health Savings Accounts and Consumer Choice

The combination of a Health Savings Account and a High Deductible Health Insurance plan is supposed to encourage individuals to become thoughtful, wise consumers of health care. The individual is spending more of his or her own dollars on healthcare, so she will be more concerned about how those dollars are spent.

Health Savings Accounts give consumers more choice in how their healthcare dollars are spent. Money in the HSA must be spent on approved medical expenses, but there are really very few restrictions on what kind of healthcare you choose. More and more chiropractic patients are discovering that having an HSA is saving them money on their medical expenses.

Traditional health insurance has gatekeepers and controls. Even when chiropractic care is covered (not typical on individual plans), the individual requesting chiropractic care may be required to go see their family physician (or gatekeeper) and get a referral. Not all medical doctors will refer to chiropractors. If chiropractic care is covered on the health insurance plan, and if you can get a referral (which amounts to permission to see the chiropractor), there may be limits to the number and types of treatments you can receive.

Using a Health Savings Account to pay for chiropractic care gives you, the consumer, more choice. You can choose what type of medical treatment to get, where you will get that treatment, and how many treatments you will get. You can spend HSA dollars on preventive care as well, and actually have the government give you a tax deduction for keeping your family well.

Back Pain That Moves Around - How to Treat Traveling Arthritis

Often when you're experiencing pain in the lower center part of the back, in one hour or so it could well move up to the middle of the spine, and then on to the shoulder blades.

This is referred to as "traveling arthritis", and if you've been diagnosed with arthritis of the back and are accustomed to this pattern of pain, then it may also become predictable - in which case you can pre-empt the back pain and educate yourself on ways to treat it.

Traveling arthritis in the back may also begin in the upper legs, then into your backside, and up into the lower, middle and upper back; and not to be confused with "migrating arthritis", where you may experience chronic toothache and then find the same throbbing sensation has moved to your toe.

So, if you haven't as yet had a full diagnosis then you should obviously seek professional help.

It could be any number of ailments from tendonitis to a kidney or viral infection, in which case you are fortunate as the pain will subside at some point.

However, treating back pain whether it's for the short or long-term, is at the beginning often dealt with through the same anti-inflammatory supplements - NSAID's.

These are useful in the first few weeks but should be scaled back if you're in for the long haul as arthritis is incurable right now, and simply throwing pill after pill down your throat in the hope that you are someway treating the disease is foolish.

The back pain will continue to flare up and spread and your quality of life will slowly dissolve.

Treating Traveling Arthritis in the Back

1. FDA Registered Homeopathic Supplements

These contain 3 important active compounds, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM.

Glucosamine is produced naturally in the body but FDA pharmaceutical supplements use animal sources.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate are argued to do two things, relieve the pain and potentially restore joint cartilage by preventing the Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes from breaking down this gooey lubricant, which protects the joints and adds fluidity and mobility to our limbs movements.

With regards to relieving pain and reducing inflammation of the swelling in the back, there seems no dispute among the medical fraternity in the West that these two ingredients deliver on this front.

Re-building the cartilage however - the jury is still out. Only short-term studies on their effectiveness at relieving pain have been carried out on these supplements.

There is only one long-term study which is currently being carried out by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, as to whether these supplements help rebuild cartilage.

Findings are due 2013.

MSM is the third ingredient that is well known now to successfully treat osteoarthritis, chronic joint pain, inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis

2. Hot Oil Bath and Oil Massage

For back pain in general, hot oil paths and massage should provide some respite from this discomfort.

Add a combination of 10 eucalyptus drops and 10 drops of peppermint, and soak for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

When it comes to an oil massage, be sure to tell the masseuse of your condition. Some very gentle massaging will help alleviate the stress and tension in the spine.

3. Exercise

Always consult you chiropractor before undergoing any form of quite strenuous exercise when it comes to an injured spine.

For relieving back pain with exercise both yoga, swimming and some light weight training work wonders at restoring posture and relieving joint inflammation.

Your Local Chiropractor Should Incorporate These 5 Pain Management Treatments

At this point in the world of pain management, it is not enough for your local chiropractor only to perform spinal manipulations to alleviate your pain. Last year, a study by the Institute of Medicine showed that over 100 million Americans suffer from a pain problem. The recommendation out of that study was for medical providers providing pain treatments to incorporate more comprehensive regimens for better outcomes.

Over the last 15 years, there have been numerous pain treatment methods that have become available to chiropractic doctors. Here are the top 5 treatment options available that you should look for when seeking a local chiropractor.

1. Physical rehabilitation - along with performing chiropractic manipulations, chiropractors should incorporate rehab exercises into their programs including stretching and strengthening exercises along with offering home programs to their patients. Physical rehabilitation exercises are essentially the same as physical therapy exercises. The stretching and strengthening exercises are the same and include core strengthening, active and passive mobilization techniques, along with ice, heat, and electrical stimulation.

2. Massage therapy and acupuncture - these therapies have been shown in numerous research studies to be extremely effective for a lot of musculoskeletal problems that are either acute or chronic. Both maintain a very low risk profile and are performed as outpatients in one hour or less. They can reduce pain, reduce the need for narcotic medication and due to their effectiveness more insurance companies are including them on reimbursement schedules.

3. Spinal decompression therapy - this treatment was FDA cleared back in the late 1990s and is revolutionary for relieving neck pain, back pain, arm and leg pain as well. This pain may be either do to sciatica, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, spinal stenosis, failed back surgery, and much more. It involves approximately 20 treatments and costs much less than spine surgery. Make sure your chiropractor is specifically certified in this treatment technique.

4. Tens units - these devices are about the size of an iPod and fit on a patient's belt and can be worn during the day. They emit slight electrical impulses that go into the skin by way of a foam pad placed over the area of pain. These may alter the way the brain perceives pain signals and reduce pain and individuals. This may lower the need for narcotics, or help in a situation where surgery is not indicated. These also have very low risk and are inexpensive.

5. Manipulation under anesthesia - this is a treatment that has been available for over 6 decades. It works well for situations such as frozen shoulder where a patient develops scar tissue and cannot increase their range of motion sufficiently. Building up of scar tissue can be painful and as a last resort prior to surgery and manipulation under anesthesia with the chiropractor can be very helpful.

As you can see from this list, chiropractic treatment in the modern age involves many more options than simply chiropractic adjustment's. Make sure to look and see exactly the treatments that are offered by a local chiropractor prior to enlisting for treatment.

Hand Numbness, Tingling, Pain or Weakness? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition in which the median nerve is impinged, most often at a point in the wrist where it passes through a narrow tunnel-like opening known as the carpal tunnel. This opening is formed by the transverse carpal ligament as well as the hammate and pisiform bones in the wrist.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include:

• Numbness or tingling in the thumb, index, middle finger and possibly part of the ring finger

• Pain in the wrist or hand

• Poor grip strength (trouble lifting and carrying items) or weakness in the wrist and hand

• Difficulty moving the fingers and wrist

• Muscle atrophy

If you have been suffering from any of the above symptoms, it is a good idea to determine whether it is because of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Although it is best to see a doctor for a definitive diagnosis, there are some quick tests you can try at home.

1. Tinel's Sign: Hold your symptomatic hand out with the palm facing upward. Tap firmly and quickly on the center of the wrist crease for several seconds. If this tapping aggravates your symptoms, it's likely to be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

2. Phalen's Test: Press the backs of your hands together (with the elbows bent and forearms up). Fingers should be pointing down and the wrists bent at a 90 degree angle. Hold this position for one minute. Any aggravation in symptoms suggests Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

3. Reverse Phalen's Test: Press the palms of your hands together in a prayer position and lower your wrists and forearms as far as possible without letting your hands separate. Hold this position for one minute. Again, any worsening of symptoms suggests Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

There are many reasons why someone may develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Because the carpal tunnel is a narrow space, the median nerve running through it may become entrapped if there is any inflammation, fluid, or scar tissue buildup within the tunnel. This may occur due to:

• Overuse (repetitive use may irritate the median nerve where it runs through the carpal tunnel)

• Fluid retention (such as in pregnancy)

• Obesity

• Inflammation (this includes arthritis and infections)

• Misalignment of the wrist bones, elbow, or neck and shoulder regions

• Cyst or Tumor in the wrist

Choosing the Right Treatment for You

It is imperative to educate yourself on the treatment options available to you, so that you may make an informed decision as to whether to choose allopathic medicine (most M.D.s, or Medical Doctors) or alternative medicine (Chiropractic and/or Acupuncture). Read on to understand these very different approaches, and be sure to read my recommendations at the end.

Allopathic Medicine for Carpal Tunnel:

In the traditional western medicine approach, doctors perform orthopedic, nerve conduction velocity and electromyography tests to evaluate for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Treatment options include wearing a brace for several weeks, taking NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen, corticosteroid injections, and ergonomic evaluation and correction.

While ergonomic evaluation and counseling is a good idea, there are many potential problems with the other therapies in this model. Wearing a brace takes weeks and is often ineffective. Taking NSAIDs may decrease pain and inflammation, but this is a band aid rather than a solution. Moreover, long-term use of NSAIDs carries a risk of side effects and serious complications like ulcers (bleeding in the stomach or gut). Corticosteroids are also effective in minimizing inflammation, but they too fail to address what triggered the inflammation, and repeated injections may have negative consequences on the ligaments, immune system, and adrenal glands.

Taking the above measures often fails to provide relief. In fact, over 50% of people who try the above methods end up getting surgery. The surgical "solution" to this problem is to sever (cut) the transverse carpal ligament to make more room for the median nerve. Destroying this ligament destabilizes the structures within the tunnel. Although this provides relief for some, this means a period of limited use and physical therapy during the recovery. Moreover, there is always the risk that scar tissue resulting from the surgery will re-impinge the median nerve.

There are no therapies available in this model to address misalignments in the wrist bones, elbow, shoulder or neck. Most medical doctors are not trained in identifying or treating joint misalignments.

Alternative Medicine for Carpal Tunnel:

In addition to the orthopedic tests, alternative medicine doctors use palpation and muscle testing to identify the root of the problem. Expect an examination that evaluates the whole body in addition to the problem hand and wrist.

Palpation helps identify any misalignments that can irritate the median nerve. Muscle testing and biofeedback (called Professional Applied Kinesiology (PAK)) is another invaluable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of Carpal Tunnel symptoms.

Treatment options include chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture, and this may address other problem areas besides the wrist.

Chiropractic care has an impressive track record for resolving Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Often the associated symptoms result from misalignment(s) of the wrist, elbow, shoulder, and/or neck. In such cases, chiropractic adjustments can quickly and easily remove pressure from the median nerve and restore normal joint mechanics. This eliminates pain and restores normal muscle strength. Mild soreness sometimes follows the adjustment but resolves within 24 hours.

An acupuncturist will evaluate your pulse and examine your tongue in order to determine the cause of the problem. The treatment will involve inserting a few thin, sterile needles at various points throughout the body to restore balance and provide relief. Acupuncture, supplements, and diet modification have also been effective at decreasing inflammation and providing relief for many people.


1. Try Vitamin B6 if you are retaining too much fluid. This is a natural diuretic and may help.

2. If your job requires you to spend long hours at a keyboard or to do other repetitive motions for prolonged periods, get an ergonomic evaluation.

3. For one month, eliminate all sugar, sugar substitutes, and limit grains from your diet. These foods all increase inflammation and thus worsen the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

4. See a chiropractor or acupuncturist specializing in Professional Applied Kinesiology (PAK) for natural treatments for your carpal tunnel syndrome. Go to and click on the "Find a Doctor" tab to search for someone near you.

Most people respond very well to chiropractic, acupuncture, and/or supplements and dietary measures. However, if these natural treatments fail to provide relief, the more invasive treatments offered by western medicine can be a back-up option.

Chiropractors Vs Traditional Medical Doctors

Many myths float around the general public concerning chiropractors and their value vs. traditional medical doctors. In other words this is traditional vs. alternative medicine.

One myth is that chiropractors aren't really doctors. In fact a chiropractor earns a D.C., Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from a chiropractic college. They are licensed as health care providers in every U.S. state and dozens of countries worldwide. Both chiropractic and medical school curricula are very demanding and essentially identical.

In actuality chiropractors have more classroom time than traditional medical doctors. They also have to complete residency requirements in clinical settings with real life patients. Once they graduate there are four national board exams they must pass, in the states where they want to practice.

Chiropractors, as traditional medical doctors do, must undergo the same type of testing and licensing and are monitored by state and national peer reviews. Medicare, Medicaid and Workers' Compensation Programs cover chiropractic treatment and federal agencies accept sick leave certificates from chiropractic doctors.

There are differences between chiropractors and traditional doctors in their method of treatment. Medical doctors deal with administering medicine (internal biochemistry chemicals) and perform surgery. For example diabetes, hypothyroidism and infections are effectively treated chemically.

Another difference from traditional medicine is that with chiropractors the patient does not need to have symptoms to receive treatment. Their approach is preventative, wellness care. Spinal adjustments to improve alignment and overall well-being can be administered before problems develop.

If there is soft tissue damage causing pain or the spine has become improperly aligned it can affect the health of the rest of the body and no chemicals can fix these. Physical problems such as back pain, muscle spasms, headaches and poor posture need physical solutions using spinal adjustments, exercises, stretches and muscle therapy.

Even though there are differences in the methods of treatment of chiropractors vs. traditional medical doctors it does not mean either method should be valued less. Chiropractors and traditional medical doctors both have their places of value for dealing with health issues. As people's minds open up they may see that they can have a choice of treatment.between the two.

Ear Infection Cures - The Natural Way

Ear Infections can be extremely painful for young children and often parents feel stressed and unclear about what to do when their son or daughter is in pain. Antibiotics have long been the treatment offered by medical specialists. However, recent studies have concluded using antibiotics does not offer much help with this painful pediatric condition. Moreover, the use of surgically implanted tubes does not seem to help either.
In order to take care of the child with frequent ear infections, a parent needs to seek the cause of the problem and not treat the symptom. Fortunately, terrific alternative therapies abound for this common condition.

There are 10 basic treatments a parent should follow to help a child overcome childhood ear infections.

1. The child should be checked by a chiropractor to see if misalignment in the bones of the neck exists. Then have the misalignments corrected.

2. Take the children off all dairy products-they are mucous forming and will drive mucous into the inner ear.

3. Take the child off refined sugars including sugar, corn syrup, corn sweeteners, turbinado sugar, brown sugar, honey, and others-sugar weakens the immune system.

4. Take all trans-fats and hydrogenated fats out of the diet. They cause inflammation of the ear tube.

5. Give the child a supplement with vitamin C and zinc.

6. Give the child echinacea, garlic, and colostrum.

7. Have the child wear a hat that covers his ears daily in the cold weather.

8. Use homeopathic eardrops to soothe the ears.

9. Use warm compresses on the ears to soothe the ears.

10. Keep her head out of the water so fluid cannot move up into the ears.

As a child begins to get well again when following these steps, it is not uncommon for him to become sick a couple of times and fight the infections without antibiotics. This is good for a child's immune system to fight infections without turning to antibiotics. Let your child have a fever. It's good for her. Fever helps to fight infection. Let your child rest and become well. If she loses her appetite when sick, cease intake of food or supplements until the appetite returns. If your child is in pain, use homeopathic eardrops made with arnica and belladonna to relieve the ear pain.

If you follow these helpful steps, your child will become well again.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Tips to Selecting the Right Chiropractor

Just like everything else in life there are many options open for people who are in need of chiropractic care. You may find yourself in need of a chiropractor because of an automobile accident. Maybe you slipped and fell at work, or maybe you just have had back pain or headaches your entire life. Whatever your story is chiropractic can help. Let me give you some helpful hints to choosing the chiropractor that is best for you.

Promptness - Your chiropractor probably runs a very busy office, and they should respect your time as much as you respect theirs. A busy office is a good thing; it means that there are several people who like this doctor as much as you, but to wait for hours on end for an adjustment is not appropriate.

Equipment - Some chiropractors have different types of equipment and some are better than others. There is a wide variety of machines that do a lot of different things in most chiropractic offices. Be sure to visit a few different places to find which machines you would like to use and which would be best for your rehab efforts.

Patient health - Your chiropractor should care about your health as much as you do. A good chiropractor will work with you to achieve the goals that you expect to achieve. They will fully explain your treatment plan and what you can do to aid in your healing process. They should be able to give you exercises or stretches that you can do to help alleviate pain. They should also be willing to work with other physicians or therapists to speed up your recovery time. Ask for a recommendation - i personally have no problem referring people who ask to my chiropractor. If you know someone who is under chiropractic care ask them who they see and if they would recommend that doctor. If you have found a doctor that you like, ask the doctor if they have any letters from patients that recommend them.

When searching for chiropractic care, be careful. There are a lot of practices out there who are "ambulance chasers." I call them this because every morning they contact the local police department and request police reports from car accidents. You then become their target to try to lock you into long term contracts for services with them. If you are in an automobile accident and are in need of a good chiropractor, use the advice above to find one that is right for you.

Benefits Of Visiting the Chiropractor After An Auto Accident

Auto accidents occur somewhere in the country on a daily basis. Sometimes they are terrible and people do not survive. Sometimes, people miraculously walk away, seemingly unhurt. No matter how bad your injuries are, there are many benefits to visiting an auto accident chiropractor if you have been in an accident.

Did you know that injuries from auto accidents can often go unnoticed for years? A person who thought there was no injury may begin to have neck or back pain or aches and will find out that it is related to an injury from years past. The reason for this is that even if you do not have any visible injuries such as cuts and scrapes, your whole body has had a serious jolt. If you think of the spine and its alignment, you can imagine what a strong jolt could do to it. Often, it does not incapacitate a person immediately, but the compounding of years of being out of adjustment can eventually take its toll and cause serious pain.

An auto accident chiropractor can help determine what, if any, injuries you sustained in even a small auto accident. He will take x-rays and manipulate you to see if different positions cause or relieve pain. By giving you a thorough examination, he can get you on a treatment program to bring your spine back into alignment and to relieve muscle pain or tension.

One of the best benefits of visiting an auto accident chiropractor is the fact that he will not dope you up with painkillers to simply treat the symptoms. Rather, he will work with you musculoskeletal system to correct the underlying problems with a non-invasive, hands-on approach. The benefits of visiting a chiropractor do not stop with treatment of the initial injury. Instead, they work with your whole body to help improve your overall health and energy levels. Sometimes, we are experiencing such a minimal discomfort that we have learned to ignore it, but chiropractic adjustment can relieve it and our energy levels may suddenly improve because we no longer need to use energy to block pain.

As a natural, not medicinal method of treating pain and injury, chiropractics is safe for everyone, and even children should be seen by a chiropractor after experiencing the shock of an auto accident. This will help him to find any injuries that may be hidden now but that could become serious problems later on.

Be, Do, Have Principle

In December of 2006, I attended Marshall Sylver's "The Turning Point." At the suggestion of a trusted mentor, Skip Lacour, I invested several hundred dollars to attend an event I knew nothing about. Marshall, a hypnotist, and self-professed millionaire maker with a flashy swagger seemed like an entertainer, though my expectations were low for any value beyond that. Skip Lacour, a 6-time national drug free bodybuilding champion, author, writer and motivational speaker was working along side Marshall on his seminar circuit which travels the country. Skip is a legendary athlete that I admired and wished to emulate. His spartan like dedication and resilience in such a thankless sport gave him a lot of street credit. In truth, I believed that meeting Skip would be more valuable than anything Marshall would ever teach me. Both men would prove to be invaluable influences and resources for shaping my future.

The morning of the seminar came and I was sitting in the first few rows off of stage left. Projector screens stood adjacent to each side of the stage. A clip from The Karate Kid flashed on and it was the scene where Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel Larusso how to sand the floor, paint the fence, and "wax on, wax off." At the beginning of the scene, Daniel begs Mr. Miyagi to teach him karate. Mr. Myagi demands "I say, you do, NO question." Mr. Miyagi puts Daniel through 3 exhausting days of thankless manual labor with only minutes of instruction on how to even complete the tasks. Daniel doesn't see the lesson in any of the work. In the end of the scene he is angry and arguing with his sensei to teach him how to fight, not to a slave. Mr. Miyagi unleashes a flurry of kicks and punches at Daniel who unconsciously blocks each and every one of them using the basic lessons he learned from sand the floor, paint the fence, and wax on wax off. With the glazed look of a humbled teenager, he stands silently and respectfully before his teacher. The movements had become part of him. He didn't have to think how to react. They bow to one another and the scene ends.

In order for us to create an abundant life, we must adopt powerful actions and behaviors and transform to a level of unconscious competence. These qualities and characteristics must be etched in our being. As the projectors go white, Marshall appears from the back of the room and comes on over the loud speaker. "I say, you do, no question" resonates from the surround sound. Marshall has a unique and powerful voice and makes a massive entrance. Once again, he bellows "I say, you do, no question." Dressed in a silver suit, that screams "custom made," he walks to the front of the room and stands with a commanding and dominant presence on stage. He speaks with a tonality and pitch I've never heard. His voice is so clear, suggestive and impressive that everyone in the room is at full attention. At that moment, I knew I was in for an incredible and life changing weekend. This man had something to offer me and I was taking notes.

Was this just another "ra ra" session? Or would this truly help take me from a Chiropractic student to a successful entrepreneur and leader within my profession? Over the course of those two days in 2006, I learned lessons that cannot be undone. "A mind once expanded can never contract," being one of Marshall's token phrases. He was right. Once I stepped up my level of thinking to this higher level, I experienced a change in consciousness. The bell had been rung. The room was filled with over 1,000 people each paying $600-$1500 to attend. He asked "Did anybody do the math" to emphasize the amount of money he was making in just two days of work. For most its unimaginable. We were taught systematically to understand and believe that success is possible and that he possessed the tools necessary to bridge the gap from ordinary to extraordinary. I realized then and there that Marshall was not successful from genetics or environmental reasons. He grew up with 8 brothers and sisters, no father and a mother who worked 3 jobs to raise them. Marshall was a product of focus, vision and massive action. Millionaires and billionaires take action. They take massive risk when others sit idly by waiting for better times and calmer waters.

Seeing Marshall on stage excited me. I felt my heart race and my entrepreneurial emotions stir. His communication skills were sharp and articulate and it was impossible to not to feel challenged. It was like he was speaking to me and through me it hurt so good. He wanted us to embrace these emotions and take action on them. People always buy on emotion and back their emotions up with logic. He would present various offers for other events and seminars throughout the weekend ranging in prices from $5,000 for the millionaire mentorship program up to $30,000 for personal coaching in his 12,000 sq' mansion. People with credit cards in hand literally ran to the table spending thousands and thousands of dollars to get more of what he had to teach. Myself included. As a broke student, I understood that I had a lot more to learn. With no clear way of how I would pay the money back, I put $5,000 on my credit card to go to the Millionaire Mentorship Program (MMP). This was the single largest purchase of my life and it was the day I learned to embrace massive risk. When we can control our state during periods of incredible stress, savor the fear, and stomach the angst, we grow FAST! That weekend I broke a board with my bare hand. I ate fire without getting burned. At the MMP I walked barefoot across an 8' bed of broken glass. The lessons were ingrained. Follow instructions. Study the patterns of people who have been successful before. They are reproducible. Control your breathing. Look past your target. Trust your coach. Believe that the impossible is possible. The biggest lesson was realize now that the only thing that could stop me from doing the impossible was my beliefs. Did I believe I could eat fire? Was it possible to walk on broken glass? Where did my limiting beliefs come from? Once again mothers, fathers, teachers, preachers and big pharma.

That weekend spent learning Marshall's insider secrets of massive wealth, influence and success correlates well with a lesson I learned elsewhere called "Be, Do, Have." As a 25 year old student, I wanted what Marshall "have." Pardon the poor grammar, in a moment it will be clear what I am referring to. I wanted to "have" the big mansion on the beach in San Diego. I pictured myself in the private jet flying all over the world to speak and empower people to take massive risk just like I had. The Rolls Royce which he stood so arrogantly against in the photo was was mine to have!

Steven Covey teaches to always start with the end in mind. Decide exactly what you want first and then work backwords. Fuzzy targets don't get hit so we must be specific. I outlined this elaborate life for myself on paper to determine what I wanted to "have."

The first question I needed to ask is who does Marshall "be." All too often our desire to "have" disillusions us from what it takes to get there in the first place. All too often we do things out of order. How many people say they want to make a million dollars this year? How many would actually be willing to work that hard, or would want to embrace the kind of stress it takes to get there? We forget that there is an order to the process. To "have," we must first "be," then "do." Only then can we "have." We have been lead to believe that we must "do," so we can "have," and then we will "be." Sorry but it doesn't work this way. So who is Marshall? What does he "be." This is a fundamental question I had to answer for myself in order to figure out how to become successful like him, not to become him. Is it safe to say he is a person of tremendous confidence? Yes. Does he project massive value? Yes. Is he comfortable accepting enormous amounts of money for his products and services? Absolutely!! Does he believe whole-heartedly that he is helping his students? Without a doubt. Is it also fair to say that it might be tough to become a successful multi-millionaire without first raising my own self-confidence, value, and comfort with accepting money for my own outstanding services? No doubt!

Clearly Marshall "be" confident, influential, persuasive, and extraordinarily comfortable receiving money. When he sells, he sells as if he is doing the buyer a favor. But what is his day like? Remember millionaires and billionaires think differently. They "do" differently. First and foremost, they do not waste time. If they are worth $1,000's/hour, they don't do $100 work themselves. Quite simply, they don't trade pennies for dollars. His first piece of advice was get a maid. Stop wasting time folding towels and vacuuming. The wealthy have the same 24 hours as a pauper, they simply use their time differently. They squeeze the juice out of every day. Delegate everything to create the most opportunity for working on your own wealth vehicle. Stop getting bogged down in the minutia. Why does Marshall pay $50,000 to fly privately? His answer, my answer, and your answer: "What is the most highly effective use of my time?" He can't stand getting to the airport 2 hours early, waiting in the security lines, only to have his baggage lost. He likes to takeoff with his seat back, tray table down and a drink in his hand. Flying privately saves time, lowers his stress and allows him to be more creative and productive. His time is so valuable that flying privately allows him to make him more money.

In order to "have" you must first define clearly what it is you want. What do YOU want? More money? Massive wealth? How much? More time off? What would you do with it? A healthier life? What would that feel like and how would you do things differently? Maybe you just want less pain? What does a person with less pain than you do differently? Do you think they eat, move and think differently? I guarantee it! Do you want to see Europe, Hawaii, maybe Australia? Define it, see your future, and start ASKING for what you want now. Start studying people that have what you want and ask yourself who they "be." Fuzzy targets don't get hit folks. We've been deceived as children. Our mothers, fathers, teachers, preachers and big pharma flat out lied to us. They thought they were helping us and protecting us. They raised us to be good boys and girls. They taught us to mind our manners and do as we're told. We learned that when you are sick you take a pill or you drink some medicine. When you get hurt or really sick you have surgery. What were we taught about money? "Money doesn't grow on trees." "Do you think we are rich." "Do you think we are made of money." "We don't live like that."

We were programmed to be poor. We were were taught unconsciously to take no responsibility for our own health, wealth or our future. We learned we need to go to school, grow up, get a degree so "hopefully" we can get a "good job" working for somebody else. I wonder what that somebody else's mom and dad taught them growing up? I'll bet it was different than you and me. Did anybody ever tell us we should grow up and create? Did they ever say, "do not go to college so you can get a job. Grow up and be extraordinary!" We were never given permission! "They" never said its o.k. to think for ourselves, to create and to become abundantly wealthy, abundantly healthy and forever in control of our own lives.

Marshall learned this lesson out of pain. He didn't "have" anything growing up. He knew in order for things to change, he HAD to change. He had to "be" somebody different on a fundamental level. People like Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Steven Covey, Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet figured it out too. They understand that our experiences shape our beliefs and our beliefs dictate our behaviors. In order to change our beliefs about money, health, and happiness we must change our thoughts. We must adopt more qualities, actions and beliefs of those we wish to emulate.

As an exercise, outline on a piece of paper everything you wish to have in life. Then clearly define who the person that has those things "be." Write out what it is they "do." Remember, success leaves clues. There is no reason to complicate the process by reinventing what has already been done laid out for you. Last, ask yourself why you want to "have." Without a clear why to drive you, your likelihood of success and abundance is little more than hoping. Behind hope there is often little to no action. "Be," "Do" and you can truly "Have" whatever it is you want in any aspect of your life. I am Dr. Shaun Stuto and I wish you a life of abundance.

How Can a Chiropractor Help My Fussy Baby?

A fussy or colicky baby that is otherwise healthy may benefit from chiropractic treatment. Colic is defined as unrelenting crying by infants, particularly newborn to 3 months of age, for more than 3 hours a day, over 3 days a week, and over the course of more 3 weeks. The cause of colic is still unknown by the medical community. Chiropractors propose that colic may be a symptom of vertebral subluxation resulting from birth.

Fewer than 5 percent of babies with inconsolable crying are found to have organic causes for their crying. Indigestion, constipation, ear infections, acid reflux, urinary tract infections, and lung or heart conditions are all possible causes that should be investigated. However, most babies show no known underlying medical conditions and outgrow their colic without treatment by the time they reach 4 months. This fact could point to a cause of colic rooted in nervous system development shortly after birth.

An infant's body undergoes tremendous compression and stretching while it passes through the mother's birth canal. A long pushing phase during labor, use of vacuum extraction or forceps, or otherwise difficult birth can cause misalignment of the infant's back vertebrae. Even the delivery doctor's well-meaning pulling and twisting hands can contribute to vertebral subluxation in the newborn. The misaligned vertebrae then pinch surrounding nerves, compromising nervous system integrity and causing muscles to lock.

Muscle locking and lack of nervous system integrity lead directly to discomfort, poor bodily function and ill health. For example, the baby's digestive system may be negatively affected by spinal misalignment, resulting in poor digestion of breast milk or formula. The baby's muscles may become very tense and the head may show abnormal posture, interfering with nursing. The baby may feel considerable head and neck pain.

Common outward signs of infant spinal misalignment are high-pitched screams, a flushed face, furrowed forehead, arching back, pulling of legs toward the abdomen, and clenching fists. Crying often occurs late afternoon or early evening and lasts for hours. Desperate attempts to sooth or feed the infant prove ineffective. Fortunately, a visit to a chiropractic clinic can result in the quick location and adjustment of spinal distortions, even in babies.

Parents may believe chiropractors to be no more than glorified massage therapists. They may be concerned that spinal adjustment will hurt their baby. However, a chiropractor uses no more finger pressure on an infant than one would use to test a tomato's ripeness. Misalignments are usually immediately apparent as they are often tender to the touch. Immediate relaxation and relief of the baby may be observed. The restoration of nervous system control lets the baby's body function properly again, relieving symptoms, including colic and fussiness.

In October 1999, The Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics published a randomized controlled study of spinal manipulation versus treatment with the drug dimethicone for colicky babies. The babies who received spinal manipulation showed a 67% decrease in crying after 2 weeks, while the babies receiving the drug had only a 38% reduction.

Curing Recurring Ear Infections in Your Child

Children commonly suffer from ear infections. Pediatricians are less likely to prescribe antibiotics for nowadays, as most infections are viral instead of bacteria. Antibiotics will have no affect on an ear infection caused by a virus. There are several natural ways to treat these infections.

Firstly, you need to know what causes an ear infection. The Eustachian tube links the pharynx to the middle ear and when someone has a virus, such as a cold, helps drain fluids. Children have Eustachian tubes of smaller diameter compared to adults, so it is harder for the fluid to drain. If the tubes become blocked, fluid can accumulate in the middle and cause an infection.

If you leave an ear infection untreated, it could cause damage to the eardrum, which could cause deafness or associated speech and developmental problems in young children. While ear infections can be painful, they are not contagious. Helping the excess fluid to drain can alleviate the pain and reduce the infection.

You may prefer to find an all-natural and permanent solution to the problem. If your baby has an ear infection, the pain will keep your baby awake, depriving the entire family of much-needed sleep. Did you know that many babies who suffer from ear infections might have a condition that a chiropractor can help with?

You might be thinking that chiropractors can have nothing to do with healing ear infections, but many chiropractors have successfully treated children, preventing future infections as well as providing relief for the current ear infection.

Chiropractic treatment is conservative, drugless, and a natural therapy that could cure your child with a history of chronic ear infections. For more than 100 years, chiropractors have been able to help children with a variety of upper respiratory infections, such as ear infections, with a series of chiropractic adjustments. This treatment is far less invasive than surgery to drain the middle ear, which ear, nose, and throat specialists often prescribe.

Pediatric chiropractors undertake specialized training to treat babies and children. You will find that your chiropractor provides safe and painless, gentle manipulations that help your child to heal naturally, increasing the immune system by allowing the nervous system to function as it should.

If a child has a spinal maladjustment, even the tiniest bit out of alignment, it can cause all sorts of problems. Often the trauma of birth can cause slight misalignments in the child's spine and neck. These misalignments or subluxations in the musculoskeletal system and can cause problems in the communication of the nervous system, causing a variety of illnesses. A chiropractor can gently manipulate the child, even a baby, to ensure the nervous system is able to work properly

For a child or a baby, the chiropractor will gently manipulate the upper vertebrae, focusing on the occiput, or the back of the skull, to enable the middle ear to drain properly. It may take a several visits to prevent further infections, but most children will not need more than eight visits. A chiropractor may use a painless tympanogram to check that the middle ear is draining properly and that no recurrence is likely.

Some of the favourite home remedies will alleviate the pain of an ear infection, but will not necessarily prevent a recurrence. Common home remedies include:

  • A cup of salt or rice placed in a sock or piece of material and warmed gently in the microwave. Ensure the material is not too hot to touch. Place it on the outside of your child's affected ear for 10 minutes.

  • You can use a warm compress or a hot water bottle applied to the outside of the affected ear for 10 minutes.

  • Use a dropper to place two or three drops of warm onion juice in each ear. (Onions have properties that increase immunity).

  • Place one or two drops of warm olive oil in each ear.

  • Elevating your child's mattress to help with drainage of excess fluid from the ears as the child sleeps.

  • If you are still breastfeeding your child, place a couple of drops of breast milk in the ear. Breastfeeding increases the baby's immune system and helps to reduce the incidence of infections.

The warmth and oils can help break up the infection and blockage of fluid. The fluid can become waxy when cold, which is why warmth could help to alleviate the pain.

If your child suffers from chronic and recurrent ear infections, you should consider whether chiropractic care could help. Providing a way for the middle ear to drain fluid efficiently could prevent further ear infections and save your child from many weeks of pain throughout his or her childhood. Natural and home remedies can assist with the immediate pain of the ear infection, while chiropractic care can provide natural, drug-free therapy that can prevent future infections.

By Dr Maria Ananakis (Chiropractor)

What Makes You So Special? - Your Marketing Big Promise

"What makes you so special?" is the single most important question you can ask - about your business and yourself. The answer forms the basis for all your marketing efforts.

Many of us are challenged by the necessity to blow our own horn when it comes to promoting our business. If your family was anything like mine growing up, we were told it wasn't polite to brag. Nobody likes a sore loser but even fewer like a gloating winner.

So we temper our message to the public. We flinch at calling ourselves, "the best" for fear the actual person or business who really is the best (whoever that might be) will call us on the carpet and demand we prove our assertions.

Not to worry. It'll never happen.

First Determine What Business You're In

If you're like most business owners the first answer that rolls off your tongue will likely be that which describes your industry or profession;

  • I'm a photographer

  • I'm a chiropractor

  • I'm a dentist

  • I'm an accountant

  • I'm an attorney (sorry - can't help you)

  • I'm a hair stylist

Now go look in the phone book or Google your business category and see how many more of "you" there are in your market.

If you define yourself and your business as an accounting practice - you're just like the three dozen other accounting practices in the phone book. What makes you any different?

Same thing if you're a dentist or a chiropractor, photographer or hair stylist. You need to examine all aspects of your business to find what makes you different.

Minus a Message to the Contrary - Your Business is a Commodity

Webster's dictionary defines commodity as;

  1. A mass-produced unspecialized product

  2. An economic good

  3. A product of agriculture or mining

  4. A good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (such as brand name) other than price

In other words, if you can't define what makes you and your business different than all the other accountants and photographers and hair stylists and chiropractors in the book - you and your business are a commodity.

What is Your Big Promise?

Advertising icon David Ogilvy describes it as follow;

"The second most important decision is this: what should you promise the customer? A promise is not a claim, or a theme, or a slogan. It is a benefit for the consumer. It pays to promise a benefit which is unique and competitive, and the product must deliver the benefit of your promise. Most advertising promises nothing. It is doomed to fail in the marketplace. "Promise, large promise, is the soul of an advertisement" - said Samuel Johnson."

What then - makes your photography business or accounting practice or hair salon - different than all the rest?

This is Not a Laundry List

You're not looking to develop a laundry list here. For example, as a photographer you could conceivably say, "We do...;

  • Senior portraits

  • Child portraits

  • Family portraits

  • Sports photography

  • Passport pictures

  • Weddings and engagements

  • Class reunions

  • Pets

  • Business portraits

  • Boudoir

But does "jack of all trades master of none" come to mind? It does for me - and everyone else who reads that ad.

Decide Where to Hang Your Hat

You only need one "promise." The one thing you do better than anyone else. Something you can hang your marketing hat on.

As described in Dan Kennedy's book, No BS Direct Marketing, Kennedy has a client who operates an accounting practice that specializes in tax returns for a very particular demographic; their big promise - "Fast Tax Refunds in One Day."

The accountant prepares the tax return and files it electronically. Within 24 hours he will cut a check to the taxpayer for their full refund - minus his fees of course. In essence he is loaning the taxpayer their refund money - using the refund as collateral.

Do you think this accounting practice is busy? They have to drop their marketing pieces over a two to three week period to prevent being inundated. They've made a big promise and they deliver on that promise.

Is Kennedy's client in the accounting business? Do the accountant's clients give a lick if he's a CPA? Do they care if he has a fancy office with the right address? No, no and no.

This individual recognized he was in the quick money business. The only thing his clients are concerned with is receiving their income tax return as quickly as possible.

Choose Carefully

Obviously this particular accountant's big promise is not for everyone. Not every accountant wants to do that many tax returns. You'll want to analyze your business and choose carefully when deciding on your big promise.

But when you do, when you've decided what it is you do better than anyone else - or would like to be known for doing better than anyone else - then hang your hat on it. Let that become the basis for all your marketing efforts.

The results will definitely be worth the effort.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Simple Ways to Keep Your Immune System Strong!

Being the middle of winter, many of you and your loved ones will experience bouts with allergies, common colds, sinus problems, the flu, and other ailments. Many of us solely rest blame on these bugs as the cause of our illnesses rather than what we do and don't do to contribute to the weakness of our entire immune system. Many of you may rush to the local pharmacy to fill a quick prescription or perhaps purchase over the counter remedies. You may also come to the realization that these medications may be helping your symptoms, but may not be getting to the route of the problem.

Most people think of a common cold as a viral or bacterial attack on the body. However, colds can begin because of something as simple as water in the lungs. Have you ever taken an ice-cold glass of water outside in a 90-degree day? Condensation immediately forms on the outside of the glass. As colder temperatures come closer, many people experience just that: condensation of water forming on the inside of the small alveoli of the lungs as their body fights to keep its core temperature around 98.6 degrees. Alveoli are tiny sacs filled with air. Thousands of these tiny sacs (alveoli) work together to create the function of the lungs. Because of this condensation, these alveoli of the lungs then become dysfunctional inevitably making it more difficult to breathe. This additional moisture in the lungs also causes histamine levels to increase, and serotonin levels to decrease. These chemicals are made by our body, and help regulate our moods, allergies, and the power of the immune system. Decreased oxygen levels create an acidic environment which also significantly decreases the optimal effectiveness of our immune system. This whole scenario allows for viral and bacterial overgrowth.

So what is one to do to naturally elevate the function of their immune system? Let's first discuss what things to avoid, allowing our bodies to function better.

o Stop eating big meals
Consuming too much food puts extra stress on the Digestive system. Increased digestion takes a lot of the body's metabolic energy, leaving very little energy for the immune system.
o Avoid Processed Foods and sugars
An increased intake in processed sugars allows bacteria to harbor growth. In fact, 8 tablespoons of sugar (the average amount found in a can of soda) can drop the immune system a whopping 400%! These sugars include, but are not limited to aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and sucralose (Splenda).

Here are some healthy tips on how you can bolster your immune system:

o Keep your spine healthy and aligned - The body is a complex machine made of muscles, nerves and bones, that work together to form orchestrated movements. Unfortunately, like an appliance, sometimes it can breakdown. Most people have abnormal spinal structure, and lack of proper curves in the side of the spine, that causes discs and ligaments to wear out prematurely. These spinal misalignments are known as subluxations. By contributing to improper biomechanics, excess energy is wasted, and the body is more prone to become fatigued and injured. Choosing a Chiropractor that focuses on Clinical Biomechanics of Posture, a technique that specializes in the structural correction of the spine is highly recommended. This chiropractic technique of choice utilizes an approach to health that is supported by an impressive body of research. Our first priority is to ease your pain, but our main goal is to restore your spine as closely as possible to its normal alignment, which benefits the entire body. Much like a car, your body rides on your spinal "axle." If a car's axle is bent or damaged, its tires will spin improperly, further damaging the car-just as a spinal injury or misalignment can be magnified throughout the body. Peer-reviewed medical studies have established a strong link between the loss or lack of normal spine alignment and a variety of musculoskeletal and nerve-related conditions. Our commitment to spinal health means that we'll go beyond alleviating your symptoms to address their true causes. Pain that travels down your left arm may indicate a heart problem. Severe migraines may signal a problem with blood flow, or perhaps high blood pressure.
o Consume whole foods containing Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Calcium, and Vitamin C. Great sources of these in foods include but are not limited to leafy greens, lima beans, avocados, green vegetables, broccoli, and homemade soups.
o Drink non-caffeinated hot teas with lemons (herbal, green, white, and ginger). These are great immune boosters that facilitate the reduction of inflammation and swelling within the body.
o Increase water intake with lemon. Water helps to flush out toxins in the body, and hydrate all of your cells, muscles, ligaments, discs, and organs.
o Anything with lemons, papaya, and pineapple. These 3 fruits are excellent for changing the pH environment in the mouth, throat, and digestive system, as well as help kill and prevent further growth of bacteria and viruses.
o Wearing a hat and coat even when the temperature is 55 degrees or below you will help the body maintain its core temperature, which will require less energy - leaving more energy for your immune system.

By following some simple natural ways to boost the immune system, one can surely have a healthy fall and winter, and avoid these pesky colds.

Can Health Savings Account Funds Be Used To Pay For Health Insurance Premiums?

While Health Savings Account (HSA) funds can be used for a long list of health care expenses before you become 65, these funds cannot be used to pay your monthly premiums for your high-deductible health insurance. Once you turn 65, though, it's a different story. At that time, you can withdraw money from your HSA to pay for anything without incurring a 20-percent penalty on the withdrawal. You will have to pay taxes on the withdrawal, though.

Health Savings Accounts May Be Used To Pay For Qualified Long-term Care Insurance

Health insurance is critically important, but it doesn't cover a significant amount of the care that is often needed as people age. Long-term care insurance helps with the day-to-day assisted living expenses that aren't covered by health insurance, including help that can keep you in your own home or increase care in an assisted living facility or nursing home.

By age 65, nearly 40 percent of people spend some time in a nursing home, which may only mean a short-term stay while recovering from a fall or other injury that makes independent living difficult. Neither Medicare, nor Medicare Supplement policies, covers long-term care expenses and those costs can be unmanageable. It's typical for private nursing home costs to range from $65,000 to $90,000 per year!

When looking into long-term care plans, it is important to understand certain features that govern how the plans work. Be sure that your plan covers a range of locations, including adult day care, assisted living facilities and at-home services. Also, confirm exactly what triggers these benefits. Typically, the benefits become available when you are no longer able to perform at least two activities required during daily living.

Long-term care insurance also has limits on benefits, such as how much it will pay for a specific service or a period of time that it will cover a specific service. Even though the average stay in a nursing facility is about 2.5 years, you may want to see what it costs for lifetime coverage. On that note, you may also be interested in an inflation rider to protect you from inflationary cost increases.

Long-term care insurance also has elimination periods, during which you must pay for your long-term care expenses. Typically, the longer that period lasts, the lower the cost of coverage will be, much like the trade-off of low premiums for high-deductible health insurance.

What Else Can Health Savings Accounts Be Used To Fund?

You can withdraw funds from your HSA and pay for many services not covered by health insurance even before you turn 65. Common withdrawals include dental expenses because typical dental policies only have limited coverage for a restricted network of dentists.

Both mental and physical therapies may also be funded through an HSA. That includes services from psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists. In terms of physical therapy, you can pay for chiropractor services, hydrotherapy and medical massage therapy from an HSA.

Other health-care related costs that health insurance rarely covers include acupuncture, aromatherapy, Ayurvedic Medicine, healing services provided by a Christian Science Practitioner or other type of healer, homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine. All may be funded through an HSA.

With the wide range of health care that may be funded from an HSA, some lodging and transportation costs may be included, as well as disability-related expenses, including special telephone and TV equipment as well guide dogs expenses.

In addition, your HSA can be used to pay for these kinds of expenses that are incurred by your spouse or a dependent member of your family including same sex and domestic partners, even if they are not covered under the insurance policy.

Can Chiropractors Help Babies With Colic?

Symptoms of Colic

Symptoms for colic seem to be standard for babies that are otherwise healthy, these include:

*Crying episodes that occur normally in the afternoon and evening and the crying begins suddenly - the episodes normally last minutes or can go on for longer Clenching of the fists, arched back, and tightened abdominal muscles are typically seen as well

*Passing of wind during the episodes

*Restlessness during the colic episode

Can Chiropractors Help Colicky Babies?Chiropractors believe that when your baby is being born the vertebras in the spine can be stretched and become misaligned. This is especially true when the mother experiences a hard labor where a vacuum or forceps have to be used in order to assist with birth. If the misalignments are severe, it can cause various aspects of the body to be affected, including digestion.

Many parents are reluctant to take their infant to a chiropractor simply because of the stereotype of popping and cracking noises of the spine. However, for babies, chiropractors gently apply pressure to the neck and the back, which realigns the baby's spine. Remember, infants bones are very soft, so there is no cracking sounds heard and it is an all-natural way in which to treat colic.

As the spine of the infant is gently positioned correctly, digestion can improve dramatically and as it does, colicky episodes lessen or become a thing of the past.

Finding a Chiropractor that has worked with infants is important as many have extensive experience and of course, this is going to give your baby the best chance of recovering from the colic quicker. This is a natural way to help you baby and of course, most parents jump at the chance of a natural way in which to help relieve their child's pain naturally.

Final Thoughts

If you have an infant suffering from colic, realize you have options with chiropractic help. As the infant's spine is realigned, parents begin to notice their baby sleeping more soundly through the night with fewer colicky episodes. Of course, it may take several treatments in order to bring your baby's spine into the correct alignment, but it is a pain-free and drug-free way to find relief for your baby.

How to Find a Good Chiropractor For People With Back Pain

Several people who have been told that surgery is the only solution to cure their back pains after consulting with physicians or a neurologist can turn to chiropractic to find an alternative solution to their problems.

Chiropractic is a healthcare discipline that manipulates body structures to relieve headache, high blood pressure, and low back pain. Manual therapy is the primary method which chiropractors use to treat or prevent mechanical disorders of the muscoskeletal system of a patient. Chiropractic is a treatment method that is categorized as a complementary and alternative medicine. This particular discipline attributes mechanical disorders as one of the main causes affecting one's health through the nervous system. Although the medical community regards chiropractic as an alternative mode of treatment, many individuals still choose to get treatment from chiropractors instead of opting for surgery to fix their problems.

The first step in getting this type of treatment though, is to find a good chiropractor. Like seeking for a specialist or a surgeon, one needs to carefully select his chiropractor. The chiropractor should show genuine concern about the patient's well being and he should oversee the overall progress of the patient during the entire treatment. His concern in the patient should be apparent during the first consultation. As opposed to some specialists who only consult with their patients for a couple of minutes, many chiropractors take as much as an hour to assess and properly diagnose a patient.

One also has to look at a chiropractor's skills to be certain that he can solve his back problems. The practitioner is skilled enough if he knows other techniques that are effective in treating the patient's problems. To better assess the chiropractor's skill, one might want to ask for comments from his previous patients. Some chiropractors give out a list of patients who have agreed to become references, so this is a good opportunity to know the practitioner's skills as well as his knowledge about the treatment one is seeking.

One can also ask family members and friends for recommendations for a good chiropractor. Asking if they are satisfied about the results can also help the patient gauge whether a recommended practitioner is capable enough or not to address his medical needs. Some chiropractors and clinics maintain websites showing former patients' ratings of their chiropractors' skills and knowledge. Some patients also share their experiences with their chiropractors. Such sites can give a person options on which chiropractors might be able to help them with their back problems.

When one finally decides on a chiropractor, he can then schedule a consultation during which he can ask questions specific to his problems or ask questions that will also gauge the practitioner's skills.

Is There a Cure For Sciatica?

Sciatica has become the most prevalent lower back pain syndrome that already affected millions of the adult population throughout the world. Cure for sciatica involves nothing but proper back pain management. Sciatica treatments have become a multi-billion industry because of the growing number of people experiencing lower back pain. Doctors, chiropractors and other specialists have gained advantage over providing the best possible course of treatment for relieving sciatica.

Treatments for sciatica involve conventional and non-conventional approaches. But people are now starting to embrace the idea of choosing unconventional over the conventional treatments. With the current instability provided by a weak world market, the search for other forms of modalities showed a drastic increase over the years. People want to find a more economical and effective way to put an end to their unending battle with sciatic pain.

Normally, management for sciatica does not need to opt for drastic measures such as surgery and medications, unless there is a need for one. Conservative forms of treatments are always the first-line of cure for sciatica. But proper diagnosis of the underlying spinal condition is still the best and most successful treatment in battling its symptoms. This is being emphasized since sciatica is a commonly misdiagnosed symptom and the very reason why the course of treatment applied turns out to be a failure. If you are one of those people who have tried almost every treatment possible but still with no success, then the prognosis of the main cause of sciatica is probably misunderstood.

Complete bed rest is the most old-fashioned approach that is usually recommended by doctor as a cure for sciatica. Patients are advised to take short term bed rests in order for the pain to subside. Long-term inactivity and prolonged reclining are certainly discouraged. Lack of movement and inactivity might inflict more damage due to the progression of muscle deterioration. If your doctor happens to advice longer and extended periods of bed rest, might as well consider the next best option.

Alternative treatments such as chiropractic practices, acupuncture and acupressure are found to be an effective way of addressing sciatica. It includes remedies and practices which are far different from the traditional treatments. It is always headed by a specialist or professional like a licensed chiropractor, acupressure specialist and acupuncturist. They are the people who initiate the treatment to ensure it is properly administered.

People who are inflicted with sciatica have a variety of treatments to choose from. The above mentioned treatments are most beneficial to the acute phase of sciatica. Severe cases of sciatica may require an immediate medical intervention since it does not respond well with the basic approach of the treatment. Therefore the early you indulge in pain management for sciatica the less likely you will go through the aggressive approach of its treatment. Patients are accountable for the success or failure of their treatment. Its effectiveness comes down on how efficient is the application of sciatic pain management.

Chiropractic and NSAIDs

Neck manipulations have always been speculated to cause stroke. However evidence shows that a common household product may be more dangerous.

Probably one of the most effective chiropractic adjustments is to the cervical spine. Because virtually every controlling and regulating nerve impulse of your body passes through the neck, subluxations here can have far-reaching effects. Yet, even with the impressive results, critics have warned that such adjustments were dangerous. That wrongheaded notion has been put to rest.

A recent Canadian study shows what we've always known. You're no more likely to suffer a stroke following a visit to a chiropractor than you would visiting a medical doctor.

Just published in the journal Spine, an international, peer-reviewed, bi-weekly periodical, the research looked at 818 Canadians who suffered a stroke from what is called an "arterial dissection." While rare, it's believed to be caused by torn arteries supplying blood to the brain. A clot forms, which subsequently dislodged, travels to the brain, blocking circulation.

While researchers confessed that they suspected a link between chiropractic care and stroke, they didn't find one.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, all available evidence demonstrates that chiropractic treatment holds an extremely small risk. The chiropractic profession takes this issue very seriously and engages in training and postgraduate education courses to recognize the risk factors in patients, and to continue rendering treatment in the most effective and responsible manner.

The type of adjustment that has been associated with strokes have been from a rotary adjustment, which is basically performed in a rotation type of maneuver. The preferred method of manipulation is a linear adjustment which means it is a direct adjustment.

Because the amount of strokes associated with spinal manipulations are so small, it is difficult to determine what kind of person who would be likely to have a stroke. In school we were advised that the highest risk factors would be a female, overweight, on birth control pills who smokes. To be honest this description for an individual is already unhealthy.

However the strokes associated with
Compared to chiropractic, the risk of... is greater by...
Death from spinal fusion surgery 100,000
Death from cervical (neck) surgery 34,483
Death from hospital mistake 30,000
Death from laminectomy (spinal surgery) 25,000
Death from prolonged Aspirin, Tylenol,
Advil, Motrin, Aleve use. 4,166
Paralysis or stroke from back or neck
surgery 3,571
Death from automobile accident 750
Stroke from Birth Control Pills 235
Get struck by lightening 7
Death from aviation accident 2 1/2

The National College of Chiropractic Clinic reported that over a 15 year period over 5 million neck adjustments were given without a single vascular injury.

There are tons of biased information floating around the internet about the risk of spinal manipulation, but most of the time they provide little or no scientific evidence.

Considering the general public lack of information supporting chiropractic treatment, many people are still taking a large amount of NSAIDS that cause a lot of internal damage and is also associated with a large number of hospitalizations and deaths. However, there is not a large effort to minimize the overuse of NSAIDS. In 1998, Dr. Singh of the Stanford University of Medicine reviewed the thousands of medical records of arthritis patients at 8 participating institutions. He concluded that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID are anti-inflammatory drugs that include Aspirin, Naproxen ("Aleve"), Ibuprofen ("Advil" and "Motrin")-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications (internal bleeding) and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone. The figures for all NSAID users would be overwhelming, yet the scope of this problem is generally un-reported and the public remains at significant risk. If we calculate the costs (direct and indirect) associated with NSAIDs the cost is in the billions.

I have seen this problem when I worked in the hospital in the Intensive Care Unit. A significant amount of patients were taking Tylenol or Motrin for chronic musculoskeletal pain, commonly the neck and back. These patients were generally admitted for gastrointestinal bleeding which resulted in Anemia. When a person is anemic there is insufficient amount of blood circulating, resulting in lack of tissue perfusion and decreased oxygenation. If this condition persists, then the tissues will die leading to organ failure. Many anemic patients develop strokes and/or myocardical infarctions.

Considering the evidence that supports the risk involved with chiropractic as opposed to over-medicating with NSAIDs, chiropractic care must become the standard of care for spinal conditions. The end results would be decreased incidences of NSAID-related disorders and decreased costs.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Chiropractor - 5 Tips For Minimizing Back Pain

Tip 1 - Avoid Heat Treatments

It's amazing just how many people are told to use heat treatments when they have back pain, considering that it's probably the worst thing you could hope to do. After all, back pain rarely has anything to do with the muscles, but instead, it's usually due to a problem with the nerves, in that they may be subject to irritation because of a misaligned spine. When this happens the muscles will usually stiffen in order to protect you against further injury, so for this reason the muscles should never be forced into relaxing.

In the vast majority of cases back pain is simply a result of nerve irritation which has been caused by an injury, and it's interesting to note that the injury may have taken place years before the first pain occurred. Because there's essentially a problem with the joints, even the slightest strain can result in the tissues surrounding the disks to become inflamed, and because of the swelling, the spinal nerves come under excessive pressure and this is what causes you to experience that familiar shooting pain whenever you trying to move in certain ways. Rather than applying heat, one should use ice instead. When ice is applied it helps to reduce swelling, and that in turn helps to reduce the amount of pressure on the different nerves. Even though some people may experience relief when they apply heat, you need to bear in mind that you could be causing additional problems in the long term. NEVER use heat treatment on the spinal area!

Tip 2 - Start Walking

Contrary to what you may believe, walking is probably the best exercise you can think of as far as your spine is concerned. This is very important because the movements involved with walking force your abdominal muscles and your hip muscles to work simultaneously. Furthermore, if you add one or two inches to each step it will also help to free up stuck bones in your spine, and this in turn can go a long way in reducing any swelling and pain. Not only is walking beneficial to your spine, but it's also excellent in keeping your hip joins loose and healthy. A word of caution however, in that if walking causes you any pain then you should stop now.

Tip 3 - Don't Abuse Pain Relief Medication

So many people immediately reach for the pain killers the minute they feel any pain in their backs, but this is not really what you should be doing. Apart from the fact that you could end up doing yourself more harm than good, you also need to understand that all painkillers have potential side effects. Also, such medication simply blocks the pain signal to your nerves rather than deal with the problem. To a great extent, the pain signal is your body's first line of defense; in that it lets you know when something is majorly wrong. It also lets you know what your physical limits are.

For example, if you bend over and you feel a sharp pain then that's your body's way of telling you that specific type of movement isn't what you should be doing. Of course if you use drugs to block the pain signal then you're essentially preventing your body from communicating with you, and as a result, you could end up doing things which you shouldn't really be doing. If you really must take painkillers, then you should do so before you go to bed or only when you're absolutely certain that you won't be doing anything else later in the day.

Tip 4 - Don't Do Crunches

People have always been advised to strengthen their stomach muscles in order to help reduce back pain, and while strong stomach muscles certainly are important, you should never do crunches in order to strengthen them.

The most important feature of your spine is the natural curves, in that these help to absorb shock in much the same way as a shock absorber works for a car. Every time you do crunches you end up pushing your lower back down towards the floor, and this goes against the natural curve of your spine. The resultant strain is then absorbed by all the other spinal joints, and because they have not been designed to cope with such strain, problems will inevitably occur. Something else to bear in mind is that when you have the proper curves in your spine, the various spinal bones tend to lock together in order to form an ideal type of mechanism. Crunches always involve the spine becoming straightened, at which point it becomes extremely vulnerable to injury. Rather than do sit ups when you want to strengthen your abdominal muscles, you should focus on doing other exercises instead, such as swimming for example.

Tip 5 - Get Yourself Adjusted

Forget what you may have been told because your spinal bones aren't simply going to move back in to the proper position on their own accord. Because some form of force was necessary in order to cause the misalignment in the first place, you also need a certain amount of force in order to get the bones back into their proper positions. You also need to realize that just because the pain disappears that's not to say that the spinal nerve irritation has gone. In fact, until the problem is properly fixed, it will continue to linger, and whenever you do too much physically, the pain will simply reappear. Because the pain is not always present, many people believe the problem has gone away, and as a result, they end up injuring themselves in the same place over and over and again.

Contrary to what they believe, every time they injure their backs, it's simply the old injury surfacing once again. If you had a hole in your tooth you'd go to the dentist in order to get it fixed, so if you have a problem with your back then you need to go and see a chiropractor so that he can make the necessary adjustments.

Treating Ear Infections With Chiropractic

Ear infections are the most common reason for a visit to a pediatrician in the U.S. Viruses and bacteria from colds and other respiratory infections can cause fluid to become built up in the Eustachian tubes.

The Eustachian tubes connect the middle ears to the back of the throat and nose. The primary purposes of the eustachian tubes are to regulate pressure in the middle ears, drain normal fluids from the middle ears, and prevent fluids from the nose and throat from entering the middle ears.

Adolescents under the age of 15 are more prone to ear infections because their eustachian tubes are shorter and more horizontal than a mature adult's eustachian tubes. This increases the chances for the fluid to become trapped, causing pressure, inflammation, and infection.

While antibiotics can help relieve some ear infections caused by bacterial infections, antibiotics are not always effective and are not recommended as a first line of therapy for viral ear infections. Many adolescents suffer from chronic, recurring ear infections.

In cases of acute and chronic, recurring ear infections, a chiropractor may be able to assist. Chiropractic treatments for infections include manipulation of the ears, cranial bones and cervical vertebrae,this procedure is most commonly known as an adjustment. Misaligned vertebrae can cause pressure on the structures that surround and drain the middle ear. Thus a misaligned vertebra often keeps the middle ear from properly draining fluid. A chiropractic manipulation can help realign the vertebrae, restore motion, and relieve the pressure within the ears. This ultimately allows the fluid to drain and the inflammation to subside.

Chronic ear infections can cause hearing problems, often leading to speech impediments and other developmental delays in adolescents. In severe cases of chronic, recurring ear infections that are not treated conservatively, surgery may be recommended in which small tubes are placed in the child's ears. In many cases, a chiropractor can help avoid the need for surgery and help the child heal naturally. The key is not waiting but seeking care as a preventative or immediately when problems are identified.

Chiropractic is a safe and effective healthcare treatment. A substantial amount of clinical studies have proven chiropractic adjustments to be a safe and effective treatment for people of all ages. It is an all-natural, holistic healthcare practice and is recognized by the National Institutes of Health as a Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM). It has helped millions of people rehabilitate from chronic and debilitating pain and dysfunction.

Treatment by a chiropractor for an ear infection may require only a couple visits to a couple weeks and should be followed with a preventative care program. More severe cases may require extended treatments. Many chiropractors regularly see and treat children for infections during the winter and flu season and during seasonal allergy periods.

Adults with seasonal allergies and other ear, nose and throat irritations may also find relief with chiropractic.

A cervical manipulation or "Adjustment" should never be attempted by anyone other than a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic or Osteopathy. A visit to your local chiropractor could help you safely and effectively manage you or your child's chronic ear infection and improve your overall health.

Why Do You Get Headaches?

Knowing what causes your headaches is an important step in treating them. It is a good idea to first have a physical examination to make sure you are in good health.

There are many reasons why people suffer with headaches. Take an active role in assessing your particular causes by playing a detective-type role. Below are some of the main contributors to headaches to help you get started in your investigation.

-Some people have a genetic predisposition to headaches. If this is so, other family members will also experience headaches.

-The way we were brought up can play a significant role in our health due to learned habits of coping or caring for ourselves. All kinds of physical problems, including headaches, can manifest if one has been brought up in an abusive family situation.

-Medications can play a part in the development of headaches. Be sure to ask your doctor if headache pain can be a side effect of any medications you are on.

-Dietary factors are another consideration. Sometimes people are successful in eliminating certain foods, one at a time, to see if their headaches stop or are less frequent. You may also be tested for food allergies.

-Psychological problems such as repressed emotions, depression, fear, anger and stress can lead to headaches.

-Physical disturbances in the body such as digestive problems or nutritional deficiencies can lead to headaches. Again, consult your health care practitioner.

-Environmental factors play a large role in the development of headaches. These include weather changes, chemicals or certain odors, to name a few.

-Hormone imbalances may be another consideration. This is another good reason to see your health care practitioner.

-When the structure of the body is not functioning properly it can lead to tightening of muscles, bringing on headaches. Also, problems with the cervical spine can lead to intracranial pressure causing headaches. Other structural problems could cause pinched nerves or blocked flow of fluids, both potentially leading to headaches. Structural problems should be evaluated by your health care practitioner, especially your chiropractor or osteopath.

-Lifestyle factors such as disturbances of sleep patterns and other poor health care are considerations in the management of headaches.

Please note- you may experience headaches due to multiple causes and there may be other reasons, not noted here.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms please consult your doctor immediately- -sudden changes in the severity of your headaches -changes in your memory, personality, behavior or consciousness -changes in your vision or ability to walk -if you are experiencing headaches constantly with no relief -if you are experiencing weakness, numbness, loss of senses, seizures, unexplained fever or fever with a stiff neck or rash, breathing problems, a sore throat or respiratory infection -if your headache came on after coughing, straining, exertion or injury

Hopefully this compilation of possible causes will help you uncover the reasons you experience headaches so that you can become Headache Free & Naturally.

Yoga, Chiropractic and HIV-AIDS

Chiropractic has 33 principles that comprise its' philosophy. The 1st principle is that there is intelligence in the universe (Universal Intelligence). This intelligence is present in all matter and gives matter all properties and actions.

The expression of universal intelligence through matter is the chiropractic meaning of life. This is the 2nd principle.

This intelligence is present in the body and it's called innate intelligence (principle #20). There are many functions of innate intelligence. It adapts the body to it's environment and maintains health (principle #23), and does everything in the body that we don't have to think about such as digestion, assimilation, excretion, healing of wounds, immune system function, and thousands of other activities.

Innate intelligence operates through the nervous system (principle #28). Interference with this innate intelligence, results in lack of harmony or disease (principle #29 & #30). Interference in the body is due to subluxation in the spinal column (principle #31). A vertebral subluxation is a misaligned vertebra causing interference with nerve messages between your brain and your body. Doctors of chiropractic specialize in locating, analyzing and correcting vertebral subluxations. Subluxations can be caused by trauma, toxins( impurities through diet, breathing, exposure to toxins, etc,.) and thoughts( that can result in stressful responses).

Most of the chiropractic work done with HIV/AIDS patients is new and very clinical. Clinical studies indicate chiropractic can: 1) boost immune system function, 2) help with secondary symptoms (i.e. peripheral neuropathy), 3)address quality of life issues (reduction in stress, the prevention of disease and symptoms). All of these are self empowering HIV/AIDS patients to live a more positive quality of life. This in turn increases life expectancy.

Chiropractic has been proven on a very introductory scale.

In Psychoimmunity and the Healing Process : A Holistic Approach to Immunity and AIDS, the use of chiropractic is highly recommended:

Chiropractic alignment of the body, specifically to alleviate stress and tensions placed upon the medulla oblongata and the coccyx, is important in cases of AIDS and immune dysfunction. Adjustment of the medulla oblongata allows for clear flows of energy along the neurological pathways which help stimulate immune system. Correct alignment of the coccyx, which is the reflex point for the adrenals, helps with proper functioning of endocrine system and nervous system; by helping to "ground" and center an individual, it promotes calm and reduces stress.

To alleviate stress upon the medulla oblongata, we suggest alignment of the entire cranial area- in particular loosening and alleviating tension at the sagital suture and the temporal mandibular joint. Pg. 127

*(Make note of the anatomy and the reduction of stress)

PNI (psychoneuroimmunology)

There is a new science, deeply rooted in western empiricism, called Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). This is a science that blends immunology, neurology, and endocrinology. It started, accidentally, with the discovery of experimental conditioning of the immune system. Robert Ader and Nicholas Cohen were studying taste aversion in animals by pairing a saccharin flavored solution with a nausea-producing drug, that coincidently suppressed the immune system. After conditioning, (the drug no longer given) suppression of the immune system was still created when given saccharin, and in turn higher mortality rates. Conditioning of the immune system was also demonstrated with other animals.

PNI has been getting increased attention do to its sound research. No one has done more then Dr. Candice Pert. She is a pharmacologist and research professor at Georgetown University in the Depart of Biophysics and Physiology. Dr. Pert also was Chief of Brain Biochemistry at The National Institute of Health for 13 years. She has done research that proves the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems have a "multidirectional network of communication, linked by information carriers known as neuropeptides. There are many well-studied physiological substrates showing that communication exists in both directions for every single one of these areas and their organs.".

Dr. Pert goes on to state,

A number of brain loci , many within emotion-mediating brain areas, are enriched with many types of neuropeptides receptors, suggesting a convergence of information processing at these nodes. Additionally, neuropeptide receptors occur on mobile cells of the immune system: Monocytes can chemo tax to numerous neuropathies via processes shown by structure-activity analysis to be mediated by distinct receptors indistinguishable from those found in the brain. Neuropeptides and their receptors thus join the brain, glands, and immune system in a network of communication between brain and body, probably representing the biochemical substrate of emotion.

Ultimately, she has proven that emotion can have an effect on immune function! Not only that, but she also concluded that the body is the subconscious mind! Do you think that anyone self empowered, with a good self image, and feeling good about themselves isn't health. Think again. PWA (people with AIDS) have this battle daily, minute to minute, moment to moment.

Chiropractic's role can now be viewed as a mind /body therapy. Whereby, working with the nervous system, we effect the emotions and the whole PNI network systems. This, in conjunction with Yoga, represent a powerful model of self healing.

There is plenty of anatomical information that can correlated to the effects of Chiropractic. Harvard educated Medical Doctor, Herbert Benson 's first book, The Relaxation Response, written in the seventies, concerned the physiology of meditation. Meditation has allowed it's practitioner to perform so called "super human" feats, like lowering heart, respiratory, and metabolic rates, and decreases in response to pain, muscle tension, and stress response. He concluded that meditation's power came from alteration in the nervous system from sympathetic to parasympathetic pathways. The parasympathetic system counterbalances the "flight or flight" (sympathetic) response. The sympathetic system response is what happens in time of stress.

"When stress prevents the molecules of emotion from flowing freely where needed, the largely autonomic processes that are regulated by peptide flow, such as breathing, blood flow, immunity, digestion, and elimination, collapse down to a few simple feedback loops and upset the normal healing response." (Pert, pg 242-243)

It is common knowledge that stress can play a big part in health, especially PWA. Stress engages the sympathetic nervous system to release glucocoticords (steroids). Long term consequences of steroid use include diabetes, osteoporosis, suppression of immune system (making people susceptible to infections and cancer), peptic ulcers, internal bleeding, elevated cholesterol, impotence, interruption of menses, and ulcers just to name a few.

Anatomically Chiropractic seeks to balance the nervous system allowing for the parasympathetic nervous system to respond correctly. This allows the whole system to function at optimum, including the immune system. As mentioned earlier, in Psychoimmunity and the Healing Process : A Holistic Approach to Immunity and AIDS, the parasympathetic system is referred to indirectly. The coccyx isn't only a reflex point for the adrenals, but located directly in front of it is the Ganglion Impar, a nerve center for the parasympathetic system. The authors also make mention of the medulla oblongata. The medulla oblongata is the control center for the vagal nerve. This "wandering" nerve is the parasympathetic innervation to the heart, lungs, stomach, esophagus, stomach, entire small intestine, proximal half of large intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and upper portions of the ureters. ( This same anatomy is used in yoga, discussed later).

There are many techniques that seek to provoke a parasympathetic response. One technique is Sacral Occipital Technique discovered by Major Bertrand De Jarnette, D.C. Logan technique is another one that works with the sacrotuberous ligament to indirectly effect the Ganglion Impar. Dr. John Upledger found CranioSacral technique, which also evokes a parasympathetic response.

In many ways, Yoga and Chiropractic share similar philosophies and anatomy. Yoga calls the life force (innate) Prana. Prana is in matter, but it is not matter. Prana is conserved through the charkas, which are centers of energy. There are seven charkas, six of which correlate to neurological plexuses. There is the Muladhara, which corresponds to the sacral plexus. The Swadhisthana is equivalent to the prostatic plexus. The Manipura corresponds to the solar plexus. The Anahata is analogous to the cardiac plexus. Parallel to the laryngeal plexus is Vishudda. Ajna is located between the eyebrows and corresponds to the cavernous plexus. The pineal gland is anatomically equivalent to the Sahasrara, which is the Crown Chakra.

Nadis are nerve channels through which prana flows. The Sushumna nadi is the spinal cord; and the Pingala nadi and Ida nadi are correlated with the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system, respectively. Asanas and pranayama are designed to purify nadis. When these nadis are blocked prana cannot flow freely and poor health results.

Chiropractic and yoga also address lifestyle issues as well. Chiropractic and yoga firmly believe that you are what you eat. A pure and moderated diet is the best possible guarantee of physical and mental health, bringing harmony and vitality to body and mind. In Chiropractic philosophy there is a concept of limitation of matter (principle #24). Innate intelligence works 100% of the time and is perfect, however the material it works in is not. The material is the body and it (unfortunately) has a tendency to get old and breakdown. In order to be at optimum health, innate intelligence must have an optimum medium to work in. An optimum body, via good nutrition, would give innate intelligence as close to perfect medium as physically possible.

B.J Palmer, the developer of chiropractic, wrote in his book, Palmer's Law of Life (vol.36, 1958):

The yogis of India have the right principle, mentally.

The sincere yogi would make an excellent Chiropractor for getting sick well, if he had knowledge and ability to correct the intermediary adjustment to restore power of internal Innate, to perfect greater understandings. Yogis assume what is, to each, the most relaxed posture, which they assume for hours or days. In this way, they attain the peace and poise of plenty, and become "In Tune With the Infinite" (Sheldon).pg 22

Another mutual concept is exercise. Exercise is essential of health. There must be a certain amount of activity for our bodies to be healthy. Unfortunately, I believe the American society has put an overemphasis on exercise to the point of stressing the body to induce subluxation(s). Yoga is not a stressful exercise. It lets everyone work at their own pace and endurance. Ironically enough, during the asanas, posture is continually focused on. This prevents subluxation(s) and the impingements of vital energy. This brings up another similarity. The idea of positive thought is also inherent in Chiropractic philosophy. There are three things that can induce a subluxation(s). They are trauma (bodily harm), toxins (poor nutrition, environmental, self induced (ie cigarette smoking)), and thought. Negative thoughts can cause stress on the body; there by causing muscle tension and possibly a subluxation. Subluxations cause impingement on vital energy.

There are five main principles found in Yoga philosophy. 1) Proper relaxation, which entrains the body to release muscle tension, conserve energy, and to let go of all worries and fears. 2) Proper exercise: this is done through yoga postures called asanas. These work systemically on all parts of the body by stretching the muscles and ligaments, thereby keeping the spine and joints flexible while improving circulation. 3) Proper diet with natural foods. It keeps the body light and supple, while giving a high resistance to disease. 4) Positive thinking and meditation. This helps to remove negative thoughts and calm the mind. 5) Last, but not least, is proper breathing. Proper breathing is breathing fully and rhythmically thereby making use of all lung capacity, eventually increasing oxygen intake. (Side note: it is interesting that the sacral pump's function would be increased if both posture and breathing were practiced more). Yoga breathing exercises called pranayama, trains a person to recharge the body and control the mental state by controlling the flow of life force called prana.

Having given a brief synopsis of both Yoga and Chiropractic philosophies, I will concentrate on the yogic idea of prana and innate intelligence, how they are controlled and related. Innate intelligence is in living matter and prana is in all matter. Intelligence is divided into universal (which everything possesses) and innate (which only living matter possesses). Prana is not divided into living and non-living, but all things are energy (vibrating at a different rate). Innate intelligence relates to distinctly organized matter called living. Since matter without innate is not living, innate intelligence is considered the source of all living activity. Prana is the life force in matter, but is not matter (as is innate intelligence). Prana flows along the neuro pathways (as does innate intelligence). If this flow of energy is interrupted disease will result. This energy has been called by many different names by many different cultures (IE chi, vital energy, life force, qi, etc...). Regardless of what one calls it, the fact remains without it there is no life.

I will focus on three aspects of yoga: postures (asana), breath control (pranayama), and meditation (dyhana). These are 3 of the 8 stages of Yoga.

In Yoga, breath is life. There are two functions of proper breathing. One is to bring more oxygen to the blood and thus to the brain. Two, in order to control prana.

Your breathing pattern is a reflection of your mind. If you are in a flight or fight situation (angry or scared), your breath will be shallow, rapid and irregular. The opposite is also true, when you are relaxed or in deep thought, your breathing pattern changes. It becomes slow, deep and regulated. Yogic breathing teaches how to control prana and thus control the mind.

Since state of mind is reflected in the quality of the breath, controlling the breath is also controlling the state of mind. "The practice of pranayama quickly induces the relaxation response and its accompanying enhancement of immunity." According B.S.K. Iyengar (founder of Iyengar Yoga), the practice of asana and pranayama balances the nadis and the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Candice Pert helps to validate the effects of pranayama:

Conscious breathing, the technique employed by both the yogi and the women in labor, is extremely powerful. There is a wealth of data showing that changes in the rate and depth of breathing produce changes in the quantity and kind of peptides that are released from the brain stem, and Vice versa. By bringing the process into consciousness and doing something to alter it - either holding your breath or breathing extra fast- you cause the peptides to diffuse rapidly throughout the cerebrospinal fluid, in an attempt to restore homeostasis, the body's feedback mechanism for restoring and maintaining balance.....The peptide-respiratory link is well documented: Virtually any peptide found anywhere else can be found in the respiratory center. This peptide substrate may provide the scientific rationale for the powerful healing effects of consciously controlled breath patterns.

Let's talk anatomy. The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is located in the midbrain. It is responsible for keeping the brain awake. It receives direct and indirect input from many other brain centers, most or all sensory systems, and from chemicals circulating in the blood.

When the RAS becomes quiet, brain waves in all regions slow down. To reduce the RAS activity, there must be a decrease in sensory stimulation. Decrease in sensory stimulation will increase stimuli that inhibit the RAS.

There are areas that actively inhibit the RAS. One is the solitary tract nucleus in the medulla. This nucleus can be activated by stimulating the baroreceptors (blood pressure indicators). These receptors, located in the carotid sinus and aortic arch, when stretched, by increase in blood pressure, send nerve signals to the solitary tract nucleus. The solitary tract nucleus then sends signals that activate parasympathetic nuclei and inhibit sympathetic nuclei. Ultimately resulting in a slowing of the heart and dilation of blood vessels, which cause blood pressure to fall. (This will be revisited in the discussion of asana).

Now let's discuss the respiratory center. It's comprised of three groups of neurons located in the medulla oblongata and pons. (1) The dorsal respiratory group which is responsible for inspiration. (2) Ventral respiratory group which does both, inspiration and expiration. (3) The pneumotaxic center group helps control rate and pattern of breathing. The dorsal respiratory group of neurons plays the most fundamental role in the control of respiration.

All or most of its neurons are located within the nucleus of the tractus solitarius, although additional neurons in the adjacent reticular substance of the medulla probably also play important roles in respiratory control. The nucleus of the tractus solitarius is also the sensory termination of both the vagal and the sensory termination of both the vagal and the glossopharyngeal nerves, which transmit sensory signals into the respiratory center from the peripheral chemorecpetors, the baroreceptors, and several types of receptors in the lung. Guyton pg. 525

The release of peptides in the respiratory center would have a direct effect on the parasympathetic system. This helps activate the relaxation response.

"Our intention as we work with the breath is to regulate it so as to calm and focus the mind for meditation" In meditation the breath becomes still and the mind becomes still.

"That is why it is important that the conscious mind go on a vacation, be vacant, open, receptive, to permit something new to come through the void to make itself known"The Glory Of Going On. B.J. Palmer 1961,PG 87

With this statement, B.J. Palmer is telling us to quiet the mind. How do we accomplish this? We accomplish this through art of meditation. Meditation allows us to turn our senses inward and stops the internal chatter of the educated mind. When the mind is focused on a single thought, internal chatter stops. (Control of the senses is central to the Yoga discipline).

On a mind/body/spirit level, B.K.S Iyengar says, "Meditation is integration-to make the disintegrated parts of man become one again. When you say that your body is different from your mind, and your mind is different from your soul, that means you are disintegrating yourself. "(The Tree of Yoga, pg143).

Meditation can be of several different forms. Transcendental Meditation, pranayama, chi gong, tai chi, knitting, adjusting, and the list goes on. Anything that focuses the attention on a single action, idea, or emotion can be called meditation. Athletes, very focused in their sport, call it the zone. Stilling the mind, focusing attention and stopping extraneous thought, you begin to understand your true nature. You discover the wisdom and tranquility that lie within. This wisdom is the innate intelligence.

Many sages and gurus have practiced meditation. Jesus meditated for 90 days in the desert. He was in touch with his innate and universal intelligence to such a great degree, his presence had a healing effect. This is the greatest example of our bodies true healing capabilities. Buddha meditated to gain enlightenment under a bodhi tree. Several studies have been done on meditation. These studies have been through various disciplines and researchers.

One such study, by Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School, in 1981 studied the Tibetan Monks tradition called tumo. Tumo is the ability to withstand cold, by raising internal body temperature through meditation. It is practiced by sitting naked in the snow, while being wrapped in a wet sheet at high altitudes. The here lama monks were all able to raise their body temperature to prevent hypothermia or frost bite.

Other studies referenced to in Michael Murphy's book, entitled The Future Of The Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature, documents remarkable control of the body. Alleviation of pain (something we see a lot of), lowered blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, muscle tension, lactate, and metabolism are a few of the physiological effects. Synchronization of brain waves between right and left, and between front and back could be the reason for meditation's behavioral effects. These are documented as enhanced sensory, perceptual, reaction time, motor skills response and cognitive abilities, including concentration and attention.

In 1978, Robert Keith Wallace studied Transcendental Meditators. He studied the effect of meditation on aging. He tested three simple variations: blood pressure, acuteness of hearing, and near point vision. These three deteriorate as body biologically ages. Biological age shows how well a person's body functions compared to the average of the population. Wallace found out that meditators were biologically 20 years younger than their counterparts.

Candice Pert believes," ... the most effective method for reducing stress is meditation, because it allows us, even without conscious awareness, to release emotions that are stuck in modes that subvert a healthy mind-body flow of biochemicals." (pg 293). "Meditation, by allowing long buried thoughts and feelings to surface, is a way of getting the peptides flowing again, returning the body, and the emotions, to health". (Pert pg.243)

T.K.V. Desikachar seems as though he was talking to PWA. He writes," Dhyana (meditation) strengthens self sufficiency. Yoga makes us independent. We all want to be free, although many of us are dependent on psychologists, gurus, teachers, drugs, or whatever. Even if advice and guidance are helpful, in the end we ourselves are the best judge of our own actions. No one is more interested in me than me. With the help of dhyana (meditation) we find our own methods and systems for making decisions and better understand our behavior." (The Heart of Yoga, pg83)

B.K.S Iyengar has developed a series of passive poses called restorative postures (asanas). These poses are extremely effect at engaging the relaxation response. "The relaxation response experienced during Savasana, meditation, pranayama, and the restorative poses promotes healthy immune surveillance and responsiveness."

The restorative poses are modifications of classical poses. The muscles remain quiet. The poses are held in alignment with props. The poses are the reclining hero's pose, child's pose, supported bound angle,

supported half plow, supported bridge, supported two legged inverted staff, legs up the wall.

The last four poses are example of poses the have a physiological effect of producing the relaxation response. Roger Cole has a Ph.D in health psychology. He is also a yogi. He states," The fact that a full blown relaxation response, comprised of so many diverse, mutually reinforcing physiological processes, can be elicited all at once by stimulating a single area of the brain is very important for our understanding of how to practice relaxation. It means that the ability to relax, the wiring if you will, is built into all of us. Our mission, then, is not to create relaxation, but to allow it- to release an ability we already have. The secret is to set up the circumstances for relaxation, then to remain passive and allow the process to unfold of its own accord."

The parasympathetic nervous system is activated by head down postures, muscle relaxation, slight pressure on the eyeballs. and exhalation. The head down postures stimulate baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch. "These receptors. When stretched by increase blood pressure, send nerve signals to the solitary tract nucleus in the brainstem. The solitary tract nucleus, in turn sends signals that activate one or more brainstem parasympathetic nuclei and inhibit one or more sympathetic nuclei. The result is slowing of the heart and dilation of the blood vessels, which cause blood pressure to fall. At the same time, the solitary tract nucleus also promotes relaxation in other parts of the nervous system" (see figure 1).

Dr. Cole proves that the physiology is there, and can be obtained through Yoga restorative poses. He also proves that exhalation activates the solitary tract nucleus. The solitary track nucleus actively inhibits the medullary RAS. This also refers back to the pranayama.


Yoga means union. The union of the individual soul with the Universal Spirit is yoga. But this is too abstract a notion to be easily understood, so for our level of understanding I say that yoga is the union of body with the mind and of mind with the soul. Ninety per cent of us are suffering in some way, physically, mentally or spiritually. The science of yoga helps us to keep the body as a temple so that it becomes as clean as the soul. The body is lazy, the mind is vibrant ad the soul luminous. Yogic practices develop the body to the level of the vibrant mind so that the body, and the mind, having both become vibrant, are drawn towards the light of the soul

Having discussed the physiological and anatomical effects of each, of the three limbs, of yoga, The secondary benefits and testimonials are just as compelling. Stress for PWA is greatly increased by additional factors: side effects of medicine cocktails (diarrhea, neuropathy, liver dysfunction, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, nausea, digestive problems), discrimination, disclosure, racism, and homophobia.

A May study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that PWAs with more than average amounts of stress got sick two to three times faster. And a study released last summer from the University of Miami, Florida, reported that the stress hormone nor epinephrine was significantly lower in PWAs who attended weekly stress management group sessions. Even better, the study also showed that the same group had higher levels of CD8 cells, which are known to help control the HIV virus.

Catholic priest, Father Joe Pereira, of the Archdiocese of Bombay, has been practicing yoga for over 27 years. In 1981, he founded Kripa Foundation. He believes if we reconnect with the Divine Presence that resides within us, we can heal ourselves. This is what his 24 centers help people understand through Yoga. He started with addicts and has expanded to include PWA.

When asked about his results with HIV positive people. He replied, "...I can only say this much: at my therapeutic communities, when you emphasize yoga and meditation, people who are worried and tense about being HIV-positive drop this anxiety and live their lives. And we've found that those who are living life with a sense of joy and well-being and have taken a Western Blot test have so far tested negative."

When Mary Schatz M.D addressed the question can yoga halt or reverse the progression of AIDS? Her answer was "no one knows..... Yoga's stress management and anxiety reducing aspects are useful in many chronic and incurable diseases and would certainly be appropriate in this, one of life's most stressful situations. Practice of asana and pranayama can help maintain the health of unaffected organs and tissues. Finally, a yoga practice offers something positive for the AIDS patient to do to help counteract feelings of depression, helplessness, and despair."

River Huston is an AIDS activist, published poet and author. She has used Yoga to combat fatigue, headaches, and nausea associated with her weekly intravenous drug treatment for an AIDS related auto immune condition attacking her bone marrow)."It's about going deep under the waves - the hurricane that's HIV- and finding a stillness. As debilitating and emotional as HIV is, yoga helps me transcend it so that I can rediscover myself. Then I remember I'm not HIV; I am not the face of AIDS. I am me."

Yoga has a great many immune boosting techniques. It is useful to boost the immune system, cope with secondary effects and to address lifestyle issues.

In clinical trials, Chiropractic has shown great potential to boost immune function. A clinical study, conducted at Life University by several Chiropractors, demonstrated CD4 cell levels increased 48% compared to control group. Both groups were monitored with Rand Corp. SF-36 to determine quality of life as rated subjectively. The adjusted group exhibited greater subjective improvement than the control group.

Several other preliminary studies also show the promise of immune system boosting. In 1991 Patricia Brennan, PhD conducted a study that demonstrated an increase of polymorph nuclear (PMN) and monocytes following a thoracic adjustment. Dr. Pero states in his research, "Chiropractic patients in the study had 200% greater immune competence than people who had not received chiropractic, and 400% greater immune competence than people with cancer or other serious disease."

Chiropractic can also help with secondary symptoms. These secondary symptoms are usually the primary reason chiropractic care is sought out. In his article, Craig Martin D.C states," 80 % of those patients reporting some degree of neuropathy (i.e. numbness, tingling and/or burning in either one or both of the extremities), report significant decrease in these symptoms post-care.

Patrece Frisbee D.C, of Stratogen Health of Miami Beach, a multidisciplinary clinic, reports 80% of her patients are HIV positive, " and they need extensive chiropractic care because of the wide array of side effects that accompany the powerful prescribed medications."

The vertebral subluxation is comprised of five components.
1) Spinal kinesiopathology - the inability to comfortably turn neck, hips, or back in every direction.
2) Neuropathophysiology - Impingement of nerves creating numbness, tingling, pain or pins and needles.
3) Myopathology (tight, spastic, weak, sore, and/or overly sensitive muscular responses.
4) Histopathology Swelling, tenderness, painful spots, and other soft tissue changes.
5) Pathophysiology - muscles, joints, ligaments, and organs show wear and tear and premature aging.( This has proven true in numerous low back pain studies ). These are usually the reasons people see chiropractors. Adjustments alleviate these components, providing a powerful medium to combat primary ,as well as secondary symptoms.

Quality of life is an issue, that has a profound effect on HIV/AIDS patients. Increasing quality of life symbiotically decrease stress, as I will demonstrate, plays a major part in life expectancy.

Testimonials of Chiropractic HIV/AIDS patients are good indicators to quality of life issues. Dr. Craig Martin best describes chiropractic's role in lifestyle:

My own clinical experience has led me to believe that people with AIDS are looking to be educated as to how they can best help themselves with infection. As a Chiropractor, I attempt to provide useful information for leading an immunopositive lifestyle. This includes recommendations on exercise, nutrition, rest, attitude, education and personal habits.