Monday, June 24, 2013

Play a Sport? Then You Must See a Chiropractor

Chiropractors have become very famous among sports players. Once the players started noting the benefits of chiropractic care for injuries as well as for better performance, chiropractor's offices started getting swamped with athletes looking for durable relief. Chiropractic care has become a sort of hidden secret for success in sports.

The use of this type of care has been examined thoroughly across National Football League teams in the US. When asked about chiropractic care use and referral, almost fifty percent of NFL trainers, the head athletic trainers of the National Football league teams, all men, with 17 years or more of experience in the sports field, and who had been in their current position for at least a year, answered that they had been treated personally by a chiropractor.

A big percentage of NFL teams use chiropractors in an official role, as part of their personnel, but almost all trainers had referred a patient to a chiropractor outside their payroll for evaluation or treatment. One thing was crystal clear, all of the trainers, 100%, agree that there are players who use chiropractic care without referrals from their team's medical personnel.

Many of the trainers also agreed that players with suspected spinal subluxations (the technical term for spinal misalignments) must be referred to a chiropractor; but even more trainers agreed that there is a place for a chiropractor in the NFL. In addition, these trainers understand that the role of a sports' chiropractor is different from the one of a team physician.

Chiropractic care is not a privilege of football athletes; many other athletes engaged in many different sports count on chiropractic care. John Stockton is a basketball legend that credits his success, even at the age of forty, to a good chiropractor. When he was asked to explain why, he answered that although he was not an expert in chiropractic care and what the discipline comprised, he knew it was not just about adjustment. He knew it dealt with balancing muscles and general health. He continued saying it has been great for him and his family, and that right next to chiropractic care, what kept him being a success was the love for the game and having fun with his family.

This clear evidence shows that everyone who performs a physical activity, be it professionally, for health reasons, or just leisure, will benefit from consulting with a professional chiropractor to get the most out of the sport of their choice.

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