Sunday, July 28, 2013

Five Treatments Your Local Chiropractor Should Provide for Pain Management

At any one point in time, over 10% of Americans are under the care of a chiropractor. Satisfaction with chiropractic treatment has been shown to be over 85% in the US.

When looking for a local chiropractor to help with your back or neck pain, there are multiple things you should look for now that chiropractors are treating with more and more types of treatment.

Here are five treatment options that you should look for when seeking a local chiropractor.

1. Spinal decompression therapy - this treatment was FDA cleared back in the late 1990s and has been a revolutionary addition to pain management. Spinal decompression therapy is a low cost, highly effective, low-risk and convenient way of treating back, neck, leg or arm pain.

The treatment costs less than 5% of spinal surgery, and involves intermittent traction that allows increased oxygen and blood flow to come in to the injured area to help with tissue healing. Chiropractors can get specially certified in the treatment, and it can help dramatically add to your pain management options and results. Make sure your chiropractor has one of these tables.

2. The second thing that you should look for in a chiropractor is actually two things, massage and acupuncture. Both of these treatments have been shown in research to provide excellent results for many musculoskeletal problems such as arthritis and low back pain. Because of that, they are great treatments to include for pain management along with the other things that chiropractic doctors have to offer.

3. The third treatment that should be included is physical rehabilitation. The term physical rehabilitation actually refers to the same treatments and exercises as physical therapy. This includes core stabilization along with lumbar strengthening and stretching, along with active and passive modalities. When a chiropractor includes physical rehab into his pain management services it significantly improves the treatment results along with spinal manipulation and spinal decompression therapy.

4. The next treatment is called a TENS unit. TENS Units are about the size of an iPod and can attach to your belt and help dramatically as a low cost, low risk, nonoperative method of pain management. They emit small electrical impulses that alter the way that the brain perceives pain signals. It can be worn for a couple hours at a time after being programmed by your doctor.

5. The fifth treatment is manipulation under anesthesia. This treatment has been in place for over 60 years and has become much more common recently with chiropractors because of the dramatic success rate. If a patient fails typical conservative treatment for back pain, neck pain, and frozen shoulder, then manipulation under anesthesia may benefit patients tremendously.

These five treatment options may make the difference between being stuck with chronic pain and breaking through to a better life. Finding a chiropractor who performs them will be in your best interest.

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