Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Chiropractic Treatment During Pregnancy

Why Do Pregnant Women Need Chiropractic Care?

During a pregnancy there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that happen, when preparations are made for the developing baby. Due to these changes, a pregnant woman could suffer from misalignments of the spine or joints that can result in any of the following:

  • Prominent curve of the back

  • Enlarged abdomen

  • Changes in the pelvis

  • Postural changes

A large part of chiropractic care is focused on relieving intrauterine constraints by establishing proper alignment and balance of the pelvis. When the pelvic bone is misaligned it could reduce the room available for the baby, causing unnecessary pressure on the baby as well. Also, a misaligned pelvis could cause difficulties in the delivery process. Breech and posterior positions can interfere with the natural ease of labor and lead to interventions such as C-Sections.

5 Benefits of Receiving Chiropractic Adjustments during Pregnancies:

  1. Counterbalance of the Relaxin Hormone: During a pregnancy a natural hormone called Relaxin is released, which is necessary to be more flexible and malleable. Relaxin helps relax the ligaments and muscles in the body. However, there is a negative side effect to Relaxin. There is a higher possibility of the joints to become misaligned. Therefore, chiropractic adjustments will assist in bringing the joints back in alignment.

  2. Offsets Weight Distribution: As we all are aware women gain weight during their pregnancy and due to the weight gain her posture changes. These postural changes can cause joint stress as well as fatigue on the muscles and ligaments. As the baby grows the uterus expands outwards causing the mothers center of gravity to shift forward. Due to the shift of the center of gravity the mother's biomechanics puts more pressure on the pelvis and the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. A chiropractic adjustment can be done to offset the movement and pressure.

  3. Prevent Intrauterine Constraint: As mentioned above chiropractic care can help establish proper alignment in the pelvis by relieving intrauterine constraint. Intrauterine constraint occurs when normal movement of the developing fetus is restricted. Problems that can arise from intrauterine constraint are growth defects and long-lasting neuromuscular challenges. Another problem caused from this constraint is it could cause the baby to breech, causing the birthing process more excruciating and unsafe. Chiropractic adjustments can reduce the chances of requiring a C-section and improve the alignment in the pelvis.

  4. Relieves Spinal Subluxation: Spinal Subluxation is when the vertebrae moves out of position putting pressure on the spinal nerve and causing malfunction. This many not seem like that big of a deal but when you consider that the spinal nerve is the highway of your body. Regardless if you are pregnant or not a chiropractic adjustment can reduce and correct spinal subluxation. During a pregnancy, spinal subluxation can add additional stress and pain to the nervous system. A pain-free happy mother is most likely to create a happy healthy child. With this in mind, correcting spinal subluxation is crucial during chiropractic adjustments.

  5. Low Back Pain Relief: The most obvious benefit of receiving chiropractic adjustment during a pregnancy is reducing lower back pain. Many pregnant women have lower back pain due to the shift in their biomechanics and a spinal alignment can help improve the pain.

As you can see chiropractic treatment can be conducted safely throughout a pregnancy. Regular adjustments can offer numerous benefits for the mother and the developing child. Throughout their pregnancy women tend to learn different lifestyle habits that will continue to promote and enhance their wellness potential.

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