Monday, June 10, 2013

Chiropractic Treatment: What You Should Know

Alternative medicinal care like chiropractic treatment helps to prevent issues with the neuromusculoskeletal system. Apart from therapy, this care also includes body movements, health counseling and exercises that patients can perform at home. Treatment often includes manipulation of the spine to eliminate back or neck pain related to health issues.

Chiropractic Treatment Ensures Quick Evaluation

During your first appointment, you will be asked questions about the type of pain, length and severity that you experience. A chiropractor will monitor the movements of your spine as you perform simple stretches or other exercises. Hands may be placed on your back to manually feel your spine. X-rays are often used to get a closer look at bone structures to help plan treatments. Many people seek care from a chiropractor due to falls, arthritis, pinched nerves, back pain or whiplash to help decrease or eliminate the pain. A person that experiences jaw pain or migraine headaches can seek treatment to reduce the frequencies or severity of symptoms.

Manual Treatments of Chiropractic Techniques

An adjustment to the spine or manipulation is the main goal of treatment. The normal range of movement of the joints can be manipulated without a full dislocation of the joint. You could hear sounds of cracking, popping or other sounds as your joints become stretched. To start the treatment, a chiropractor could ask you to lie on a padded table to provide easier access to your spine. He or she might use their hands to massage or stimulate the joints and nearby muscles for realignment.

If a chiropractor cannot achieve the correct torque or strength during manual techniques, he or she could bring in a device known as an activator to help with the force placed on your spine. This small handheld instrument includes an electronic spring that places electrical impulses along the spine. This kinetic energy provides enough force for the spine and vertebrae to be moved without causing injury. While the treatment is administered, you might be asked to rotate or move certain muscles as the activator is used.

After Chiropractic Treatment

Pain can temporarily become worse, but will subside within 24 hours. You should notice a reduction afterward. The pain stems from realigning your spine and vertebrae. You may be asked to perform exercises at home in between future treatments. Your treatments may need to continue regularly to get the most benefits for your spine and posture.

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