Thursday, July 11, 2013

What is Subluxation & Treatment for Back Pain

What is Subluxation?

If you're asking this question, odds are you've been to a chiropractor or spinal specialist and have been diagnosed with a complicated condition. A vertebral subluxation, also simply called a 'subluxation' is a vertebra out of its normal zone of motion, causing interference to the proper function of the nervous system at that level.

Because a subluxation interferes with a primary pathway of your body's internal intelligence, serious health issues can result if they are ignored for prolonged periods. Chronic pain is often the first clue indicating the onset of a subluxation, but subluxations are often present without any related pain, and pain itself is only present after a subluxation has been in place for years.

Much like a cavity will rarely show pain until it has seriously decayed, a subluxation can wreak havoc on your nervous system, causing diseases in the organs the affected nerves innervate unless the subluxation is detected and corrected. Conditions from constipation to asthma can be associated with an underlying dysfunction of the nervous system associated with a spinal subluxation.

For this reason, it is highly recommended a person seek out a full spinal exam, possibly including x-rays, by a chiropractic doctor annually, beginning in early childhood but most certainly before the age of nine (the age at which scoliosis most commonly begins). It's an excellent method of preventative medicine guaranteeing against the onset of severe health issues due to undetected physical blockages of the central nervous system.

Treatment for Back Pain

We all suffer from back pain at one time or another in our lives. In fact, back pain is said to be the single most expensive illness on the planet, draining our economy and our lives more than any other single illness! Unless you've been taught the secrets to proper spinal hygiene, the solution to back pain can seem elusive.

We've taken pills and tried therapy, but back pain tends to return on a regular basis in our lives once we've had that first bout. Often, unless we discover what does work, minor back pain episodes will develop into debilitating, paralyzing episodes of nerve compression and immobility. In fact, there is no drug and no single therapy that can guarantee a constant guard against the progress of back pain in your life. The absolute secret to beating back pain is in restoring flexibility and balance to the entrapped spinal region.

Flexibility guarantees restoration of the proper function of the region. Cartilage will not decay, and nerves, veins, and organs will not become compressed in a balanced, flexible body. In other words, a flexible spine will be less likely to experience pain, and will be more resilient against future injury and degeneration. Degenerative arthritis, spinal decay, degenerative disc disease, and nearly every condition related as the cause of chronic back pain has some association with the loss of flexibility in the area.

Your most powerful weapon against recurring back pain and its eventual onset of more serious degenerative conditions is in discovering a home program that will outline the keys to restoring your spinal strength and flexibility. The added good news is, a proper flexibility program will bring more weight burning energy and personal power to your life than any other physical fitness program, and can take as little as a few minutes per day.

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