Friday, August 30, 2013

Pinched Nerve Neck Pain - Causes, Symptoms, and Chiropractic Treatment

If you're experiencing chronic pinched nerve neck pain, don't hesitate to see a chiropractor for treatment. The following article discusses causes, symptoms, and effective methods of chiropractic treatment for pinched neck anguish.

What are the symptoms of pinched nerve neck pain?

Common symptoms of nerve neck pain include neck anguish (chronic or less severe) as well as pain radiating down the neck and arms or sometimes even as far down as the hands. The reason individuals experience nerve neck anguish is because your nerves, the cells that specialize in transmitting messages throughout your entire body become damaged.

Pinched nerve neck pain: how does it occur?

You can damage, injure, or "pinch" a nerve in a variety of ways: overstretching the nerve, constricting the nerve, and compressing are a few. Nerve neck pain can result from bony growths in your neck that occur from arthritis or any degenerative disease that places pressure on the nerves in the neck. You may suffer from neck anguish due to spinal stenosis, a condition that causes the space between your neck and spinal vertebrae to narrow. Spinal stenosis applies increased pressure to nerves. Herniated disks are also a contributor to pinched nerve neck anguish-in those cases, disks can "slip out of place". Carpal tunnel is also a cause of nerves, as that area which all finger tendons and nerves pass through the hand is a bottleneck area.

If you suffer from neck pain, consult a chiropractor for treatment options. Common pinched nerve neck symptoms include numbness in the hands or legs, back spasms, tingling, burning, or hot/cold sensations.

Are you experiencing pain radiating from your neck?

Does your neck feel weak?

Do you feel a numb, prickling, or burning sensation in your neck?

Do any of the sensations/pain extend beyond your neck?

If you're experiencing any or all of those neck anguish sensations, it's best to consult with a chiropractor. Very few patients need surgery for pinched nerves; for most of them, non-surgical treatments such as Chiropractic Care, physical therapy, or medication will provide relief from nerve pain. There are a variety of focused therapies to help you find relief from all your nerve symptoms and have a better long-term outcome. Let a chiropractor work with you to develop a treatment plan and get you on the road to recovery.

Consult a chiropractor about your neck anguish-although some nerve problems can be resolved without any treatment, others can degenerate and numbness, damage, burning, or tingling sensations can become permanent.

1 comment:

  1. Can chiropractic help carpal tunnel syndrome caused from pinched nerves in the neck?

    Andrew John
