Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How a Chiropractor Can Prevent Ear Infections

Ear infections are usually caused by blockages in the Eustachian tubes. Ear infections may be bacterial or viral and are often caused after the patient has suffered a contagious illness such as a cold. If an ear infection is left untreated there may be permanent damage to the ear drums, so in extreme cases the patient may become deaf.

Most babies will have suffered one before they reach their third birthday. The peak time for your baby to suffer an ear infection is from age seven months to age nine months.

Babies and young children are very vulnerable to ear infections for two reasons. The first reason is that the babies often have traumatic births and the birth process can cause misalignments in a baby, making the baby's immune system weak.

The second reason is that a small child's Eustachian tube, that links the pharynx to the middle ear, is not as large in diameter as an adult's Eustachian tube. If your baby or young child catches a cold the Eustachian tube may become blocked. This can result in an accumulation of fluid in the middle ear causing the infection.

Help your Child to Recover from an Ear Infection by Visiting a Chiropractor
Your baby or young child can be successfully treated for ear infection by a visit to a chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment is drug free, and is a natural and conservative approach to treating such infections. Studies show that ninety-three percent of ear infections improve after a child has had chiropractic treatment.

A study of two hundred chiropractors' children and two hundred paediatricians' children had remarkable results. Eighty percent of the paediatricians' children had suffered from ear infections whereas only thirty-one percent of chiropractors' children had suffered from the same. The chiropractors' children had stronger immune systems, so they were less prone to infection.

Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractic treatment is to manipulate the upper cervix. The chiropractor will focus on the occiput (back of the skull) and the atlas (first vertebra in the neck). Adjustment of the occiput will help the middle ear to start to drain. A patient who is treated by a chiropractor is often free from infection for a longer period of time than a patient who is given a course of antibiotics.

The average amount of adjustments required to treat an ear infection is between six and eight. If a chiropractor is treating a baby or young child, the chiropractor will exert only slight pressure rather than the stronger manipulations required to treat an adult. Chiropractic treatment for babies and young children is very safe. If you take your child to a chiropractor for treatment you may be able to avoid the use of antibiotics to treat your child's ear infection.

If your baby's spine was misaligned due to the birth process, you may see an improvement to your child's health after only one or two adjustments. This is because the baby's misalignment is corrected by the chiropractor, so the baby's immune system will be strengthened. A chiropractor is a well trained professional who can help alleviate your baby's suffering.

By Dr Maria Ananakis (Chiropractor)

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